Nose contouring. How to visually make your nose smaller using makeup

Tips before correction

Visually changing the shape of your nose at home is easier than it seems at first glance. This type of makeup is based on two main principles:

What are these means

In fact, no special tools are needed. Take foundation, concealer, powder, blush and eye shadow. A condition that must be strictly observed is that the tone of the products should be one or two units darker or lighter than your skin. Then you can easily draw the lines you need and design your appearance.

You will need tools:

  • flat beveled brush;
  • sponge;
  • a set of brushes;
  • angled fluffy brush.

I’ll say right away: at some moments the most suitable “tool” will be the fingers, thin, soft, sensitive, feeling all the unevenness and roughness of the face.

It is better to start learning contouring with loose products: they are easier to shade and will create a matte skin effect. It is possible to use several tones. However, on too dry skin they can accentuate flaking and show fine lines.

Creamy textures do not clog wrinkles and folds on the face and visually reduce pores. The color is more saturated, they are used more economically. But there are also complex nuances: they need to be shaded very carefully, achieving a natural result, and they tend to roll off and create an unwanted shine.

Experienced makeup artists advise first creating contours with creamy bases, and “fixing” them with crumbly products on top.

Modern contouring from a makeup artist

You can use highlighter as the final step. However, there is always no need for it. It all depends on the goal, the moment and the style. If you need a natural, muted glow, then glitter is of no use. If you want to spice up your look with subtle highlights or are wearing evening makeup, please use this pearlescent product.

How to prepare the skin?

Preparing the skin before applying makeup and contouring the nose is an important stage that is responsible for the quality of subsequent work.

You need to do the following:

  • First, remove all cosmetics on the skin. Despite the fact that only the nose will be corrected, it is important to take care of the cleanliness of the entire face. For example, when applying foundation, eye makeup can be imprinted on the skin around you and ruin the work done.
  • After removing makeup, you need to wash your face using a cleanser. It is important to note that the water should be at room temperature. This is due to the effect of liquid temperature on the pores. After washing with contrasting water, the pores narrow or, conversely, secrete an excess amount of sebaceous glands, which will inevitably affect the quality of makeup.
  • Then apply your usual moisturizer or makeup base. The final stage of preparation is matting with a foundation that is close in color to the natural skin tone.

  • How to choose a corrector?

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    To make nose contouring as natural as possible, you need to choose the right cosmetic product.

    Here are a few nuances:

  • A cream-based concealer makes it much easier to apply lines and curves; it blends easily, allowing for a smooth transition. It is recommended to use this product for daytime makeup.
  • Dry concealer allows you to do makeup quickly and efficiently. However, you need to be careful with it, since the drawn lines may be too saturated.
  • In the absence of any of the listed types of correctors, you can use matte bronzer, powder or brown eyeshadow.

  • What brushes are needed for facial contouring?

    Brushes for contouring the nose and the entire face are:

  • beveled;
  • flat;
  • fan-shaped;
  • straight cut kabuki.
  • An angled brush is commonly used to apply blush. In this case, it is useful for blending bronzer powder under the cheekbone line. The beveled cut facilitates more precise application and distribution of the product.

    The flat brush makes it easy to apply highlighter strictly to the desired area of ​​the nose. Take a little product onto the brush and apply it to the corner above the upper lip, the bridge of the nose, the chin, over the tip of the eyebrow and other areas that need to be highlighted. Using the same brush, dark accents are applied to certain parts of the face. Thanks to its shape and small size, the brush makes every movement precise.

    The fan brush allows you to apply dry cosmetics without excess due to its shape and volume. In addition, it is often used to remove crumbled residues of cosmetic products from the face.

    Kabuki with a straight cut is an indispensable brush for thorough blending of both dry and cream concealers.

    Potato nose

    Since ancient times, this nose shape has been considered rustic, and society ladies were ready to go to any lengths to bring the shape closer to an aristocratic, chiseled nose. Today, to correct a wide nose, cosmetics in contrasting shades are sufficient.

    Contouring of the nose with potatoes is performed as follows:

  • Foundation or dry corrector of a light tone is applied to the bridge of the nose, bridge of the nose and the central part of the forehead. The same shade is used to lighten the chin and the area of ​​skin under the eyes. A dark base is applied to the wings of the nose, cheekbones and nostrils.
  • With a brush with an oblique cut or using a sponge, shade is done, moving from the central part to the right and left. The transition should be smooth and invisible. Then the face is lightly powdered with powder with reflective particles.

  • Method one

    This is plastic. Plastic surgery is very effective in dealing with this problem. But there are many contraindications for this method. And not everyone will decide to go under the surgeon’s knife. Therefore, we will not consider this method in great depth, and we will not recommend it; this is still the work of specialists. But some things can be discussed.


    • This method will allow you not to think about this problem. And you won’t have to make daily efforts to help your nose look smaller.
    • Perhaps many complexes will disappear, and this very often helps to change your life for the better.
    • Also, with size, you can correct various external deviations and physical problems of this organ.


    • You can make a mistake in choosing a clinic or specialist. And this may not satisfy you with the result, but disappoint you. And cause great harm to your health, both physical and mental.
    • No matter what, it’s still an operation. And therefore there may be various postoperative negative consequences. It's always worth remembering this.
    • The postoperative period is quite long. That is, you will still be walking around swollen with bruises under your eyes for quite some time, and you will feel all the “delights” of healing. And naturally you will have to limit yourself in many ways.

    Aquiline nose

    This nose shape is more often called aquiline or Caucasian; if for men this is one of the signs of masculinity, then for women it is a big problem. The more pronounced the hump on the nose, the harsher and heavier the facial features look. Visually correcting this nose shape is much more difficult than all others, but nothing is impossible for a good makeup artist.

    Contouring a nose with a hump is done as follows:

  • First of all, you need to apply a light foundation to the area of ​​skin between the eyebrows. Then a contrasting dark color on the hump. Nothing else is highlighted, so as not to inadvertently emphasize the bulge.
  • Carefully shade the edges of the darkening. Here it is necessary to clarify that excessive shading will hide traces of correction, and an insufficiently smooth transition will create the impression that the nose is stained with dirt.
  • Carrying out the operation

    Before performing the operation, it is necessary to consult with a surgeon to determine the ideal form and type of surgical intervention. Then you need to take tests:

    1. ECG;
    2. General and biochemical blood tests, as well as coagulation tests and determination of group and Rh factor;
    3. Tests for the presence of hepatitis, AIDS and syphilis;
    4. Fluorography;
    5. Analysis of urine.

    2 weeks before surgery, you must stop taking medications that affect blood clotting and blood pressure. 2-3 days before rhinoplasty, you should avoid taking vitamin E and avoid sunbathing, visiting the sauna, bathhouse and swimming pool. Smoking and using cosmetics are not recommended, and drinking alcohol is strictly prohibited. You must stop eating and drinking 6–12 hours before surgery.

    The operation itself takes place in a hospital setting under local or, more often, general anesthesia. Depending on the amount of work, the operation can last up to 3 hours. To have an idea of ​​how rhinoplasty works, just watch a video of the process.

    After the operation, the patient must spend several days in the hospital under the supervision of medical personnel. For the first 3 days, cotton swabs should be continuously placed in the patient’s nose, and the dressing should be changed once a day. Only after removing the tampons, when the swelling subsides, can the patient be discharged.

    After surgery, it is necessary to listen to the restrictions imposed by the surgeon. These include:

    Prohibition of solid, salty and spicy foods, refusal to eat before bed; Prohibition of smoking and drinking alcohol, as well as certain medications; Prohibition on visiting the bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, solarium; It is necessary to limit yourself in active sports, physical activity and sex; It is necessary to sleep strictly on your back, try not to tilt your head and shower carefully. Washing your hair should be coordinated with your doctor and follow his recommendations.

    The entire rehabilitation process takes about a year. In the first week, the patient must wear a bandage, bandage or plaster, and also seriously limit himself in movement and solid food.

    These days, it is especially important not to get an infection and not to put pressure on the nose, so as not to spoil the result. Swelling of the entire face may occur, which will subside in 1–2 days.

    Over the next three weeks, the surgeon removes the cast and blood clots and rinses the nose. Active recovery occurs over the next 3 months, swelling and signs of side effects subside, but minor changes may subside until the end of the year.

    A long nose

    Most women consider their nose to be long, even if this is not always the case. In such cases, visual contouring of the nose is exactly what is needed. It is done like this:

  • The bridge of the nose from the bridge to the tip is highlighted. Then the resulting light area is outlined with a dark corrector, and the line should not be very thick. The tip of the nose, the bridge between the nostrils and the hollow above the lip are darkened.
  • Then the borders are carefully shaded, ensuring a smooth transition.
  • After this, using a light highlighter, the bridge of the nose can be further highlighted.

  • The rest of the makeup

    Nose correction will look natural and harmonious only if you use the same shades for the rest of your makeup. For example, a selected sculptor can be additionally applied to the cheekbone area to support the intended makeup course.

    For daytime looks, makeup artists recommend avoiding active sculpting to avoid the mask effect. In most cases, applying a light highlight and shading it responsibly is enough. If you cannot do without a dark pigment, rely on the most natural shade possible.

    For a beautiful look, apply your makeup near a window in natural light. This is the only way to make the transitions between shades smooth and imperceptible.

    Keep in mind that correction of facial features is not always successful the first time - many girls need to practice several times to achieve their goal.

    To achieve the desired result as quickly as possible, remember that the first movements of the brush should always be applicative, and subsequent movements should be soft and shading.

    If you like to watch master classes from top makeup artists, you may have probably noticed that professionals in their field often apply makeup directly with their fingertips. For example, this method is welcome when creating a correction for dark circles under the eyes. However, when correcting the shape of the nose, it is recommended to use special accessories to gradually create a smooth border, and not just smudge makeup.

    Makeup that completes nose correction may involve the design of plump lips or expressive eyes - these are excellent distractions from the problem area. In this case, you can also use a number of tricks from makeup artists.

    Reduction of the wings and tip of the nose

    To visually narrow the wide wings of this part of the face with makeup, you must adhere to the following recommendations.

    The following technique will help reduce a girl’s big nose:

  • A thin line of light foundation should be applied to the bridge of the nose. On the wings - a dark tinting agent.
  • The transition between colors should be subtle. It is better to remove the excess than to make the corrector layer thick.
  • The arrows on the eyes visually balance the proportions of the nose.
  • Often girls are dissatisfied not so much with their nose as with its overly elongated or pointed tip. You can hide this flaw by applying a dark foundation on both sides of the tip. Another trick is to apply bright eyeshadow on the lower eyelids. Narrow eyebrows also visually balance the proportions of the face. A rich lipstick will be a distracting accent.

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