Expressive cheekbones: how to achieve with exercise and makeup

In the medical language of cosmetology, the term “Jolie Profile” hides several aesthetic transformations: contour plastic surgery of cheekbones and lower jaw line, contour plastic surgery of the chin, lip augmentation.

All of the listed appearance features are characteristic of a young face, not yet subject to age-related changes. Therefore, the essence of the procedure is simple - to make the face as young and “correct” as possible .

Each of these corrections individually can give a youthful appearance to the face, but carrying out all the changes together gives a super-effect of rejuvenation and beauty.

Beautyification is a set of contouring procedures designed to make the patient’s face more attractive . This term is usually applied to young patients.

Rejuvenation is a set of contouring procedures designed to make the patient’s face more youthful and get rid of age-related changes.

Cost of procedures named after Angelina Jolie

The most important rule: only those areas that are not pronounced are corrected - in young patients, usually everything is fine with the cheekbones and the lower jaw line; in older patients all three areas have to be corrected.

⚠️ Important! We use drugs that have been tested by us and approved for use in Russia. If you want to carry out the procedure with cheap drugs without registration in the Russian Federation, we categorically discourage you. We will tell everyone about the consequences personally by phone and even send photos of the problems via WhatsApp.

To correct the cheekbones, 2-3 ml of the drug is usually enough (1-1.5 ml for each side). The cost of 2-3 ml of filler is 36,000 - 54,000 rubles.

To correct the angles of the lower jaw, 2 ml of the drug is usually enough (1 ml on each side), the cost is about 36,000 rubles.

If correction of the entire line of the lower jaw (including the corners) is necessary, then 3 ml of the drug will be needed.

To correct the chin area, 1-1.5 ml is used. filler: 18,000-25,000 rubles.

The result lasts 10-15 months, depending on the drug used.

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Does Angelina Jolie have an ideal profile?

Not really! She has a defined jaw line, a pronounced chin, a neat nose profile and bright lips. However, if we evaluate the actress’s profile using well-known beauty tests - for example, using the Ricketts or Steiner line - we will find that there are still deviations from the ideal. The upper lip is not extended enough to the line connecting the nose and chin.

We have corrected the photo of the actress - compare.

Such minor flaws make each of us unique , so there is no point in striving for a complete “ideal” profile. In some cases, it is enough to carry out minimal interventions and carry out contouring of only 2-3 zones, for example, cheekbones and chin.

Why is the profile important?

In front we always see ourselves in the mirror, but in profile others see us ! From the front the changes are not as noticeable as from the profile. Look at the patient from the front and in profile before and after the contouring procedure.

Despite the fact that the changes are clearly visible from the full-face perspective (the oval has become correct, the face has become “slimmer”), the changes from the profile perspective are more impressive!

Strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus (massage, ultrasound, laser and RF influences)

Loss of facial contour definition usually occurs due to weakening of muscles and ligaments. With age, collagen and elastin fibers, which are responsible for tissue elasticity, lose their quality and stretch. Puffiness is added, which accompanies the deformational type of aging to which most people are susceptible.

To restore clarity to the lines, it is important not only to remove excess fat, but also to carry out measures to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and lymphatic drainage.

  • Massage techniques
    that have a good lymphatic drainage, fat burning and tissue strengthening effect (for example, LPG, Endosphere).
  • RF devices
    (radio frequency exposure) allow tissues to be heated, which causes activation of collagen and elastin, restoring tissue density and elasticity.
  • The RF needle lifting procedure
    additionally creates microtraumas in the skin with small needles, forcing the tissue to regenerate.
  • Laser devices and focused ultrasound devices
    provide deep heating of tissues, triggering the formation of new collagen and reducing adipose tissue.

But if ptosis is too pronounced and there is significant excess skin, it makes no sense to use hardware techniques. In this case, surgical lifting of the lower third of the face and neck is indicated, the results of which will last for a long time.

If you want to get a tightening effect faster and not have to undergo a long course of hardware procedures, you can turn to thread technologies.

Ligature lifting is used to harmonize the lower third of the face, restore the contour of the lower jaw, eliminate a double chin and sagging tissue. The fabrics are stitched with special threads and secured in the desired position, while activating the production of new collagen.

What drugs are used to harmonize the face?

To create the “Jolie Profile”, experienced cosmetologists use high-quality, time-tested preparations, in particular preparations from the Merz company:

  • Radiesse;
  • Belotero Intense;
  • Belotero Volume.

Radiesse is a dense volumizer, ideal for modeling the chin and mandibular angles. It holds its shape perfectly and preserves the results of the procedure for a long time!

The drug can be used both in pure form and in a 1:1 dilution. The filler does not attract water and is therefore recommended for patients prone to swelling . Due to the presence of calcium hydroxyapatite (a synthetic analogue of a bone tissue component), it does not cause allergic reactions.

Preparations from the Belotero are among the safest, they are easily integrated into tissues and guarantee the most natural result.

Belotero Intense is a plastic filler based on hyaluronic acid. Injected into the deep layers of the skin, it is used to increase the volume of the lips, eliminate deep nasolabial folds and wrinkles, model the cheekbones and contour the chin.

Belotero Volume has a dense structure. It is well purified and has a stable pH, which minimizes the likelihood of swelling.

Those who want to save money and those who do not care about brands and long-term research should pay attention to inexpensive certified Korean fillers, in particular Neuramis.

How does the procedure work?

Facial modeling lasts from 30 to 60 minutes and does not require rehabilitation. After leaving the office, you can return to your normal activities.

Anesthesia is used at the request of the patient, but since the work is carried out in the deep layers of the skin, the application of painkillers is impractical. In addition, many gels, for example, Radiesse, contain lidocaine, which eliminates possible unpleasant sensations.

Please note that in our clinic all facial contour corrections are carried out only with the help of a safe cannula ! No hematomas, complications or traces of the procedure. Choose safe methods!

The filler is injected using a cannula, a long, flexible needle with a blunt tip. It delicately bends around obstacles, minimally damaging the skin. In general, the procedure can be called painless.

How long does the effect last?

The patient sees the result of the injection of fillers , but it can be fully assessed no earlier than a week later. The effect lasts from several months to 1.5-2 years.

Rapid absorption of the drug is facilitated by an active lifestyle, bathhouse, sauna, microcurrent therapy.

Beyonce and Jay Z

Diagnosis : this couple is based on mutual understanding and love.

We can read their faces : he and she are open people (as evidenced by the shape of Jay Z’s nose and Beyoncé’s eyes).

Conclusion : They are both inferior to each other and both are interesting people. They are compatible because they are able to live on the same wavelength. The union of Jay Z and Beyoncé can last long as long as there is love and trust. The direction of disagreement is often taste, about which the main disputes may arise.

Full cost of the procedure

It is difficult to get an idea of ​​how much facial correction will cost you without an in-person consultation.

For example, when correcting three zones (cheekbones, chin and angles of the lower jaw), you will need about 7.5 ml of filler: 3, 1.5 and 3, respectively. The final bill includes not only the cost of the drug, but also the experience, knowledge and skills of the doctor!

The estimated cost of a complete correction is 60,000-100,000 rubles.

If the patient wants to reduce the cost of the procedure, then corrections can be carried out in stages: on the first visit, the cheekbones, on the second, on the lower jaw line and chin. Or vice versa.

Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes

Diagnosis : this is a relationship built on passion. Tom Cruise is active in passion, Katie Holmes is passive, but has the ability to maintain this passion.

We can read it by the face : Tom Cruise’s smile speaks of openness and some childish naivety in relation to Katie. And Katie Holmes’s smile is about her readiness to live up to his hopes.

Conclusion : they are compatible, since his passion is constantly fed and directed by it within the framework of a stable relationship. One of Tom Cruise's most common emotions towards his wife is gratitude. Disagreements can arise only on the basis of his constant absence, since she is not inclined to trust those who have not been around for a long time.

Casual option

It’s very easy to do this star’s everyday makeup: you don’t need any special cosmetics for this.

  1. Apply the tone. Do not forget about such stages as: moisturizing, toning and applying a makeup base. Set the tone with powder.
  2. Facial correction. A little contouring never hurt anyone! We apply sculpting powder to the side surfaces of the forehead and nose, and also work on the cheekbone area, which begins next to the ear and ends a couple of centimeters from the corner of the mouth and parallel to the outer corner of the eye.
  3. Eyes. We draw the upper line of the eye with a black pencil, lightly shade it along the contour and in the outer corner. Apply voluminous mascara, paying special attention to the root zone of the eyelashes to open up your eyes.
  4. Lips. To highlight your lips, you can use classic transparent gloss. Matte lipstick in neutral, soft shades is also suitable - nude, soft peach, delicate terracotta. Outline your lips with a pencil to add volume.
  5. Brows. Emphasize the eyebrow line with a pencil to match your hair color or 1-2 shades lighter. Fill in the gaps in your eyebrows with special shadows.

The image is ready!

Stunning news

The news that Angelina Jolie had her breasts removed, which were completely healthy, shocked the world. Even the New York stock exchanges reacted to this. Shares of a monopolistic company that produces products for genetic analysis rose by 4%. The actress’s action aroused admiration and many calls to women’s clinics. Thousands of women around the world wanted to check their health.

Although Angelina Jolie was not a pioneer here either. Surgeries to remove mammary glands were performed long before her time. For example, the wife of the 38th US President Betty had such an operation back in 1974. This became the prevention of cancer.

Within three months, the actress underwent 3 operations. During this time, she could be seen more than once with her husband in the cinema, museum, she even attended the London summit, was on the podium of the World Women's Forum in New York, and flew to the Congo as a goodwill ambassador. No one knew or guessed about the problem, because she never complained about her health and even carried her own backpacks. Today, the mammary glands have been removed and replaced with implants.

What awaits the actress?

Perhaps Angelina Jolie's biography will soon be supplemented with another unpleasant fact. After all, now she has to have her ovaries removed. Today the actress is gaining strength and preparing for surgery. Doctors say that after Angelina Jolie had her mammary glands removed, the mutation may spread to the ovaries. The probability of developing a malignant tumor on these organs is 50:50, and after removal the proportion will decrease to 1:20. For Jolie, this is a very important advantage, so she will probably do it after all, bringing the matter to the end. We wish her and her large family good health.


More recently, the principle of the formation of cancer cells in women was discovered. It turns out that they begin to arise precisely in these organs. But whether to cut them or not is something everyone decides for themselves.

Deputy Director of the Scientific Oncology Center D. Zaridze claims that there are two ways to treat this disease. The first is removal, and the second is active surveillance of women with increased hereditary risks of breast cancer. This means that a woman should be examined every six months, and maybe more often: have a mammogram and an ultrasound examination.


Angelina Jolie had her mammary glands removed in one of the best clinics in the USA. She was near her all the time. They did everything in secret, the paparazzi are now nervously biting their elbows, because they never managed to find out or film anything.

The actress's doctor, Dr. Karlan, once treated her mother. Therefore, she is well aware of the film star’s heredity. In the early 90s. The doctor was part of a group of specialists who found that a mutation in one gene leads to the occurrence and development of ovarian and breast cancer. Unfortunately, this mutation is inherited from a person's parents.

Dr. Karlan argues that in the 21st century, with modern technology, it is extremely important to determine which relatives were sick with what and who died from what. This knowledge can save the lives of the next generation.

Such a bold step will allow a woman to be with her children longer. After all, she knows firsthand what it’s like to lose a loved one. Her mother and grandmother had ovarian and breast cancer. Not everyone can make such a choice, but it gave Angelina more confidence in the future.

A little biography

Angelina Jolie Voight, born into an acting family, grew up in an atmosphere of cinema and dreams of a stellar future, which were later brought to life thanks to the upbringing of her parents and great success in learning the profession. Together with her brother, little Angelina began her acquaintance with cinema while living in New York, after which she began to study the basics of acting in Los Angeles. The City of Angels became a starting point for the future famous actress, allowing her to participate first in modest films unknown to the general public, and then become a heroine who received a Golden Globe.

Throughout her acting career, Angelina has repeatedly received various awards and received great recognition in action films. Later, having connected her life with another public figure and simply darling Brad Pitt, the star Lara Croft conquered the horizons of motherhood. Today this successful woman is the mother of a huge family, a UN Goodwill Ambassador and simply a beauty who has created her own destiny with the support of her beloved mother.

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