Lador hair filler, method of application, how to use at home, detailed instructions

Every girl dreams of luxurious thick curls that would shine and shimmer in the sun. Unfortunately, it is sometimes extremely difficult to realize such desires due to quite objective factors: poor ecology, non-compliance with sleep and rest schedules, imbalanced nutrition, etc. And here effective Korean remedies come to the rescue, gaining increasing popularity at the present time. Characterized by their rich and concentrated composition, they act on the root of the problem, gradually eliminating it. Next, we’ll look at how to use Lador hair fillers; and also try to find out what their benefits are.

What it is

Filler (from English “filler”) is a special injectable drug designed to correct various aesthetic defects and imperfections. It found its most active use in cosmetology, but for some time now it has also begun to be used in trichology.

In the case of the product of the Korean brand, the following definition can be given: “This is a special ampoule designed to provide comprehensive hair restoration from roots to ends.” According to the official statement of the manufacturer, a full course of taking the product allows you not only to transform the appearance of your curls, but also to significantly improve their quality. By smoothing the scales, it fights porosity, making each hair strong and resilient, able to withstand aggressive environmental conditions.

Filler Farmstay

The main component of Farmstay is hydrolyzed marine collagen. This is a protein from which the structural part of the connective tissue in the skin, hair, nails and joints is built. It ensures hair quality. After use, the result is visible - crumbly, shiny, silky curls.

Mode of application:

  1. Wash your hair.
  2. Remove excess moisture.
  3. Apply the contents of the ampoule along the length, moving away from the roots. For very long hair, you can use two ampoules.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse your hair with water.

Lador Perfect Hair Filler – what is this product

Lador is a popular Korean company that strives to make salon care accessible to everyone. Having its own research laboratory and a team of development scientists, it is working to create unique chemical formulas for care products that could restore the structure of the hair, making it denser and healthier.

What is the phenomenon of a particular filler product? Why did he manage to become in demand and popular all over the world so quickly?

  • Pronounced caring effect. Among the main tasks of cosmetics is to restore damaged curls, reduce the aggressive effects of external irritants (perms, heat treatments, color changes, etc.), and prevent dryness and hair loss.
  • Original formula. The composition of the product is represented exclusively by natural hypoallergenic components with a high concentration of plant extracts, nourishing oils, collagen, proteins, etc.
  • Therapeutic result. Since the product contains natural protein and silk substances, it, like a large “patch,” eliminates damaged areas and restores them to their original condition.

Thus, this filler product is an emergency aid for hair, capable of eliminating any defects and imperfections in the shortest possible time.

Comparison table of characteristics

A general table of characteristics will help you visually compare the previously described tools.

The product's nameVolume (ml)ActionTextureCost, rub)
La'dor Perfect Hair Filler100smoothing, heat protective and antistaticcreamy250 — 400
L'Oreal Fiberceutic Intra-Cylane90nutrition, health improvement, shineviscous, thick100 — 250
Vichy Dercos Instant Filler50nutrition, hydration, strengtheningcreamy260 — 400
Eyenlip Professional Hair Ampoule LuLu13restoration, protection, nutritionliquid100 — 250
Natura Siberica Kedr & Rose elastin13nutrition, strengthening, restorationthick600 — 700
D.N.C.12recovery, nutrition, thermal protectionliquid1 000 – 1 400
10 in 1 Concept Top Secret70protection, nutritionsemi-liquid900 – 1 200

What is the secret of success

Above, we examined in detail the key advantages of the innovative filler. Next, we propose to analyze the reasons for its popularity and demand.

The Lador brand was founded in South Korea more than ten years ago. She managed to gain worldwide recognition in record time. Already in the first year of its life, the brand expanded beyond the Asian market, beginning to rapidly expand its customer base.

What is the reason for such success? It's simple - it's about innovative skin care products that simply had no worthy analogues. Restoring even the most worn-out hair, they instantly received public approval and were able to win a number of prestigious awards in the field of trichology.

Among the problems that the company's products solve are:

  • seborrhea;
  • rapid loss of hair follicles;
  • split ends;
  • excessive sensitivity of the scalp.

In addition, the brand’s collection contains products designed to eliminate exclusively aesthetic shortcomings - lack of volume, electrified locks, etc.

Description of the composition of Lador fillers (photo)

As noted above, the formula of the product is represented exclusively by natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. Due to their natural origin, they have no contraindications and do not provoke the development of negative consequences or side effects.

What exactly does the innovative Korean filler ampoule contain:

  • Ceramides are natural skin components designed to fill the intercellular space, fighting damage.
  • Keratin is fibrillar proteins that increase mechanical strength, making curls stronger and more resilient.
  • Collagen is a natural component that represents the basis of connective tissue. They are responsible for filling small hair scales, eliminating porosity and fluffiness.
  • Silk amino acids are a mixture of acids extracted from the cocoons of silkworms. Having a pronounced enveloping effect, they provide shine and shine to the strands, making them softer and smoother.

The listed components are actively used by trichologists to treat a wide variety of scalp problems.

Operating principle and composition

The filler is designed to quickly restore hair structure. This effect is achieved due to the ability of nutrients to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and integrate into the formed voids. In addition, such a cosmetic product envelops the hair from the outside, due to which the cuticle closes.

Depending on the composition, there are two types of fillers:

  1. Keratin - contains collagen, ceramides and LPP keratin. Normalize the pH of the scalp, restore hair damaged as a result of dyeing, curling and other chemical procedures. As a treatment, apply twice a week for a month. Can be used once to visually improve the appearance.
  2. Hyaluronic - consist of hydrolyzed protein of plant origin, collagen and hyaluronic acid. They are used to transform dry hair, as they are able to instantly and efficiently moisturize, eliminate fragility and excessive “fluffiness”.

Most often, classic filler includes keratin and hyaluronic acid, but the amount of one of these components is usually greater than the other. In addition, the composition usually contains elastin, amino acids and various extracts. Thanks to these ingredients, a restoration effect is achieved.

  • Keratin is a protein. It fills the resulting voids in the structure of the hair shaft, making them stronger and more elastic.
  • Elastin allows you to get rid of fragility, as it is built into the structure. At the same time they become elastic, silky and smooth. Elastin is a connective protein that has a restorative and moisturizing effect. In addition, it protects against aggressive environmental factors.
  • Hyaluronic acid is the main component of biological lubrication in the body. As part of fillers, hyaluron moisturizes hair, has a caring effect on the scalp and hair follicles, and also stimulates growth.
  • Collagen is able to integrate into the voids of the hair shaft. This is a fibrillar protein that makes hair denser. Thanks to collagen, the strands look healthy, elastic and shiny, their fragility is reduced and the ends are prevented from splitting.
  • Amino acids (methionine, alanine, cysteine) stimulate hair growth and make it denser. The action of amino acids has a positive effect on the structure.
  • Ceramides are lipid compounds that fill the intercellular space in the hair.

How to use Lador hair fillers

Before moving on to the instructions for use, we suggest you understand the principle of operation of this product. What do magic ampoules do?

  • They fill the intercellular space, which allows them to achieve moisture, increase their firmness and elasticity.
  • They saturate the hairs with protein elements to enhance their strength, as well as resistance to aggressive environmental conditions (ultraviolet radiation, dry wind, scorching sun rays, etc.).
  • Maintains the elasticity of tissues, making them less brittle and preventing the formation of split ends.
  • Activate growth processes, fighting hair loss, increasing hair density.

But most importantly, the product nourishes the hairs with silk proteins, providing a pronounced transformation effect.

Instructions on how to use Lador hair fillers

The care product is packaged in small bottles, each containing thirteen milliliters. This amount is enough for exactly one use, which is very convenient because it helps not to overdo it with the healing liquid.

Next, we offer you step-by-step instructions for use:

  • Rinse your hair thoroughly using deep cleansing shampoo. This allows you to get rid of excess secretions of the sebaceous glands and other impurities, allowing nutrients to reach the hair follicles.
  • Wet the strands with a terry towel and dry them thoroughly (you can use a hairdryer).
  • Open one ampoule and pour its contents into a clean glass bowl. In addition, it should be noted that owners of thick, long curls may require a larger number of bottles.
  • Dilute the nutrient liquid with clean water in a one to one ratio.
  • Mix the resulting mass thoroughly until a creamy consistency is formed.
  • Apply the product to the strands in an even layer, distributing it along the entire length: from roots to ends. It is important to avoid getting the creamy mass on the scalp.
  • Leave the filler on for about twenty to thirty minutes. To enhance the restorative effect, you can wear a special thermal cap.

After the specified time, all that remains is to rinse your hair thoroughly without using shampoo or conditioner.

For whom the drugs are contraindicated

Most of the components in hair fillers are natural. However, this remedy also has contraindications:

  • Allergy to any of the ingredients. Before use, be sure to test by applying a small amount of liquid to the inner crook of your elbow or wrist. If after a day there is no swelling, rash, redness on the skin, no burning sensation or itching, the filler is safe for you.
  • Mechanical damage to the scalp or any dermatological diseases manifested on it, especially in the acute stage.

Main pros and cons

Among the key advantages of this procedure:

  • activation of regeneration processes at the cellular level;
  • a pronounced aesthetic transformation - the strands become smooth, silky and shiny, looking healthier;
  • normalization of the acid-base balance of the scalp, which helps prevent the development of seborrhea and the formation of dandruff;
  • strengthening protective functions, developing the ability to withstand the negative effects of the environment.

In addition, all manipulations are simple and can be done independently at home.

As for the disadvantages, only one can be highlighted here - time costs. So, you need to keep the filler on your hair for at least twenty minutes, however, before this step you have to perform a lot of preparatory measures, which turn out to be no less labor-intensive.

pros Minuses
External transformation: smoothness, silkiness, softness, volume

Internal transformation: normalization of growth activity, regulation of sebaceous glands, adjustment of acid-base balance

Time required (up to half an hour per procedure)

Best lists

To learn more about hair fillers, we suggest further studying the rating of the best in the following categories:

  • the most popular;
  • keratin;
  • hyaluronic.

Let’s take a closer look at the description of the leading fillers in each category.

The most popular

Gretnini Argania & Ceramides is not an ordinary filler, but a cream filler. Its main purpose is to save brittle and split ends. The product is released in a special bottle, the volume of which reaches 250 ml. The composition includes various ceramides, argan oil and a complex of lipids. Active components ensure the restoration of curls that have any damage.

Application consists of rubbing a few drops of the product in your palms and rubbing into dry hair. After this, the filler does not need to be washed off.

Cost: from 300 to 500 rubles.

Gretnini Argania & Ceramides hair filler


Concept is a universal keratin-vitamin hair protection. Indelible keratin filler carefully fills all damaged areas of the hair, penetrates the structure and has good strengthening properties. The filler is perfect for caring for damaged, brittle hair that requires special attention. The hair remains light, acquires smoothness, strength and strength. The light creamy consistency is gently distributed throughout the hair, providing it with complete protection throughout the day.

Cost: from 300 to 500 rubles.

Concept hair filler


“Smart moisturizing” from a Belarusian manufacturer is available for sale in stores in several packages, the volume of which reaches 10 ml. The purpose of the product is to moisturize brittle and dry hair.

The composition includes a rich complex of various components, including hyaluronic acid and glacial water. The action is based on the restoration of weakened hair. In addition to everything, it also removes excess moisture from them. You need to keep the filler on your hair for about 15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Cost: from 250 to 450 rubles.

Smart moisturizing hair filler

Effect of use

As a rule, the result becomes noticeable after the first procedure. It lasts until the second or third wash, then you need to repeat all the care procedures. Trichologists recommend course use of ampoules. This is the only way you can completely eliminate split ends, make them less brittle, give them smoothness, silkiness and noble natural volume.

Will there be a declared effect on hair?

The filler manufacturer Lador claims that after using his product you can expect the following results:

  • the curls become manageable, they comb perfectly and are always smooth;
  • the strands begin to shine and their elasticity increases;
  • The density of the hair increases - it does not frizz, fits perfectly and retains the shape of the hairstyle for a long time.

And this effect can be obtained after the first use of Korean filler. Cosmetologists claim that to consolidate it, you will need to repeat the procedure at least 5 times (for severely damaged hair and 7 times) with a break of a week. If you do not use shampoos with sulfates when washing your hair, but use more gentle options, the result from one procedure will last 2-6 weeks (depending on the frequency of hygienic manipulations).

Who are they for?

Fillers from Lador are not a banal cosmetic product, but a full-fledged care product with a restorative effect. That is why they should be used strictly as prescribed by a specialist.

Who are these ampoules indicated for?

  • for those who have managed to damage their hair with frequent perms and dyes;
  • suffers from premature baldness;
  • complains of dandruff and seborrhea;
  • whose curls lost their smoothness and silkiness and became gray and faded.

In addition, fillers are recommended for use as maintenance therapy after holidays in hot countries to minimize the negative effects of ultraviolet rays.

Product cost

You can buy a package of Lador with 20 ampoules of 13 ml each for 1600-1900 rubles. In online stores, ampoules are also sold individually, at a price of 100-150 rubles.

Reviews from real people about using a hair feeder from La'dor

Maria, 37 years old, Astrakhan:

I’ve tried Lador filler once so far and I’m happy with the result. One application was enough to make your hair look tidier and your strands feel silky to the touch! I will definitely buy a package and use it regularly.

Yana, 40 years old, Nizhny Novgorod:

I'm disappointed, after many positive reviews I expected more. Yes, the hairstyle is less frizzy and electrified, but the ends remain in poor condition.

Elizaveta, 43 years old, Syzran:

I bought La'dor Perfect Hair Fill Up to get rid of dryness and split ends. I can’t say that it’s bad, but still the filler from DNC dealt with my problems better, and I like its composition better.

Blogger Tips


Many people learned about Lador products from the accounts of top influencers of our time, and therefore we invite you to familiarize yourself with their personal recommendations for use.

  • After applying the healing mass to the strands, put on a thermal hat.
  • If time is running out, you can take a hairdryer and dry the curls soaked with the injection product. This will reduce the procedure time from thirty minutes to fifteen.

Important: do not be afraid to thoroughly rinse your strands. The abundance of clean water is not able to eliminate the restorative effect.


Above we discussed in detail how to use Lador hair filler. In conclusion, we suggest that you read the comment of one of the buyers: “When I started treatment, I didn’t even expect some kind of dizzying result, however, changes were visible after the first procedure! My curls literally came to life, becoming beautiful and healthy again. After the fourth use, I simply didn’t have any words of praise left - this is a magical product that can help even in the most dire situations!”

Where to buy the product?

Lador hair fillers can be bought in almost any online store that specializes in selling cosmetics - for example, this product is discounted on Ozone.

Girls who want to get their hair in order before an important event can purchase fillers individually - 1 or 2 ampoules. For those who decide to restore their hair and complete the course completely, it is better to buy Lador fillers in a set of 10 or 20 ampoules.

By the way, the set of 20 ampoules also includes a bowl, a brush and 2 caps. When completing the course, as recommended by the manufacturer, fillers must be applied to the hair at least 2 times a week.

The cost of Lador depends on the number of ampoules purchased:

NamePrice, rublesLink to Ozon
One ampoule (13 ml)157-160 ₽Order
Set of 10 pieces1000-1500 ₽Order
Set of 20 pieces2200-2400 ₽Order
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