Nose surgery (rhinoseptoplasty)

Rhinoplasty is the correction of congenital or acquired deformities of the nose. The task of plastic surgery is to restore the correct forms that were disrupted at the stage of embryogenesis or as a result of any diseases or mechanical (traumatic) damage during life, often in combination with the restoration of correct nasal breathing.

Today, rhinoplasty is in great demand among patients. From a technical point of view, this is one of the most difficult operations, requiring high professionalism of the doctor and highly developed aesthetic taste.

How to treat hemorrhoids with laser?

Minimally invasive laser surgery for hemorrhoids does not require anesthesia or incisions. The procedure involves identifying the terminal branches of the rectal artery using Doppler, followed by photocoagulation of these branches using a diode fiber laser (1470 nm). Laser treatment of hemorrhoids does not require general anesthesia; local administration of local anesthetics is sufficient. It is highly effective and has a painless postoperative period.

Laser cauterization is a method in which the surgeon burns swollen hemorrhoids. Alternatively, the surgeon may use a narrow laser beam to focus only on the hemorrhoid and avoid damaging nearby tissue. It is a safe procedure with minimal bleeding and fast healing time.

A laser fiber is passed through the anus and laser energy is applied to the hemorrhoidal mass. The controlled radiation of laser energy reaches the submucosal area, causing contraction of the hemorrhoidal mass. Reconstruction of fibrosis creates new connective tissue, ensuring that the mucosa adheres to the underlying tissue, preventing recurrence of prolapse.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with laser

Guaranteed results: No pain, no incisions

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How is the operation performed?

Rhinoplasty is performed under general anesthesia. In most cases, rhinoplasty is performed using a closed method, without external incisions. If such an incision is necessary, it is placed on the columella stalk in the most inconspicuous place. The operation usually lasts about 1 hour and is performed under general anesthesia. Before the operation, the surgeon carefully examines the respiratory function and, if indicated, performs plastic surgery of the nasal septum and intervention on the inferior turbinates. It should be noted that in order to obtain a good aesthetic and, most importantly, functional effect, a preoperative examination of nasal breathing function is extremely important and should be carried out by highly qualified specialists in this field and using the most modern diagnostic equipment.

Closing anal fistulas with laser

This is a minimally invasive and sphincter-sparing method used in the treatment of anorectal fistula. The fistula tract is covered with epithelium, so it never heals on its own. Using a laser, the epithelium is destroyed and sealed. To do this, a radial light guide is installed inside the fistula and, with its help, the epithelium of the fistula tract is destroyed in a circle, after which the fistula heals completely. This is the most modern, painless and effective method of radical treatment of anal fistulas, which permanently relieves patients of chronic discomfort and itching in the anal area without a scalpel.

Injection rhinoplasty

According to statistics, most people find various flaws in their noses. Sometimes this is objective, and sometimes it is completely subjective. But, as a rule, there is always an ideal and a desire to live up to it. And if a few years ago it was possible to solve aesthetic problems of the nose only on the table of a plastic surgeon, now it is possible to do it on an outpatient basis using the injection technique of contour rhinoplasty and get by with what is called “little blood”.

Surgeons developed injection rhinoplasty

In 2005, at the Congress of Aesthetic Surgeons in Paris, Brazilian surgeon Sami Passi presented his report and shared his accumulated experience in the field of injection nose correction. Now in Tver in the “Aura” salon you can undergo a non-surgical rhinoplasty procedure from a certified specialist in injection techniques.

Indications for injection rhinoplasty

  • hump of nose
  • snub nose
  • saddle nose shape
  • nasal retraction
  • too deep frontal
  • nasal angle
  • flattening of the nasal dorsum
  • unevenness of the tip of the nose
  • double nasal tip
  • some types of nasal asymmetry
  • additional correction after surgical rhinoplasty
  • congenital deformity of the nose
  • acquired nasal deformity
  • consequences of nasal injuries
  • hidden columella

Injection rhinoplasty is a worthy alternative!

Of course, nose contouring does not compete with surgical rhinoplasty, which remains the main and radical method of nose correction. But thanks to this technique, many clients manage to avoid surgical intervention.

Who needs injection rhinoplasty?

The contour plastic method is suitable for those clients who:

  • for some reason it is impossible to perform the operation (presence of contraindications)
  • it is not advisable to undergo surgery
  • as well as for those who have a psychological fear of surgery
  • for those who are not confident in the aesthetic success of surgical intervention
  • for those for whom surgical rhinoplasty is not financially accessible

For such clients, the minimally invasive method of injection contour rhinoplasty is the only way to solve the aesthetic problem.

Possibilities of injection rhinoplasty

If there are minor nasal defects, they can be corrected without surgery, but through injection rhinoplasty of the nose. Modern injection rhinoplasty allows:

  • narrow the wide wings of the nose (nostrils)
  • straighten the bridge of the nose
  • Eliminate flaring nostrils
  • correct nasal asymmetry
  • improve the projection of the bridge of the nose (that is, visually narrow the bridge of the nose)
  • eliminate a hooked nose
  • eliminate excessive mobility of the tip of the nose when smiling, talking, chewing
  • reduce nasal hump
  • reduce the bridge of the nose that is too deep
  • rotation of the nose (raise the tip of the nose), which creates the effect of “shortening” the nose!
  • smooth out the sharp corners of the bridge of the nose
  • perform nasal rejuvenation
  • eliminate wrinkles on the bridge of the nose
  • correct snub nose shape
  • correct a saddle nose shape
  • change columella

Benefits of injection rhinoplasty

  • the most natural result that improves the aesthetics and architecture of the face as a whole
  • no need for anesthesia
  • lack of a long rehabilitation period
  • maintaining your usual lifestyle (with minor restrictions after the procedure)
  • the ability to achieve instant results
  • relatively low cost of the technique (compared to surgical rhinoplasty)
  • reversibility of the effect (fillers used for the procedure are biodegradable)
  • presence of an antidote for fillers
  • the possibility of repeating the injection rhinoplasty procedure

Drugs used for injection rhinoplasty

The progress of this technique has recently been facilitated by the emergence of high-quality bioinert preparations - implants for injection rhinoplasty. In my practice, I use biodegradable drugs with a high degree of viscosity and stabilization. They provide maximum aesthetic results, without the risk of spreading and migration. Preparations:

  • Bellcontour (Switzerland)
  • Amalian Soft Filler (Germany)
  • Dermalax Implant Plus (Japan)
  • Reneall (Russia)

How is the injection rhinoplasty procedure performed?

  • medical history collection (clarification of all contraindications and allergic reactions of the client)
  • clarifying the client’s aesthetic wishes for correction
  • choice of technique and drug
  • signing an information agreement for the correction procedure
  • photo documentation before the procedure
  • application anesthesia (cream) or injection anesthesia (lidocaine)
  • correction (from 15 to 30 minutes)
  • nose shape modeling
  • photo documentation after the procedure
  • recommendations and restrictions after injection rhinoplasty
  • appointment of a day for examination and additional correction (if necessary)

Recommendations after injection rhinoplasty procedure

After injection correction of the nose, swelling is possible for several days (2-3 days). Bruises are also possible, which spontaneously disappear within a few days (from 5 to 10 days). Nose injuries should be avoided. Temporarily exclude visiting the solarium, sauna and bathhouse.

Contraindications for carrying out

  • pregnancy
  • lactation
  • autoimmune diseases
  • diabetes
  • any chronic diseases in the acute stage
  • herpes of any location
  • acute respiratory diseases on the day of the procedure
  • critical days (relative contraindication)
  • presence of allergic reactions to the drug used

How long will the effect of injection rhinoplasty last?

Despite the gradual biodegradation of the filler in the tissues, the effect of non-surgical rhinoplasty persists for a long time (due to neocollagenesis). The duration of the effect depends on the chosen drug (from 8 to 18 months), as well as largely on the individual characteristics of the client’s body.

Injection rhinoplasty - like “trying on” a new nose

The non-surgical method of nose correction (due to its reversibility) can become a kind of “trying on” of a new nose. Since the client has the opportunity to accept a new image (and decide on operational correction in the future) or subsequently abandon this image...

Injection rhinoplasty price

The price of injection rhinoplasty depends on a combination of several factors:

  • on the type and shape of the aesthetic defect of the nose
  • chosen method of nose correction
  • selected drug for nose correction

The price is determined individually during a face-to-face consultation and can range from 3 thousand rubles to 20 thousand rubles.

Doctors treating

Dr. Tsurilov Sergey Sergeevich - surgeon, phlebologist, vascular surgeon, ultrasound diagnostic specialist. He is proficient in methods of operations on veins and arteries, diagnostics of the venous and arterial systems, technologies for laser treatment of varicose veins and aesthetic phlebology. A very communicative doctor with excellent professional skills. Performs initial selection of patients for proctological operations

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Dr. Cherepenin Mikhail Yuryevich - Candidate of Medical Sciences, surgeon-proctologist, ultrasound diagnostic specialist. One of the best specialists in Russia in laser treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fistulas. The most sought after outpatient proctologist in the country. Has the largest positive experience in treating proctological perianal diseases without complications.


The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic in Tver offers you the services of highly qualified surgeons.

We carefully approach each patient and are ready to provide high-quality preparation for manipulations, professional surgical intervention and decent professional care during the rehabilitation period, if necessary.

Surgical treatment of obesity

Surgical treatment of obesity is performed by qualified specialists using the latest equipment and effective medications.

general surgery

The Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic in Tver offers you highly qualified assistance from qualified surgeons who are ready to perform all types of modern surgical operations for a wide variety of pathologies: neoplasms of the skin and subcutaneous tissue, abdominal wall hernias, thyroid disease and many others. The Clinic provides high-quality postoperative care and rehabilitation period.

You can find out more information on the Operative Surgery page.

Cardiovascular surgery

We offer patients manipulations aimed at treating pathologies associated with the cardiovascular system. In addition to applying a bandage for damaged blood vessels and elastic compression of the limbs, our specialists are ready to carry out:

  • Removal of telangioestasis, reticular and varicose veins (puncture sclerotherapy).
  • Ligation and exposure of varicose veins without sclerosis (or with it).
  • Revision of the vascular procedure for recurrence of varicose veins.
  • Revision of the vascular procedure for progression of varicose veins.

You can find out more information on the Cardiovascular Surgeon page

Gynecological surgeries

Specialists at the Clinic of Restorative Medicine perform both gynecological plastic surgery and gynecological operations.

Thanks to the modern equipment of the Clinic and the experience of our doctors, we perform various operations:

  • hysteroscopy, biopsy;
  • vaginal operations (installation of uroslings);
  • removal of tumors (polypectomy, removal of condylomas);
  • conization, cauterization of the cervix;
  • curettage of various types and other operations.

Our Clinic performs high-precision hysteroscopy, the results of which can be obtained in the near future after collecting material or inserting a camera. Thanks to this diagnostic method, it has become possible to treat diseases in the early stages.

Doctors are also ready to perform vaginal surgeries to install uroslings - endoprosthetic tapes that can solve the problem of pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence.

Proctological manipulations

At the Clinic you can use the services of proctological manipulations.

  • removal of foreign bodies, neoplasms;
  • surgical treatment of hemorrhoids;
  • surgical treatment of epithelial coccygeal ducts;
  • surgical treatment of rectal fistulas, hemorrhoids, chronic anal fissures;
  • excision of anal fissure, fistula, etc., Gabriel's operation;
  • opening and drainage of abscesses, etc.;
  • endoscopic removal of rectal polyps;
  • surgical treatment of hemorrhoids using the HAL RAR method using infrared thermocoagulation of hemorrhoids, ligation.
  • hemorrhoidectomy

Before carrying out manipulations, the proctologist performs an examination, including before a colonoscopy.

Plastic surgery

The Clinic's operating rooms equipped with modern technology and qualified specialists allow us to perform a wide range of plastic surgeries.

If you are not happy with your appearance, the Clinic’s doctors will perform correction of your nose, ears, eyelids and other plastic surgeries.

You can find out more information on the Plastic Surgeon page

Advantages of surgical operations at the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic

We are pleased to offer you the services of our specialists. Our Clinic provides the best conditions for its patients:

  • modern anesthesia, which has proven its effectiveness;
  • high-tech equipment and high-quality consumables;
  • The clinic’s patients are provided with a day hospital with an individual nurse;
  • Hospital patients are provided with meals.

We issue state-issued sick leave certificates confirming your temporary disability.

Surgical operations at the Clinic of Rehabilitation Medicine in Tver

We are glad to see you within the walls of the Rehabilitation Medicine Clinic. Contact us in a way convenient for you to make an appointment with a doctor or to perform a procedure. Please note that most surgical procedures require prior examination and consultation with a physician.

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