Ideal facial skin after 30 years in a week: herbal medicine, creams, gels, scrubs, masks, home care

Since ancient times, people have been trying to determine what makes a face beautiful. Fashions and ideas about beauty have changed, but, you see, even today we admire when we look at a very beautiful face, even if we see it in a painting by an old master.
Vladimir Borovikovsky, portrait of M. I. LopukhinaRafael Santi, Madonna Granduca

Apparently, there is some secret that allows us to perceive a face not just well-groomed and fit, but objectively beautiful. What is this secret and is it possible to achieve such a result?

We at Platinental have been deeply studying the laws of harmony for more than 10 years to find out which type of face has been admired since the very beginning of human history. We managed to reveal the secrets of attractiveness and develop a correction technique that, without surgery, brings the face closer to the ideal.

We offer a unique V-lift service, which, using a complex of fillers of different densities, not only rejuvenates and tightens the skin. This procedure has a pronounced lifting effect and creates a beautiful oval face, which greatly increases the attractiveness of your appearance.

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Basic rules for skin care

Disgusting environment, poor diet and lifestyle negatively affect the condition of the skin. To avoid problems and maintain a fresh and attractive appearance, it is necessary to provide the skin with proper care.

Some simple tips will help with this:

  • to refuse from bad habits;
  • adhere to proper nutrition;
  • daily skin moisturizing;
  • Make-up must be removed before going to bed;
  • take cold water morning facial treatments;
  • taking 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • take daily walks in the fresh air;
  • Scrub your face at least once a week.

Contraindications to the use of home remedies

Cosmetic procedures are contraindicated if a person suffers from skin diseases.

The most common contraindications include:

  • lupus;
  • open wounds, herpes, lichen;
  • ulcers;
  • individual intolerance to components, allergies;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • psoriasis.

An allergic reaction can be caused by citrus fruits - lemon or orange, chicken eggs, honey.

Nourishing masks are necessary in case of sudden changes in temperature, prolonged exposure to heat or cold, in dirty, dusty rooms and in contact with chemicals. Nervous tension, stress and depression negatively affect the condition of the skin.

What herbs are used in homemade facial care products?

Constant use of herbs at home will help you maintain perfect facial skin. Plants contain many essential phytoncides and tannins, essential and beneficial organic acids.

To care for oily skin use:

  • aloe , removes acne and whitens, disinfects, tightens pores;
  • calendula , relieves skin inflammation;
  • St. John's wort , has an anti-inflammatory effect - a preventive remedy for acne and pimples;
  • nettle, smooth out wrinkles, cleanse and remove toxins;

  • mint will reduce oily, greasy shine;
  • parsley has a whitening effect;
  • rowan , removes blackheads;
  • chamomile will give smoothness and eliminate acne.

the following will help you achieve ideal facial skin at home :

  • oregano moisturizes;
  • thyme also gives a moisturizing effect;

  • immortelle – anti-inflammatory, sedative;
  • the series will relieve skin rashes and eliminate allergic skin reactions.

Infusions of medicinal herbs for external use

To care for facial skin, you should not buy ready-made pharmaceutical solutions, since most of them contain alcohol additives. Making your own infusions from medicinal herbs will ensure the naturalness of the product.

Aloe leaves contain substances necessary for elasticity:

A tincture made from the leaves of the plant will improve skin tone. To prepare it you need 150 g of peeled aloe leaves (pulp), 350 g of red wine, 250 g of honey. Mix aloe, wine, honey and leave for 3 days, then pass through a sieve.

Before use, it is better to warm it up to a comfortable temperature. Wipe your face for 5 minutes with a cotton swab before going to bed. Achieving the effect is possible in case of long-term use, 2-3 months.

A tincture of wormwood, apple cider vinegar, hops and St. John's wort will be beneficial for those whose skin is dry. Dry herbs are taken 1/2 tbsp, all raw materials are mixed dry. From the resulting mixture, 1 tbsp. Brew in 250 ml of boiling water, cover and leave until cool. Then strain, add 250 g of 40° alcohol or vodka, 1/10 cup of vinegar, preferably apple vinegar.

Store the tincture in the refrigerator. Wipe your face along the massage lines 2 times a day, rinse after 1/4 hour. The tincture will remove oily shine and get rid of acne.

Acne remedy. Calendula tincture, purchased at a pharmacy, and onion juice are mixed in equal proportions. The onion must be kept over steam for 5 minutes, then squeeze out the juice. Soak a cotton swab with the resulting tincture and apply to problem areas for 3-4 minutes three times a day until the inflammatory symptoms disappear.

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Facial lotions at home with a weekly course of use

The composition of a lotion prepared at home may contain alcohol or is prepared without its use. Depending on the components used, the lotion can be prepared with different effects.

The most popular recipes for homemade lotions for facial skin care:

  1. Refreshing lotion. Squeeze one lemon. Grind the remaining zest with a blender, add 2 tbsp to it. sage, 2 tbsp. chamomile, mix and add 0.5 cups of hot water to the mixture. Let the ingredients sit for 2 hours, pass through a strainer or cheesecloth, and squeeze. Pour 30 g of camphor alcohol, lemon juice, 50 g of vodka, 30 g of table vinegar into the infusion. Apply the lotion for 7 days, three times a day.

  2. Whitening lotion. Finely chop the parsley so that you get 10 g of raw material (corresponding to 2 tbsp). Bring 200 ml of water to a boil. Throw the cooked parsley into boiling water. Cook for 15 minutes. Pour 1 tsp into the cooled broth. vinegar. Pour the lotion into a glass or plastic container and put it in a dark, cool place. Use before bed.
  3. Toning lotion. Pour 5 g of lemon juice and 1 tbsp into 100 g of warm mineral water. honey Mix the ingredients and leave for a day. Wipe the skin for 5-10 minutes. Daily use of this lotion is not recommended, no more than 3 times a week.

  4. Moisturizing lotion. Grind 300 g cucumber and 1 lemon in a blender. Add 1/4 cup of vodka and 1/4 cup of water to the resulting slurry. Mix the ingredients, strain and squeeze. Apply every time after removing makeup for a week.

Ideal facial skin: valuable advice from a cosmetologist

Tip #1

To achieve an even, beautiful skin tone, moisturize regularly. Drink at least 2.5 liters of liquid per day. Give preference to clean water, freshly squeezed juices with parsley or celery, homemade compotes without sugar, still mineral water, green and herbal tea. Include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Tip #2

Wipe your face with cosmetic ice. You can freeze plain clean water or herbal infusion in molds. Rub your face with an ice cube 3 times a day for 5 minutes. Do not stay in one zone for more than 3 seconds.

Tip #3

Choose cosmetics correctly. As for decorative cosmetics, give preference to professional, proven brands with natural additives. Such products enrich cells with oxygen, preventing premature aging and the appearance of wrinkles. Reduce the use of foundation and powder; these cosmetics clog pores and complicate the self-cleaning process.

Tip #4

Use thermal water in the form of a spray. A bottle of thermal water is convenient to carry in a handbag. It can be used both on clean skin and when updating makeup, especially during the summer period.

Tip #5

Apply cream that suits your skin type. In the summer, give preference to serums and hydrogels that enrich the skin with moisture, which contain retinol, liquid protein and medicinal herbs. In the winter season, apply protective creams; they prevent the appearance of cracks and inflammation. Always remove makeup before going to bed, if possible, do this 2-3 hours before going to bed.

Tip #6

Avoid touching your face with your hands, especially dirty ones. There is no need to constantly correct your makeup with your hands. For these purposes, use matting or paper napkins, which are best used to gently blot your face. Otherwise, there is a risk of pustules appearing on the skin of the face, which leave behind purple spots.

Tip #7

Follow a work-rest schedule and get enough sleep. Full sleep should last at least 7 hours a day, preferably on a low pillow. It should not be too soft or, on the contrary, hard. Choose an optimal height of no more than 10 cm. If your work involves a computer, buy special glasses designed for this purpose. They can be purchased at an optical shop.

Tip #8

Do not squeeze pimples and blackheads. Such actions can provoke disruption of the skin, inflammation, redness and unpleasant painful sensations. Choose the optimal series of care products for yourself or use traditional cleansing methods.

Tip #9

Apply your makeup correctly. Before applying decorative cosmetics to your face, use serum, gel or primer; they form a protective film. Choose only trusted manufacturers.

Tip #10

Watch your daily diet. Balance the optimal amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber. Include in your menu foods rich in vitamins A, B, C, D, E, and do not forget about Omega fatty acids. Avoid homemade canned goods and pickles, sausages, refined sweets and fast food. Eat in fractional portions 5-6 times a day, and one portion should be small and fit in the palm of your hand. Eat fish, chicken, beef or turkey. Cook food by steaming or in its own juice; fatty foods accelerate the production of subcutaneous sebum and clog pores.

Tip #11

Protect your skin from UV radiation. When visiting a solarium or sunbathing, apply cream to your face with the maximum degree of protection. Sunbathe at a safe time when the sun is least active. Wear glasses, a hat (cap or wide-brimmed hat), and do not frown, so as not to provoke the appearance of premature expression wrinkles.

Tip #12

Maintain good hygiene. Change bed linen, especially pillowcases, 2 times a week. Separate bath towels into those for the face and body. Make sure you always have cleansing wipes for your hands and face in your handbag.

Tip #13

Move more. Sports and physical activity speed up metabolism, normalize blood circulation, and tighten the muscles of the body and face. Regular walks in the fresh air or dancing classes are enough. Choose the direction you like and take action!

Tip #14

Avoid stress. Learn to control your emotions and cope with stress in a short time, and prevent the appearance of prolonged depression or general fatigue. Practice meditation, listen to your favorite music, distract yourself by watching your favorite TV series or reading an interesting book. Give up bad habits - alcohol and smoking.

Tip #15

Nourish your facial skin. Use caring masks made from natural and affordable ingredients.

Tip #16

Prepare a homemade facial toner. To properly cleanse your skin, you need to use natural ingredients as often as possible. To prepare homemade tonic lotion at home, you will need 30 ml. vodka, 10 gr. sage, 15 gr. oak bark, 20 gr. chamomile flowers. Brew herbs in 75 ml. boiling water, leave for 3 days, then strain and add vodka. Wipe your face with this tonic every day, morning and evening. Store the lotion in a dark place, away from light.

Tip #17

Get rid of age spots. You can whiten your face yourself using lemon or parsley juice. In the first case, squeeze the juice out of a lemon and soak a cosmetic swab in it, then wipe off age spots or freckles. Chop fresh parsley, mix it with sour cream, make a mask and leave for half an hour.

Tip #18

Take care of the sensitive area around your eyes. This area has the least muscle, collagen and elastin fibers, which is why the area is most susceptible to wrinkles. Buy a professional product that will saturate your skin with moisture and oxygen. Apply the cream with light tapping movements along the tangent of the orbital bone, smoothly moving onto the dark circles. You should not smear the upper eyelid, it is not so susceptible to dehydration and the formation of defects.

Tip #19

Exfoliate dead skin cells. Peeling allows you to stimulate the skin, after which all metabolic processes in the epidermis are activated. Renewed skin looks more well-groomed and youthful. Use gentle peelings or scrubs; both store-bought natural products and homemade products are suitable. Carry out the peeling procedure 2 times a week.

To achieve perfect skin, you need to make every effort, especially at first. Regularly nourish, cleanse and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of age spots, do peelings and scrubs. Play sports, watch your diet, rest on a low pillow, use thermal water, moisturizing creams and homemade masks, and do not squeeze pimples.

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Herbal teas for rejuvenation in a week

Drinking herbal teas prepared at home helps to improve facial skin, rejuvenate and cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins.

Thyme tea improves skin appearance and reduces hair loss

You can make tea using the following recipes:

  1. Multi-component tea No. 1 . Rose hips - 30 g, St. John's wort - 20 g, juniper needles - 20 g, horsetail - 20 g, birch bark - 20 g.
  2. Multi-component tea No. 2 . Hawthorn fruits - 20 g, comfrey root - 10 g, sage - 10 g, currant leaves - 20 g, pine needles - 20 g, calendula flowers - 10 g, raspberry leaves - 20 g.

Place 5 g of any mixture in a glass jar and brew 200 ml of boiling water. Close the jar tightly with a lid and let cool. The product is ready for use after straining.

A week of drinking this tea gives a noticeable result of rejuvenation.

Skin is an organ of the human body

The skin is an organ that protects the human body from the external environment. The tissues have a complex structure with a balanced blood supply system and metabolic processes.

Main functions of the skin:

  • protection;
  • maintaining the body's immunity;
  • thermoregulation.

The organs of the human body are interconnected by metabolic processes.

Well-groomed facial skin is possible with balanced functioning of the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system.

Making ice cubes from herbal infusions for facial rejuvenation in 3 days

Daily rubbing of the skin with ice cubes from herbal infusions will help smooth out creases in the epidermis and prevent the appearance of new wrinkles in 2-3 days. They perfectly tone the dermis, refresh it, thereby maintaining its youth and attractiveness.

Ideal facial skin at home is guaranteed if you systematically use ice cubes, and it is better to wipe the skin with them in the direction of the massage lines. Perform the procedure in the morning and evening. You should not use this rejuvenation method if your facial skin is very sensitive, thin, frostbitten or chapped.

Chamomile decoction relieves skin inflammation and helps prevent the appearance of wrinkles. 1 tbsp. chamomile is poured into a glass of boiling water. Pour the solution into molds after 30 minutes and put it in the refrigerator.

Dry face will eliminate ice from milk. Fat milk above 2.5% must be diluted with water 1:1. If the skin is extremely dry, you can use milk with a fat content of more than 2.5%. To achieve a cosmetic effect, wipe your face with frozen cubes daily, 1-2 times, for about 3 minutes. Rinse your skin with plain water 5 minutes after the procedure.

Frozen lemon juice, applied every morning for 3 days, will remove bags under the eyes, dark circles, hide age spots, and tighten pores.

To care for the area around the eyes, cubes are prepared from the juice of one lemon, diluted in half with boiled water.

Cubes made from string, chamomile and sage will remove signs of fatigue and bags under the eyes, and add elasticity to the eyelids.

Take 1 tbsp. each ingredient and brew with boiling water, leave for 2 hours, pass through a strainer. Pour the solution into molds and put in the freezer.

Cold treatment in cosmetology is widespread. Cryotherapy instantly cools the tissue, which leads to instant vasoconstriction. When exposure to cold stops, both active and reserve capillaries expand, and the blood circulation process accelerates.


Clear skin is healthy skin, this is something you need to remember if you want to have perfect facial skin.

The cleanser should be selected according to the type of epidermis:

Problem skin. For problem skin, the most important part of care is cleansing. Without high-quality, deep and, at the same time, careful cleansing of problem skin prone to rashes, other products will not work effectively. Therefore, it is important to use appropriate products, the choice of which should be given special attention. It is better to use products with antibacterial and protective functions. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, so they quickly eliminate any redness and inflammation, and also dry out fresh pimples.

In the morning, you need to wash your face with a product that suits your skin type. In the evening, it is recommended to remove makeup with a suitable product (micellar water, hydrophilic oil) and wash again. Under no circumstances should you sleep with makeup on your face. It is better to remove makeup with special removers, since ordinary gel and water will not be able to clean well, and this can cause the appearance of blackheads and clogged pores.

An important nuance of washing is the temperature of the water. The water should not be excessively cold or hot, it should be an average, comfortable temperature, closer to cool. Otherwise, it can affect and irritate problematic skin and lead to congestion.

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Dry skin. Dry skin also does not tolerate washing with both hot and cold water: cold water narrows the blood vessels, and hot water dilates them, which is why wrinkles appear earlier. When cleansing dry skin, it is important not to dry it out even more. Due to the harsh effects of soap, it can become thin and sensitive and may show premature signs of aging. In this case, use herbal infusions, special foams, fluids or thermal water to wash your face. Soft infusions, such as cucumber or lemon, are ideal.

To cleanse dry skin, you need to use soft lotions - for example, from red rose petals. Dry rose petals (3 cups) are poured with peach or almond oil so as to cover the petals, then placed in a steam bath and kept until the petals become discolored. Wipe your face with the prepared lotion 2-3 times throughout the day. In the evening, dry skin should also not be cleansed with water; a cleansing cream, herbal infusion or kefir is best; after cleansing, do not forget about a nourishing cream.

Combination skin. The most common type is combination skin. Caring for combination skin differs from caring for other types, as it requires choosing different products for different parts of the face. This skin type combines areas with oily skin and areas with dry or normal skin.

Cleansing should be done 2 times a day: after waking up and before going to bed. In the morning, it is enough to wash your face with water and gel or foam. During the night, the body removes some of the toxins and waste to the surface of the epidermis, and it is necessary to remove them. If you do not do this, then with a new layer of cream and other products, dirt will get into the pores. In the evening, it is necessary to cleanse the skin and do make-up removal: with hydrophilic oil, non-comedogenic natural oils or micellar products. When choosing products, you need to give preference to those that suit your skin type. You should not buy products that cleanse the skin until it squeaks and feels tight, since the skin loses not only fat, but also precious moisture and there is a risk of drying it out.

The product should be washed off with cool water. If you use hot water, the sebaceous glands will begin to actively work, and problems in the T-zone will only increase.

It is recommended that after washing your face, go over your face with a cleansing sponge or microfiber cloth. If such an attribute is light, then you will see slight remnants of foundation and other cosmetics on it, since it is really difficult to get rid of makeup with one product. For combination skin types, it is recommended to do peeling and face masks 1-2 times a week.

Oily skin. Oily, problematic facial skin causes a lot of trouble for its owner. The main sign of increased fat content of the epithelium of the integument is the presence of a characteristic shine. Increased sebum production contributes to the appearance of shine. Often, those with oily skin use alcohol-containing products and neglect moisturizing. It is not right. In this case, it is worth abandoning alcohol-containing lotions, since the skin will immediately begin to replenish this removed fat, and will produce even more excess fat.

When washing with water, choose a low temperature, approximately 15 - 18 C. This type of washing for oily skin helps to narrow pores. You should not use regular toilet soap. It is better to purchase different models of soft cleansers - gels and foams - and wash your face with them several times daily. The main thing is that cleaning products do not contain alkali, and their pH is no more than 4.5. Choose gels and foams for cleansing oily skin that contain antibacterial components and essential natural oils.

After peeling, skin renewal processes are stimulated

Peeling and scrub

Cleansing the skin consists not only of one wash , but also includes periodic scrubbing of the epidermis. Scrub and peeling will help make your face perfectly clean and smooth, without roughness and other minor cosmetic defects. This procedure evens out the color of the epidermis, removes dead skin cells and renews it. After peeling, renewal processes are stimulated, pores are cleaned, blood circulation improves and collagen and elastin are synthesized.

Most scrubs that are sold in stores can be easily made yourself at home. To do this, you will need a base oil (you can choose any, but coconut or shea butter is best) and soft or hard abrasive particles.

Let's consider what components may be included in the peeling:

  • Sea salt. An ideal homemade pore cleanser for combination to problem skin. Salt is considered a hypoallergenic product, but is highly abrasive. Helps get rid of scars and acne marks, has a slight lightening property;
  • Sugar. It dissolves in water faster than sea salt, so it is recommended to use it for oily skin so as not to micro-injure already sensitive areas. Helps even out color, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, make the epidermis soft and velvety to the touch;
  • Coffee. Perfectly massages and cleanses problematic and mature epidermis. It has a strong antioxidant effect, leaving a firming and lifting effect after use. Like sea salt, coffee is highly abrasive, and it is absolutely insoluble in water. Therefore, for peeling it is better to use finely ground coffee, as for a coffee machine.

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How to make a scrub at home

To make an effective scrub at home, you need to combine 10 grams of any of the listed products and add oil (which you have on hand) to it. Apply the prepared mixture to a moistened face; it is better to lightly steam it. For 4-5 minutes you need to gently, but at the same time actively rub the skin along the massage lines, then rinse the mixture with water. After the peeling procedure, cream should be applied to the skin. Repeat at least once a week.

Nourishment and hydration are essential for perfect skin

Remedies for removing acne scars

Post-acne is scars remaining on the surface of the epidermis. Often such defects cause great discomfort to their owners. Paraffin, potassium permanganate or clay will help you get rid of them at home.

Melt a paraffin cube measuring 15x15 mm in the microwave or steam. Soak a cotton swab in a warm solution and apply it to the scar area. The paraffin will dry and be absorbed in 10-15 minutes. Remove the residue with a clean swab dipped in any vegetable oil. Use paraffin treatments for 7 days, 3 times a day.

Paraffin masks are an ideal product for skin care at home

Potassium permanganate will help eliminate such skin imperfections. You can reduce scars using potassium permanganate 6 times a day. It is not advisable to apply potassium permanganate to areas of non-deformed post-acne skin, visit a solarium or be in the sun for 12 hours after procedures using this product.

Potassium permanganate is diluted with boiled water until the solution becomes raspberry colored. Only scars are treated with a cotton swab dipped in the solution. After 7 days of treatment, the result will be obvious.

To remove scars, use green, pink, black or white clay purchased at the pharmacy. You need to make a paste mixture, dilute any 2 types of substances in 30 g of milk. Apply to the face and wait for it to dry, then apply a second layer of solution directly to the scars and wait another 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask with running water. Do this daily, alternating types of clay.

How to properly cleanse your skin?

You can achieve perfect facial skin with the right combination of care products and restorative procedures. Cosmetologists recommend dividing care into the following seasons:

  • autumn-winter;
  • spring;
  • summer

Features of skin care in autumn and winter

After the summer season in the fall, it is important to intensively saturate the skin with nutritional components and cleanse it of increased pigmentation. Light creams are replaced with products with a rich nutritional structure. Loss of moisture is compensated by night cream.

To create a clean face, it is recommended to wash your face with boiled water or compositions with mineral additives. Cleanse regularly with a scrub made from olive oil and coffee grounds; the product activates the blood circulation process.

In November, peelings are recommended (at home or with a cosmetologist); when solar activity decreases, deep cleansing procedures are most favorable. Vitamin masks are optimal.

In winter, the skin becomes dehydrated due to changes in temperature conditions and may peel. Cosmetologists recommend using a cleansing mousse with a creamy composition. Dry skin is cleansed with cosmetic cream. At temperatures below 0°C, it is necessary to use a protective cream.

At temperatures below -15°C it is necessary to use creams with oil components. Moisturizing compositions are applied 1 hour before going outside. Nourishing masks with the addition of oils, yolks, and cream are required.

Features of skin care in spring

In the spring, it is necessary to ensure that the skin is filled with vitamins and carry out cleansing procedures. Nourishes the skin by washing with decoctions of chamomile, linden, and parsley. You can make your skin clear using frozen decoctions. The compositions are poured into molds and placed in the freezer.

Experts recommend using steam baths. Essential oil (2-3 drops) must be added to the decoction of medicinal plants. You need to hold your face over the steam bath for 8-10 minutes under a towel.

Using a scrub in spring requires changing the application pattern. In the evening, apply a mask with nourishing ingredients, scrubbing is performed in the morning. Massage your face with the mixture for 1-2 minutes.

Salon cleaning methods and cosmetic procedures (deep peelings, polishing) are not recommended. Spring time is not suitable for using alcohol-based lotions.

Features of skin care in summer

In summer, frequent moistening is recommended, ideally spraying 3 times a day. Care products should have a light texture and vitamins. Masks made from vegetables (tomatoes, carrots) and berries (strawberries, currants) are used. The face is wiped with a decoction of oak bark, oregano, and St. John's wort. It is important to provide protection from ultraviolet rays using special masks and creams with protective characteristics. It is optimal to moisturize the face with mineral water or a chilled herbal decoction.

A product for removing puffiness from the face in 1-3 days

It is recommended to drink a decoction of corn silk prepared as follows: pour 1 cup of boiling water over 1 tbsp. raw materials, leave for 3 hours, strain. The resulting decoction should be consumed within 24 hours in 5 doses of 40 ml each, for 1-3 days.

In combination with taking stigmas, to enhance the effect of relieving puffiness, you can use a potato mask. The procedure stimulates blood circulation and gives a fresh glow.

Boil potatoes in their skins. Mash one tuber and add 2 tsp to it. fat sour cream, 1 tsp. fresh dill minced through a meat grinder. Apply the mask to your face, spreading it evenly over the skin in a thin layer, wait until it dries, and then rinse with warm water.

Choose the right look for the skin

Problem skin will require a special approach. Beware of aggressive influences that will lead to overdrying. It’s best to correctly select materials from as natural a structure as possible. So, a great choice would be ricin oil for skin resurfacing, even if its comedogenic indicator is very low. To cleanse your face, rinse with warm water several times. Then apply ricin oil, lightly warm it in your hands, and gently massage the skin with a splint of quills. To seal, sprinkle with cold water before completing the procedure.

The scrub will help remove dead skin. Choose delicate products with fine particles to scrub.

And another challenge from the experts at EVA Blog is to better remove all the problems you need to use a cosmetic sponge. The use of such a sponge will help to remove not only the obstructions and excess absorption, but also the spots of dead skin.

Mask against acne and inflammation with wormwood

Masks that are effective in healing facial skin are made from wormwood:

  • milk oatmeal (for brewing) - 2 tbsp;
  • lemon pulp - 2 tbsp;
  • wormwood - 2 tbsp.

All ingredients are poured into 50 g of boiling water and mixed thoroughly. After cooling, the mask is ready. Apply once a day until the inflammation of the skin disappears.

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Herbal masks for acne, rashes and scars

At home, with proper care and using appropriate masks over a long period, you can get rid of acne, scars and rashes.

Some of the easiest to prepare include:

  1. 20 g of zinc ointment, ten percent salicylic ointment - 25 g, 33% sulfur ointment - 25 g, The remaining ingredients are added in drops: 7 - birch tar, 5 - retinol acetate (vitamin A in oil form), 2 - bergamot or juniper oils. Mix the ingredients thoroughly. Apply 1 time every 2 days, at night, to areas of acne, pimples or rashes.

  2. Beat the egg white until stiff and add 5 drops of tea tree oil, while continuing to beat, add potato starch until you get a consistency similar to thick sour cream. Daily use of the mask is not recommended; it is better to apply no more than 2 times a week for 15 minutes.
  3. White clay - 4 tsp, bodyagu 1 tsp, boiled water - 2 tbsp. stir in a bowl. The resulting mixture is applied once a day for 15 minutes, then remove the mask with warm water.

Soothing mint mask

If you constantly wash your face with mint decoction at home, your skin will look perfect. In combination with linden blossom, the plants will strengthen and give a healthy color to the integument. The juice of the leaves is used in homemade infusions and lotions, and added to masks. Mint removes wrinkles, refreshes and tones the skin.

Grind and mix using a blender:

  • 1 tsp lemon juice;
  • 1 protein;
  • 1 tsp freshly squeezed apple juice;
  • 1/2 small cucumber;
  • 15 mint leaves.

Apply the mixture to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour. Rinse off with running water. Regular use of the mask at home will ensure perfect facial skin, a calming effect and tighten pores.

How to make your face graceful: makeup example

Make a beautiful oval face? The basic rule: less voluminous cheeks and bright facial features. A highlighter, foundation, blush, eyeliner, and eyebrow tweezers will come in handy.

Operating procedure:

Makeup base: balance between light and shadow.

Face contouring is a modern fashion trend that many have heard of. It requires the following tools and tools:

  • corrector for concealing dark circles under the eyes;
  • a foundation that matches your skin tone;
  • bronzer;
  • blush, 2 shades darker than the natural skin tone, without reddishness;
  • highlighter;
  • translucent powder or fixative.

Instructions for implementation:

  • Apply the corrective product to the eyelid area and under the eyes;
  • mix the corrector with day cream (preferably sunscreen);
  • apply your shade to your face;
  • apply a darker tone on the cheekbones towards the temples;
  • make a slight darkening of the side areas of the face from the temples to the lower jaw. To slightly reduce a wide and high forehead, you need to darken it from above along the hairline and from the sides. Use your fingertips to blend your makeup;
  • highlight the central part of the forehead, the center of the nose and the upper areas of the cheekbones using a highlighter to distract attention from wide areas of the face;
  • Apply translucent powder or fixative.

Cat eyes: how to achieve an almond shape.

Rules for eyeliner:

  • cover your face with a base or primer to disguise wrinkles or imperfections;
  • apply beige or translucent shadows;
  • draw your eyelashes with a thin, clear line, ending with an arrow pointing upward;
  • outline the mucous membrane of the lower eyelid with a white or beige pencil;
  • Curl your eyelashes a little and apply mascara.

How to lengthen eyebrows.

Using an elongated eyebrow line you can create a beautiful facial contour.

How to tint eyebrows correctly:

  • comb your eyebrows from top to bottom using a brush;
  • Fill in the gaps with strokes of a matching eyebrow pencil in the direction of hair growth and blend with a brush.

Blush is the main touch on the face.

Apply peach or pink blush to the center of your cheekbones and blend into an inverted triangle shape.

Daily care after achieving the desired results

Procedures for healthy, young and fresh skin should be carried out daily:

  • washing your face before going to bed, removing fat deposits accumulated during the day, various impurities and makeup;
  • use not soap for washing, but cosmetic, special products that do not dehydrate the dermis, but maintain it in a healthy state;
  • avoid exposure to ultraviolet rays, use SPF creams;
  • apply creams according to skin type;
  • For daily skin freshness, drink at least 6 glasses of clean water a day.

There are 4 steps to skin care you need to follow:

  1. Stage 1 – cleanse the skin only using products intended for this purpose (lotions, gels, mousses or cosmetic milk).
  2. Stage 2 – the skin must be toned after each cleansing procedure.
  3. Stage 3 – cleansed and protonated skin must be moisturized with cream.
  4. Stage 4 – provide the dermis with necessary nutrients at night, using night creams in accordance with your skin type.

What face is considered beautiful on a man?

Of course, men have different priorities: a heart-shaped face does not work for them. Then which male face is considered the most attractive? What shape allows you to emphasize strength and courage?

There is also an answer to this question: the most beautiful face of a man is a pentagon, which is made up of a wide forehead, clear cheekbones and a strong “strong-willed” chin. Research shows that this type of face indicates active production of testosterone (by the way, women read this information subconsciously).

And, of course, both women and men need smooth, fresh skin, the absence of wrinkles, age spots, harmonious, regular features and a friendly expression on the face of a person who is confident in himself and his attractiveness.

George Clooney

Tom Cruise

Augmentation of the angles of the lower jaw with fillers.

Expert opinion on the effectiveness of home rejuvenation

Metabolism slows down after 30 years. Blood circulation and regeneration are reduced, the skin does not receive enough nutrients, and signs of aging appear.

Mature skin needs close care.

Ideal facial skin can be maintained with systematic, proper care at home. Self-prepared solutions, infusions, masks will be beneficial if used correctly and if the products match your skin type. You cannot overexpose the funds. It is necessary to use high-quality ingredients in their preparation.

The most common mistakes in the struggle for flawless skin

A mistake in care is to use foundations with a dense structure to correct the tone of the face.

Powdery components of cosmetics contaminate pores and interfere with oxygen exchange. A light base as a base for makeup will help make your face beautiful.

A common grooming lapse is cleaning makeup with hot water. The procedure injures the skin. Warm water or milk is recommended.

Using cosmetics that do not match your skin type is harmful to your face.

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