Oil for dry hair: 10 homemade recipes and ready-made solutions

Oil for dry hair: which one is best for you?

Perhaps any oil for dry hair has one feature - a heavy consistency. Of course, it helps to revive curls better than all other means and quickly restore vitality to them. But such a powerful product must be handled with caution.

By the way, before using any natural remedies, it is better to test for an allergic reaction. To do this, apply a little oil or oil mask to a small area of ​​skin. In case of redness or discomfort, rinse immediately. It is perhaps best to consult a trichologist before using unfamiliar oils.

Coconut oil for dry hair

Have you noticed that your hair is getting frizzy, doesn't hold its shape well, and needs extra moisture? Let your hand reach for the jar of coconut oil.

Of course, some people recommend using coconut oil daily on your entire body. However, everything is individual here. Be careful when applying coconut oil to your face to avoid causing unwanted breakouts.

When caring for your curls, coconut oil can be used to create an excellent moisturizing mask at home. To do this, try to purchase natural coconut oil, which does not have a strong odor, but hardens when the air temperature drops below 24 degrees.

To make it easier to use oil for dry and damaged hair, divide your strands into several sections and apply it gradually, carefully and slowly, combing your curls after treatment. This way the product can be distributed over the entire length. The homemade mask can be left on for 30 minutes or longer.

To wash off the coconut extract, you will have to wash your hair several times, so we do not recommend trying this method of moisturizing your strands before leaving the house.


TRESemmé Botanique Detox detox shampoo


TRESemmé Botanique Detox Moisturizing Hair Conditioner

Editor's tip: You can also use TRESemmé Botanique Detox Shampoo and Conditioner as a base treatment. These products are formulated with coconut and silicone-free to hydrate strands without weighing them down.

TOP 7 base oils

Argan oil

Argan oil takes first place in the TOP 7 oils in the fight against dry strands. It is extracted from the seeds of the argan tree in North Africa.

The amber extract is less greasy than other base extracts. This thick, nutty liquid is easy to apply without heating.

The valuable composition of argan oil allows you to restore hair in a short time, saturates not only the strands with vitamins, but also the scalp:

  • Omega acids make up 80% of the total composition;
  • antioxidants cleanse strands of impurities, and also protect from wind, sun, dust, moisture, and enhance growth;
  • Vitamins A, E, F nourish the scalp and curls, thanks to which the strands acquire natural shine, elasticity and thickness.

Anti-inflammatory properties prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, allowing hair to grow properly.

The oil envelops the curls in a transparent shell, retaining moisture inside. The main feature of argan extract is its uniqueness. The product is suitable for absolutely any hair type, and can also be used for other purposes.


Coconut oil is an exotic hair care product. The oily, white consistency with the scent of coconut moisturizes and nourishes damaged ends and strands in general.

Rich composition of the hood:

  • lauric and capric acids have an antimicrobial effect. Prevents the development of pathogenic bacteria, activating hair growth and normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • oleic, myristic protects from external influences, prevents dirt from penetrating into the structure, regulates the pH balance;
  • Palmitic acid renews skin cells, helps hair grow better, moisturizes, and strengthens strands.

Restores hair thanks to deep penetration into the structure. This makes the curls thick, shiny, manageable, smooth, which ensures easy combing.

Already after a course of use, the strands independently become strong and silky. You will no longer need store-bought products.


Jojoba oil is obtained from the fruits of the plant of the same name, which grows in Mexico. The consistency of the extract is liquid, the color is transparent yellow. It is used as a base for dissolving essential concentrates. But in its pure form it is no less effective.

Composition of the product:

  • retinol together with tocopherol perfectly moisturize, nourish damaged dry hair, restoring the structure;
  • Antioxidants cleanse and protect the scalp from impurities. Hair grows better and becomes healthy.

The extract actively fights excess sebum secretion, normalizing its distribution along the entire length. Thus, the strands stop drying out, are filled with vitamins and acquire a vibrant shine.

The composition also dissolves a dense layer of hardened fat. Jojoba oil extract penetrates well without leaving a greasy residue.


The second name for shea butter extract is shea butter. The dense consistency of the pale yellow product thaws at a temperature of 35 degrees. The hood can only be used after heating in a water bath.

Composition of the product:

  • fatty acids restore structure from the inside;
  • carbohydrates and proteins actively moisturize and have protective properties;
  • Vitamins A, E, F nourish and activate the process of cell growth and renewal.

Shea butter product seals open scales, strengthening strands. This way they become thicker, more hydrated, and more manageable.

Women often experience injuries from thermal devices or active scratching. Shea butter extract heals wounds and burns. In this case, an oil mask will help quickly eliminate unpleasant consequences.


Olive extract is extracted from the fruit of the olive tree. The plant is unpretentious and can survive short-term frosts. Therefore it is relatively cheap compared to other oil extracts.

It brings great benefits to dry hair due to:

  • Vitamin D, A, E, F penetrate deep inside, restore elasticity and firmness. Moisturizing the hair occurs internally;
  • phosphatides and sterols envelop the strands with a transparent film, retaining the vitamins and moisture necessary for damaged curls;
  • Omega acids activate growth, protect skin cells, and regulate fat balance.

The versatility of the product makes it beneficial to use. The content of microelements protects curls, restores natural shine, seals ends and scales. The extract can also be used in cooking.


Almond oil has been used for cosmetic purposes for more than seven thousand years. A transparent liquid of a rich amber hue is obtained from the kernel of the almond tree using a cold-pressed method. With this method, a large number of useful properties of the product are preserved.


  • The active component of the oil is oleic acid, which is contained in 75% of the total composition. Cleansing the hair and scalp of impurities ensures better penetration of the extract inside. Distributed along the entire length, the oil restores dry strands;
  • vitamins E, B2 moisturize and restore elasticity;
  • minerals are actively restored.

Good absorption is the main advantage of using the product. The oil does not leave greasy marks on clothes. But you still need to wash it off.


The oil extract is obtained from burdock root. Burdock extract is a transparent oily liquid of a light yellow hue.


  • inulin has protective, cleansing properties. Facilitates the penetration of beneficial substances inside;
  • tocopherol with retinol restore the structure and seal the ends;
  • Oleic acid coats with a protective coating to retain moisture.

The advantage of burdock product is its low cost. The affordable product strengthens, enhances growth, and moisturizes strands.

The result of using masks based on oil extract is thickness, fluffiness, natural shine and manageability.

Oils can remove artificial hair dye. Therefore, it is not recommended to leave the mixture for more than five hours.

Argan oil

Argan oil is great for dry hair, as it is rich in vitamins and acids. It is often used as a stand-alone hair mask. In addition, for additional nutrition, you can mix argan oil with an egg and a spoon of honey and apply it to your hair. It is best to keep the mask under a plastic cap. You can also warm it up slightly with a hairdryer to enhance the thermal effect.

How to use?

Essential oils are not used in their pure form, as they are very concentrated and can have a strong effect on tissues.

Lavender oil strengthens follicles and roots

We offer several application options:

  1. If you want to get the maximum benefit and ensure complete hydration, then add essential oil to the base oil. As a base oil for dry hair types, you can use burdock, almond, olive, jojoba, coconut or sesame. Just a few drops per 5-10 ml of base are enough. Some oils can be mixed and combined.
  2. Add oils to the care products you use: masks, shampoos, conditioners, conditioners, and so on. But remember that esters evaporate quickly and can also react with other substances, so it is better to add them immediately before application.
  3. You can use oil as a rinse after washing your hair. Just dilute it in warm water.

Castor oil for dry hair

Castor oil helps enhance hair growth. For example, it is sometimes used to enhance eyelash growth. However, it is worth noting that this oil can be comedogenic, so it should not be left on the skin for long. One of the most popular masks using castor oil for dry hair is a mixture of egg yolk, lemon juice and a spoon of honey. By the way, castor oil can be mixed with other base oils, such as olive.

TOP 7 essential oils


The sandalwood tree grows in India and southeast Asia. A transparent liquid with a tart, rich aroma is obtained from tree bark using water-steam distillation. This is one of the most viscous and dense essential oils.


  • santalols - 90%;
  • Santalens - 10%.

The combination of components has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Penetrates well into the structure and regenerates skin cells. Strengthening the follicles allows the strands to grow more actively. Normalizes fat metabolism, due to which the sebaceous glands are distributed along the entire length, eliminating dry hair.


The plant grows in tropical climates. An oily, viscous liquid with a distinct floral aroma is extracted from the flowers of the ylang-ylang plant by distillation.

Thanks to its composition, the oil extract enhances hair growth, normalizes fat balance, and strengthens the structure. Has regenerating properties. Together with base oil it has protective properties.

The fight against alopecia increases consumer demand for ether.

You should start using ylang-ylang oil with small doses, getting used to the strong smell. Otherwise you may feel dizzy.


The jasmine flower grows only in hot climates. The delicate bright aroma is completely transmitted to the transparent oil extract of a pale yellow hue.

By diluting shampoos, conditioners, and balms with jasmine product, you can get healthy, strong hair. It is also added to masks and dissolved in fatty oil extracts. The composition of jasmine ether stabilizes the water balance. Moisturizing occurs due to the distribution of sebum, and the base oil will consolidate this effect.

Another plus: the strands acquire a pleasant aroma.


Juniper ether is obtained from the heather plant by cold distillation from the berries or dry distillation of wood. Heather grows almost all over the world, but prefers cool, temperate climates.

Juniper oil ester cleanses hair and pores of impurities, stimulating growth. Like many other oils, it tidies up the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If you use it as an addition to almond oil and apply it to damp hair, it will help get rid of dryness in a short time. And the pine aroma refreshes and tones the body.

Contraindications to juniper ether: asthma, hypertension, individual intolerance.


Essential pine bark concentrate has a refreshing pine aroma with a transparent pale yellow tint. Grows in the south of the European part of Russia.

Excellent fight against seborrhea and alopecia. Cleanses pores, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The oil itself does not moisturize the hair, but only cleanses and opens the pores. And the base oil product is responsible for moisturizing and restoring.


Lavender grows in southern Europe, Arabia, and India. A clear oil ether is obtained by water distillation. An oily liquid with a pleasant aroma is a universal hair product.

Lavender essential concentrate cleanses hair, preventing dandruff and hair loss. Strengthens their structure.

The ether has wound-healing properties. And together with olive oil, it perfectly restores damaged scalp, moisturizing hair and protecting it from the negative effects of the external environment.

It is noteworthy that lavender oil can be applied in its pure form to the ends and not rinsed off. This eliminates their cross-section.

Shampoos and care products with the addition of ether become an excellent tool in the fight against dryness.

The result: manageable, silky, thick hair.


Oily ether is extracted from the flowers of an evergreen shrub called rosemary. A transparent oily liquid with a pleasant aroma is an excellent helper for maintaining healthy hair.

Rosemary oil penetrates well into the hair, nourishes it with a large amount of microelements, restoring curls from the inside. Together with coconut oil, you can eliminate brittleness and dry hair in one course. And masks made from rosemary ether based on burdock oil will enhance growth, add elasticity and thickness.

Every second girl is concerned with the question of how to restore dry hair.

How to choose the right shampoo for split ends? You will find useful tips in our article.

What to do with very dry hair? Find out here.

Peach oil

Peach oil for dry hair contains vitamins, phospholipids, fatty acids and minerals. Do you want to make a moisturizing mask against split ends? You can, for example, mix a spoonful of peach butter with two spoons of cottage cheese and a small amount of honey.

If you prefer to use natural argan, peach or castor oil, then remember that after applying it to your curls, they must be thoroughly rinsed. Otherwise, you risk going out with matted hair. This option may only appeal to fans of “wet hairstyles.”

In this regard, we advise you to either stock up on an additional tube of moisturizing and deep cleansing shampoo. Or you can try special products containing these oils. Thanks to them, you will get the same effect, but will not encounter the unwanted consequences of home care. Adding a few drops of oil to your regular shampoo can also give good results.

Hair care

Shampoo One Hundred Beauty Recipes “Sea Buckthorn”

Editor's tip: But some cleansers are already enriched with oils, for example, Sea Buckthorn shampoo from the One Hundred Beauty Recipes brand with sea buckthorn and peach oils. It helps give hair smoothness, shine and a well-groomed appearance.

Product requirements

The main goal of any care product is to prevent moisture loss. Any fat has such an important quality as water resistance: a fatty film of any origin creates a barrier both to the penetration of moisture from the outside and from the evaporation of moisture from the inside. However, for damaged strands this is not enough.

If the scales become damaged or puffy, as happens after active use of shampoo to increase volume, the hair loses moisture much more intensely. In addition, the mechanism for receiving nutrition from the hair follicle is disrupted. That is, the oil used should ideally not only envelop the hair shaft, but also help put the scales in their place. This property is called deep penetration ability.

There are a number of valuable and very useful oils, which, alas, do not possess this property to an insufficient extent. Their use is associated with certain difficulties. For example, such an excellent product as tar oil is very difficult to absorb. The mask is kept on the head for at least 5–6 hours, and requires warm wrapping. It is very difficult to wash off the excess. The product unusually quickly restores the water balance of the hair, but because of these features it is used by young ladies extremely reluctantly.

With brittle hair, the problem remains essentially the same. Loss of moisture leads to dehydration of the cortex, which means hair loses strength and elasticity. That is, the moisturizer must also create a protective film and retain moisture inside.

But the vitamin composition is not such an important parameter. The fact is that almost any natural oil - not refined - contains a sufficient amount of fat-soluble vitamins, in particular. A and E. The substances, of course, do not enter the hair follicles, but to some extent they nourish the cortex.

Tips to help you quickly restore dry and lifeless hair with a simple mask:

Oil for dry hair: where to buy

Today you can buy hair oil even in a regular supermarket, but if you suddenly can’t find it, try ordering it online. By the way, many vegetable oils are easy to use not only for hair, but also for food. In addition, massage them, apply them to the skin, and so on.

If you want to find a balanced oil-based product designed specifically for hair, this is not difficult at all.

Hair care

Dove Advanced Hair Series Transformative Care Dry Hair Oil

Editor's tip: For example, check out Dove Advanced Hair Series Transformative Care Dry Oil with coconut, macadamia, almond and sunflower oils. This product perfectly moisturizes and nourishes, but does not weigh down the hair.

How to use dry oil when styling?

By the way, even more video tutorials with styling and care tips can be found on the ATH YouTube channel.

Useful tips

You can use the oil to rinse after washing your hair.

Some useful tips:

  • Don't mix ingredients thoughtlessly, as some of them don't mix well. First, find out compatibility, then start making the product.
  • Since many oils are quite strong allergens, be careful and evaluate the reaction before use. Simply apply a drop to your wrist and observe the reaction for an hour.
  • Use ingredients that smell good to you to enjoy the benefits of aromatherapy.

Let your hair be healthy, moisturized and beautiful!

Burdock oil for dry hair

In order to moisturize your curls as much as possible and not spend a lot of time on solving this issue, we advise you to try several universal products that promote long-lasting and intensive nutrition of the strands.

Editor's tip: one of these products is Burdock 5 in 1 oil for very dry hair from the Clean Line brand with burdock extract. It helps reduce breakage and stimulate hair growth, add shine to your hair, making it smooth and soft.

Beautiful hair? The merit of oils

It is known that burdock oil is not only a cure for dry hair, but also promotes their strengthening and rapid growth. Therefore, the Clean Line brand oil copes with several vital tasks for any beauty follower at once. This product, in principle, can replace many other tubes that take up extra space on your bathroom shelves.

Jojoba oil

Another effective remedy for dry hair is jojoba, which is extracted from the fruits of a branched evergreen shrub. This oil contains amino acids that are similar in structure to collagen. That's why jojoba oil is often used to add elasticity to the skin, shine and smoothness of the hair.

The power of vegetable oils can benefit dry hair.

Girls use a small amount of this oil as a lip balm and as a makeup remover. You can also apply a few drops of jojoba oil as a hair conditioner, paying special attention to the ends, or as a mask to strengthen curls and fight dandruff.

Pros and cons of using

A variety of oils, selected in optimal concentrations, can not only combat dry hair, but also have a pronounced aromatherapy effect. Therefore, their use brings double benefits .

Hair can become dry, weak and brittle for many reasons. The most widespread among them are:

  • unfavorable environmental situation;
  • frequent stressful situations and busy work schedules;
  • prolonged exposure to ultraviolet radiation;
  • seasonal vitamin deficiencies;
  • too frequent dyeing and perm;
  • sleep disorders;
  • prolonged exposure to too dry air;
  • disturbance of water balance throughout the body;
  • mechanical damage caused by the use of hard combs or pulling the curls too tightly;
  • washing hair with very hot water.

Regardless of the cause of dry hair, natural oils, which must be selected correctly, will help give it silkiness, elasticity, vitality and enchanting shine .

REFERENCE : High-quality essential and base oils for brittle hair should perform several important functions - moisturize, nourish, strengthen and provide reliable protection. To make the right choice, you should familiarize yourself with all their properties and characteristics.

Essential and cosmetic natural oils for dry hair, which have numerous benefits, are indispensable products for restoring curls.

They can be used in various ways - as part of nourishing masks, for wraps, and also for rubbing into dry and brittle ends.

IMPORTANT : The use of oils to moisturize and nourish dry curls has virtually no disadvantages, with the exception of individual intolerance or hypersensitivity to their active ingredients.

Basic rules for hair care. What is important to know?

  • Wash your hair with cool water.
    This way you will protect the skin from excessive accumulation of dirt, and the protective layer - the cuticle - will become smoother.
  • Get a massage.
    Light pressure on the scalp with your hands or a special massage brush promotes blood flow to the follicles, thereby ensuring their sufficient nutrition and oxygen enrichment.
  • Dry your hair properly.
    Dry with a soft towel and let dry naturally. If you don't have time to wait, use a hair dryer. Turn on the mode with a comfortable temperature, dry the strands in the direction of their growth.
  • Avoid tight hairstyles.
    Excessive tightness leads to damage to the structure, as well as loss.
  • Every time after you wash your hair with shampoo, be sure to apply a good conditioner
    . It will make the strands soft, manageable, and fill the voids in the cuticle.
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