Name Rating Nomination
1Beauty Style Professional Product4.75The widest spectrum of action
2Geltek Cleansing4.67The most popular
3Premium Skin Therapy4.65Best price
4Mesopharm Simple Care HA GEL4.63Pronounced moisturizing effect
5GIGI Outserial4.52Powerful loosening action
6Kristi PROF4.47Rich composition
7Royal Facial Gel4.40Optimal ratio of volume, price and quality
8GESS Cleaning Gel For Ultrasonic Peeling4.35Effective care for oily skin
9Vita Udin Ultra Lift Universal4.34Best volume
10Doctor Cosmetics4.30Optimal consistency

Ultrasonic facial cleansing at home using compact devices has become popular due to its effectiveness and ease of implementation. The procedure is suitable for all ages and all skin types. And to achieve better results, special gels are used to soften impurities and loosen the upper stratum corneum of the skin. Their use helps to improve complexion, cleanse and tighten pores in a short time. And some gels have additional properties - moisturize, nourish, rejuvenate.

How to choose an effective gel for ultrasonic cleaning?

A good gel for ultrasonic cleaning increases the effectiveness of the procedure, makes it more convenient, and improves the condition of the skin. Over time, manufacturers offer more and more options with different active ingredients. When choosing the best gel, you should pay attention to the following points:


. The gel should be thick and viscous enough so as not to flow during the procedure or dry out too quickly.


. The components of the gel are selected depending on the tasks. Urea will help soften impurities, collagen will increase skin elasticity, and hyaluronic acid will moisturize.

Skin type

. Like skincare products, gels for ultrasonic facial cleansing are designed for different skin types - dry, oily, normal.

Shower gel for aromatherapy purposes

The use of any shower product depends on different purposes. There are many types of body gel. We value them, first of all, for their delightful fragrance, and everyone can choose the aroma to suit their taste.

One of the ancient areas of medicine is aromatherapy. The scent trail really has an effect on the body, soothing and softening the skin.

How to use shower gel depends on what you want to achieve:

  • The aroma of lavender calms, helps to concentrate and make the right decisions;
  • rose effectively rejuvenates;
  • ylang-ylang is an excellent aphrodisiac;
  • gel with lemon or lime will help get rid of edema and hypertension.

Strong or medium aroma is an individual concept. They produce shower gels that are highly concentrated and have a weak odor. Manufacturers offer lines with floral, fruity, and berry notes. Buyers always have a choice.

Leading manufacturers of gels for ultrasonic facial cleansing

At the moment, gels from a small number of manufacturers are widely available on sale. But when buying, the question still arises, which one to give preference to. There are several most popular brands.

Beauty Style

. The American manufacturer offers the widest range of gels for ultrasonic cleaning and other hardware procedures. They differ in composition and action, consistency, and are intended for different skin types. The best option according to many cosmetologists.


. The most popular Russian manufacturer. His choice of funds is not so large, but the cost is more affordable. All brand gels on sale do an excellent job.


. Expensive but effective gels. There are several varieties on sale for different needs and skin types.

Top 10. Doctor Cosmetics

Rating (2021): 4.30

132 reviews taken into account from resources: Ozon, Wildberries

Optimal consistency Thanks to its thickness, the gel does not flow during the procedure. And the high viscosity does not allow it to dry out too quickly.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 900 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 250 rub.
  • Active ingredients: glycerin, aloe juice
  • Effect: cleansing, moisturizing

Soft gel with aloe juice effectively cleanses the skin of blackheads, comedones, and renews it. Does not contain fragrances or dyes, there is nothing unnecessary in the composition. Designed specifically for hardware cosmetology, it is not used as an independent product. Sold in a convenient bottle of sufficiently large volume, it is used sparingly and greatly increases the effectiveness of ultrasonic facial cleansing.

According to many women, this is one of the best gels that does its job perfectly. The advantages include a good composition, a thick consistency, thanks to which the gel does not spread during the procedure, and a neutral smell. After use, the skin is moisturized, deeply cleansed, there is no feeling of tightness or irritation. The downside is that it dries quickly and is quite expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Thick consistency
  • Neutral scent
  • Doesn't dry out skin
  • Natural composition
  • Dries quickly
  • High price

Top 9. Vita Udin Ultra Lift Universal

Rating (2021): 4.34

Best volume The gel with a pleasant floral aroma is available in a large bottle of 500 ml. It will last a long time even with frequent use.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 1030 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 500 ml
  • Active ingredients: glycerin, collagen, hyaluronic acid
  • Effect: cleansing, moisturizing, evening out complexion

The first thing that attracts people with this ultrasonic cleaning gel is its large volume of 500 ml. One bottle of product will last for a very long time, even with frequent use. The gel contains hyaluronic acid, which maintains skin moisture, and collagen, which increases its elasticity. With regular procedures in combination with an ultrasound device, not only deep cleansing is achieved, but also facial skin rejuvenation.

The obvious advantages of the product include large volume, fairly thick consistency, and a pleasant floral aroma. The effect of use is pronounced, pores are cleaned, narrowed, complexion becomes more even, skin tightens. There is no feeling of dryness or irritation after the procedures. The only disadvantages include a small number of reviews and availability for sale not in all stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Pleasant floral aroma
  • Large volume
  • Anti-aging effect
  • Deep cleansing of pores
  • Few reviews
  • Not sold everywhere


This section contains a list of funds whose cost does not exceed 500 rubles.

Premium Skin therapy

The product from the Russian manufacturer Premium is intended for professional cleaning using an ultrasonic device, which contains components that improve the conductivity of ultrasound. The composition includes saline solution, collagen hydrolyzate, which contributes to the overall improvement of the condition of the dermis, smoothes and makes it elastic, removes fine wrinkles and evens out skin tone. The use of this fairly inexpensive product promotes rejuvenation and improves appearance, but it must be used at regular intervals.

Premium Skin therapy gel


  • compound;
  • removes wrinkles;
  • restores complexion.


  • not a pronounced effect.

Top 8. GESS Cleaning Gel For Ultrasonic Peeling

Rating (2021): 4.35

173 reviews from resources taken into account: Yandex.Market, Wildberries

Effective care for oily skin One of the few gels that really helps eliminate oily shine and get rid of blackheads. Ideal option for oily skin.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 760 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Volume: 150 ml
  • Active ingredients: hyaluronic, salicylic acid
  • Effect: cleansing, eliminating oily shine

Quite a popular gel for oily and combination skin, designed for deep cleansing using ultrasonic devices. The manufacturer allows use as a peeling, as an independent product. Thanks to the components included in the composition, the gel carefully exfoliates the surface layer of the skin, softens the contents of the pores, promoting deep cleansing.

Women often write in reviews that the gel is good as a stand-alone product and as a supplement for ultrasonic cleaning. The result is excellent in both cases, impurities are pushed out of the pores, the skin becomes smooth and soft. But it is not very convenient to use; during the procedure, it immediately forms into pellets, and then is difficult to wash off, leaving an unpleasant feeling of stickiness.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Can be used without a device
  • Cleanses oily skin
  • Affordable price
  • Effective
  • Inconvenient to use
  • Leaves stickiness


Many people don’t even realize how important cosmetics are for facial cleansing, which is the basis of any skin care. Cosmetologists say that you can do without cream and tonic, but without scrub and lotion - no, a real woman who knows a lot about beauty will never refuse these products. Why are they needed? Their functionality is quite extensive:

  • exfoliation of dead cells from the surface of the skin;
  • dissolving or pushing the contents of blackheads to the surface;
  • removing skin debris from clogged pores (dust, toxins, cosmetic residues);
  • elimination of the damaged layer of the epidermis (for example, due to injury or areas of peeling);
  • increasing the flow of fresh air to the cells;
  • consequence - improved blood circulation;
  • the result is a beautiful, natural complexion;
  • thanks to cleansing cosmetics, inflammation on the face becomes much less

Typically, cleansing cosmetics are recommended for caring for problematic or oily skin. After all, there is something to work on: enlarged pores clogged with all sorts of impurities, comedones, a problematic T-zone, and constant acne. However, sensitive and dry skin also needs such products, but only with a milder action, i.e., not so aggressive. You need to be able to select them.

Top 7. Royal Facial Gel

Rating (2021): 4.40

35 reviews from resources taken into account: Wildberries

Optimal ratio of volume, price and quality A large bottle of ultrasonic cleaning gel is offered at a very attractive price. At the same time, it is high quality, hypoallergenic and effective.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 500 rub.

  • Country: China
  • Volume: 300 ml
  • Active ingredients: hyaluronic acid, collagen, vitamin C
  • Effect: cleansing, lifting, narrowing pores

Multifunctional gel for ultrasonic cleaning, use with radio frequency equipment. It has a rich composition, which includes substances for cleansing, moisturizing, nourishing, and rejuvenating the skin. The list of main components includes collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamin C, and chondroitin. The product does not contain fragrances or dyes and does not cause irritation even on dry, sensitive skin.

Buyers praise the gel for its excellent quality, remarkable effect and ease of procedures. The gel does not dry out for a long time, a single application is enough for complete cleaning. After use, the skin becomes soft, tender, and looks better. Regular use gives a noticeable rejuvenation effect. There is only one serious drawback - the gel cannot be found for sale in all stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • No fragrances or dyes
  • Wide spectrum of action
  • Slowly absorbed
  • Cleanses and moisturizes
  • Not sold everywhere

Contraindications to the procedure

The procedure cannot be done during pregnancy, in the presence of neuralgia of the facial nerves and oncological diseases. At least 3 months must pass after chemical peeling, maxillofacial surgery and dental filling.

Do not treat skin if it has cuts, abrasions, infectious diseases or allergic rashes. People who have metal pins or braces should not use the ultrasound device.

Do not treat the skin near the eyes, as well as the area on the neck in the area of ​​the thyroid gland. This can cause thyroid dysfunction. Areas in which contour plastic surgery was performed with fillers are not treated.

Top 6. Kristi PROF

Rating (2021): 4.47

Rich composition This gel includes everything you need for cleansing, nutrition, moisturizing, and rejuvenation. The rich composition makes it truly effective.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 635 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 150 ml
  • Active ingredients: glycerin, castor oil, collagen
  • Effect: cleansing, moisturizing

Due to its rich composition, this universal gel for hardware cosmetology has a wide spectrum of action. It not only cleanses pores, but also moisturizes, restores skin elasticity and firmness, and has a sebum-regulating effect. It is not used as an independent product, only in combination with cosmetology devices.

Users consider the good composition to be a plus. It contains collagen, castor oil, and there are no unwanted additives. With regular use, skin condition noticeably improves. The disadvantages include the rather high cost for a 150 ml tube and its lack of distribution in stores.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Versatility of use
  • Restoring skin elasticity
  • Rich composition
  • Efficiency
  • High price
  • Rarely found on sale

Top 5. GIGI Outserial

Rating (2021): 4.52

Powerful loosening effect One of the best gels for deep skin cleansing. It easily deals with even severe blackheads and gently removes the dead skin layer.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 3400 rub.

  • Country: Israel
  • Volume: 250 ml
  • Active ingredients: citric acid, urea
  • Effect: cleansing, exfoliating

A softening gel that will make the ultrasonic cleaning procedure more effective. It has a powerful loosening effect, breaks up strong impurities, exfoliates the upper stratum corneum of the skin, making it soft and smooth. At the same time, the product works gently and does not cause any unpleasant sensations when applied, so it can be used for dry and sensitive skin.

One of the few disadvantages of the gel is its high cost. But it is produced in fairly large volumes and is used sparingly. Many women in reviews note its effectiveness even when applied without an ultrasonic cleaning device. But good results are achieved only if you use it correctly. Failure to follow the manufacturer's recommendations often causes negative reviews.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Loosening action
  • Effective cleansing
  • Suitable for dry skin
  • No discomfort
  • High price

Top 4. Mesopharm Simple Care HA GEL

Rating (2021): 4.63

Pronounced moisturizing effect Effective gel with a pronounced moisturizing effect. It is suitable for very dry, irritated skin.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 2960 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 400 ml
  • Active ingredients: hyaluronic acid
  • Effect: moisturizing, restoration

One of the best gels for ultrasonic facial cleansing and other procedures performed using cosmetology devices. Available in a large 400 ml bottle, it lasts a long time. Hyaluronic acid is used as the main active ingredient. Its action is complemented by irgi extract. The gel is suitable for normal, combination, dry and sensitive skin.

Some women use the product not only for hardware procedures, but also instead of a moisturizer. It perfectly restores irritated skin and saturates it with moisture. The gel does not cause allergies, does not dry out, and is suitable for daily care. The disadvantage could be the high cost, but it is compensated by the large volume of the bottle.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Large volume
  • For all hardware procedures
  • Relieves skin irritation
  • Intense hydration
  • High price

Types of gels and recommendations for selection

Gel for ultrasound cleansing is selected taking into account the type of skin and existing cosmetic problems. The products may have the following effects:

  • softening - suitable for oily skin with acne, greasy shine;
  • steaming - can be cold or hot, used for acne, acne;
  • whitening – used to lighten freckles and age spots;
  • moisturizing - recommended for dry, dull skin;
  • delicate - used for hypersensitivity;
  • anti-rosacea - strengthens the vascular wall, eliminates redness.

Steaming, whitening, softening gels are not recommended for skin with increased sensitivity and a tendency to rosacea. Combined gels combine cleansing with moisturizing, nourishing or tightening.

Top 3. Premium Skin Therapy

Rating (2021): 4.65

Best price Russian professional gel with collagen costs just over 300 rubles. For such products this is a very good price.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 328 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 150 ml
  • Active ingredients: collagen
  • Effect: restoration, nutrition, hydration

A professional product made in Russia, intended for hardware cosmetology procedures. Improves current conductivity, ensures delivery of active substances to the deep layers of the skin. Suitable for microcurrent therapy, myostimulation, iontophoresis. The main active ingredient of the gel is collagen hydrolyzate, which intensely moisturizes and softens the skin.

One of the advantages of the gel compared to other similar products is its affordable cost with a fairly large tube volume. Buyers also like the simple composition. There is nothing superfluous in it, no unnecessary additives. The disadvantages include a small number of reviews; it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of the product.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Affordable price
  • Professional product
  • Simple composition
  • Suitable for all devices
  • Few reviews

See also:

  • 20 best facial cleansers

Top 2. Geltek Cleansing

Rating (2021): 4.67

1942 reviews taken into account from resources: Yandex.Market, Otzovik, Ozon, IRecommend

The most popular Many users and professional cosmetologists prefer this gel. It has become very popular due to the cold steaming effect.

  • Characteristics

    Average price: 744 rub.

  • Country Russia
  • Volume: 200 ml
  • Active ingredients: polyvinylpyrrolidone, aloe juice
  • Effect: steaming, cleansing

Gel developed specifically for ultrasonic cleaning and disincrustation. It has a cold steaming effect; when used correctly, it opens pores and helps get rid of blackheads. Polyvinylpyrrolidone effectively absorbs contaminants, and aloe juice relieves inflammatory processes. The gel is intended exclusively for hardware procedures and is not used as an independent product.

This is one of the most popular gels used for ultrasonic facial cleansing. It is valued for its optimal price-quality ratio, economical consumption, and pleasant texture. But most importantly, when used correctly, the product really pulls all the dirt out of the pores. It is for this reason that the gel is considered one of the best ultrasonic cleaning products. But some women find the price too high.

Advantages and disadvantages

  • Cold steam effect
  • Opens and cleanses pores
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Economically used
  • High price

See also:

  • 10 best face gels

Reviews from cosmetologists

Cosmetologists note the need to use contact gel as an active conductor for the ultrasound facial cleansing procedure and its high efficiency. The positive aspects include a beneficial effect on the skin, economical consumption and affordable cost. Special attention is paid to the fact that many try to replace professional preparations with thermal water, but it dries out the skin, so it is better to abandon this idea.

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