Don't be like Viy: 5 effective exercises against the impending century

With age, the face ages. And if the creases on the forehead can be covered with bangs, drooping eyelids cannot be hidden. They give you a sullen look and make you look very old. But this can be fixed! Face fitness exercises, which were shown to us by an invited expert - natural rejuvenation coach Olga Kabuzan, will save us from the impending century.

Causes of drooping upper eyelids: congenital feature, swelling, tone or overstrain of facial muscles.
Olga Kabuzan Certified trainer in face fitness and natural rejuvenation.
The eyelids droop when the muscles weaken: they droop and pull all the tissues, including the skin, with them. Congenital drooping eyelids can be raised by 30-50%, and acquired ones, regardless of the cause, by 80-100%. The main thing is the right choice of exercises. If everything is done correctly, blood circulation will improve, causing the skin to become more elastic. If you have doubts about performing the exercises correctly, consult a specialist.

Basic mechanisms of age-related changes

The anatomy of the periorbital region, in which the problem of the hanging upper eyelid is observed, has its own characteristics. This specificity determines the maximum susceptibility of the area around the eyes to age-related changes, which include negative structural and biochemical transformations and a decrease in the ability to self-heal. Over time, the skin gradually becomes thinner, the thickness of the epidermis decreases, and the facial muscles lose tone. As a result, the muscle tissue that holds the upper eyelid in the correct position above the eye weakens, and ptosis occurs.

Degree of drooping eyelids
1.Partial ptosisThe eyelid hangs over 1/3 of the pupil
2.Incomplete ptosisClosed from 1/2 to 2/3 of the pupil
3.Complete ptosisThe pupil is completely closed

The inevitable aging processes occur in all parts of the eyelid, but the degree of intensity of degenerative changes depends on lifestyle, negative external influences, genetic factors and other individual characteristics that affect the structure of the skin and ligaments. The fight against the impending eyelid will be more effective if you correctly determine the causes of ptosis and act comprehensively to solve the problem, using various techniques on an ongoing basis.

Exercise 5

Place your hands on your forehead so that your eyebrows peek slightly out from under it. This position and slight pressure on the forehead should be maintained throughout the exercise. This way you will fix the skin, preventing it from forming wrinkles. Now open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows. Feel the tension on your eyelids. Create resistance with your fingers, preventing your eyebrows from rising. Keep your eyes open for 5 seconds, then close them for 5 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and do 3 more sets.

Expert's comments. You need to work with this zone regularly, but without fanaticism. If you do eye exercises 4-5 times a day, it will not get better. Muscles need moderate load. Depending on your age, you need to do face fitness 3 to 6 times a week.

Causes of drooping eyelids

  • Injuries

You may accidentally injure the muscle that lifts your upper eyelid. In most cases, this occurs due to falls and impacts. Damage is not excluded during surgical interventions. Other causes include wearing contact lenses for many years and frequent eye rubbing. It is recommended to see a doctor if your drooping upper eyelid does not go away or gets worse over time.

  • Myopia

The disease, better known as myopia, causes constant muscle tension. This problem is associated with the habit of squinting, which is common to many nearsighted people. As a result of severe overstrain, the muscles quickly lose tone and the upper eyelid droops.

  • Sleep quality

The quality of sleep greatly affects not only your well-being and mood, but also your appearance. The habit of sleeping in the “face-to-pillow” position or simply chronic lack of sleep has the most negative consequences, including drooping of the upper eyelid due to the constant destructive effect due to pressure on collagen fibers and other skin structures around the eyes.

  • Unbalanced diet

Excessive sugar consumption and other dietary disorders often lead to changes that cause drooping of the upper eyelid. This is due to the fact that the body does not receive enough nutrients necessary to maintain the firmness and elasticity of the skin around the eyes.

  • Botox

Beauty injections do not always lead to the expected result. If you contact a specialist who has minimal experience, as well as when using a low-quality botulinum toxin drug or for other reasons, Botox injections often lead to various complications. It is recommended to carry out the procedure with a cosmetologist who has an excellent reputation and reviews.

Exercise 1

Open your eyes wide. Choose one point in front of you and focus your gaze on it. Feel the tension in your eyelids. Mentally count to five. Close your eyes, but don't squint, count to five. Repeat the exercise 10 times without rest.

Expert's comments. Be careful not to tense your forehead. Over time, the exercise can be increased from 5 to 30 seconds. But remember to blink to avoid tears.

In what cases can you tighten your upper eyelids yourself?

It is possible to eliminate a cosmetic defect at home in all situations where the cause of a drooping eyelid is not related to medical problems. The results of correction depend on the choice of method, age and various individual characteristics. It is important to minimize risks and devote sufficient time to the problem. Non-surgical methods are usually considered in the initial stages, when drooping eyelids are purely an aesthetic defect.


The Facebook building method today is increasingly gaining popularity among representatives of the fair half of humanity. Properly selected exercises will help get rid of problem areas on the skin. With regular gymnastics, it is quite possible to lift the corners of the eyes, minimize the problem of the impending eyelid, eliminate expression wrinkles, and get rid of crow's feet. And remember that experts unanimously say that it is better to prevent a problem than to eliminate it. Therefore, after 20 years, it is better to do gymnastics to tighten the eyelids, as a preventive measure.

Salon treatments

  1. Laser blepharoplasty

Cosmetologists often offer laser removal of drooping eyelids. This is a procedure in which fractional rejuvenation techniques are used to correct defects or improve the aesthetics of the area around the eyes. The results last up to 5 years.

  1. Injection blepharoplasty of eyelids

Correction of age-related changes with an injection is a common technique used to eliminate various aesthetic problems. The action of the drugs is aimed at regenerating the skin in the upper eyelid area.

  1. Hardware eye lift

RF lifting is used to rejuvenate and eliminate various cosmetic imperfections. The essence of the procedure is to stimulate fibroblasts. As a result, processes associated with the production of elastin and collagen are launched.

Expert recommendations:

  1. Place your fingers near the inside of the eyelid;
  2. Move them along the nasolacrimal groove, returning to their original position. Repeat the movement 5-7 times;
  3. Constant repetition of this exercise will eliminate the appearance of fine wrinkles in the eye area;
  4. Focus your gaze on some object that is at a distance of one and a half to two meters. After 10 seconds, without moving your neck, move your gaze to another object that is in close proximity to you

When is surgery needed?

The need for surgical intervention is determined on an individual basis. The indication for surgery is sagging skin of the upper eyelid, which interferes with the normal functioning of the visual organs and negatively affects the psychological state due to the presence of a cosmetic defect.

During the operation, an incision is made along the edge of the eyelash, inside or along the crease of the eyelid to keep the scars minimal and as natural as possible. The surgeon then removes, repositions and redistributes fat, muscle and skin. Correction requires precision, so it is important to find an experienced and knowledgeable surgeon to perform the procedure. Special glue or sutures will be used to close the surgical incisions.

Plastic surgery aimed at improving the appearance or function of the eyelids - blepharoplasty . It is performed on one or both upper and lower eyelids at the same time. There are several types of blepharoplasty:

  1. The upper eyelid is corrected if there is sagging skin, excess fat deposits, sagging or pronounced swelling in this area.
  2. Lower eyelid correction is performed for problems such as excess skin and bags under the eyes.
  3. Circular blepharoplasty involves simultaneous correction of the lower and upper eyelids.

Contraindications to blepharoplasty:

  • Dry eye syndrome;
  • Increased eye pressure;
  • Myopathy;
  • Blood clotting disorder;
  • Diabetes;
  • Anemia;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Acute infectious diseases;
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.

The duration and characteristics of the rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty depend on the outcome of the operation. If the results are favorable, the patient is recommended to take certain measures aimed at protecting the eyes from negative influences. For the first few weeks, you need to wear dark glasses to protect your eyes from sunlight, dust, and wind. After surgery, the eyes can get tired quickly, so proper rest is necessary. To avoid dry eyes, artificial tear drops are prescribed. For about 48 hours after surgery, you should use ice packs and sleep in a sitting position on multiple pillows to reduce swelling and prevent fluid buildup. It is recommended to avoid any physical activity, such as heavy lifting or exercise, for at least 7 days.

Possible complications:

  • Tissue infection, bleeding;
  • Distortion of the eye shape;
  • Noticeable scarring;
  • Injury to the eye muscles;
  • Change in skin color;
  • Drooping lower eyelid due to muscle damage;
  • Temporary blurred vision or, in rare cases, complete loss of vision;
  • Risks associated with surgery in general, including reaction to anesthesia and blood clots.

Tips for doing gymnastics

  1. There are several important recommendations from cosmetologists that will help make eyelid lift exercises more effective and efficient. Here are the main ones:
  2. Before exercising, you should cleanse your skin of makeup. Ice cubes, decoctions of medicinal herbs, grape seed extract, castor oil are suitable for this.
  3. Movements during the massage should be light and smooth. Don't put too much pressure on the skin.
  4. If you experience tearing while performing gymnastics, you need to look away in the opposite direction for a while, and then continue the exercise.
  5. It is recommended to do exercises in the morning and evening, spending at least 10 minutes a day.
  6. Try to keep your back straight while doing gymnastics, do not raise your shoulders up.

On a note! In some cases, drooping corners of the eyes can be corrected using cosmetics. When applying such makeup, you need to raise the arrow at the tip of the eyelids, making a “cat eye”. It is better to apply white shadows under the eyebrows. A pastel palette of shadows can visually widen your eyes.

Rules for caring for eyelid skin prone to swelling

  1. Maintain a drinking regime, reduce the amount of water consumed before bed;
  2. Do not overuse fatty creams, which clog pores and cause swelling;
  3. Use high-quality cosmetics specifically designed to care for the delicate skin around the eyes;
  4. Try to sleep so that during rest the level of your head is higher than the level of your body;
  5. Do not abuse salty, fatty, spicy and other foods that contribute to fluid retention in the body;
  6. Regularly remove makeup before going to bed and thoroughly cleanse your skin;
  7. During intense work, take short breaks to stretch stiff muscles and do special eye exercises.

Eyes Wide Open

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: ​reducing eye drooping and improving vision.

Open your eyes wide, hold for 5 seconds, relax. Perform 5 sets of 5 seconds. ​

Look up, down, right, left 5 times in turn.​

Make 3 circular movements with your eyes clockwise and counterclockwise. ​Repeat the exercises with your eyes closed.

Next - “Kiss with the eyes”, which helps with sunken eyes.

Starting position: eyes closed. Retract your eyes, protrude your eyes - 10 times. ​After completing the exercises, you should notice that your vision has become clearer.

A healthy lifestyle is the key to beauty

Your lifestyle determines the overall health of your body and affects your appearance. Start with proper nutrition and follow a healthy and balanced diet to maintain beauty for as long as possible, which also depends on the condition of the area around the eyes. Drooping eyelids, dark circles, wrinkles and other aesthetic imperfections are often caused by poor diet. The ideal diet is a serving of lean fish or meat, vegetables, rice, enough fruit and other healthy foods. Each meal should contain a balanced combination of carbohydrates, protein, fiber and healthy fats. A healthy lifestyle also involves getting enough sleep, regular exercise, and giving up bad habits. These simple measures are good prevention aimed at the premature appearance of cosmetic defects and help more effectively solve existing aesthetic problems, including such as drooping upper eyelids.


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Warming up is necessary for good blood flow and warming up the facial muscles. Sit in front of the mirror, open your eyes wide and do not wrinkle your forehead. Rotate your eyes in different directions, from right to left, for 30 seconds. After that, blink quickly, also for 30 seconds. The warm-up is over, let's start the exercises.

Expert's comments. For the best effect, warm up your cervical and shoulder girdle. The neck is a “bridge” between the head and the body. Nowadays, “gadget disease” is widespread: the neck is constantly stretched forward and the head is lowered down. The vessels become pinched, stagnation occurs and tissue nutrition deteriorates. Our task is to ensure good blood flow to the muscles. This will enhance the effect of the exercises.

How to remove drooping eyelids with makeup?

  • To visually reduce a heavy drooping eyelid, you should lighten the inner corners of the eyes and, on the contrary, darken the outer ones.


  • Use highlighter under your eyebrows. It is better to highlight the eyebrows themselves on the face, and tint light ones.
  • Do not apply mascara to your lower lashes.
  • When applying makeup, draw lines in the direction of your temples, while lifting them slightly.
  • Do not use glossy tones in makeup, give preference to matte ones.
  • And under no circumstances do you line your eyes with bold eyeliners; they will make your eyelids even more massive.

Never let down bold arrows

  • The general rule for applying makeup is to focus attention on the lips to distract it from the eyes and, accordingly, the eyelids. Don't use shadows that are too dark, they will only highlight imperfections.
  • In the most problematic areas, it is better to use beige tones, maintaining a smooth and natural transition. It is better to choose a powder that is a shade lighter than the natural color of your skin. And if the skin is too dry, give preference to foundation.

Let's sum it up

Now it is completely clear that a drooping eyelid is not a death sentence at all. You can easily figure out what to do if one upper eyelid hangs over the eye more than the other, how to deal with it, what rules and cosmetics to use. You can use the services of cosmetologists and even plastic surgeons, but the risks are quite high, and there are a lot of contraindications. Therefore, it is worth trying to use the proposed methods in order to maintain the elasticity and density of the skin much longer.

Thread lift (thread lifting)

The essence of thread lifting is that special biocompatible threads are introduced under the overhanging skin, which become a frame, moving the tissue to the desired position. At the same time, wrinkles are smoothed out, and sagging skin returns to its previous position. The threads are especially strong, and specific cones with polylactic acid reliably fix facial tissues. They stimulate active neocollagenesis, that is, the formation of young cells. This increases the elasticity of the skin, since a frame is formed from its own tissues.

Several types of threads are used for thread lifting:

  • non-absorbable (surgical) - polypropylene threads that are inserted into the subcutaneous fat layer. They can be perfectly smooth, or they can have notches and cones that firmly fix them in the right places;
  • absorbable (biodegradable) - threads made of caprolac with lactic acid. Known as "bionithreads". Most often they have notches and are overgrown with natural tissues, forming a durable frame;
  • APTOS Needle - threads of special strength, related to the surgical type. Used for clients over 50 years of age with pronounced age-related changes.

The procedure is carried out for 30–40 minutes under local anesthesia. It is easily tolerated and gives excellent results for up to 2.5 years.

Lifting with special threads does not require long-term rehabilitation, has a small number of contraindications and practically does not provoke the development of complications.

Pay attention to possible contraindications:

  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • diabetes;
  • tissue atrophy and ptosis;
  • oncology;
  • various inflammatory processes;
  • cicatricial skin changes;
  • some eye diseases.
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