How to disguise acne on your face: five effective ways

Existing types of funds

It is necessary to disguise acne only with high-quality products

You can disguise acne with a variety of cosmetic compositions, which professional makeup artists divide into the following groups:

  1. dermatocosmetology products;
  2. decorative cosmetics;
  3. heavy professional makeup.

Most often, ladies prefer the second group of products, represented by foundations, concealers, and compact powder.

Most women choose decorative cosmetics that help quickly hide obvious skin imperfections, forgetting that in this case the right decision would be to choose concealers with a healing effect!

Using a corrector for problem skin

A face prone to rashes requires special makeup, the main role of which is given to concealers. Only their correct application can improve the appearance and hide imperfections. To even out the tone, follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse the dermis of impurities with gel or facial cleansing milk.
  2. Identify problem areas and treat them with corrector. The product is applied with light movements directly to the pimple itself. You should not put a thick layer on it, otherwise it will only emphasize the defect.
  3. Next, blend a little so that the transition to healthy skin is smooth, without clear boundaries.
  4. Apply a foundation evenly on top that matches the color of the dermis. It will help even out your makeup.

It is better to use a color corrector, or a nude one, of a lighter tone to cover the redness of inflamed acne.

5 tips on how to cover up pimples with green concealer

The best color to hide redness is green. This is exactly the remedy that is necessary to solve problems with acne and irritation, as they also have healing properties, relieve inflammation and itching.

Features of using green corrector:

  • apply directly to clean skin;
  • try to mask only problematic locations, without going beyond them;
  • use a brush, this makes it easier to distribute the product and it will apply better and more accurately;
  • Be sure to apply a foundation with a dense texture so that the color does not show through.

It is important not to overdo it with green, otherwise the foundation will not be able to disguise it completely.

Corrective agents with therapeutic effect

Despite the rather high cost, medicinal camouflage cosmetics have a complex effect. It may contain:

  • substances aimed at regulating sebum production, such as extracts of green tea, seaweed, burdock, yeast, zinc compounds, and so on;
  • whitening components that have a preventive effect against pigmentation - mulberry and licorice extracts;
  • compounds with a matting effect - silicones, starch;
  • anti-inflammatory ingredients such as salicylic acid;
  • sun filters that eliminate the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation on the skin.

Almost all leading cosmetics brands began to produce masking correctors containing sebum-regulating and lightening substances, as well as vitamins, antioxidants and UV filters.

After applying colored concealers, apply a nude concealer

How to choose a product to disguise acne vulgaris?

High-quality medical camouflage should have the following properties41:

  • Asepsis. This is achieved due to the presence of an antiseptic and a natural herbal preservative in the cosmetic product.
  • No oils in the composition. You can usually recognize this by the “oil free” inscription.
  • High pigment content (about 53%). This promotes better camouflage of imperfections and perfect skin coverage.
  • ​​​​​​​​Large selection of shades. This is necessary so that every girl can choose a foundation of the color that is closest to the natural tone of her face.
  • ​​​​​​​Water resistance. Cosmetics must be resistant to moisture - sweat, rain, snow.
  • Melting point from 73°C. In hot weather, the product should not melt or flow.

​​​​​​​If you choose the right camouflage cosmetics, you can wear it for more than 8 hours.

Conceal skin imperfections with quick makeup

We offer you instructions that will help you tidy up your face and hide the hated pimples in about 5 minutes.

  1. First you will need to cleanse and degrease your facial skin using a gel or tonic.
  2. In order to reduce the degree of redness of the skin, it is recommended to wipe pimples with nasal drops that have a vasoconstrictor effect or ice cubes prepared with a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  3. Apply a thin layer of lightweight, instantly absorbed moisturizer that has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  4. Apply a layer of foundation, the color of which will be slightly lighter than the natural shade of your skin.
  5. Using a green concealer, you will need to place a dot in the center of the pimple that you want to hide and carefully blend it out.
  6. Lightly dust the skin to create an even matte finish.

​​​​​​Acne is better to treat, not hide

The use of medical camouflage helps patients feel more comfortable and improves their psycho-emotional state. But simply masking acne is ineffective. It is necessary to visit a dermatologist and begin acne treatment as early as possible. For mild to moderate acne, azelaic acid preparations can be used9.

Azelik® – 15% azelaic acid (AA) gel. After applying the drug, azelaic acid quickly penetrates the skin. This is facilitated by its micronized structure, as well as the presence of auxiliary components in the base (N-methyl-pyrrolidone, dimethicone), which facilitate its penetration7.

AK helps to normalize keratinization processes, reduce fatty acids in skin lipids, and reduce the colonization of propionibacteria5. The anti-inflammatory effect of azelaic acid may be related to its ability to reduce neutrophil metabolism and the synthesis of free radical oxygen species5.

Covering pimples without makeup

You can also hide acne on your face without using cosmetics. We offer you options for use in the evening so that the product works throughout the night.

Method 1:

  • moisten a cotton pad with drops of Visine or Naphthyzin and place it in the freezer for about 10 minutes;
  • Remove the cotton pad from the freezer and apply it to the pimple whose surface needs to be cleaned for about 1 minute;
  • put the cotton wool with the product back into the freezer and let the skin rest for about a minute, then apply it again;
  • repeat all the described steps several times within an hour.

Method 2:

  • Grind an aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablet into powder, add a few drops of water and make a mass with the consistency of gruel;
  • Apply the resulting product only to pimples after first cleansing their surface;
  • Place an adhesive plaster on top of the treated skin areas to prevent the product from falling off;
  • In the morning, gently wipe your face with a lotion containing salicylic acid.

Method 3:

  • cleanse your facial skin with gel or tonic;
  • Apply a thick layer of toothpaste to the pimples and leave it on overnight.

Method 4:

  • buy tea tree oil at any pharmacy;
  • cleanse the skin surface of the face;
  • Using a cotton swab, apply the product pointwise - only on acne;
  • do not wash off the oil for at least 5 - 6 hours, so do this procedure in the evening.

Method 5:

  • you will need to make a mask for acne from aloe and lemon juice, taken in equal proportions;
  • You can also moisten a piece of cotton wool with this solution and use an adhesive plaster to fix the composition on the skin, leaving it overnight.

Green concealers are used to cover only red pimples.

Selection of decorative cosmetics

Girls with problem skin need a line of cosmetics designed specifically for them. Fortunately, cosmetic manufacturers have taken into account the needs of acne patients. Today you can find better products, especially among foundations. Camouflage products do more than just cover the skin; they can contain reflective particles that modify the skin's hue41.

The purpose of everyday makeup is to advantageously emphasize the advantages of appearance and hide minor flaws. Medical camouflage and a line of corrective cosmetics can do more. They can mask pronounced defects - a rash under the chin, on the forehead, cheekbones, pimples in the décolleté area and other open areas. Dermatological camouflage is used to disguise defects with blue and red dominants41.

Defects with a blue dominant41:

  • dark circles under the eyes;
  • veins

Defects with a red dominant are divided into the following groups41:

  • Vascular. capillaries, rosacea, rosacea, erythema that occurs after peeling, laser, injections, cleansing.
  • Pigmented. This includes post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation, which can develop in patients with acne vulgaris.
  • Hemorrhagic. Petechial and other hemorrhages.
  • Scarring.

Also, camouflage cosmetics can hide age spots and reduce the visibility of stretch marks41.

General Tips

Even the highest quality concealer will not help hide a rash on the face if you do not follow the basic recommendations of makeup artists:

  • be sure to cleanse the skin before applying concealing cosmetics, otherwise it will become covered with a layer of fat, and the compositions will “flow” over the face;
  • choose a foundation with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects;
  • It is best to choose foundation and powder with a hypoallergenic composition that reduces the possible appearance of redness to a minimum;
  • You cannot choose dark shades of foundation, as they will not hide, but rather highlight and emphasize all existing defects and imperfections of the skin surface;
  • purchase foundation with a liquid consistency, avoiding pink shades, which highlight and concentrate attention on acne as much as possible;
  • To apply foundation evenly and easily, use a sponge pre-moistened with plain water;
  • if you are used to using powder, it is best to use loose powder with a mineral base, the light texture of which is evenly distributed over the surface of the skin and does not create a mask effect;
  • Use a convenient corrective pencil to disguise red pimples. Its greenish tint base quickly hides visible defects and also has a healing effect;
  • try taking 2 concealers - one light and the other dark. Treat the pimple with a light tone and the area around it with a dark tone. Don't forget to blend both products carefully.

Good luck to you!

If you have multiple acne pimples

Photo by SHVETS production: Pexels
Acne is a common skin disease that imposes a number of restrictions on the use of cosmetics. The primary remedy for the fight is caring creams, serums, lotions that accelerate the exfoliation of skin cells and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, acne should not dictate terms. If you want to look perfect, you will look like that, and this is where decorative cosmetics will come to the rescue. A quick note: covering up acne every day is not a good idea. The fact is that dense layers of decorative cosmetics do not allow the skin to breathe normally, and accordingly, the problem can worsen.

This doesn’t mean that you can’t mask acne, just don’t do it every day and take care of quality regular care.

So, to disguise acne pimples with cosmetics, you will need:

  • high-quality makeup base;
  • green corrector;
  • thick concealer;
  • Foundation.

How to disguise acne without foundation?

Before you move on to masking, take care of the care. First, wash thoroughly with anti-inflammatory gel. If your gel dries out your skin, after washing, apply a moisturizing toner with anti-inflammatory components, or a liquid serum with hyaluronic acid and niacinamide - these components will provide quality care for problem skin.

How to cover up pimples will depend on what they are. If you have a scattering of red inflammations, consider yourself relatively lucky - they are easiest to disguise. To do this, apply a green makeup base to your skin.

For special cases, you can use a silicone-based base - it will also even out the microrelief of the skin and ensure easy distribution of the foundation. For every day, choose the most natural green concealer. Why green? Because it is this shade that masks redness.

Step-by-step masking instructions:

  • Apply green primer or spot-distribute green corrector to prepared skin;
  • let the primer settle on the skin a little and apply foundation;
  • If a pimple still stands out somewhere, spread a thick concealer with patting movements.

Finally, you can apply a very thin layer of powder so that nothing shines anywhere.

If whiteheads are present along with red pimples on the face, the task becomes more complicated. The fact is that any concealer tends to crawl away from prominent acne. The green base is useless here, since the pimple is white. True, if only the tip is white, and there are traces of inflammation around the pimple, you can do the following:

  • take green corrector onto a thin brush and spread it over the redness around the pimple;
  • apply foundation all over your face;
  • clean the brush and apply a thick concealer with a yellowish tint;
  • Apply the product liberally to the head of the pimple and “trample” it with a brush.

To be on the safe side, take a little concealer on your finger and apply another layer after the previous one has dried.

Acne scars can be covered with thick concealer and silicone-based primer. This makeup base will partially hide the uneven microrelief on the skin. Apply a thin layer, then apply your favorite foundation with a sponge. Once it has settled, apply concealer with a brush and set with powder.

Warm compress

A good home remedy for removing scars and pimples from the face is a warm compress. This is an effective remedy as the toxins present in the body are removed from the pores due to the action of a warm compress. To prepare a compress, take warm, but not too hot water, soak a cloth bandage in it or gauze bandage and squeeze out excess water.

Compresses should be repeated 5 or 6 times, without waiting for them to cool completely and constantly changing them with a new warm bandage. Typically, this procedure takes 20 - 30 minutes, after which you will be able to notice a general decrease in the size or volume of inflammation and a slight effect of masking acne with strongly moisturizes and saturates the skin with moisture.


Both decorative and medicinal cosmetics are not suitable for everyone. Therefore, before choosing an acne corrector, you should familiarize yourself with a number of restrictions on its use:

  • allergic reaction to cosmetics;
  • strong foci of inflammation;
  • skin diseases for which the application of makeup is strictly prohibited;
  • open wounds.

Despite the fact that this product usually does not pose a health risk, if any negative manifestations on the skin are detected, you should stop using it further and consult a dermatologist.

What to do to prevent pimples from appearing?

To begin with, I will tell you a few words about how to prevent the appearance of pimples, blackheads and pustules on the face. Of course, we all know about hygiene, but hygiene varies, and some girls manage to make gross mistakes, just like I did at first.

So, for some reason, many people think that if you have oily skin, you need to wash your face with regular soap as often as possible, and then there will be no problems with rashes - the fat will be washed away, the pores will not become clogged, and therefore, pimples will not appear. But this stereotype is wrong and harmful! It's just the opposite. With frequent washing, you deprive the skin of an oily film and natural moisture - epithelial receptors perceive this as a call to produce even more sebum, and the result is profuse rashes and clogged pores.

Another option is possible, quite common, and this is liquid soap, which “rips off” the skin, making it overly vulnerable and sensitive, which increases the number of inflammations. Therefore, when taking care of the cleanliness of your face, you need to maintain harmony.

I used special masks and scrubs, used healing clay and natural oils - all this helped me maintain a healthier epidermis. Therefore, I personally recommend blue clay and scrubs based on peach kernels - the effect of these products is both gentle and effective.

Conceal summer acne* with contouring, mattifying and strobing

Fans of highlighters will have to give them up or apply them only to the cheekbones.

Here's how to mask acne* in summer:

  • Transparent powder should be applied to the face using pressing movements. Next, lightly patting the brush on the skin to remove a layer of concealer from it.
  • Using a brush, apply a small amount of light contour product to and slightly above the raised part of the acne to conceal the shadow.

If acne appears on the cheekbones, nose, that is, those parts that you previously strobed, leave these areas matte.

Covering Acne with Neem Leaves

Since acne can mainly be caused by bacterial infection, neem leaves, which have excellent cleansing and antibacterial properties, can be an excellent remedy to quickly remove or cover up scars and pimples. To do this, you need to boil a few neem leaves. Let them boil until the water will not become a rich green color. Then cool the broth to room temperature, strain, and wash your face with the resulting liquid. Using neem leaves, you will get a good remedy for acne and quickly achieve their disguise. You can buy such leaves in online stores.


In any case, it is necessary to remember that acne, wherever it appears, should not be hidden - but treated. They indicate possible interruptions in the functioning of your body - in the hormonal or endocrine system, or maybe you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Whatever the reason for their appearance, it lies in serious disorders of the body.

Thank you for your attention! Let your face always please you and those around you with cleanliness and well-groomedness, and let a small random pimple not be able to ruin your mood!

What requires camouflage

Symptoms of rashes that require camouflage:

  • redness;
  • painful sensations;
  • formation of a purulent head.

Red, inflamed and large white pimples are the first candidates for careful camouflage. Small pimples and blackheads are not so noticeable. Large and painful ones spoil the appearance and attract attention. In some cases, they can be hidden under hair. But, as luck would have it, they appear in the most visible place - on the cheeks, forehead, chin.

You can disguise pimples using decorative cosmetics. It will hide the redness, although it will not be able to smooth out the tubercle that appears. Also, if you have extra time, you can resort to home cosmetology recipes that help quickly relieve the inflammatory process. This will make it easier to disguise with foundation or correctors.

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