20 effective masks for dry hair at home

Luxurious hair is the pride and calling card of every woman. The secret to the true beauty of curls is not in expensive styling, but in how well-groomed and healthy they look.

Do you suffer from dry and brittle strands, have you tried a whole arsenal of products on sale, from branded ones to little-known ones?

Advertised hair care products have a temporary effect (only after use), forcing you to purchase them again and again.

They do not solve the very cause of dry curls ; this is not profitable for the manufacturer.

Regular home treatments using affordable products mean significant budget savings and genuine hair health that has a lasting effect.

Before moving on to hair restoration with homemade masks, you should understand that the reasons for this phenomenon do not always lie on the surface.

Causes of dry hair

  • Disturbances in the functioning of the body, primarily the nervous system. Chronic fatigue, constant stress, neuroses ... Until you learn to deal with such phenomena, treatment procedures will not produce results.
  • Frequently recurring diseases . Strengthen your immune system, undergo the necessary medical examinations.
  • Poor nutrition . Abuse of fatty, smoked, salty foods and adherence to strict diets are equally detrimental to the condition of hair. Create a balanced diet for yourself. Bad habits also contribute to dry and brittle hair.
  • Frequent experiments with changing the color of strands . Use high-quality coloring products and periodically give your hair a break from these procedures.
  • Excessive passion for styling tools : straighteners, hair dryers, curlers. The hair simply gets tired and becomes dry and lifeless.
  • Lack of headwear in cold (especially frosty) weather . Long exposure to the scorching rays of the sun has a negative impact on hair health.
  • A thoughtless choice of care products . Choose hair detergents according to your hair type.

Rules for caring for dry hair

Dry hair cannot be called healthy. Deprived of sufficient fatty lubrication, they are vulnerable to any external influences and are prone to damage. The ends suffer the most : they split and split. All this is often accompanied by dry scalp, dandruff and itching.

When such problems arise, it is important to follow the rules for caring for strands.

  • Temporarily stop coloring . Limit the use of tint products. If absolutely necessary, use natural dyes. Perm, straightening, lamination and other similar manipulations with curls are prohibited.

  • Change your hair washing regime : reduce the number of procedures to once or twice a week. Wash your hair with soft water.
  • Use a hairdryer less , apply protective products first.
  • Use special therapeutic masks made at home.

You can also use some purchased masks that have proven their effectiveness. The easiest way is to focus on the reviews of those who have already bought these masks:

Rules for using masks

When treating with masks at home, several rules should be followed.

  • The healing composition should be mixed until smooth and prepared immediately before application;
  • When washing off the mask, do not use hot water;
  • When making homemade masks, keep in mind that some of their components can cause allergic reactions . If you are prone to such symptoms, do a test application on your palm before using the mixture;
  • create a warm effect for greater effectiveness of the mask . Cover your head with plastic wrap and wrap a towel on top;
  • the homemade mask on your head for 30 minutes to an hour.

Important: after washing off the healing composition, dry your curls only naturally! The use of a hair dryer is strictly prohibited.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantage of moisturizing masks is the resulting effect:

  • restoration of damaged structure;
  • adding shine;
  • enrichment of curls with nutrients and beneficial minerals.

You can prepare a moisturizing mask at home using ingredients available to everyone. However, it happens that even the pharmacy does not have the required oil or other ingredient. This is a significant drawback. In addition, some ingredients in home remedies can cause allergies.

To save time, many people prefer to buy a ready-made product from the store. However, most store-bought products do not meet the declared qualities - products in the cheap price category do not have a positive effect from use.

High-quality professional hair care products are expensive. This is the main disadvantage of professional masks. In addition, a product purchased for a lot of money may simply not suit you.

The right product plays an important role in caring for your hair. Do not give up if the result is not visible after the first applications. The effect is usually cumulative. So be patient and go towards your goal.

The best masks for dry hair

Mask for dry hair with dry ends

Hair of this type will be restored by a mask containing raw yolk.
This product is a kind of building material for damaged strands.

Mix the yolk of one medium egg with half a spoon of honey and a few drops of vitamin A (or a spoon of any vegetable oil).

Distribute the medicine over the strands, taking special care to coat the ends. Leave it on your hair under cellophane and a towel for at least an hour . Remove with mild shampoo.

Treatment for dry and split ends

Take 30 ml of olive oil, mix it with 10 ml of sea buckthorn extract. Heat the mixture a little and distribute it on the strands, starting from the middle.

Wrap your hair in plastic wrap and leave the mask on for an hour. Wash off with shampoo.

In this video there is another recipe for a mask for dry and split ends of hair:

Revitalizing mask for dry, color-treated hair

Hair of this type will benefit from masks based on yolk with added oils . Combine equal parts of any vegetable oil, honey, onion juice (you will have to endure the specific smell, but the result is worth it).

After half an hour, wash your hair. This mask will quickly restore strands damaged by aggressive coloring.

An effective mask for very dry hair

It is made on the basis of flax oil.

Mix 30 ml of oil with two medium yolks, heat a little and apply to strands, not forgetting to rub the mixture into the scalp.

Cover your head for 40 minutes , then rinse off the mixture and rinse your hair with a herbal decoction.

Healing composition for the treatment of dry scalp and roots

Dry hair is often accompanied by a dry and itchy scalp. This mask will help cope with this problem.

Take an egg (white and yolk together), mix in 10 ml of 3% vinegar, 15 glycerin drops from the pharmacy, 50 ml of castor oil. Mix all the products thoroughly and leave on your hair for half an hour.

Important : for this mask to be effective, cover your head with a hot towel. The composition is washed off with shampoo.

Treatment of dry hair with oily roots

This situation often arises with excessive enthusiasm for various serums, industrially produced oils, as well as some salon cosmetic procedures.

The sebaceous glands stop working normally.

Prepare 1 banana and 2 avocados (this will balance the amount of moisture in the strands and remove excess fat in the root area).

Peel both products and grind using a blender. Distribute this puree onto your hair and wash it off after half an hour as usual.

Mask that activates dry hair growth

Dissolve 20 g of fresh yeast with 50 ml of kefir, add a spoonful of honey. Wait for the fermentation process to begin. Apply the resulting mixture to the hair roots, while rubbing it into the skin when ready.

Keep the mask on for 20 minutes to half an hour and wash off with a mild shampoo.

Mask for dry hair against hair loss

Take a handful of crushed burdock root (can be purchased at a pharmacy), pour in 150 ml of vegetable oil and leave to infuse for two weeks (keep the mixture in a dark place). Before use, add a couple of drops of vitamin A. This mask should be left on the hair for at least half an hour.

Strengthening product for dry hair

Buy herbal raw materials at the pharmacy: hop cones, burdock root and calamus root. You will need equal parts of each component. Heat 250 ml of beer (preferably dark), pour in the vegetable mixture. After 1.5 hours, the drug will infuse and will be ready for use. Feed your hair roots with it 3-4 times a week .

Kefir mask: super moisturizing hair

Lightly heat 50 ml of fermented milk drink, add a couple of drops of ylang-ylang essential oil to it.

The oil can be bought in pharmacies.

Having distributed the composition along the length of the strands, insulate your head and keep it on for an hour.

This mask will moisturize your hair well and give it elasticity.

Tips for applying repair mixtures

You can safely start using homemade cosmetics, keeping in mind the following recommendations:

  1. The mask is distributed onto moistened strands. This will help it to be distributed evenly along the entire length of the curls.
  2. The product is applied from the roots to the ends, unless otherwise indicated in the recipe.
  3. To increase efficiency, the mixture must be thoroughly mixed until small lumps dissolve.
  4. Choose only fresh ingredients.
  5. For additional effect, after applying the mask, you should fix the composition on your head using cellophane film or a cap.
  6. An overexposed mask will not be beneficial for your curls. More doesn't mean better.
  7. Rinsing is carried out only with water that is comfortable for perception. If the mask contains eggs, do not use it hot, otherwise the omelette will have to be combed out of your hair for more than one hour.
  8. When using shampoo, opt for a moisturizing one. It will help not only wash off the remnants of the mask, but will also additionally moisturize your hair.

Nourishing masks for dry hair

Homemade kefir mask for dry and damaged hair

Mix 30 ml of kefir with 10 ml of vegetable oil (olive, castor) and yolk. Apply to curls for an hour, rinse hair with mild shampoo.

Gelatin based mask

Gelatin helps restore the protein structure of strands.

Pour 15 g of powder with cold water to soak. After swelling, heat it until it dissolves, avoiding boiling. Remove from heat and add honey (1 teaspoon) to the solution. Apply the warm mixture to slightly damp, pre-washed hair. After half an hour, rinse off the composition with water without resorting to shampoo. If your strands become tangled after the mask, use conditioner.

At least half an hour should pass before it is washed off. Next, the hair is washed with warm water without using shampoo. If the strands are very tangled, you can add conditioner.

Cognac mask with egg

Beat 1 egg and 50-70 ml of cognac until smooth. The resulting composition should be rubbed into each strand with gentle movements, and kept under cellophane and a towel for up to half an hour. Rinse your hair well with warm water, then rinse with cool water.

Carrot-sour cream nourishing mask

You only need two products - carrots and sour cream.

Peel and chop one medium-sized root vegetable using a fine grater.

Let's estimate the resulting volume by eye and take approximately the same amount of sour cream.

Mix everything well, distribute it among the strands and leave under the film for half an hour to 40 minutes . Rinse your hair thoroughly with shampoo.

Aloe juice mask

You will need one yolk (take two for long hair), add aloe juice and burdock oil (10 ml each) and half a teaspoon of pharmaceutical oil solution of vitamins A and E. Keep the product on your hair for 40 minutes to an hour. Rinse off as usual.

Honey mask

Take a couple of spoons of honey, add to it the same amount of camphor oil and 5 ml of lemon juice. Mix everything until smooth, rub it into your hair (no need to wash it first). Rinse off as usual.

Mask using mayonnaise

Add a few drops of vitamins A and E to cold mayonnaise and distribute over the strands. Cover your head in the standard way and keep the mask on for at least half an hour. Rinse your hair with shampoo.

Important : for this mask, choose natural-based mayonnaise that contains as few additives as possible.

Clay mask

Take some white pharmaceutical clay and use warm water to create a creamy mixture.

Add pre-beaten yolk to the resulting mixture.

Keep the mask on for half an hour, then rinse off as usual.

Revitalizing mask for dry hair

To prepare it, mix equal parts of kefir and carrot juice, then add mashed banana. This composition can be left on the hair overnight, as it does not contain aggressive components.

Oil based masks

For dry hair, oil-based masks will have a great effect. These masks use a variety of oils as a base, which can be found in pharmacies or regular supermarkets.

  • Olive oil perfectly moisturizes strands and helps smooth them out.
  • Burdock oil treats hair loss and gives a pronounced strengthening effect
  • Castor oil promotes the regeneration of damaged and dried out strands and adds visible shine

A classic mask of this type includes only one component – ​​the oil you choose. In a slightly heated form, it is applied to the strands, then the curls are washed well with shampoo.

Important : classic oil-based masks can be left on your head overnight if your hair is very dry.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add other components to basic oil masks.

Oil-herbal mask for dry hair

You will need: St. John's wort, nettle, birch leaf, chamomile and clover flowers (each type of raw material - about a tablespoon). Infuse the herbal mixture on your chosen vegetable (olive, castor, burdock) oil (50 ml) for a week.

Before applying, strain the finished mixture through cheesecloth and warm it up a little. Distribute the healing mixture onto the strands for an hour, then rinse, if necessary, with shampoo.

Homemade masks are an effective remedy for healing dry hair if used regularly. When using masks, do not forget about proper nutrition and drinking regime.

Natural ingredients for home remedies

The presence of certain components in a cosmetic composition is necessary to obtain a certain effect. In the case of dry hair, it is recommended to choose:

  • High-fat dairy products (milk, cottage cheese, curdled milk, yogurt, kefir) will not only correct the problem of dry hair, but will also be useful for increasing the volume and thickness of strands;
  • The egg or its yolk is an integral element of many mixtures for recovery and nutrition;
  • Oil (burdock, peach, olive, castor) is the basic component of all nourishing and regenerating masks;
  • Essential oils of lavender and rosemary are used as a mask base or to soften the strong odor of other ingredients;
  • Honey is a real storehouse of highly effective substances. Any variety will do, but it is advisable to take a liquid one.

Important! Let's not forget about phyto-supplements - chamomile flowers, linden flowers, calendula. Decoctions of them are not only included in the mask, but also used to prepare a rinse to give the hair additional shine.

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