Filler Juvederm Ultra 2, 2×0.55ml (Juvederm Ultra 2)

In order for your skin to be beautiful and healthy, you need to take care of it - protect it from negative environmental influences, monitor your diet, and select the right cosmetics. But, unfortunately, time leaves its mark - soft tissues sink under the force of gravity, wrinkles and age spots appear, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes dull. You can no longer do this on your own; you need to contact qualified cosmetologists. Aesthetic cosmetology today offers a whole arsenal of techniques for rejuvenating the face, neck, décolleté, and hands. But, of course, one of the most popular methods is “beauty injections,” that is, injections of hyaluronic acid-based fillers.

Everyone knows that hyaluronic acid is the best source of hydration; in the human body it is found in skin cells, cartilage tissue and the cornea, but over time its production decreases greatly.
Juvederm fillers are created on the basis of biosynthesized hyaluronate, which makes them absolutely safe and hypoallergenic
. It is also important to know that fillers are removed from the body completely and gradually, which means that the effect of the procedure lasts for a long time, but no “traces” of the drug remain in the human skin.

Juvederm line of drugs

The American company Allergan, which produces the entire line of Juvederm fillers, is considered one of the leaders in the pharmacological market. It has representative offices in more than a hundred countries around the world, and also has its own scientific laboratories and factories, constantly improving its products, introducing innovative technologies.

There are a lot of types of Juvederm preparations, so it is extremely important to get an appointment with a practicing and qualified dermatocosmetologist. During one procedure, the patient may be offered Juvederm fillers with different concentrations of hyaluronate for different areas.

This is not only safe, but also very correct, since each aesthetic problem (wrinkle, depression, fold of skin) on the face requires an individual solution.

In our review - the most popular Juvederm preparations

Juvederm 18

— a filler with the lowest concentration of hyaluronic acid, designed for young skin and the fight against early wrinkles.

Juvederm 24

- a basic filler for filling shallow wrinkles, it is injected into the upper layers of the dermis and allows you to smooth out wrinkles around the eyes, the so-called “crow's feet”, between the eyebrows and expression lines around the mouth.

Juvederm 30

— this filler corrects deep nasolacrimal grooves, lifts drooping corners of the eyes, eyebrows and lips. They also fill the nasolabial fold and eliminate wrinkles in the temporal region. Filler is often used to enhance lips and change their shape.

Juvederm 24 HV (Juvederm 24 HV)

— this filler contains more concentrated hyaluronate, so the gel is denser, more stable, and is injected into the middle layers of the skin, smoothing out deeper wrinkles. Most often used for transverse wrinkles on the forehead, marionette lines, and nasolabial furrows. You can also use this dense gel to change the shape of your chin and nose.

Juvederm 30 HV (Juvederm 30 HV)

— also contains high concentration hyaluronic acid, the filler is dense and viscous, it is injected into the middle and deep layers of the dermis and is used for aging skin, after 45 years. The drug can significantly reduce wrinkles and increase skin turgor, allowing patients to look much younger.

Biogel based on hyaluronic acid Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2)

Juvederm Ultra 2 is a modern and safe method of restoring natural youth and beauty.
As we age, our skin begins to lose firmness and elasticity and does not look the way we would like it to. This happens for various reasons. But the main reason for aging is that over time it becomes thinner and loses its ability to recover, and also loses moisture. The corners of the lips droop. The face looks sad and tired. What to do, how to deal with this? Almost each of us wonders how to regain a young and blooming appearance. Just one injection of this drug will help us become younger, smoothing out fine wrinkles and giving a blooming appearance to the face.

Juvederm Ultra 2 (Uvederm Ultra 2)

Type: Filler

Price: 11,500 rub.

Effectiveness: 8-10 months

Juvederm Ultra 2 is a hyaluronic acid used for contouring procedures. Promotes sculpting and rejuvenation of target areas. The manufacturer of the drug is the American brand Allergan . Ultra line appeared on the market in 2007 and opened the 3rd generation of products, differing from the previous ones with an improved formula. 3-Matrix technology, first used in Ultra products, ensured prolonged preservation of results after procedures using the drug.

Composition and properties

The filler Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2) as an active ingredient contains synthetic hyaluronic acid, obtained in laboratory - bacterial biosynthesis. Hyaluronic acid is thoroughly purified, precipitated and dried under permanently controlled conditions. The resulting hyaluronic acid is identical to human one, which guarantees the hypoallergenic nature of the drug.

Hyaluronic acid in the product, entering the tissue, attracts moisture into the voids between the fibers and relieves the dermal layer of wrinkles and creases. Thanks to the action of the drug, it is possible to fill the target zones with volume. Hyaluronic acid is completely biodegradable . However, this does not mean that after the introduction of hyaluronic acid the volume immediately disappears. Hyaluron molecules are gradually replaced by liquid molecules, which ensures a greater prolongation of the result of the procedure.

Lidocaine is included as an anesthetic to ensure patient comfort during injection.

The filler Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2) in comparison with other fillers in the line is the least dense and viscous. This determines the use of the drug in the correction of superficial aesthetic imperfections. In some cases, the product is used if it is necessary to strengthen the lip contour.

Use of the drug Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2) in the cosmetology industry

Juvederm Ultra 2 filler is used in contouring. It is injected into the superficial skin layer. The drug allows you to smooth out shallow wrinkles and creases. Juvederm Ultra 2 is perfect for correcting delicate facial areas, modeling and contouring the lips.

Indications for use of the drug Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2)

Filler is used in the following cases:

  • when “crow’s feet” appear;
  • horizontal wrinkles in the forehead area;
  • eyebrow wrinkles;
  • nasolacrimal grooves;
  • nasolabial wrinkles;
  • drooping corners of the mouth;
  • asymmetrical lips;
  • blurred or disharmonious lip contour.

Cosmetologists note a light and even distribution of the filler under the skin. The effect obtained from the procedure with Juvederm Ultra 2 looks harmonious and natural.

Results of using Juvederm Ultra 2 (Juvederm Ultra 2)

The effect of the procedure performed with Juvederm Ultra 2 is noticeable immediately after the procedure. The effect persists for 10-12 months and even longer. The duration of preservation of the result depends on the speed of metabolic processes in the patient’s body. The durability of the results obtained after contouring using Juvederm is the determining factor for many cosmetologists when choosing a product. Juvederm Ultra 2 helps smooth out fine wrinkles and creases and soften deep ones, creating a defined lip contour.

Effect duration

Contour plastic surgery with Juvederm Ultra 2 can be performed once or divided into two procedures. Sometimes the manipulation is carried out in 2 stages to avoid over-correction and maintain maximum naturalness. Patients note a visible effect immediately after injections, but it is recommended to finally evaluate the result 4-7 days after contouring, when the swelling goes away. In the vast majority of patients, the results last for a year or more. To maintain the effect, it is recommended to re-administer the drug after a year.


Hyaluronic fillers are not recommended for use by pregnant or lactating women, patients under the age of eighteen, patients with autoimmune diseases, or people with individual intolerance to hyaluronic acid.

It should be taken into account that before using cosmetic filler, the patient must inform the doctor about the presence of allergies, immune diseases or infections.

Hyaluronic acid injections should not be combined with any other aesthetic dermatology techniques, including laser therapy or chemical peels, if they were performed less than three weeks ago.

*Information about this drug is for reference only. *The online store offers only original Juvederm products, which are manufactured by Allergan.

Juvederm Ultra

  • Contour plastic
  • Mesotherapy
  • Biorevitalization
  • Collagen therapy
  • Botox
  • Plasmolifting
  • SPRS therapy
  • Laennec
  • Curacen
  • Juvederm
  • Juvederm Ultra
  • Juvederm Ultra Smile
  • Juvederm Volbella
  • Juvederm Volift
  • Juvederm Volume
  • Juvederm Volite
  • Juvederm Volux

Juvederm Ultra (Yuvederm Ultra) is a line of hyaluronic gels produced by, which includes three preparations:

  • Juvederm Ultra 2;
  • Juvederm Ultra 3;
  • Juvederm Ultra 4.


Juvederm Ultra fillers are manufactured using patented Hylacross™ technology, which creates a three-dimensional matrix of high molecular weight hyaluronic acid molecules. This ensures excellent rheological properties of the drugs; they become plastic and at the same time have the necessary cohesiveness and resistance to biodegradation. Therefore, their duration of action is on average from 8 to 12 months.

Each drug contains a local anesthetic - lidocaine. This allows contouring injection procedures to be performed with less discomfort for the patient.

The Juvederm Ultra line of hyaluronic fillers includes preparations of varying densities, which allows the cosmetologist, if necessary, to carry out a comprehensive correction of involutional changes in the face.

The safety of the drugs is confirmed by certification from the FDA, EC and Roszdravnadzor.


Service codeState guarantee A drugCost, rub.
A11.01.003NoJuvederm Ultra 2, 0.55 ml10 500
A11.01.003NoJuvederm Ultra 3, 0.8 ml 1.0 ml15 500
A11.01.003NoJuvederm Ultra 4, 0.8 ml 1.0 ml16 000

More details

Juvederm Ultra 2

The softest gel in consistency in the line. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in its composition is 24 mg/ml. The indication for its use is the correction of superficial and moderately pronounced wrinkles in the periorbital and perioral zones, as well as in the forehead. The duration of preservation of the aesthetic result achieved as a result of the administration of this drug is 8-12 months.

Juvederm Ultra 3

Characterized by high density. Contains hyaluronic acid in a concentration of 24 mg/ml, intended for the correction of moderate and deep wrinkles and folds. Suitable for modeling cheekbones, chin, filling nasolabial folds, marionette lines and nasolacrimal grooves, as well as lip augmentation and correction of their contour. The duration of preservation in tissues is about 12 months.

Juvederm Ultra 4

One of the densest drugs in the line. The concentration of hyaluronic acid in its composition is 24 mg/ml. Indications for use are the same as Juvederm Ultra 3. Its differences from the latter are only in the form of release.

Thus, using the Juvederm Ultra collection of fillers, it is possible to carry out a comprehensive correction of age-related changes in the patient’s face, using a gel of optimal density for each zone.

Composition and benefits

Juvederm Ultra 2, also known as Juvederm Ultra XC, is one of the safest and most popular fillers among cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists and their patients. It is used to treat fine lines and wrinkles on the face, around the mouth and nose, as well as marionette lines, smile lines, nasolabial folds and vertical lip lines.

The filler contains hyaluronic acid, made using patented HYALACROSS technology, which deeply nourishes and moisturizes the skin. This is a natural component that is part of the human body. HA is naturally broken down in the body through metabolism and then replenished on its own. But as we age, our metabolism slows down and the process of its restoration takes much longer, which leads to loss of moisture and a decrease in volume. In addition, the drug contains the anesthetic lidocaine, which reduces pain and discomfort during drug administration.

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New generation of drugs, Juvederm Ultra series

Thanks to scientific developments and focus groups, a new generation of Juvederm Ultra preparations with an improved composition was recently developed and released. Lidocaine was also added to the Ultra line to make the procedure more comfortable and not to use other anesthetics to avoid chemical reactions between drugs.

Juvederm Ultra 2

- used for young or thin and sensitive skin to fill fine wrinkles and correct minor aesthetic imperfections.

Juvederm Ultra 3

- mainly used for lip correction, as well as for smoothing wrinkles of medium depth on the skin after 35 years, these include: “crow’s feet”, folds on the forehead and temples, marionette wrinkles, nasolabial and nasolacrimal grooves.

Juvederm Ultra 4

- suitable for mature skin, when wrinkles are clearly visible and require particularly careful and deep correction. The filler is injected into the middle layers of the dermis and above the periosteum, aimed at recreating volume in the middle third of the face, correcting nasolabial folds, “rings of Venus” on the neck, and deep nasolacrimal grooves under the eyes. This gel can also improve the contour of the face.

Juvederm for lips

Juvederm Ultra Smile

- designed specifically for the skin in the mouth and lips - copes with oral wrinkles and creates the ideal shape and volume of the lips.
Juvederm Volbella, Juvederm Volift, Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm 30 are also used to correct the shape of the lips.

Juvederm for biorevitalization

Juvederm Hydrate

– this bio-cocktail based on hyaluronic acid is used for the biorevitalization procedure, after which the skin is noticeably moisturized, its color and structure improve. The procedure is indicated at any age and retains the effect for up to three months.

Juvederm Voluma

- used to correct the jawline, injected into the cheekbone area to fill the missing volumes, which also leads to a reduction in the nasolabial fold and smoothing of oral wrinkles.

Juvederm Volbella

— a gel with a high concentration of hyaluronate, suitable for the correction of superficial facial and pronounced wrinkles: contour plastic surgery of the nasolacrimal groove, cheekbones, and is also used to correct the shape and volume of the lips.

Juvederm Volift

- a new generation universal filler from Juvederm, suitable for correcting almost any wrinkles on the face, well replenishing lost volume. Works great on thin faces. It is also used to correct the shape of the lips. Filler composition: hyaluronate, lidocaine, phosphate buffer.

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