Dramatic changes in Malinovskaya Masha before and after plastic surgery

Masha Malinovskaya is a famous TV presenter who is famous not only for her media and social activities. Many people know her due to her unusual appearance. The girl boldly talks about all her plastic transformations. She also admits that all this did not add success or beauty to her. The example of Masha Malinovskaya once again proves that before going to bed with a surgeon, you should think carefully.

A little about life

Few people know that the real name of the socialite is Marina Sadkova. The girl was born in 1981 in Smolensk. Oddly enough, as a child the girl did not have a bright or unusual appearance. And at school they even teased her and called her “the ugly duckling.” All this gave rise to many complexes in Malinovskaya, which she began to get rid of at the beginning of her career.

In her youth, Masha was tall and very thin, so she decided to try herself as a model. Having got a job at an agency, Malinovskaya began to increase her self-esteem and look for her own style. She didn't stop there. The girl also studied at the university, after which she moved to the capital.

Masha Malinovskaya before and after plastic surgery

Personal life was not going well. The first marriage with Sergei Protasov turned out to be fictitious, which brought a lot of financial troubles. The couple soon divorced.

But my career was going much better. Masha Malinovskaya became a TV presenter on a popular TV channel, worked as a DJ, and posed for glossy magazines. At one time, she even began a political career, becoming a deputy of the Belogorod Regional Duma from the Liberal Democratic Party on the advice of V.V. Zhirinovsky. However, this did not last long; after a quarrel with her colleagues, the girl left the party and the Duma.

But, despite her success in her career, Masha remained dissatisfied with her appearance. She decided that she had to correct the “shortcomings.” Although many note that before the operations she looked cute and charming.

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Masha Malinovskaya was born in 1981 in the city of Smolensk. The real name and surname of the TV personality is Marina Sadkova. At school, the girl was not very beautiful and was an ugly duckling among her classmates. That is why, after graduating from school, Masha decided to go to the Smolensk modeling agency in order to prove to everyone and herself that she was capable of something. Over time, Malinovskaya asserted herself at the agency and created her own style. In parallel with her studies at a modeling agency, Masha entered a university to obtain a higher education. As a result, Malinovskaya graduated in absentia with the specialty “Economics and Management in the Sphere of Social and Cultural Activities.” Then in 2002, Masha decided to move to Moscow.

Unsuccessful plastic surgery, because of which Masha is called only a “victim”

Some time later, Malinovskaya began to host not only music programs, but also erotic reality shows, where she wanted to demonstrate appetizing and seductive forms. They could only be obtained surgically.

Masha never hid the fact that she turned to plastic surgery to bring her body and face to “perfection.” If you trace the changes in appearance from the photo, it will become obvious that there were quite a lot of interventions.

However, all operations were unsuccessful. They did not add any beauty or charm, one might say, they even seriously let down my health and added strangeness to the image. Malinovskaya herself spoke about her “adventures” with plastic surgery. The first operations did not cause criticism from fans and the public, although an increase in the bust against the background of overall severe weight loss did not raise doubts about the help of surgeons.

The star's calling card for a long time has been strangely shaped lips. They were too large, unnaturally shaped, and the top one was completely inside out.

Probably, the girl herself considered all this very attractive. And although the result left much to be desired, it did not radically spoil the appearance, but did not decorate it either.

Masha had more problems with breast augmentation operations. The first time she decided to undergo plastic surgery was after the birth of her child at the age of 21. The breasts sagged and lost their shape. Initially, the girl only wanted to tighten it, but due to the large skin pocket, according to the surgeon, it was possible to correct the shape with implants.

But over time, the result was no longer satisfactory. Masha decided to change the size to a smaller one. After the operation, something went wrong; the mammary glands turned out to be different sizes. In addition, lymph began to accumulate in one of them. Malinovskaya had to undergo many more operations than originally expected.

As a result, comparing the before and after photos, it becomes clear that plastic surgery only ruined this sweet and charming girl. The freshness and naturalness are gone. No wonder the star spent a lot of effort to return to her previous appearance.

Anna Semenovich

The ex-“brilliant” was more than once suspected of breast surgery, which Anna had to fight off: everything, they say, is natural, native. However, Semenovich still went under the surgeon’s knife - but with the goal of reducing, not enlarging, her breasts. The diagnosis of gigantomastia given to the star worsened five years ago. Then the artist, due to stress and hormonal imbalance, gained weight sharply, and her already impressive breasts became even larger.

The specialists persuaded the blonde to undergo reduction; Anna’s mother also supported the decision. Getting acquainted with doctors from Israel, Germany and other countries, Semenovich settled on an American clinic that works with Hollywood personalities. Three days in the hospital, a month of bed rest, six months of recovery - and now the singer became the owner of not a size nine breast, but a “five” or “six”. All for the sake of the desire to become a mother.

“After giving birth, I will still have to resort to this operation, otherwise I will have a dairy factory and I will be able to feed the whole country,” Anna joked, sitting in the studio of “A Million Dollar Secret.” However, as always, with a breathtaking neckline.

Which of the stars, like Anna Semenovich, went for breast reduction, Express Gazeta recalls.

How Malinovskaya’s appearance changed before and after interventions

The TV presenter's face and body underwent gradual changes. This is how she got rid of teenage complexes about her appearance. Judging by the before and after photos, there were more than enough surgeries.


Initially, Masha simply filled her lips with fillers. This created the image of a sexy blonde with a snow-white smile. But this seemed not enough, so the girl decided to undergo cheiloplasty. As a result of the operation, the shape of the lips is changed, namely, part of the skin between the nose and the upper part of the mouth is removed. This is how the latter acquires volume and bend. It is supposed to look seductive. It was fashionable in the 2000s.

But in the case of Masha, everything turned out exactly the opposite. The mouth took on a strange shape. Due to the overfilling of the gel, the lips turned out and lost sensitivity. As a result, Malinovskaya could no longer connect them. Even with closed lips, there was a gap.

Lip surgery before and after

Nevertheless, for almost ten years everything suited her. Only in 2016 did she decide to return to her natural form. All this time, only the lazy did not compare her mouth to a rabbit's. After surgery to correct the shape of her lips, Masha began to look younger and fresher.


Even this part of the body was no exception. Malinovskaya regularly visits the dentist. Her bite was corrected and veneers were installed. Now Masha is the owner of the most perfect snow-white smile.


Malinovskaya first decided to have mammoplasty at 21. At that time, curvaceous figures were at the peak of popularity. And instead of just a lift, she agreed to size 5 implants. Against the background of a thin body, ample breasts looked strange.

Some time later, the fashion passed, and the star herself began to reap the benefits. The chest turned out to be too large and heavy, which led to the development of an intervertebral hernia.

But the operation was unsuccessful, the bust decreased unevenly - one breast became larger than the other. Masha filed a lawsuit. At the same time, she found another specialist who put her breasts in order and installed modern implants. But even after that, lymph began to accumulate in one of them. The girl had to undergo another intervention.

Watch the video about Malinovskaya’s unsuccessful breast augmentation surgery:

Today Malinovskaya has breasts of the third size, but in order to achieve the desired result, she underwent a lot of manipulation.


According to the star, the shape of her nose has always irritated her. She wanted a lot less. In this case, Malinovskaya did not experiment. She only wanted to shorten it a little and fix the back. The result was positive. The surgeon turned out to be a true professional with good taste. He made the nose more aristocratic and sophisticated, while maintaining the natural profile of the star.

Recently Masha decided to make her nose smaller. But this time she limited herself to injections and plaster. The manipulations did not give the desired result, but they did not make things worse either. Masha published detailed photos from the procedure on her blog.


Many also assume that the star had blepharoplasty. Since 2009, her gaze has become more open and her eyes have become larger. It should be noted that they were initially quite large. But the surgeon’s work, if there was any, turned out to be delicate and did not radically change the appearance.

Face oval

According to experts, over time, Masha performed an operation to remove “Bisha’s lumps,” that is, to excise the ridge inside the cheeks to make the cheekbones more expressive. She also filled her chin with fillers. All this made the oval and cheekbone line more chiseled and elongated. The face is fully in line with the trends, but fans are sure that the girl is too carried away with plastic surgery. She looks more like a doll.

And to make her skin smooth, the TV presenter resorts to lipofilling. That is, facial plastic surgery is carried out using your own fat. This is how small wrinkles disappear.

Plastic surgery of Masha Rasputina

The enlargement of Masha’s lips immediately caught my eye, especially when comparing early photos of the singer. In addition, the performer emphasized this in every possible way; Masha’s lipstick is always bright and always shiny, creating the effect of an inflated balloon instead of lips. It is not entirely clear why the singer decided to pump in silicone, because her lips have never been thin.

Next stage, breast augmentation

Masha was never deprived of male attention, her breasts were quite lush and beautiful, but there is no such thing as too many breasts, the singer decided. Many people think that Masha has become like a porn actress, but her husband likes it since he spares no expense on his wife’s body

And the singer herself is happy with her appearance and does not react in any way to evil tongues.

If you adjust something, then do it to the maximum. The singer’s nose also suffered, for some reason she decided to make it shorter, and ended up with a wide and short nose instead of a neat nose. In addition, Masha became interested in correcting her cheekbones; the implants that were installed on her made her face very wide. The result was a wide, round face with very prominent hollows and a wide nose, instead of a neat oval, and small sexy dimples on the cheeks. It is difficult to understand Masha’s desires in correcting her face. Perhaps these are side effects of all the procedures that were performed, but since the singer’s self-esteem has no boundaries, one gets the feeling that this is what she wanted and is very pleased with the result.

The singer does not stop at the manipulations being performed and becomes more and more perverted about her own appearance. For correction, she constantly turns to cosmetologists. To do this, she injects horse parts of Botox into the cheeks and forehead, as well as into the temple area. As a result, the singer's face is devoid of emotion and looks very strange.

Rasputina often turns to plastic surgeons for a facelift. There are practically no wrinkles on the face of a woman of her age, because any folds and loose skin are instantly removed. But fans notice changes and are not always on the singer’s side. After all, now she has a rough voice and a very strange appearance, and on stage she is very young, which looks unnatural.

Every year Masha's skirt becomes shorter, and her image becomes more vulgar. The deep neckline no longer makes the right impression on fans.

Today the singer is considered a victim of fashion. Her abuse of plastic surgery has been discussed more than once on television, to which the singer responded with sharp attacks.

Her outfits and appearance no longer attracted the public, and, in fact, this was what she was counting on in her desire to become younger. This allows viewers to follow her changes in appearance.

The singer is pleased with herself, claims that she is happy in her body and her family loves her for who she is. And since show business requires ideal forms, stars go to extreme measures to stay at the top.

Personal life of Masha Malinovskaya

According to Masha herself, her first sexual experience was associated with rape, which became a severe psychological trauma for the sixteen-year-old girl and left its mark on her future relationships with men.

At the age of 16, Masha became a victim of violence

Her first husband was a certain Maxim, from whom Malinovskaya became pregnant for the first time. The man said that he agreed to raise only his son, but did not want to hear about his daughter. Masha was shocked by this formulation of the question, had an abortion and left home.

Malinovskaya was also forced to separate from her second husband because of his problems with the law.

Denis Davitashvili and Masha Malinovskaya

The TV personality’s third husband was businessman Denis Davitashvili, with whom Masha gave birth to baby Miron.

Masha Malinovskaya with her son Miron

Now Masha is free again; she divorced Denis in 2014, accusing him of domestic violence.


Arriving in the capital of our homeland, Masha Malinovskaya decided to go to the casting, which she successfully passed and became a TV presenter. Thus began her career as a presenter. The girl became popular after working on the Muz-TV channel. Then Malinovskaya began hosting erotic reality shows. She began to be invited to appear on the covers of glossy magazines, in films, and even to participate in politics. Masha also voiced Gloria in the popular cartoon “Madagascar”.

Masha Malinovskaya and body plastic surgery

It has already been said that in her youth Masha was not delighted with her figure, which did not prevent her from graduating from modeling school. Most of all, she was dissatisfied with the shape of her breasts, which she corrected several times, and the negative changes in her figure after childbirth.

Changing the shape of the breast. In principle, Malinovskaya’s desire to tighten her breasts is quite natural - every woman wants this part of her body to look as attractive as possible. Masha took the bait on the surgeon’s proposal to solve the problem radically and inserted size 5 implants. Indeed, the new breasts brought dividends in the form of increased attention from men, career growth and the opportunity to “wipe the nose” of envious women. But after some time, the unnaturally large mammary glands began to irritate Masha, and she decided to get rid of the implants. By the way, it is possible that it was they, coupled with the weight gained during pregnancy, that provoked the formation of a spinal hernia, the TV presenter had to undergo surgery to remove it later.

The operation to remove old and install new implants was unsuccessful. As planned, the breasts decreased by two sizes (from five to three), but this happened unevenly - after the operation, one mammary gland turned out to be four centimeters larger than the other. Having filed a lawsuit against the surgeon, Masha began to look for a specialist who could correct the situation and return her breasts to their normal appearance. This difficult problem was solved by Hayk Babayan, who replaced previously installed implants with modern silicone products. According to reports, bringing her breasts to perfection cost Masha Malinovskaya a million rubles.

Liposuction. During pregnancy, Masha gained 23 kilograms and did not immediately realize that her weight had become critical. However, she did not put up with a double chin, a swollen belly, thick arms and legs for a long time and, according to her, sharply limited herself in food - she did not eat after six o’clock in the evening and followed a protein diet. In addition, Masha claims that she also played sports, although without leaving home. As a result, she managed to lose weight, but the star does not want to be the same as before pregnancy and will not get rid of the “extra” eight kilograms, since she is very comfortable at that weight. It is possible, of course, that Masha lost weight on her own, but it is possible that she did have liposuction - information leaked to the Internet that the TV presenter removed fat from her stomach and thighs, which cost her 50,000 rubles.

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