Don't be like Viy: 5 effective exercises against the impending century

With age, the face ages. And if the creases on the forehead can be covered with bangs, drooping eyelids cannot be hidden. They give you a sullen look and make you look very old. But this can be fixed! Face fitness exercises, which were shown to us by an invited expert - natural rejuvenation coach Olga Kabuzan, will save us from the impending century.

Causes of drooping upper eyelids: congenital feature, swelling, tone or overstrain of facial muscles.
Olga Kabuzan Certified trainer in face fitness and natural rejuvenation.
The eyelids droop when the muscles weaken: they droop and pull all the tissues, including the skin, with them. Congenital drooping eyelids can be raised by 30-50%, and acquired ones, regardless of the cause, by 80-100%. The main thing is the right choice of exercises. If everything is done correctly, blood circulation will improve, causing the skin to become more elastic. If you have doubts about performing the exercises correctly, consult a specialist.


Warming up is necessary for good blood flow and warming up the facial muscles. Sit in front of the mirror, open your eyes wide and do not wrinkle your forehead. Rotate your eyes in different directions, from right to left, for 30 seconds. After that, blink quickly, also for 30 seconds. The warm-up is over, let's start the exercises.

Expert's comments. For the best effect, warm up your cervical and shoulder girdle. The neck is a “bridge” between the head and the body. Nowadays, “gadget disease” is widespread: the neck is constantly stretched forward and the head is lowered down. The vessels become pinched, stagnation occurs and tissue nutrition deteriorates. Our task is to ensure good blood flow to the muscles. This will enhance the effect of the exercises.

How to choose eye care products according to age?

When choosing an eye cream, it is important to take into account the age criterion. Over the years, the skin of the eyelids changes. Therefore, the means are different for each age group:

  1. 25 years. Skin care at this age is primarily about hydration. For example, using a gel with hyaluronic acid and plant extracts or a vitaminizing effect. A great option to use patches is a quick-response product that will diversify your skincare routine and quickly bring your eyelid skin back to life.
  2. 30 years. At this age, care should be most pronounced; it is important to protect and correct skin imperfections. It is necessary to moisturize intensively, and make the protection stronger with the help of antioxidants. It’s good to add anti-puffy eye products to other skin care products.
  3. 40 years. At this age, you should powerfully moisturize and protect your skin. It is necessary to tone and strengthen, fight wrinkles.
  4. 50 years. You will need products with peptide substances, fatty acids, caffeine and wax components, which will provide a significant tightening and smoothing effect.

It is important to look at the packaging and buy an age-appropriate product. Creams for women over 50 are in no way suitable for 30-year-old ladies.

Exercise 1

Open your eyes wide. Choose one point in front of you and focus your gaze on it. Feel the tension in your eyelids. Mentally count to five. Close your eyes, but don't squint, count to five. Repeat the exercise 10 times without rest.

Expert's comments. Be careful not to tense your forehead. Over time, the exercise can be increased from 5 to 30 seconds. But remember to blink to avoid tears.

When to expect results

The first visible results will not appear very quickly. Only after 2 months of active work on your face will you notice how wrinkles begin to smooth out and the skin of your eyelids tighten.

The effect of gymnastics for the upper eyelids depends on the degree of drooping. If your eyelid has only sagged a little, then within a month you will be able to observe positive dynamics.

In case of severe violations, the best option would be surgical intervention, since face-building is powerless in this case.

Exercise 2

Place your index fingers at the very top of your eyebrows. Raise your eyebrows for 2 seconds - feel the muscles working. But be careful: there should be no creases on the bridge of the nose. Bring your eyebrows together 10 more times, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the approach 2 more times.

Expert's comments. Those who have wrinkles between the eyebrows should not do this exercise. During it, the muscles responsible for bringing the eyebrows together are in constant spasm. And exercise increases it. Circular massage movements from the beginning to the middle of the eyebrows will relieve spasm and relieve tension in this area.

For lifting the temples and corners of the eyes

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it does: lifts the outer corners of the upper eyelids.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).​

Close your eyes slowly and tightly. 20 times in dynamics, 20 sec. in statics. Feel the movement of the muscles under your palms.

Next, do the following exercise.

Starting position: place your palms to your temples, as in the photo (slightly pull your temples towards the top of your head).

Open and close your mouth slowly and widely 20 times.

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Exercise 3

Place your middle fingers on the bridge of your nose, close to the inner corners of your eyes. Place your index fingers in the places where crow's feet form. Close your eyes and lightly press your fingers onto your skin. You should feel a stretch in the orbicularis muscle. Stay in this position for 40 seconds. Rest for 15 seconds, then repeat the set 2 more times.

Expert's comments. Place your fingers very gently on the corners of your eyes. If you have strong hands, be careful not to let your fingers spread apart and stretch the thin skin around your eyes. When closing your eyes, make a slight effort, but do not squint.

Perform blepharoplasty in combination with lower eyelid shortening

The duration of the operation depends on the amount of work, usually it takes 1-2 hours. All manipulations can be performed under local anesthesia, but patients often choose general anesthesia.

Fig.9. View before surgery. The figure schematically shows age-related changes in the lower eyelid: excess skin, a fine network of wrinkles, “hernial sacs”. In addition, there is “weakness” and sagging of the eyelid due to a decrease in its tone and elasticity. Therefore, the eyelid does not fit tightly to the eye and sags. The outer corner of the eye is located below the inner corner, and the eyes appear convex, rounded, and a white strip of sclera is visible between the cornea and the edge of the lower eyelid. Fig. 10. Dotted lines indicate preoperative markings

Before canthoplasty, the surgeon applies markings that will limit the treated area. It is performed when the patient has already been brought to the operating room. The main line for the incision through which all work will be carried out is marked at a distance of 1-2 mm from the eyelash growth zone. If you need to remove excess skin from the lower eyelid, then a triangle will be drawn near the outer corner of the eye. Its base is no more than 1-3 mm.

Fig. 11. Excision of a triangular cutaneous-cartilaginous flap of the lower eyelid. Fig. 12. Fixation of the eyelid cartilage with a thread to the periosteum of the outer edge of the orbit.

At the first stage of the operation, the tissues of the lower eyelid are filled with a medicinal composition. It contains saline solution and adrenaline, which causes vasospasm. An anesthetic is also added to the mixture. This may be novocaine, ultracaine, lidocaine or a similar substance.

Infiltration of the lower eyelid is needed to tighten the loose skin. Without this, an even and neat cut will not work, which means the seam will remain noticeable. Also, the medicinal mixture additionally anesthetizes the tissues, facilitates their detachment during surgery and reduces bleeding. Therefore, during rehabilitation there will not be many bruises.

After the required volume of liquid has been introduced, it is time to mark. The surgeon makes cuts along these lines with a scalpel. The designated triangular area is removed to the full thickness of the lower eyelid using sharp scissors. Then 1-2 interrupted sutures are placed between the tarsal plate and the periosteum. This is done with absorbable sutures, so the internal sutures do not need to be removed. This is how the skin is fixed in its new position.

Rice. 13.14. Skin detachment and removal of external fat “hernia”.

The next step is to peel away the skin on the lower eyelid to expose and remove fatty hernias. They are responsible for the appearance of bags under the eyes, creating a tired and unkempt appearance.

Fig. 15. Marking the area of ​​skin to be removed Fig. 16. An intradermal suture was placed Fig. 17. Final appearance after surgery

The freed area of ​​skin is straightened out so that it lies flat. The skin shrinks quickly, so its actual excess is negligible. The area is prepared for removal, marked, and then excised using sharp scissors.

Now the surgeon applies sutures with a non-absorbable thread, so they must be removed 5-7 days after the operation. At first, the scar at the incision site is bright pink and stands out well on the skin. Gradually he fades, becoming invisible. Since the incision is made near the eyelash edge, it is easy to disguise with cosmetics. And after complete recovery, even this will not be required.

Exercise 4

Close your eyes and place your index fingers on your upper eyelids. Try to open your eyes, resisting with your fingers - you will feel the tension of the eyelid. Do this 20 times, rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the approach 2 more times.

Expert's comments. This exercise, like the first, is aimed at lifting the upper eyelids. Again, watch your forehead: if the tension goes into the frontal muscle, the eyelids will work less effectively. Practice regularly, and over time you will learn to relax your forehead without difficulty.

Upper eyelid treatment

Photo: AiF / Eduard Kudryavitsky
What it gives: raising the upper eyelids.

Starting position: back and neck straight. Place your thumbs, as in the photo, under the orbital bone. Press on the points along the bone, moving your fingers from the center to the temples (about 4-5 points). Each point is worked out (massaged) for 2 seconds. 1–2 approaches. Do not move the skin.

Exercise 5

Place your hands on your forehead so that your eyebrows peek slightly out from under it. This position and slight pressure on the forehead should be maintained throughout the exercise. This way you will fix the skin, preventing it from forming wrinkles. Now open your eyes wide, raising your eyebrows. Feel the tension on your eyelids. Create resistance with your fingers, preventing your eyebrows from rising. Keep your eyes open for 5 seconds, then close them for 5 seconds. Rest 10 seconds and do 3 more sets.

Expert's comments. You need to work with this zone regularly, but without fanaticism. If you do eye exercises 4-5 times a day, it will not get better. Muscles need moderate load. Depending on your age, you need to do face fitness 3 to 6 times a week.


1. Performed while sitting. Close your eyes tightly for 3-5 seconds, then open for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times. The exercise strengthens the eyelid muscles, improves blood circulation and relaxes the eye muscles. 2. Performed while sitting . Blink rapidly for one minute. Exercise helps improve blood circulation. 3. Performed while standing . Look into the distance straight ahead for 2-3 seconds. Place your finger on the midline opposite the bridge of the nose at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes. Move your gaze to the end of your finger and look at it for 3-5 seconds. Lower your hand. Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise relieves fatigue of the accommodative muscle and facilitates visual work at close range. 4. Performed while sitting. Close your eyelids and massage them with circular movements of your fingers for 1 minute. Exercise relaxes muscles and improves blood circulation. 5. Performed while standing. Place the finger of your right hand along the midline of your face at a distance of 25-30 cm from the eyes. Look with both eyes at the end of the fingers for 3-5 seconds. Close your palm, look with both eyes at the end of your finger for 3-5 seconds. Then a similar exercise is performed while fixing the finger of the left hand while covering the right eye. Repeat 5-6 times. The exercise promotes the combined work of both eyes. 6. Performed while standing. The head is motionless. Move your half-bent right arm to the side. Slowly move your finger from right to left and left to right and follow your finger with your eyes. Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise strengthens the horizontal eye muscles and improves their coordination. 7. Performed while sitting. Using three fingers of each hand, lightly press the upper eyelid of the corresponding eye. After 1-2 seconds. Remove your fingers from your eyelids. Exercise improves the circulation of intraocular fluid. 8. Performed while sitting. Look into the distance in front of you for 2-3 seconds. Move your gaze to the tip of your nose for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6-8 times. The exercise develops the ability to keep your gaze at close range. 9. Performed while standing. The head is motionless, raise the half-bent right arm up. Slowly move your hand from top to bottom and follow your fingers with your eyes. Repeat 10-12 times. The exercise strengthens the vertical eye muscles and improves their coordination. 10. Performed while sitting. The head is motionless. Extend your half-bent right arm forward and to the right. Make slow clockwise circular movements with your hand at a distance of 40-50 cm from your eyes and watch your fingertips with your eyes. Do the same exercise with your left hand, making circular movements counterclockwise. Repeat 3-5 times. The exercise develops coordination of the vestibular apparatus. 11. Performed while standing. The head is motionless. raise your eyes upward. lower down. Turn your eyes to the right side, to the left side, repeat 6-8 times. The exercise improves complex eye movements. 12. Performed while sitting. The head is motionless. Raise your eyes upward. Make circular movements with them clockwise. counterclockwise 5-6 times. The exercise promotes the development of complex eye movements and increases the stability of the vestibular response. 13. Performed while sitting. The head is motionless. Raise your eyes upward. Turn your eyes to the right, to the left, repeat 6-8 times. Exercise strengthens the ability of the eye muscles to static tension. 14. Performed while standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Lower your head and look at the toe of your left foot. Raise your head and look at the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head, look at the toe of your right foot, raise your head, look to the left corner of the room. Repeat 6-8 times. Exercise helps improve coordination of eye and head movements. 15. Performed while standing. Extend your arms forward shoulder-width apart at eye level. Look at the upper right corner of the room, look at the fingertips of your left hand. Look at the upper left corner of the room. Shift your gaze to the fingertips of your right hand. Repeat 3-4 times. The exercise develops complex coordination eye movements. 16. Stand in front of the window. At a distance of 25 cm at eye level on the window, attach a mark - a circle 2-3 cm in diameter. Alternately fix the mark and any object outside the window located at the level of this mark at a distance of at least 30 meters. Repeat 8-10 times. The exercise develops the ability to estimate distances and coordinates the work of the internal and external muscles of the eyes. If the patient is prescribed to constantly wear glasses, then all exercises, with the exception of 4.7, are performed with glasses.


Before performing face-building exercises, you need to determine whether you are at risk. Classes are contraindicated:

  • hypertensive patients;
  • people with serious neck disorders;
  • with pathologies of nerve endings and a tendency to form blood clots;
  • with botulinum toxin injections;
  • in the presence of dermatological rashes in the eye area, injuries and fresh scars.

Pregnant women are not recommended to strain too much while doing exercises.

The face-building technique allows you to eliminate problem areas on the face. Thanks to regular exercises, you can eliminate the problem of drooping eyelids, lift the corners of your eyes, remove crow's feet and minimize expression wrinkles. Gymnastics is mandatory for women aged 40 years. For girls over 25 years of age, a course of exercises and massage is recommended as a preventive measure against early aging.

When will the effect appear?

When performing these exercises, you should be patient, the results will not be immediate. According to reviews, only two months after regularly performing gymnastics, the skin of the eyelids will begin to tighten and wrinkles will smooth out.

The result, after performing a set of exercises to tighten the upper eyelids, directly depends on the complexity of the case and the degree of neglect. If the eyelid droops slightly, the results from the exercises will be noticeable in about a month.

In some cases, Facebook building will not be effective. If there are obvious eyelid defects, the solution will be to perform blepharoplasty.

Problems associated with the eyelids

One of the biggest troubles that happens to women after forty is drooping eyelids. In this condition, the skin slips from under the eyebrows, while the look becomes tired, and the eyes are visually narrower.

The main reasons for the formation of a defect:

  • decreased collagen production;
  • atrophy of ligaments and lack of muscle tone;
  • bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • violation of the water balance of the skin;
  • frequent exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays;
  • regular use of BB cream and mattifying agents.

In addition to sagging, expression lines and wrinkles often appear in the area around the eyes. With frequent expression of emotions, the skin is subjected to severe stress, which contributes to the formation of wrinkles on the face, which cause a lot of trouble for their owners.

The problem of sagging eyelids can be completely solved by plastic surgery, blepharoplasty. During surgery, the doctor makes an incision and removes unnecessary skin. However, in the presence of atrophied ligaments, the problem may recur after some time.

The lower eyelid, with the appearance of fatigue, excessive fluid intake, and excessive exposure to sunlight, may respond with the following symptoms:

  • bruises under the eyes;
  • small expression wrinkles;
  • swelling;
  • crow's feet

If you are not ready to go under the surgeon’s knife, or there are certain contraindications for the operation, there is a special set of exercises that will help you regain your youth.

Charging will help:

  1. Improve blood circulation;
  2. Get rid of fat;
  3. Give the skin a uniform and elastic appearance;
  4. Normalize lymph function;
  5. Make your facial muscles stronger

Herbs, steam, lotions

Don't forget about herbal decoctions, which can be frozen as ice cubes and wiped on your face.

However, for severely stretched eyelid skin, wrinkles after burns and frostbite, this method is not recommended.

Therefore, exercises against wrinkles around the eyes and cream will be the only alternative in this case.

If desired, you can also use steam baths to moisturize the skin.

However, they are done no more than twice a month. Such activities can be combined and after this procedure, exercises against facial wrinkles can be done.

How else can you help?

Eyelid creams and masks are available in a wide range, so not only exercises for the eye muscles against wrinkles can help.

You shouldn’t skimp on buying quality cream. It can also restore the epidermis and reduce the mesh.

The most important thing is to apply the cream correctly. It is necessary to apply a pea-sized amount of cream to problem areas on cleansed facial skin with light tapping movements.

Do not overload your eyelids, otherwise they will swell in the morning. In addition, be sure to use the cream an hour before bed so that it has time to be absorbed.

While you are using the cream, you can simultaneously perform an exercise against wrinkles around the eyes. Rotate your eyelid.

It is better to choose masks with collagen or algae extracts. They will not only tighten the dermis, but also give elasticity and smooth the skin.

With the use of cosmetics, gymnastics against wrinkles under the eyes will be more effective.

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