Rhinoplasty for correction of bulbous deformity of the nasal tip

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Rhinoplasty, what is it?

Rhinoplasty - changing the shape of the nose. The intervention can be purely aesthetic, that is, work with the external, visible part - correcting the hump, narrowing, raising the tip of the nose. Or maybe for medical reasons, that is, in addition to correcting the shape, also restoring full nasal breathing.

Nose contouring with hyaluronic acid filler

Just a few years ago it was difficult to imagine that anyone other than a surgeon could correct and improve the shape of the nose. Surgical rhinoplasty is a rather complex operation that requires long-term rehabilitation. Of course, for people with impaired nasal breathing or the need for global changes in the shape and size of the nose, this is in any case an inevitable option. But for those who need only external improvements and, in comparison, very insignificant ones, they always wanted a softer version of the correction. And for this it is not enough to watch a cosmetologist’s blog on the topic of facial cleansing. Here the thing is much more serious in all respects. We are changing our face!

Nose correction with hyaluronic acid is a method that helps correct several features on the nose without surgery:

  • smooth out or eliminate a hump
  • smooth or eliminate nasal asymmetry
  • raise the tip of the nose
  • straighten the shape of the nose after injuries, surgeries

Before the procedure, the doctor conducts a consultation and examination to determine whether contour plastic surgery will give the expected result and find out the presence of possible contraindications.

Non-surgical correction methods

Many patients are afraid of surgery and want minimal intervention. Although such methods do exist and even work, they can only cope with minor violations. In the vast majority of cases, non-surgical correction methods only visually mask flaws, but do not eliminate them.

Contour plastic

This is a correction method based on the introduction of special drugs – fillers – into problem areas. Playing the role of fillers, such products can soften some flaws and make them less noticeable, replenish the missing volume of tissue, and remove slight asymmetry.

However, in relation to the nose “potato”, a similar method is unlikely to work. Since a wide nasal tip and excessive tissue volume require reduction, not enlargement, introducing additional substance into the problem area will only worsen the situation.

Lipolytic injections

Such products work great in resolving scars, but they must be used with great caution to remove soft tissues of the nose. Incorrect calculation of dosage or errors during administration can lead to unexpected results for everyone.

Drugs are not able to rid the patient of a potato nose; only surgery can completely remove the defect. Lipolitics can:

  • reduce the amount of subcutaneous fat;
  • remove excess intercellular fluid;
  • reduce swelling;
  • increase tissue regeneration;
  • reduce skin porosity.

The tip of the nose after a course of injections becomes narrower and less fleshy. However, the measure is temporary, the result will sooner or later disappear, and the procedure will have to be repeated.

Beauty injections or botulinum toxin correction

The method, which has gained enormous popularity in the field of rejuvenation, in some cases can also help with nose correction. Especially if changes in shape are caused by age-related processes.

During the procedure, special preparations based on botulinum toxin are injected into the problem area, which can slightly raise the tip and narrow the nostrils. Unfortunately, the effect is short-term - up to 8 months, and then the procedure must be repeated.

Massage and gymnastics

In modern language, a set of exercises for correcting facial defects is called face building. Many options have been developed to reduce or lengthen the nose, eliminate hump, narrow the tip, and straighten the septum. However, this practice does not bring noticeable results even after daily exercise for a long time. The nose does not shrink with potatoes; the only positive effect of such exercises is stimulation of blood circulation.


Visually masking aesthetic flaws using decorative cosmetics is the fastest and most affordable option for nose correction using potatoes. Unfortunately, even high-quality and expensive makeup will not correct age-related changes, the consequences of injuries and breathing problems. It can only temporarily reduce the volume and slightly simulate the shape.

Whether to spend time and money on dubious methods or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. The main thing is not to forget that the only truly effective and durable way to fix your nose with potatoes is surgery. Time-tested and original methods of rhinoplasty and rhinoseptoplasty will help make your face more aesthetically pleasing and attractive, get rid of snoring and difficulty breathing, and also eliminate psychological discomfort associated with dissatisfaction with your own appearance. Well, if surgery is contraindicated, cosmetologists from the GALAXY Beauty Institute will come to the rescue.

Why are people interested in rhinoplasty without surgery?

The answer is obvious. I would like to fix the existing problem. Some people do not like the relief of the nose in the form of a hump or drooping tip of the nose. At the same time, I don’t want to take additional risks when doing surgery. Rhinoplasty is a complex operation, and not every surgeon, even a plastic one, undertakes it. This is far from blepharoplasty. Rhinoplasty involves anesthesia and a serious rehabilitation period, which is painful and long.

The biggest disadvantage of surgical rhinoplasty is that
you can’t return it to how it was!
That is, if suddenly you don’t like something! The shape of the nose is not the same, something went wrong... then you will have to undergo another operation.

Along with the advent of fillers, it became possible to correct the nose with gel (based on hyaluronic acid). Anamnesis is collected, indications and contraindications are clarified.

I'm taking pain relief. Within 15 minutes I correct the nose and the person leaves with a new nose . Of course, the demand for such a procedure gradually began to go off scale and this is normal.

VIDEO - Why are people interested in rhinoplasty without surgery?

Recommendations and advice from a plastic surgeon during the rehabilitation period

After the operation, three months must pass for the nose to take its final shape, but you will see the final result only after six months.
During this time, swelling disappears, hematomas resolve, and cartilage tissue is restored. I strongly recommend avoiding injuries and any damage at this time. There are several rules that will help with this:

  • I advise you to sleep only on your back;
  • do not lift or carry heavy things, do not strain;
  • exclude physical activity for this period;
  • do not blow your nose for 14 days;
  • avoid hypothermia and colds;
  • get vaccinated early;
  • after correction, do not visit the solarium or sunbathe for two months;
  • also exclude the pool for two months;
  • Avoid hot or too cold water and contrast showers.

For the regeneration process, not only the physical, but the psychological state is important. Therefore, I recommend avoiding stress and other traumatic situations. Airplanes also need to be postponed for a month. It is not recommended to fly by plane for a month.

All recommendations of the attending physician should be followed. This also applies to taking medications. To prevent the inflammatory reaction and suppuration, antibiotics are prescribed. The duration of their use is determined by the plastic surgeon, who monitors recovery after surgery. Additionally, antihistamines can be prescribed to relieve swelling, and, if necessary, hormonal and painkillers.

The results of bulbous nose surgery last a lifetime.

How to fix your nose without surgery

There are nuances when a person has a broken nose, when nasal breathing is impaired. This affects his health, but the cosmetologist cannot do anything here. And if you need to correct external signs, for example, some kind of depression on the nose, a hump, or raise the tip of the nose, then you can improve it very significantly without resorting to the help of a surgeon.

In my practice, there were situations when girls came from surgeons.

The surgeon told them: “Don’t bother, go to a cosmetologist and fix everything that you don’t like!”

The surgeon understands that what needs to be fixed is not worth the risks involved in the operation.

The procedure for non-surgical rhinoplasty is in demand and a very common question that arises during the procedure of rhinoplasty with injections: “How is it that you add volume with a drug, but the lips increase, which means the nose should increase, as well as the lips and cheekbones?

In fact, the nose visually shrinks because we add the drug at secret points, thanks to which the profile of the nose becomes neater, the nose becomes more upturned and the hump that visually enlarged the nose goes away. It turns out that in some places I am enlarging my nose, but visually it is shrinking! Here's the thing! It's worth a try if you need it.

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Roman nose

It was thanks to ancient Roman sculptures that the form received its name. A distinctive feature of such a nose is a slight hump, which attracts the attention of others.

As a rule, those with a Roman nose know how and love to influence other people even with simple words, and they do it well. These men are stubborn and ambitious.

The organizational skills and leadership qualities of those with a Roman profile are certainly noteworthy.

Owners of a Roman nose (straight, long nose with a slightly lowered tip) are a reliable rear for a woman. They are courageous, energetic, stable in relationships, and always provide financial well-being for the family thanks to their outstanding analytical skills. In a word, no crisis is scary with such a man.

But there is one nuance: in terms of energy, such men are interested in seeing a strong woman next to them, capable of challenging them. This man will quickly get bored with the submissive gray mouse, and he will again go in search of the Amazon woman.

Nose correction - before and after 1

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 1

In this case, a young girl asked whether it was possible to correct a hump on her nose and raise the tip of her nose without surgery. She was also concerned that the tip of her nose droops quite far when she smiles. During the examination, it became clear that correction with filler is possible and the result will be sufficient. The drug was selected in a small volume and medium density.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia with cream and is tolerated comfortably. The result is visible immediately. Slight swelling and bruising may occur, but is rare. The effect lasts 6-12 months, after repeated correction up to 18 months.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • fix hump
  • without surgery
  • filler correction
  • under local anesthesia
  • Effect 6-12 months

Cost of injection and surgical rhinoplasty

The price of rhinoplasty for the removal of a potato nose varies within 250,000 rubles. The final cost includes preparation, patient care after surgery, consumables, fees for the surgeon and members of the assisting team.

The price is influenced by the prestige of the clinic and the qualifications of the operating surgeon. When performing revision rhinoplasty (for example, correction of complications after the intervention of another surgeon), it costs much more, since it requires a special approach and is complicated by existing changes.

Nose correction - before and after 2

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 2

Almost always, a person who is planning nose correction with filler has a completely logical question: since additional volume is introduced, does that mean the nose will become larger? The concerns are understandable, because you are coming for a procedure to visually reduce your nose, not enlarge it. The answer is that the nose protrudes forward due to its shape, often with a hump.

The filler is injected at several points in such a way that the nose becomes almost straight, and sometimes even upturned, and thanks to this it seems to decrease in size. This is an optical illusion, but still. The nose does not become larger with proper distribution of the drug.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Make your nose smaller
  • Short rehabilitation
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream

Greek nose

The Greek nose is characterized by a straight, long shape; as a rule, there are no humps on it. Owners of such noses are hardworking and ambitious men. Often, thanks to their strong nature, they achieve their goals, despite the thorny path.

Men with the so-called Greek profile are very intelligent and developed natures, guided primarily by their own logic. They are naturally very intelligent and therefore reliable. You can fully count on the fact that they will always provide a reliable shoulder and help you out in any difficult situation.

Men with a Greek nose are very practical and faithful to their loved ones - calm, faithful husbands, good friends and excellent colleagues. Literally the standard in everything! They are very responsible in their choice of everything: wife, job, friends.

Men with a “Greek” profile are open with their loved ones. But with strangers or unfamiliar people they are quite secretive. They like home and comfort. They don’t like parties, get-togethers and noisy companies. And these men don’t like to be the center of attention.

It is very difficult for such people to talk about their feelings, which is why they seem rather withdrawn.

Nose correction - before and after 3

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 3

A hump and deformation of the nasal bridge can be not only congenital, but acquired after an injury, for example, or illness. This is an even more annoying problem because usually the problem not only exists, but it progresses over the years. If nasal breathing is impaired, that is, the septum is deviated, then only surgical intervention is possible - surgical rhinoplasty.

But if the changes are only external, as in this case, then it is quite possible to do without surgery and correct this feature with filler based on hyaluronic acid. The effect lasts from 6 to 18 months, local anesthesia is creamy, the duration of the entire procedure, including pain relief, is no more than 45-60 minutes. Rehabilitation usually lasts 2-4 days, rarely up to 7

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Procedure 45-60 min.
  • Rehabilitation 2-4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream


  • Can there be complications after correction? Complications are explained by the correctness of postoperative care, the quality of the operation performed and the peculiarities of the patient’s immune system. Side effects include bleeding, allergic reactions, swelling of soft tissues, which causes difficulty breathing, as well as a decrease in the threshold of sensitivity of the skin in the nose area, hematomas, atrophy of nasal cartilage, infectious diseases, dysfunction of the sense of smell, skin pigmentation, and septal deformation.
  • Are there any age restrictions? Plastic surgery of the nose is best performed at the age of 20-40 years, but there may be exceptions to the rule - deformation of the nose as a result of bruises or injuries.

In conclusion, it must be said that a potato nose is absolutely not a life sentence. This defect can be dealt with in different ways. With the development of technology, medicine, scientific and technological progress in cosmetology, an increasing number of methods are appearing for correcting defects in appearance - from radical to gentle cosmetic methods.

Nose correction - before and after 4

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 4

The photo shows a great example of how a straighter and more even bridge of the nose can make the face more feminine and softer. Correct shadows, no recesses, no hump, the tip of the nose looks up - what could be more harmonious? This shape of the nasal bridge is an excellent basis for non-surgical rhinoplasty, that is, correction with filler based on hyaluronic acid.

The density of the drug is always selected during consultation - it can be a medium density or high viscosity gel. The correct selection determines the amount of the drug used, the usefulness of the effect, and its duration. The effect of filler is always temporary - 6-18 months, after repeated correction it lasts longer. The procedure is performed under local anesthesia, is tolerated comfortably, rehabilitation lasts 2-4 days.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure is comfortable
  • Rehabilitation 2-4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Anesthesia cream

Contouring – what is it?

Contouring was invented in order to give the desired proportions to the faces of Hollywood actors during filming. The bright light of the spotlights did not transform them for the better, and correction was necessary.

Essentially, contouring is the correction of facial features without surgery using cosmetics. For this manipulation, dry or cream products are used, which are selected in accordance with the natural skin tone. According to makeup artists, using optical illusion you can correct any part of the face: make your cheeks less plump, your cheekbones high, and your nose perfectly straight. The main advantage of the technique is its complete safety. It’s a pity that the previous proportions return once you remove the makeup from the skin.

Nose correction - before and after 5

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 5

Doesn't the nose become wider after correction? This is a very common question. When we smooth out the hump or raise the tip, the nose does not become wider; on the contrary, in some places it even becomes thinner and more miniature. But when it comes to the need to correct the “full face”, that is, asymmetry, when the nose has moved a little to the side or there are some depressions, then with just a little correction the nose can become wider. But the plus is that no one will notice this, because a straight nose always looks more aesthetically pleasing than a nose with asymmetry, even if it is 1-2 mm wider at the back.

In this photo you can see how correcting asymmetry changes the nose and the overall perception of the face for the better. The effect lasts up to 6-18 months. Local anesthesia, cream. The procedure time is 45-60 minutes with consultation and anesthesia. It feels like it can be carried comfortably. Rehabilitation from several hours to 3-4 days.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure is comfortable
  • Rehabilitation up to 4 days
  • Effect 6-18 months
  • Local anesthesia

Roman nose

An aquiline nose (high, hooked, with a curved tip like a beak) indicates the complex character of its owner. Such people are cunning, resourceful, decisive in their actions, always pursuing their own goals, shamelessly using those around them. Their slogan: “The end justifies the means.” The main thing for them is their career; they can achieve high positions, especially in politics and business.

But they also value family and strive for prosperity in every way. But they are completely intolerant of their enemies, vindictive and vindictive. They can be vain, arrogant, and unpredictably cunning. Often, but not to the detriment of the family, they make connections on the side.

An aquiline nose speaks of inconstancy and falsehood. The owner of such a nose always feels offended and longs for revenge.

If you meet a man with an aquiline nose, be on your guard: this is a true macho. He may not be considered a canonical handsome man, but he is so sexy and attractive that not a single lady can resist the charm of this Don Juan. They are persistent in their aspirations and achieve their goals. That's why they make the most persistent women fall in love with them.

He is extremely loving, and also selfish. You will never be the only one in his life, this man is too hot.

Nose correction - before and after 6

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 6

A fairly common situation is when a whole syringe of filler for nose correction turns out to be too much and we have the opportunity to refresh another area on the face. Mostly, patients choose the lips as the second correction zone. A small amount can make a very delicate correction, but in general, after working on the nose and lips, the face is truly transformed. Pay attention to the photo - the correction is not noticeable, but at the same time the lips have become more expressive, more sensual and positive, and the nose is visually shorter and looks neater on the face - more straight and upturned.

This correction was carried out using 1 ml of hyaluronic acid filler and took about 60 minutes. The effect will last for 8-12 months. Local anesthesia cream. The procedure feels comfortable. Rehabilitation in the nose area: 2-4 days, lips up to a week.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The correction is invisible
  • Rehabilitation up to 4 days
  • Effect 6-12 months
  • Local anesthesia
  • 1 ml filler

Nubian nose

This nose is also very common and is most often found in men of African and East Asian descent. The Nubian nose is characterized by its short length, flat back and wide wings.

Men with Nubian noses tend to be creative, passionate, emotional, bright and very inquisitive. They are attractive and charismatic and have an open mind. They are excellent communicators and can easily cope with problems that arise. It's very easy to make friends with them.

Nose correction - before and after 7

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 7

Quite often people come to the appointment for advice on nose correction. Basically to hear that there are no options, surgery is needed. And indeed, when there is pronounced asymmetry, the nose does not breathe due to a displaced septum, or, for example, there is a desire to significantly reduce the size of the nose, then of course you should immediately see a surgeon. And when the size of the nose is not so important, but you just want to visually smooth out the hump and thereby “soften” the facial features, then a cosmetologist can almost always help.

So it is in this case. We needed 1 procedure to smooth out the hump and lift the tip of the nose. The nose became straighter, even slightly upturned. The patient was pleased with the effect. In this case, the remaining filler in the syringe was used to lightly beautify the lips, which enhanced the effect of softness and femininity. A total of 1 ml of filler for both areas.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • The procedure, including pain relief, lasts 1 hour.
  • Application anesthesia - with a special cream
  • The procedure is comfortable and well tolerated
  • Rehabilitation 1-7 days. Effect up to a year.

Preparing for surgery

The first stage in preparing for the correction of a bulbous deformity of the tip of the nose is a consultation with a plastic surgeon.
It begins with an examination to identify the structural features of not only the nose, but also the overall facial features, so that after surgery everything looks harmonious. The doctor assesses the condition of the tissues and determines the type and extent of the operation. Even before the correction begins, the patient can imagine his future appearance on a 3D model. To do this, photographs are taken in three projections and the future nose is modeled using a program. However, please note that the final result may vary slightly because the healing process is influenced by the individual body's response.

During the consultation, the doctor collects information about chronic diseases, pathologies, bad habits, and allergies.

After examination and receiving test results, the plastic surgeon develops a surgical plan. If necessary, he refers the patient to other specialists, including an anesthesiologist. The final decision is made taking into account the wishes of the patient and objective data.

Analyzes and research

Analyzes are required at the preliminary stage. They include blood tests for infections (syphilis, hepatitis), biochemistry, prothrombin, Rh factor, general analysis. Other examinations are also necessary:

  • ECG with conclusion;
  • fluorography;
  • radiography of the paranasal sinuses.

This is the required minimum. Other tests and studies are also prescribed according to indications.


For those planning surgical nose correction, there are a number of restrictions:

  • Ultraviolet radiation should be avoided for a month; this restriction applies to visiting solariums, beaches and other methods of tanning;
  • deep peeling is prohibited for a month;
  • two weeks before plastic surgery, you should not drink alcohol or smoke;
  • taking blood thinners, hormonal agents and antibiotics must be stopped two weeks before the correction.

On the day of the operation, you should not drink or eat anything, and during the day the diet should consist of easily digestible dishes. The day before surgery, you should only eat light food. Before the operation, you need to wash off decorative cosmetics from your face, take a warm shower, and remove jewelry.

Nose correction - before and after 8

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 8

A common reason for people seeking nose correction is unevenness of the nasal bridge. In profile and from the front, the nose can be perfect and chiseled, but in projection the half-cup has some irregularities that create the effect of a hump. For those who find this feature significant, injection rhinoplasty with hyaluronic acid fillers may well be indicated. The drug is administered at several points in such a way that the line of the nose from any point of view becomes ideal.

In this case, 0.6 ml of medium density filler was used. The procedure took 45 minutes including pain relief. The patient tolerated it very well. Rehabilitation lasted about 2-3 days (there was slight swelling on the back of the nose). The effect of the procedure lasts up to 1 year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • 0.6 ml medium density filler
  • The procedure took 45 minutes
  • Rehabilitation 2-3 days
  • The effect of the procedure is up to 1 year

Snub nose

The nose shape, characterized by a curved tip, is considered one of the most desirable nose shapes in the world.

As a rule, those who have a snub nose are optimistic and friendly. They believe that even problems in life must be solved with a smile on their face.

Such men are fun and easy to communicate with. They are the life of the party, full of optimism, faith in a bright future and rarely lose heart. But at the same time, they are very vulnerable, it is very easy to offend them. By the way, such people’s taste is fine.

Men with snub noses are loving and naturally sexy. They love it when everything is in motion, they cannot stay in one place and are always looking for new goals and tasks. Hearts also choose ladies who are open, cheerful and smart.

Women feel the aura emanating from such men and are easily carried away by them. The one who can help him overcome all fears and prejudices and does not shy away from his absurd character will eventually find a faithful and reliable life partner, and relationships with him will never turn into a routine.

Nose correction - before and after 9

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 9

In this case, the patient wanted to reduce the severity of the hump and the drooping of the tip of the nose during facial expressions, in particular when smiling. Such corrections are possible using a combination of Botox + filler, or using one method. Here we only used filler. The photo shows how nose contouring allows you to change the profile - the nose becomes visually smaller, the tip of the nose is perkier, including when smiling, the girl’s facial features are softer.

This procedure took about an hour. It was performed under anesthesia with a special cream, and the patient tolerated it very well. The recovery period is 1-7 days, it depends on whether bruises appear after the injections. In the case of non-surgical rhinoplasty, bruises are rare. The effect in the case of a pronounced hump after the first procedure usually lasts up to six months, but the hump does not appear to the same extent, it just becomes a little more visible. After repeating the procedure, as usual, the effect lasts up to a year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Pain relief with a special cream
  • Effect up to six months
  • The procedure took about 1 hour
  • Repeatedly - Effect up to 1 year

Recovery after rhinoplasty

Rehabilitation depends on the extent of the intervention performed, the nature of the changes, and the type of surgery. Rehabilitation includes early and late recovery periods. In the first days after the intervention, complete rest, regular inspections of the operation site, antiseptic treatment of sutures and toilet of the nasal passages are indicated. After 3-5 days, the patient goes home with the following recommendations:

  • continue wearing a plaster cast to avoid displacement of cartilage for at least 10-12 days;
  • observe a protective regime, avoid injury and physical activity;
  • frequent rinsing of the nose with saline solution to avoid infection;
  • Avoid visiting a hot bath, sauna, solarium and direct sunlight.

You need to sleep only on your back, avoid squeezing with a pillow while sleeping. Until complete healing, you should not wear glasses; it is better to give preference to contact lenses.

To reduce pain, reduce swelling and bruises, symptomatic local and systemic medications are prescribed. Usually all unpleasant sensations disappear after 5-10 days from the moment the intervention is performed. If any discomfort, bleeding, increased swelling, or deterioration in general health occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Nose correction - before and after - 10

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 10

In my practice, I often encounter patients asking me to correct two areas at the same time - the nose and lips. In fact, this option gives excellent results if there are indications for it. In this case, the patient’s “before” nose does not have a noticeable hump and is very neat. The need for correction arose because he sank down during facial expressions.

A very small amount of filler was used to correct the nose and we used the remainder of the product for light dynamic beauty of the lips. The result in both areas was more than natural and the patient was satisfied. The procedure, including anesthesia, took about an hour. Rehabilitation takes up to 7 days, as the lips react to injections with swelling and bruising. The effect lasts up to a year.

Cosmetologist's work:
  • Pain relief with a special cream
  • Effect up to a year
  • The procedure took about 1 hour
  • Rehabilitation up to 7 days

Nixon's nose

It can be called a one-of-a-kind nose, which is characterized by straightness and length. According to statistics, less than 1% of the population has such a nose.

Men with Nixon noses make quick decisions. In addition, they do not choose any path unless they are sure that it is 100% correct.

People around him love to spend time with such a person and listen to him speak.

Nose correction - before and after - 11

Non-surgical rhinoplasty – 11

Correcting a hump is the most common reason for seeking non-surgical rhinoplasty. This is quite understandable, because in profile, the presence of a hump and recess in the area of ​​the nose visually enlarges even the most neat nose. In this case, this trend is very clearly visible in the “before” photo. In this case, a small amount of filler was used to achieve the full effect of leveling the hump, in addition to slightly raising the tip of the nose. The “after” photo shows how much the profile of the face and nose can change even after a very minor correction.

The procedure took about 45 minutes. Anesthesia with a special cream. The patient tolerated the procedure easily and said that she felt comfortable. Rehabilitation 1-7 days. The effect lasts up to a year and disappears gradually. After a repeated procedure, as a rule, its duration is longer.

A long nose

A long nose in physiognomy indicates a conservative person, often also contemptuously arrogant, capable of intellectual, artistic and/or technical achievements.

Those with long noses are skilled seducers. When surrounded by women, such men feel like a “fish in water” and know how to find an approach to any lady. Just a glance is enough, and a woman is already conquered by such a man. Long-nosed people have a cheerful character, know how to joke subtly and are very charming, know how to look after beautifully, are romantic and amorous.

Men with long noses are more prone to cheating than others. Women with them usually experience bitterness and resentment.

If a man has a long straight nose, then he was born to be a leader. He has an excellent sense of business activity, innate high ambitions, a keen instinct and a developed instinct to conquer heights. A man easily creates his own path to success.

According to Chinese research, the longer a person's nose, the more serious a person he is. Men with this type of nose are sophisticated, creative, responsible and hardworking. They are almost not interested in the material aspects of life, they are more attracted to spiritual values, which is why there are so many men with long noses among scientists and religious figures.

The biggest problems often occur with such men precisely because they are a strong and independent person.

The only industry that is alien to this person is the field of commerce and business. It is unlikely that the owner of a long nose will become an entrepreneur, and attempts to increase capital are doomed to failure.

Some conservatism of views will not allow such a person to violate moral and legal laws, so we can safely foretell a measured, correct way of life for him.

The owner of a long, thin nose is endowed with talents in various fields and is capable of artistic or technical achievements. Proud, touchy and does not always get along with people. Such a person has high spirituality and intelligence, which helps to find oneself in this life and achieve maximum self-realization.

If the tip of the nose is small and pointed, this speaks of sophistication and rejection of everything coarse. Its owner is a shrewd and ambitious person who has a strong desire for money.

The narrow, pointed shape of a man’s nose speaks of a sensitive, vulnerable soul. He is extremely touchy, vindictive, and often sarcastically retorts remarks addressed to him. Surprisingly, with such a complex character, having met his one and only, he will become her faithful and loving spouse for life, and in sex, an ideal lover for the one for whom he has a strong feeling.

If the wings of the nostrils of a long nose are wide enough, this indicates a certain stability and consistency of character, which ensures relative stability in life. Its owner is a calm person with a stable temperament.

A very long nose includes the characteristics of a long nose, but in addition indicates that the person is likely to have a spiritual nature. Men with very long noses can be unrealistic, capricious and speculative.

If the nose is long and wide, and even if it does not correspond much with other features, this is the sign of a person with a stable character, with a calm temperament, and who is destined to “live a good life.”

A fairly long nose, perfectly balanced with the eyes, mouth and chin, with two deep lines on either side of the mouth, is ideal. The combination of these elements indicates a person of great authority, good temperament and honesty. Such people are sexually active, proud and active.


Even if a person is confident in his desire to change his nose, he needs to take into account the nuances. There are several reasons that prevent rhinoplasty. Prohibitions are associated with heredity and medical prescriptions.

Contraindications include:

  • The patient’s youth—it is not advisable to have surgery under 18 years of age;
  • The patient is after forty - during this period the body’s ability to regenerate decreases, so complications are possible;
  • Allergy to anesthesia;
  • Diseases of the heart, liver and kidneys;
  • Diabetes;
  • Active infections;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Cancer;
  • Pregnancy or the first time after childbirth;
  • Nasal inflammation;
  • Skin diseases.

Indications for non-surgical rhinoplasty

Of all the methods discussed above, three deserve trust: contouring using dermal filler, lipofilling and thread lifting. These methods are most effective when used in comprehensive rejuvenation and improvement of facial aesthetics. Thread lifting can be performed simultaneously with rejuvenation of the middle third of the face, contour plastic surgery and lipofilling - together with solving problems caused by age-related tissue deficiency and disruption of the facial relief inherent in youth. They are used less frequently as independent procedures.

The non-surgical rhinoplasty method, based on the administration of hormonal drugs, is dangerous. The aesthetic result is largely unpredictable, and the risks of medical and aesthetic complications are high. Exercises, massage and braces are ineffective, no matter how hard the authors of these methods try to convince you otherwise.

Tips from makeup artists for applying corrective makeup

Experts in applying contour makeup recommend adhering to the following scheme for applying cream corrective products:

  1. Be sure to apply the same foundation you use on your entire face to your nose. If you contour on an area without a base, it will look unnatural. Parts of the corrector will “get stuck” in the pores, will not blend well, and will appear in spots.
  2. Using a small flat brush, apply corrector to the sides of your nose, drawing straight lines. Do not follow natural curves. At this stage, you can adjust the shape of the nose: make it longer, shorter, thicker or wider.

Important! To avoid making the shade too intense, before darkening the sides of the nose, remove excess bronzer by running the brush over the back of your hand.

  1. The highlighter should be applied in a neat, even longitudinal line. It should not be drawn too short or uneven. There may be an illusion of a nose that is too wide or crooked.
  2. Blend the corrective products with a slightly damp sponge. Start with highlighter. Do not move the lines, but rather pat them, blurring the edges.
  3. Apply dry highlighter using a small fluffy brush. The line should be straight to avoid the visual illusion of curvature. The tip of a long nose should not be highlighted with highlighter.
  4. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of contouring, compare the photos before and after the procedure.

Using this scheme, you can contour using eye shadow, blush and other cream products. Watch the video for details:

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