Camphor oil for facial skin: properties and secrets of use

Camphor oil comes in two types: a 10-20% solution of camphor in another oil (usually sunflower) and pure, 100% camphor oil. The solution is usually used for medical reasons. And in cosmetology, a pure product is used - it is added to masks and creams.

If you don’t know what product the recipe is talking about, then judge by the dosage: the solution can be measured in teaspoons, but pure camphor can only be measured in drops. This is an incredibly useful product that can cope with many skin problems.

Indications for use, or What camphor fights

Camphor has a specific but pleasant spicy aroma.
The liquid may be pale yellow or colorless. It has a number of beneficial properties that have a beneficial effect on the appearance and health of the skin. By using camphor oil on the face, you can solve the following problems:

  • pimples, acne;
  • oily shine, excessive sweating;
  • skin irritation and inflammation;
  • small and medium wrinkles;
  • age spots and freckles;
  • scars;
  • enlarged pores;
  • dull complexion.

Today, not only pure oil is found on sale, but also various of its derivatives. For example, ointments and alcohol solutions. But only 100% natural camphor is suitable for a high-quality solution to skin problems on the face.

What it is

Camphor is a tree resin.
In ancient times, it was collected from branches of a special type of laurel and heated in incense burners. The air saturated with essential oils disinfected the room and helped fight insects, including moths. But natural camphor is expensive. Therefore, in the last century they learned to make semi-synthetic from fir resin or synthetic by processing turpentine. Naturally, it is natural camphor that has the most valuable properties, since it is practically not subjected to heat treatment. But other types can also be useful if used correctly.

Camphor oil: important components for facial skin

The benefits and medicinal properties of this product are explained by its unique composition, which includes many active substances. The table below presents the most significant constituent components.

Table - Beneficial substances in camphor oil

SubstanceHow it works
Cineole— Powerful natural antiseptic; - has a mild soothing effect on the skin; - effectively fights skin rashes
Camphor (eucalyptol)— Main active ingredient; — heals the skin; - eliminates irritation
Safrole— Regulates metabolism; - eliminates excessive sweating
Camphene— Heals the skin; – enhances the effectiveness of other components
Bisabolol— Has an antibacterial effect; - effectively relieves inflammation

This product is most useful for those with oily or mixed skin types. But they shouldn’t rub in a large amount of the substance at once, or forget about the correct dosages. The result of such “zeal” may be allergies or other adverse reactions.

It is important to remember that camphor oil is used exclusively for external use. If accidentally swallowed, seek immediate medical attention. Even in small quantities, camphor can cause serious poisoning.

Universal cosmetologist

We are talking about the same camphor oil, which is familiar to many as the basis of medicinal compresses. In cosmetology, this product is used for healing, rejuvenating, cleansing and whitening the skin. If you want to save money and benefit not only your budget, but also your appearance, buy natural camphor. It can be used as an independent care product or mixed with other products to enhance the desired effect. She is capable (applies to facial skin):

  • Soothe irritated epidermis
  • Eliminate fatigue, increase tone.
  • Activate cell regeneration and collagen production.
  • Pull up, level out the terrain.
  • Disinfect purulent acne, eliminate pimples and rashes.
  • Relieve itching, swelling.
  • Normalize water balance and the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Eliminate inflammation, pigmentation, improve color.

Role in cosmetology

Manufacturers actively use camphor oil in various products for the care of face and body skin, hair, and lip skin. Camphor can be found in the following cosmetic products:

  • moisturizing lotions;
  • gels for hands, face and body;
  • aftershave skin care products;
  • various balms;
  • perfumes.

The range of applications of this medicinal and cosmetic product is very wide. But it affects the skin of the face most effectively, giving a quick and visible healing result.

Where is the best place to buy

You can purchase essential oil in natural cosmetics stores or place an order online. Available in different volumes from 2 to 50 ml, the price also depends on the volume and manufacturer, ranging from 80 to 800 rubles. It is recommended to purchase it in a dark glass bottle with a dropper dispenser. Store at a temperature of 5–25° in a place protected from sunlight for no more than 9 months.

It is better to buy a concentrated product in small volumes of up to 10 ml; just a few drops are enough to enrich recipes.

Attention! It is difficult to distinguish spoiled oil by external characteristics; you can only rely on the information on expiration dates specified by the manufacturer.

Precautions and contraindications

Cosmetologists use camphor oil on the face for age spots, as well as during various medical procedures. But it can be used without the participation of experts, at home. The main thing is to follow a few rules and remember three basic safety measures.

  1. Test. Before using camphor oil, an allergic reaction test is performed. To do this, apply a little product to the inner bend of the elbow. The result is observed within 24 hours.
  2. Dosage. The oil is taken in very small quantities to avoid side and allergic reactions. Typically, for facial skin, mix a portion of cream or mask and a maximum of two to three drops of oil per application. If used too often, the smell of camphor can be addictive. Even with a slight overdose, poisoning, dizziness, and nausea are possible.
  3. Mucous. If the product gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, rinse them immediately with warm water. Also, the product should not get into your mouth.

Camphor oil cannot be used in its pure form. Do not use the product for any skin diseases, open wounds or scratches. Do not apply to dry, chapped skin. Cannot be used on children's skin. Contraindications also include epilepsy, heart and vascular diseases, and asthma. When carrying a child and breastfeeding, a woman should consult a doctor about the possibility of camphor procedures.

A little history

The unique properties of camphor have been used since ancient times in India and Bengal to flavor sweets and drinks. During the Arab Caliphate, it was widely used for medical purposes to treat ulcers and skin infections. Chinese and Indian doctors thoroughly studied the properties of camphor, their knowledge is still used throughout the world today.

Arab scientists were the first to obtain ether using steam distillation. The method is still used today almost unchanged. The oil was used in cooking to flavor sweet dishes; antimicrobial and analgesic properties were used in ancient Chinese, Arabic, and Indian medicine. Women also often used ether.

Adding it to water helped cleanse the skin, freshness, and rejuvenation. This product was used to rinse the hair, adding shine and shine.

How to make camphor masks: recipe and rules

If you do not yet know how to use camphor oil on the face for wrinkles, inflammation, acne and other skin problems, then you will find the examples of recipes and procedures described below useful.

Universal cream mask against aging, spots and irritation

  1. Add two to three drops of camphor essential oil to a regular single serving of your cream.
  2. Apply and massage.
  3. Best used before bed.

Mixture with white clay for moisturizing, anti-inflammatory and shine

  1. Combine two teaspoons of white clay and two or three drops of camphor oil.
  2. Add a tablespoon of kefir and stir.
  3. Keep for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Wash with water or herbal decoction.
  5. Apply daily cream or lotion.
  6. Since the composition contains white clay, the mixture should be used no more than twice a week.

Milk-honey-camphor nutrition

  1. Add two to three drops of oil to two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Add a spoonful of milk and stir.
  3. Keep on face for 15-30 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with warm water.

Scar remedy

Only use diluted oil!

  1. Take a small piece of clean gauze, bandage or any breathable fabric.
  2. Apply a few drops of oil solution to it.
  3. Apply the cloth to your face and leave it on overnight.
  4. To get rid of small scars or scars, the procedure must be done several times a week for a month.

Masks with camphor are very simple to prepare, and the naturalness of such products will be an undoubted advantage compared to preparations that contain chemical additives. Important: before applying any mask, you must wash off all makeup and cleanse the skin with a cotton pad soaked in a special lotion.

Causes of wrinkles

The whole body is subject to age-related changes, but first of all they appear on the face and other open surfaces with thin skin and slightly pronounced subcutaneous fat (on the neck, décolleté, on the back of the hands). Main causes of aging:

  1. Changes in the structure of the epidermis with age: a decrease in the production of connective tissue structures - collagen, elastane, which contribute to tissue elasticity.
  2. The negative influence of ultraviolet radiation in the sun's rays also contributes to the destruction of collagen fibers. Therefore, wrinkles appear faster in people who spend a lot of time in the open sun without using sunscreen, as well as in people who abuse tanning beds.
  3. Excessive facial expressions. Despite the fact that smiling and laughing are very good for your health, it does not have the best effect on your skin. Constant work of facial muscles, especially in the presence of other risk factors, leads to the early appearance of facial wrinkles in the corners of the eyes (“crow’s feet”) and deepening of the nasolabial folds.
  4. Frequent stress and increased anxiety also affect the condition of the skin, as well as the entire body as a whole. This can be explained by the fact that during stress, the adrenal glands produce a greater than normal amount of hormones (adrenaline, norepinephrine), which lead to vasoconstriction and deterioration of blood supply to the tissues of the epidermis and dermis.
  5. Avitaminosis. The state of the epidermis is especially negatively affected by a lack of vitamins A, E, C. Such conditions develop with poor nutrition and insufficient amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.
  6. Environmental factors have a negative impact: a large amount of harmful substances in the air, water, and food. The effects of low temperatures in winter and dry air are also unfavorable. This group of external causes of wrinkles includes smoking and alcohol abuse.
  7. Incorrect use of cosmetics, as well as the use of low-quality cosmetics.
  8. Diseases of internal organs, for example, the digestive tract (stomach, intestines, liver), as well as organs of the endocrine system (thyroid gland, gonads).
  9. Significant reduction in body weight in a short period of time: the subcutaneous layer decreases in size, and overstretched skin wrinkles and sags.

Usually, the condition of the skin is affected by several reasons at once, and eliminating many of them is very difficult, so all that remains is to deal with the consequences of these negative influences in different ways.

Reviews from doctors and experienced

Camphor oil for the face has received positive reviews not only from those who have gotten rid of wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin problems with its help. The product has earned the approval of professional cosmetologists and doctors.

However, despite all the benefits of this product, experts do not recommend using camphor oil for the face at home. If camphor procedures are carried out at home, the risk of overdose and side effects increases. In addition, the individual characteristics of the body should be taken into account. Only a specialist will be able to correctly determine whether this product is suitable for you, as well as prescribe the correct dosage and procedures that are suitable for your skin.

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