Scrubs and masks for baths: their types, rules of use, preparation at home

High temperatures and humid air in a bathhouse or sauna have a general healing effect on the human body.

The steam room promotes the removal of toxins, cellular regeneration and muscle relaxation. For this reason, bath treatments are so popular among women who want to look young and fit at any age. They can improve the condition of the skin and hair if scrubs and bath masks are actively used.

Cosmetics based on natural active ingredients promote maximum relaxation, gentle skin peeling and silhouette smoothing.

Therapeutic effects of bath procedures

The bathhouse for women has long been not just a place for good relaxation and pastime, but also a unique spa treatment.

Hot steam and high humidity contribute to the effective effects of cosmetics on the female body.

The bath has a powerful therapeutic effect on all body systems, which is manifested in the following:

  • stimulation of sweat glands, deep cleansing of the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • general detoxification;
  • warming and cleansing the respiratory system;
  • strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • eliminating stagnant processes in the circulatory system;
  • removing residual lactic acid from muscle tissue, relieving fatigue and tension;
  • regulating the acidity of gastric juice and improving the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • strengthening metabolic processes in cells;
  • prevention of diseases associated with high cholesterol levels.

Gentle peeling in the bath includes the procedure of preliminary steaming the body with hot steam and treatment with a broom made of oak or birch branches. The next stage is the application of special cosmetics that gently cleanse the epidermis of toxins.

The most popular are homemade scrubs and bath masks. Natural compositions have a gentle effect on the skin - cleanse, nourish and moisturize. In addition, they improve blood circulation, speed up metabolism, and remove excess fluid from the body.

Regular use of bath cosmetics helps fight excess weight and cellulite.

In addition, masks and scrubs for baths strengthen and nourish hair follicles and prevent the formation of dandruff and split ends.

Benefits of bath masks

While in the steam room, the pores open as much as possible, making it possible for beneficial natural microelements to penetrate deeply into the epidermis. Making masks under such conditions has the following properties:

  • Deep cleansing of skin pores.
  • Removal of toxic substances and oxidants.
  • Getting rid of comedones (blackheads).
  • Acceleration of skin cleansing from acne and other rashes.
  • Deep hydration and saturation of the epidermis with vitamins.
  • Smoothing the surface of the dermis.
  • Increased skin tone.
  • Improving the functioning of the vascular system.
  • Elimination of swelling and redness.
  • Giving the skin youth and freshness.
  • Evens out skin tone.
  • Eliminating the effects on the face from depression and regular fatigue.

Bath masks can improve the overall condition of the facial skin, keep the dermis in tone, and also avoid the appearance of skin diseases.

Rules for procedures in the bathhouse

To get a tangible effect from visiting the steam room, bath procedures are carried out in compliance with certain rules:

  1. You need to get used to hot steam gradually, increasing the duration of your stay in the steam room. Before your first visit, you need to take a warm shower without moisturizing your hair to protect your head from overheating.
  2. Before entering the steam room, a bath cap is put on the head, the body is thoroughly dried with a towel so that excess moisture does not inhibit the release of sweat.
  3. In the steam room, it is better to stay on the lower shelves for the first 2–3 minutes; as your body warms up, you can move higher. To improve sweating and uniformly warm the body, procedures are carried out in a lying position.
  4. After 10 minutes, you need to leave the steam room, rinse your body with cool water and take a short break for 5 minutes.
  5. In between procedures, it is recommended to replenish the water balance in the body by taking bath drinks - green or herbal tea, vitamin drink, fruit drink or clean water.

Important! For beginning bathhouse attendants, the optimal duration of one entry into the steam room is 4 minutes. The length of stay gradually increases to 15 minutes. Frequency of visits – 3 visits once a week.

Many women understand that beauty treatments in a bathhouse are the best way to care for their skin, body and hair.

What it is?

A cosmetic scrub is a product in the form of an emulsion or gentle cream containing small abrasive particles. For facial care, scrubs containing small particles are used. To cleanse the body, harsher means are used.

Various exfoliating components are used to prepare scrubs:

  • sea ​​salt;
  • granulated sugar;
  • orange zest;
  • apricot kernels;
  • cereals;
  • coffee grounds;
  • or artificial granules.

The compositions are used not only to cleanse the skin, but also to achieve the effect of weight loss, whitening and rejuvenation.

Subtleties of applying peeling in a bath

High-quality preparation for a cosmetic procedure will make it useful and effective. Therefore, it is so important to know about the features of applying bath cosmetics. They may be as follows:

  • The natural peeling composition is prepared in advance from fresh and high-quality ingredients.
  • To carry out cosmetic procedures you will need a hat, a towel, slippers, brushes, shampoo, a broom, a ladle, and soap. To apply peeling to the body, you can use a brush, massage brush or glove.
  • It is better to apply cosmetics after the 2nd visit to the steam room. This helps the skin become as steamed as possible, which means that enlarged pores are able to absorb more nutrients. Some formulations are applied directly in the steam room.
  • For better absorption, the finished mask or scrub needs to be preheated to 35 degrees. To do this, leave the jar with the product in the steam room for several minutes. The heated mixture is applied to the skin after completion of the procedure.
  • Natural-based cosmetics are applied with soft and smooth movements in a clockwise direction. They start with problem areas - feet, elbows, knees, hands, which require deeper cleansing and nutrition. If you have cellulite, you should pay more attention to the affected areas to increase blood circulation and break down fat deposits under the epidermis. In this case, you should avoid excessive exposure to sensitive areas of the face and body - décolleté, around the eyes, under the knees, in the crook of the arms. Also, the products are not applied to damaged areas with cuts, abrasions and wounds.
  • To prevent allergic reactions and enhance the positive effect of the procedures, bath cosmetics must be selected taking into account your skin type. If after applying the composition there is itching, redness or the appearance of spots, the product must be thoroughly rinsed off and, if possible, not used in the future.
  • Warm water is used to remove cosmetics. After each procedure, the skin can be protected with moisturizer.

The bathhouse is a wonderful place designed for taking wellness treatments based on healthy and easy-to-prepare cosmetics.

We offer proven recipes for bath cosmetics that you can easily prepare with your own hands at home.

Sugar scrub with eucalyptus and orange essential oils

This homemade sugar scrub is perfect for tired legs and feet. The reason for choosing eucalyptus essential oil is that it has an amazing soothing effect, makes the skin cool and fresh, and also helps relieve joint pain.


  • 1/2 cup coconut or olive oil;
  • 1.5 cups brown sugar (you can use white sugar);
  • 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil;
  • 10 drops of orange essential oil.


  1. In a bowl, combine one cup of sugar and butter, stir until a paste forms.
  2. Then you need to add 20 drops of eucalyptus essential oil and 10 drops of orange essential oil to the mixture. Mix well.
  3. To obtain a thicker scrub consistency, add the remaining sugar gradually as you stir.
  4. Transfer the finished scrub into a container with a lid and store in a cool, dry place.

Natural masks for body, face and hair

Masks promote gentle cleansing, hydration and nutrition. Useful compositions can be prepared from kefir, honey, salt, oatmeal and clay, the benefits of which can be noticeable after the first procedure.

  1. Face mask made of colored cosmetic clay. Amazing anti-aging clay compositions help relieve inflammation, reduce rashes and accelerate skin regeneration. The clay is diluted with water to a paste-like state, applied to the face with smooth movements and left until dry. The mask is carefully washed off with water, and the skin is moisturized with a light protective cream.
  2. Body and face mask made of oatmeal, yolk and milk. To do this, pour 200 g of flakes with milk and mix until a thick mass is obtained. After complete cooling, add egg yolk and ½ tbsp to the base. l. oils (from pumpkin seeds or olives), mix. The finished mask is evenly distributed over problem areas and left for half an hour.
  3. A mask of honey and fine salt to warm up and increase blood circulation. The ingredients are mixed in equal proportions. The resulting paste is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour. It can be used before starting the main bath procedures.
  4. A mask based on salt, soda and water with an anti-cellulite effect. Take 3 tbsp. l. salt and soda, add water in the required volume to obtain a thick mixture. The finished mass is evenly distributed on the body and kept for half an hour. Particular attention should be paid to treating problem areas affected by cellulite. This effective remedy helps fight excess weight, orange peel and sagging skin.
  5. Kefir mask for moisturizing and nourishing the face, body and hair follicles. Kefir (store-bought or homemade) is heated to a temperature of 25 degrees, applied to the skin, and washed off after 25 minutes.
  6. A mask of honey and burdock oil to strengthen all hair types. To obtain the composition, take burdock oil and liquid honey (3 tablespoons each) in equal proportions. The product is evenly rubbed into the scalp and distributed throughout the hair. To create a thermal effect, the head is covered with a shower cap. The mixture is kept for 35 minutes, thoroughly washed off with softened water and shampoo, and the hair is rinsed with herbal tincture.
  7. Mask with henna on a colorless basis and nettle to strengthen hair. The ingredients are taken in the following proportions: per 100 g of dry nettle 3 tsp. colorless henna. To obtain a thick paste, each component is individually steamed with water and combined into a homogeneous mass. The mask is applied to the hair and left for 20 minutes.

Moisturizing mask recipes

In a sauna at high temperatures, the skin is moisturized more effectively. Moisturizing bath masks are prepared on the basis of vegetables, fruits, rolled oats, dairy products, cereals and honey.

Basic cooking recipes:

  • Boil 3 tablespoons of oatmeal, then cool and combine the gruel with 1.5 teaspoons of liquid flower honey. During the procedure, the mass should be warm and should be left on the skin for up to 20 minutes.
  • Add 1.5 teaspoons of melted honey to 3 teaspoons of full-fat cottage cheese. For an extra fresh effect, add some natural carrot juice.
  • Beat the white of one chicken egg, then add 2 finely grated sour apples to it and stir. Leave this mask on for about 15 minutes.
  • Grate a small cucumber on a fine grater, add a little cream and citrus juice (lemon or grapefruit). Apply the mixture to the skin and wash off after a quarter of an hour.
  • Prepare 100 grams of flower honey and sunflower oil, add 2 beaten yolks to them, then mash well and heat the mixture. The mask must be applied in several approaches (up to 6 minutes interval). Remove it with a cotton pad, which should preferably be soaked in linden decoction.

Homemade body and face scrubs

Scrubs help deeply cleanse the skin and increase blood circulation in the cells. Most compositions for bath procedures are prepared from available ingredients - salt, honey and coffee.

Honey scrubs

The honey component in bath cosmetics gives an amazing effect: it cleanses and tightens pores, smooths out wrinkles and slows down skin aging.

  1. With honey and cinnamon. For the mixture, take two parts honey and part cinnamon. The ingredients are mixed and applied evenly to the skin. Leave for no more than 5 minutes, rinse with water.
  2. Made from honey and ground coffee beans. The ingredients are taken in the same proportions (2:1). The product is applied to problem areas and left for a quarter of an hour.
  3. From honey and salt (sea or table). Salt has a wound-healing and antiseptic effect, improves blood flow and cleanses pores well. The cleanser is prepared from ingredients taken in equal proportions. Duration of use – 15 minutes.

Coffee scrub

Coffee beans contain large amounts of linoleic acid, which promotes collagen production and slows down aging.

The most popular recipe is a scrub made from coffee beans with the addition of stone. An equal amount of ingredients is mixed to obtain a powder, then any nutritious oil is added - from olives, almonds or sunflowers. Apply the product evenly to the skin and leave for 10 minutes.

Advantages and disadvantages

The result can be seen immediately after using the scrub. The skin takes on a fresh and healthy appearance. Cosmetics have the following positive effects:

  1. enrich the skin with essential nutrients;
  2. deeply cleanse the skin and prepare it for the use of moisturizers;
  3. stimulate the production of collagen, due to which the skin becomes more toned;
  4. activate metabolism and blood microcirculation in small vessels;
  5. accelerate the removal of excess fluid;
  6. are a means of preventing cellulite and improve the appearance of the skin;
  7. normalize fat metabolism in skin cells, reduce its fat content.

Unfortunately, bath scrubs are not without some disadvantages:

  1. small abrasive particles can injure the skin and cause inflammation or irritation;
  2. when used on injured or inflamed areas, may cause scarring;
  3. make the skin defenseless against ultraviolet rays and contribute to the appearance of age spots and sunburn;
  4. Frequent use causes roughening of the skin.

To ensure that scrubs do not cause harm to the body, you should carefully choose the products and use them in accordance with the recommendations.

Question answer

Can a scrub be harmful to the skin?

If there are no irritations, wounds or microcracks on the skin, using the scrub will be absolutely safe. Scrubs work great on dry, rough areas of skin on elbows, knees and heels.

Which scrub is better: sugar or salt?

Sugar grains have a less pronounced abrasive effect (due to their rounded shape), so sugar-based scrubs are softer. This allows them to be used to care for even sensitive areas of the skin.

How long can homemade scrubs be stored?

As a rule, most homemade scrubs can be stored for several months, provided that storage rules are followed. The specific timing also depends on the ingredients included in the scrub.

Can I use homemade scrubs to cleanse my face?

It’s possible, but to do this you need to choose the most gentle oil-based scrub options.

What oil is best for a sugar scrub?

Olive oil, grapeseed oil, sweet almond oil, or virgin coconut oil are good choices for sugar scrubs.

Vanilla Sugar Scrub

This scrub, combined with bath procedures, has antioxidant properties. It will help your skin tone and cope with age-related changes.


  • 1/2 cup jojoba oil or olive oil;
  • 1 cup white sugar;
  • 2 teaspoons honey;
  • 8 drops of vanilla essential oil or half a teaspoon of vanilla extract.


  1. Mix all ingredients. A thick paste should be obtained by adding or reducing sugar/oil.
  2. Mix well.
  3. Transfer the finished scrub into a glass container with a lid. Store in a cool dry place.
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