Installation for health rehabilitation and SPA procedures

How does the massage procedure work?

Manipulation in the alpha capsule involves the use of one of 10 programs.

The impact parameters are selected in advance taking into account the patient's problems. If wraps are used, a light peeling is done before immersing yourself in the SPA capsule. You can get by with a regular shower.

The actual execution of the procedure looks like this:

  • The patient sits on the capsule bed. The only clothing you should wear on your body is a bikini or shorts.
  • The technician lowers the top of the equipment. In this case, the patient’s head is outside the device, outside, and the body is located in the shell of the capsule itself.
  • The impact begins, during which the recipient of the procedure simply lies down. He should only control his own feelings. You should feel warmth, relaxation, and a massage effect. Many people fall asleep during the procedure. If there is discomfort, nausea, pain, you need to let a specialist know about it.

About what a spa capsule is, modes, weight loss, watch this video:

The stay in the capsule lasts 30 - 60 minutes. After the end of the session, the patient should take a warm shower and put on a robe. You need to sit quietly for a while, come to your senses, and you can drink herbal tea. Feelings of weakness, drowsiness, and slight dizziness immediately after the procedure are normal. As soon as they pass, you can go home.

We recommend reading about vibromassage for weight loss. You will learn about the effect of vibrations on the body, types of vibration massagers, indications for vibration massage, and the cost of the procedure. And here is more information about anti-cellulite massage for varicose veins.

UFOK (ultraviolet laser irradiation of blood)

Ultraviolet laser irradiation of blood is a method based on irradiating the patient’s blood with ultraviolet rays and has a beneficial effect on his immune system.

In the USSR, this method was first used in 1937. In 1979 in Leningrad, Popov Yu.V. in collaboration with Kukuy L.M. an ILBI device was developed and tested, which is still used by doctors today. UFOK increases the intensity of metabolic (metabolic) reactions, activates restoration processes, has an analgesic, bactericidal effect, and restores cell viability.

Indications for the use of ILBI and UVBI:*

  • complex treatment of manifestations of alcohol withdrawal syndrome (AAS);
  • relief of withdrawal syndrome (AS) in patients with heroin addiction.

* (The use of low-energy laser radiation in physiotherapy: Methodological recommendations. Ministry of Health of the USSR /. Ultraviolet irradiation of blood in clinical practice: Methodical recommendations / Research Institute of Physical and Chemical Medicine of the Ministry of Health of the RSFSR, Institute of Physiology named after I.P. Pavlov, State Optical Institute named after. S.I. Vavilova).

OxyThermie™ – Oxythermia

This is a completely new method of complex and combination therapy, which can only be carried out in an OxySpa™ capsule.
The basis of Oxythermy is the combination of pure oxygen (up to 99%) and variable temperature. Oxygen is supplied to the capsule from its own oxygen concentrator WITHOUT PRESSURE, which is the fundamental difference between the Alpha OxySpa™ oxygen capsule and a pressure chamber. This avoids the main contraindications for oxygen therapy procedures and technical problems associated with the operation of oxygen stations or pressurized cylinders. In cosmetology, this method is indispensable both for ensuring rapid and deep percutaneous administration of cosmetic preparations, and for a complex therapeutic effect on the entire body as a whole. The desired therapeutic effect of Oxythermia is achieved by a combination of oxygen of a certain concentration, varied temperature, and specialized preparations for application to the skin.

Reduced oxygen content in the blood and tissues is one of the primary factors in the aging process. In the skin, as well as in the circulatory and lymphatic systems, in a state of hypoxia, the synthesis of proteins, including collagen, elastin, etc., slows down. As a rule, in youth, oxygenation of the body is sufficient for full cell function. However, to compensate for degenerative processes in the body, additional oxygenation is necessary. Increasing the level of oxygen in tissues reduces the recovery time of the skin, including after such aggressive cosmetic procedures as laser resurfacing, chemical peels and microdermabrasion.

The use of the Oxythermia procedure accelerates the processes of metabolism and regeneration, gives a good cardiovascular response, enhances cellular activity and has an antiseptic effect. Oxythermia (OxyTherm™) promotes the rapid penetration of oxygen and active substances applied to the surface of the skin in the form of local applications into the deep layers of the dermis, lymphatic and circulatory systems. With “Oxythermia,” the circulation of oxygen-enriched blood increases, which promotes detoxification, cleansing and improvement of the regenerative functions of organs, and the complex effect on the lymphatic system stimulates the immune system.

Oxygen/Aroma Inhalation - Pure oxygen inhalation/aromatherapy. Using an oxygen mask, you can inhale pure oxygen during the procedure. Oxygen inhalations are included in the procedure, but they can also be used as an additional refreshing application during cosmetic care procedures. By adding a few drops of essential oil during inhalation, you can qualitatively diversify the procedure, relax and get an unforgettable experience. The oxygen flow can vary from 0.125 to 5 liters per minute.


A device for professional psychological and psychophysiological diagnostics “Psychophysiologist”, designed for assessing the functional state of the central nervous system (perception, attention, memory, psychomotor reaction, adaptability, speed and accuracy of decision making) and psychodiagnostics, as well as for testing personal characteristics and accentuations of a person’s character and etc.

The device evaluates such physiological parameters as heart rate and visual-motor reaction; in addition, it allows for various psychological tests necessary for a specialist. Based on all the tests performed, a general protocol is formed, which evaluates the state of both individual functional systems of the body and the general level of a person’s adaptive capabilities.

The device allows:

  • identify significant mental disorders;
  • evaluate the effectiveness of psychocorrection and rehabilitation;
  • identify unconscious problems in social, professional and personal life, as well as possible causes of psychosomatic disorders and diseases;
  • identify possible pathological addictions and dependencies (gambling addiction, drug addiction, alcoholism, etc.).

Biofeedback therapy (biofeedback)

Biofeedback is a hardware technique using sensors that measure the level of galvanic reaction of the skin and visual stimulation in the form of special computer programs.

During a biofeedback therapy session, the patient learns to control visual objects on the monitor through muscle and mental relaxation and tension. At the same time, the patient’s psyche acquires the skill of controlling emotions, the ability to quickly move into a state of calm and satisfaction, which subsequently reduces the likelihood of a relapse of the disease (breakdown). Many patients, even during their first sessions on the biofeedback apparatus, note that their mood is leveled out and they begin to experience a sense of harmony and tranquility long forgotten in a sober state.

ILBI (intravenous laser irradiation of blood)

Intravenous laser irradiation of blood is one of the methods of light therapy based on the effect of quantum energy on the blood directly in the vessels. As a result of intravenous laser therapy, blood vessels dilate, blood flow speed and the number of vascular communications (collaterals) increase.

Technology: a disposable light guide is inserted into the cubital vein and left there for a certain time. Under the influence of intravenous laser therapy, antioxidant protection of the blood is strengthened, metabolic processes are normalized, detoxification and sedative effects occur, and immunity is increased. Thanks to the use of ILBI, it is possible to significantly reduce the amount or even completely eliminate the use of pharmacological drugs.

Infrared sauna

In its healing and restorative properties, the infrared sauna is ahead of the traditional Russian bathhouse and sauna!

Like a traditional Russian bath/sauna IR sauna:

  • improves blood circulation;
  • increases immunity;
  • helps fight various skin diseases;
  • speeds up metabolism;
  • relaxes muscles and joints;
  • removes excess fluid and toxins;
  • relieves pain.

But in addition to the therapeutic effects, it is necessary to especially note the positive psychological effect of the infrared sauna. While visiting a Russian bath or Finnish sauna is stressful for the body and nervous system due to the need to be in a room with high humidity and hot air, an infrared sauna is an ideal place, the soft atmosphere of which has a beneficial effect on a person’s psychological state and relieves stress , helps you relax, gives you a feeling of relaxation and comfort.

Infrared waves are natural and safe for human health. An infrared sauna has virtually no contraindications.


The procedure, despite the positive physiotherapeutic effect, is not allowed for everyone. There are contraindications to its implementation:

  • exacerbation of any chronic pathology;
  • infection, especially with fever;
  • open wounds and other damage to the skin;
  • oncology;
  • serious heart problems;
  • diabetes;
  • swelling caused by various diseases;
  • weeping dermatitis;
  • pregnancy, menstruation;
  • claustrophobia.

Alpha Oxy Spa Narcology

“Alpha Oxy Spa Narcology” is a special SPA capsule that combines the effect of temperature (sauna effect) with the effect of oxygen (oxygen therapy) and the healing effect of aromatic oils and sound.
It allows you to normalize the patient’s physical and psycho-emotional state. The technique has a registration certificate for medical technology FS No. 2006/094 dated May 12, 2006 and is recommended for use by the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation. The technology of individual multimodal effects based on “Alpha Oxy Spa Narcology” is used as a central link in medical rehabilitation for drug addiction patients of any gender and age in a medical or treatment-and-preventive institution at all periods and stages of the treatment and rehabilitation process (TRP):

  • in the pre-rehabilitation period for withdrawal syndrome and post-withdrawal disorders with the aim of: intensifying detoxification processes;
  • elimination of psychovegetative disorders, restoration and normalization of the patient’s psycho-emotional status,
  • reducing the time of mental and physical recovery of patients with alcohol and opiate dependence syndrome.
  • in the actual rehabilitation period with exacerbation of pathological craving for psychoactive substances (PAS), emotional disorders for:
      reducing the dose of analgesics;
  • improving patient tolerance of psycho-emotional disorders;
  • stabilization and prolongation of therapeutic remission.
  • in the post-rehabilitation period in order to prevent breakdowns and relapses of the disease.
  • MDM 101 - mesodiencephalic modulation

    Mesodiencephalic modulation is a proven and effective method for correcting the protective (adaptation) system at the level of the control centers of the brain. Normalization of the state of the adaptation system is accompanied by a restructuring of the activity of the whole organism, in particular, the quality of work of organs and tissues that have deviations from the norm or are affected by a pathological process improves.

    As a result of exposure to a weak electrical signal with certain parameters on brain structures, various parts of the neuroendocrine system are selectively activated, which, as it were, forces the body to use internal reserves and mobilizes the immune system.

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