How to tighten your skin without injury or surgery? Everything about RF lifting

What is RF lifting?

The RF lifting procedure is a non-surgical method of tightening and rejuvenating the face under the influence of a high-frequency radio wave pulse. This is an absolutely harmless procedure, since it does not irradiate, but warms up the deep layers of the dermis to 40-45 degrees, stimulating the production of elastin and collagen in them. These substances represent the protein basis of all connective tissues of the body: when the level of elastin and collagen is normal, the skin looks toned and elastic. However, it should be remembered that after 25 years, the production of these molecules slows down and the fibroblasts that produce them need active stimulation. It is this stimulation that RF lifting provides.

Optimal patient

The optimal patient has the following characteristics:


  • Normal/slightly decreased skin tone
  • Moderate signs of deformation (gravity)/fatigue type of aging
  • Slight to moderate degree of photoaging
  • Large amounts of connective tissue in subcutaneous fat and SMAS

The key factor in determining the optimal patient is high-resolution ultrasound diagnostics of the skin, as it allows us to identify patients with a high content of connective tissue in the subcutaneous fat and on the SMAS layer (hereinafter, all ultrasound scans were made using a Doublo device).

Rice. 1. The image shows a large number of connective tissue septa and trabeculae in the subcutaneous fat, and the fascia covering the SMAS layer is also pronounced.

Since the targets for HIFU SMAS lifting are precisely the connective tissue in the subcutaneous fatty tissue and on the SMAS, their high content ensures vivid results (Fig. 1)

. When carrying out HIFU SMAS lifting, coagulation points are created in the area of ​​connective tissue, which leads to a reduction in its area, strengthening and launching lifting processes. By conducting high-resolution ultrasound diagnostics of the skin, the specialist always identifies patients with a large amount of connective tissue and can confidently prescribe them a single procedure without including additional methods in the course of treatment.

Home RF lifting: features of the procedure

If previously the radiofrequency facelift procedure was available only in specialized clinics and beauty salons, now it can be easily done at home. To do this, you only need a portable RF device, hardware gel for the procedure and 10 minutes of free time. Modern devices like LL Keiko, LL Nano Skin, LL Mismon, LL Kando are designed for professional comprehensive care at home. In addition to RF lifting, they also combine other trendy anti-age technologies:

  • EMS therapy (electric myostimulation).
  • LED therapy (light emitting diode therapy).
  • Microcurrents.
  • Thermolifting (warming the skin to 45C).
  • COOL-lifting (skin cooling after RF-lifting).
  • Vibromassage.

One device can replace a whole range of care and rejuvenating procedures that you previously received only in beauty salons. Numerous reviews from our clients also speak about the effectiveness of home RF lifting, since you will notice the result after the first session.

How is the procedure done?

During RF lifting at home, a special water-based contact gel is applied to the skin, which provides the device with electrical conductivity and gives you a quick and pronounced effect on your face. When turned on, the device generates radio wave pulses, which, converted into thermal energy, contribute to the heating (up to 45 C) of the dermis and hypodermis.

Deep heating of the skin awakens fibroblasts, which begin to actively produce elastin, collagen, fibrin, and hyaluronic acid. Flabby and weakened fibers, saturated with these substances, become toned, thicken, become elastic and smooth. Wrinkles and creases disappear on the surface of the skin, and the face acquires a youthful, toned contour.

After the RF lifting procedure, the face may only slightly redden, but this is a short-term effect. The radio wave facelift itself does not have a recovery period: 5-10 minutes after the procedure, you can easily apply makeup and go to work or a party.

How to choose a device for RF lifting?

When choosing a device, consider the condition of your skin. The price of the device depends on the functionality, as well as on the manufacturer. For example, Japanese Nano Skin devices combine 6 anti-aging technologies, which are combined into more than 20 care programs, and Keiko – 3 main cosmetic procedures:

  • RF face lifting,
  • EMS stimulation,
  • LED therapy.

Accordingly, the price of such devices will differ: the more functions the device performs, the higher its cost.

If we talk about the effectiveness of RF devices, then each of them flawlessly copes with its main task - radio wave facelift. The only difference is that in different devices the RF procedure is supplemented with a different number of accompanying care technologies.

As for skin, for older skin with pronounced signs of aging, powerful multifunctional devices are suitable. For a young woman with the first wrinkles, you can safely choose “simpler” devices. The golden mean is 30+ years. It is at this age that it is important to maintain the natural production of elastin and collagen in order to prevent the appearance of wrinkles and loss of turgor in the future.

What will be the effect?

Regular RF lifting at home (at least 3-4 times a week) gives a pronounced rejuvenating effect and significantly improves the structure and quality of the skin:

  • Visibly tightens facial skin.
  • Expression wrinkles are smoothed out: “crow’s feet”, wrinkles on the forehead, around the mouth.
  • The skin becomes denser, firmer and more elastic.
  • The color and texture of the facial skin is evened out.
  • Swelling decreases.
  • Facial features acquire more pronounced, clear lines.
  • Pigmentation on the face is lightened.
  • Ptosis decreases.

The procedure has virtually no contraindications. However, it should be remembered that RF face lifting is not recommended for benign and malignant formations, acute infectious and pathological cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy and lactation, dermatological diseases, as well as in the presence of metal implants.

Review of the most effective anti-wrinkle devices for non-surgical skin tightening

Devices for non-injection mesotherapy (“mesotherapy without a needle”)

Mesotherapy is one of the central procedures in cosmetology. With age, the skin produces less and less of the substances it needs, and it is necessary to maintain the necessary balance from the outside. It is believed that changes in the skin begin at the age of 25, and under the influence of aggressive external and internal factors, these processes are accelerated. Therefore, waiting until the signs of aging become noticeable is not the best tactic. It is always better to prevent than to diligently correct the situation. Moreover, with home devices for mesoporation, a cosmetologist is needed: under the influence of electric currents, the active substances will perfectly reach the deep layers of the skin without a syringe.


  • Skin moisturizing;
  • Nutrition;
  • Activation of update processes;
  • Deposition of active substances in the deep layers of the skin with gradual release - long-term effects from the inside.


  • Deep hydration;
  • Strengthening, thickening the skin;
  • Increased tone, turgor and elasticity;
  • Lifting, wrinkle reduction;
  • Natural skin radiance;
  • Reducing inflammation and rashes.

Massager “Facial mesotherapy without needle” m 9910, Gezatone


Devices for light therapy and photoporation

Light (photodynamic) therapy is another method of skin restoration that is relevant in cosmetology.
It has been proven that the absorption of light waves of different lengths leads to multiple positive effects for the skin and its natural renewal. Light particles stimulate cell function, increase ATP synthesis, and increase the concentration of beneficial proteins and growth factors. Restore membranes of damaged cells and accelerate the formation of new ones.

Light rays also restore microcirculation and improve the transport of oxygen and nutrients into the skin. This procedure is called photoporation.

LED mask for facial skin rejuvenation m1020, Gezatone

Art. 1301235

More details

Ultrasonic facial massager with light therapy Superlifting m 356, Gezatone

Art. 1302091S

More details

LED mask for facial skin rejuvenation m 1090, Gezatone

Art. 1301247

More details

Biolift Plasma Facial skin care device Gezatone

You've probably heard about the plasma shower? This is one of the latest technologies for natural skin rejuvenation, which is offered in serious cosmetology clinics. The energy of cold plasma with a temperature of 35-40 degrees is quickly distributed over the skin, interacts with its cells and normalizes important biological processes.

    Action of cold plasma:

  • Forms temporary channels in the skin through which the active substances of cosmetics penetrate into the deeper layers;
  • Slightly increases skin surface temperature. Vessels dilate, blood circulation accelerates. Nutrients are absorbed more actively, the functionality of skin cells is restored, damage is quickly healed and new young structures are formed;
  • When plasma is generated, an electric field is formed and ozone is released, which have an antibacterial anti-inflammatory effect;
  • The process also releases nitric oxide, which activates its own antioxidant system, and the synthesis of new collagen fibers becomes more intense. The overall condition of the skin improves and the aging process slows down.


  • The effectiveness of active cosmetics increases;
  • The skin renews itself faster, its density and elasticity increases;
  • Wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Improves complexion;
  • The amount of inflammation decreases;
  • Sebaceous shine is reduced, enlarged pores are narrowed;
  • Skin hydration increases;
  • Swelling and congestion are reduced.

The plasma rejuvenation technology in the Biolift Plasma Gezatone device is enhanced by the action of microcurrents, which increase the energy potential of skin cells and the synthesis of important proteins and DNA. The technique normalizes metabolic processes in cells, restores the normal rate of renewal, tones the facial muscles, reducing facial wrinkles, and also enhances all the effects of plasma therapy.

Which procedures impressed you the most? Become your own personal cosmetologist with home lifting and anti-wrinkle devices from Gezatone!

Anti-wrinkle cosmetics and homemade skin rejuvenation devices will help you smooth out wrinkles, tighten and brighten your skin, and maintain the beauty and youth of your skin. More details

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