10 main exercises for those with poor circulation

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Slouching is unsightly: the shoulders are rounded, the height becomes visually smaller, in girls the breasts seem saggy, the tummy sticks out. And it seems like nothing, it’s just a matter of appearance, but incorrect posture also harms health, deforming internal organs, worsening the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

There are many reasons for this disease: congenital, acquired, physical and psychological. But don’t worry, in most cases everything can be corrected with exercises for stooping, even at home.

About facial skin care

The face is a kind of “calling card” of any woman. The main task of caring for this area is to minimize the visual signs of aging (expression wrinkles, lines around the eyes, sagging skin and double chin, age spots).

The face is a kind of “calling card” of any woman.

To do this you need:

  • Apply night and day skin care products in accordance with the instructions;
  • Eat properly;
  • Avoid consuming excessive amounts of liquid to prevent swelling under the eyes;
  • Periodically apply anti-aging masks, industrially produced or made at home, to the skin of the face and décolleté;
  • Exfoliate regularly to remove dead cells from the skin. Peeling can be deep or superficial, depending on the number of dead cells and their location.

Procedures such as therapeutic and preventive massage and facial gymnastics performed at home are of great benefit. The main advantage of these procedures is that they have no contraindications, do not cause allergies and are well tolerated.

Attention! You can perform massage and gymnastics with your hands or using a roller massager. Under the influence of vibrations of a certain frequency, the facial muscles tense or, conversely, relax. Thanks to mechanical action, the skin becomes tightened, blood circulation and fluid supply to skin cells improves. The face takes on a radiant appearance, unpleasant pallor disappears, and age circles under the eyes lighten.

When to see a doctor immediately

Symptoms of acute cerebrovascular accident are a reason to call an ambulance:

  • asymmetry of the face, tongue;
  • numbness, weakness, paralysis of a limb;
  • speech disorders;
  • double vision, loss of focus;
  • vomit;
  • severe incoordination of movements (“drunk” gait);
  • confusion;
  • unusually severe headache.

Medical care is also needed when the symptoms of a chronic circulatory disorder do not go away for a long time, and exercises do not help restore vascular tone. If severe dizziness, headache, drowsiness, difficulty concentrating, or fatigue persist for several days, consult a physician or neurologist.

Some signs of poor circulation in the legs also require medical attention. Spider veins, bulging veins, long-lasting bruises, persistent cramps in the calf muscles are a reason to visit a phlebologist.

Home facial care

Japanese gymnastics for weight loss with a roller

Eastern women and girls have always been famous for their beauty and ability to prolong youth. The Japanese are especially successful in this. To ensure that your face always looks well-groomed, they:

  • Massage the face and décolleté area daily using a variety of acupuncture and manual therapy techniques;
  • By influencing certain points, microcirculation is activated to cope with swelling and improve fluid drainage;
  • Prepare face masks at home with natural ingredients;
  • Include in your daily diet a large amount of fish and seafood rich in protein and phosphorus. They almost never eat red meat, a product that causes premature wilting.

Japanese beauties know better than anyone about the benefits of seaweed. Daily use of masks with natural extracts of spirulina and kelp algae, growing in the Far East, has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, evens out tone, has a mild whitening effect and removes unwanted pigmentation. The most important thing is that seaweed is a valuable source of collagen - a substance on which the degree of firmness and elasticity of the skin layers depends.

Face masks with natural ingredients

Local women and girls never buy industrial products to remove makeup. Japanese women prepare their own special hydrophilic oil. This product can be made from any vegetable oil (sunflower, mustard, olive) by mixing it with mineral oil. The mixture is applied to completely dry skin and distributed in an even, even layer over the surface of the face covered with decorative cosmetics. After this, the massage is continued with slightly damp hands. Makeup melts right before your eyes, and hydrophilic oil helps open and cleanse pores. In addition to cosmetics, all impurities are removed from the face. When the oil is completely absorbed into the skin, it forms a thin film on the surface that must be washed off thoroughly. After washing, the skin will look fresh and rested, its color will pleasantly change for the better.

Attention! To wash your face in Japanese style, you need to foam liquid soap into a thick foam, apply this mixture to your face, then massage your face and décolleté using soft patting movements. At the end of the procedure, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel. You should take a cotton pad, moisten it with any toner, then gently blot your face and neck without pressing on the skin. Next, apply a rejuvenating serum or other care product, day or night.

The way Japanese women take care of their facial skin is reminiscent of a religious ceremony. Local women are very sensitive to beauty and youth.


Japanese gymnastics has found numerous followers of this technique among Russian women. It solves the problems of facial wrinkles and age-related wrinkles, representing almost an equivalent replacement for plastic surgery.

Even expensive cosmetics cannot compete with Japanese technology in terms of effectiveness. With its help, you can maintain a well-groomed face, regardless of external environmental factors, for a whole year. The skin also benefits from such exercises - it acquires elasticity, becomes more elastic and fresh.

A set of Japanese gymnastics exercises

Japanese gymnastics for the face

Rejuvenating gymnastics for the face

Japanese women know that to prevent wrinkles, facial muscles need regular training. Alternating relaxation and tension during a massage and gymnastics session helps relieve stress, get rid of “bags” under the eyes and vascular network, and stimulates microcirculation.


The main goal of Japanese gymnastics for a small face, Miyabi, is to improve lymph flow and get rid of age-related swelling and puffiness of the face. When performed correctly, exercises from this system actively involve not only the skin, but also the muscles of the face and neck. Here are the basic principles of this set of exercises:

  • Active influence on lymph nodes and blood vessels by squeezing, stroking, rubbing;
  • The duration of the session is short - maximum 10-15 minutes. The main thing is to properly distribute this time in order to massage all problem areas;
  • Active pressure on biologically active points located where the lymph nodes are located;
  • Activation of important reflexes by mechanical action on certain points;
  • Using stroking movements to eliminate wrinkles;
  • Correction of the shape of the nose using rubbing movements.

Important! Miyabi is an effective facial gymnastics that allows you to achieve good results in 2-3 weeks. A set of Miyabi exercises is always included in Japanese facial skin care.


The Japanese Asahi massage technique includes a set of movements aimed at activating cellular metabolism and stimulating vital processes occurring inside the epidermis. Also, this Japanese gymnastics is aimed at getting a small face with clear contours, removing sagging skin.

Massage for women 40-60 years old includes the following stages:

Japanese lymphatic drainage massage

  • Gently stroking the surface of the face and neck, tapping the skin with your fingertips is a kind of “warm-up” before the session;
  • Active pressure on the forehead area to correct age-related changes;
  • Delicate massage of the skin around the eyes to create a lifting effect;
  • Intensive smoothing of folds in the nasolabial triangle area;
  • Stroking the cheeks aimed at tightening them;
  • Modeling facial contours using palms.

For your information. These Japanese facial exercises should be performed every day.

At the final stage of the procedure, as before its start, soft stroking movements are performed. The last stage of the massage is aimed at relaxing all muscles, relieving tightness and tension. If everything was done correctly, at the end of the session the face is in a relaxed state, which leads to the smoothing out of fine wrinkles and crow's feet.

If you massage regularly (at least 10 sessions daily), deep wrinkles will gradually begin to disappear. The “double chin” will also disappear, and the skin will look rested. If some massage movements were performed incorrectly, at the end of the session, on the contrary, there may be a feeling of tightness in individual muscles of the face and neck. If you feel this way, you should stop the massage for a while. Asahi gymnastics for the face has contraindications, so you should consult a cosmetologist.

Signs of circulation problems

Symptoms of chronic circulatory failure in the brain may not appear until a situation requiring abundant blood supply: stress, unusual physical activity, or being in an unventilated room. They appear suddenly: headache, numbness of part of the face, loss of coordination of movements, tinnitus.

Chronically, the following symptoms may appear: frequent dizziness, decreased memory and performance, poor concentration, drowsiness or insomnia.

Signs of impaired blood flow in the extremities include intermittent claudication (pain when walking and its absence at rest), cold hands and feet in any weather, the formation of spider veins, heaviness, fatigue, swelling, cramps in the leg muscles.

Care according to Chizu Saeki

Japanese facial gymnastics should be performed daily

Facial gymnastics Carol Maggio

Chizu Saeki is a Japanese doctor, a specialist in cosmetology and dermatology. She is also a successful writer who recently published a book about Japanese face and body care. The book was published in Japan and translated into several languages, including Russian. One of the chapters is called “Face after 50, care according to Chizu Saeki.” In his book, Saeki writes:

  • If a woman wants to be beautiful, she must, first of all, accept and love herself;
  • Japanese facial gymnastics should be performed daily, not occasionally;
  • To prevent the early manifestation of facial wrinkles, you should look in the mirror as often as possible and control your facial expressions.
  • You should try to avoid loud laughter with your mouth wide open and too active articulation;
  • It is necessary to maintain an optimal level of moisture content in the skin layers. If your face looks visibly dry, you should immediately start using a moisturizer. Women over 50 years of age must use moisturizers daily without fail;
  • Soft patting movements with your fingertips are the easiest and most effective way to smooth out fine wrinkles around the eyes;
  • To make the skin of your hands soft and tender at home, you need to take hot baths daily;
  • When washing dishes and working in the garden, be sure to wear rubber gloves;
  • To make your face, neck and body healthy, you should forget about tanning once and for all. On the contrary, you need to protect yourself from bright sunlight, as it dries and burns the skin.

In his book, Saeki makes a very important recommendation: all cosmetics should be age appropriate. Anti-aging serums and creams can only be used by those who are already 30-35.

For your information. In young years, the skin quickly recovers from stress and does not need artificial rejuvenation. For 10-12 year old girls, any decorative cosmetics are generally contraindicated. Using products that are inappropriate for your age can lead to hormonal changes.

The Japanese cosmetologist also talks about how using decorative cosmetics and care products every day is very harmful. At least once a week you need to have a fasting day for your skin, completely giving up any cosmetics. A careful examination of your own face without makeup will help you identify early signs of facial aging.

The Japanese rejuvenation technique is effective and brings good results after the first wellness course. But in order to consolidate the achieved results and maintain them for a long time, it is advisable to review your diet, increase the level of physical activity and master effective methods of dealing with stress. Then beauty will not fade for many years.

Why does stooping occur and what to do about it?

In this paragraph we will not touch upon congenital causes: if a person has different leg lengths, the structure of the intervertebral discs is disturbed, or abnormal muscle development, exercises cannot correct this, or they are too specific. Let's talk about acquired disease.

In childhood

In children, stooping usually appears after 6-7 years, when the thoracic spine is finally formed. The reason is long hours spent with a tablet or phone in hand, when the child leans towards the screen, or carrying a heavy backpack on one shoulder.

If you don’t notice anything, the child may develop kyphosis or scoliosis, but at this age everything is easily corrected: the joints and vertebrae are flexible, and daily 20-minute exercises are enough to strengthen the muscles.

However, sometimes the reasons are psychological. It is useless to shout “Don’t slouch!” if the reason is fear, uncertainty, or emotional tightness. In this case, to remove stoop, it is better to do gymnastics together, or to understand the reasons for internal tightness.

During adolescence

A young body begins to grow quickly, and sometimes bones develop faster than muscles. That is why a teenager should be sent to swimming or introduced to some kind of sport, this will help make the figure harmonious.

Sometimes children are embarrassed by their height and cannot stop hunching over, as if trying to be smaller. This is solved psychologically. The body is still growing, and if we take it in time, everything can be fixed.

In adults

The problem here, most often, is a sedentary lifestyle or work where you need to bend over a table, machine, equipment, etc. How to fix a slouched back? Exercises, special exercises for stooping, and constant monitoring.

  • A man is often more comfortable working out in the gym, where he pumps up his muscles so that they keep the spine straight.
  • The girl will most likely benefit from home gymnastics. Women by nature are more flexible, they enjoy going to yoga, they try to maintain their posture so that their tummy does not stick out and their breasts seem more attractive.
  • In older people, problems with posture often arise against the background of other diseases of the spine or internal organs, and most often, general treatment is required. But a gentle warm-up, stretching and simple exercises without strain can relieve pain and allow you to straighten up.

How to do an Asahi massage

All exercises are repeated three times. Full video instructions are at the end of the article.

Forehead strengthening

Press the index, middle and ring fingers of both hands tightly to the middle of the forehead so that the palms take a horizontal position. After three seconds, move them with pressure to your temples. Then turn your palms 90 degrees and, reducing the pressure, move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

Lifting the area around the eyes

Using the pads of your middle fingers, touch the skin at the outer corners of your eyes. Without using force and moving towards the inner corners, line your eyes from below. Next, apply pressure along the upper orbital edge. Pause for three seconds at your temples.

Then run your fingers along the bottom edge of your eyes again, from the outer corners to the inner ones. After this, come back with pressure. Pause at the outer corners of your eyes for three seconds and move towards your ears. Make the finishing move.

Strengthening the area around the mouth and chin

Press the ring and middle fingers of both hands into the hollow of your chin. After three seconds, press around your mouth, connecting your fingers in the hollow above your upper lip. Press on this point for another three seconds, trying to lift the nasal septum. Then sharply remove your fingers and move them to the starting position.

This is the only exercise after which the finishing move is not performed.

Elimination of nasolabial folds

Immediately after the previous exercise, move to the wings of the nose and massage them with pressure, and then the sides of the nose itself. Next, move your fingers with pressure along the cheekbones to the ears and perform the final action.

Cheek lift

Place your index, middle and ring fingers in the hollow of your chin. With maximum pressure, move them around the lips to the nostrils and maxillary bone. Then move higher to the inner corners of the eyes. Stay there for three seconds and move towards your temples. Reducing the pressure, move to the ears and do the finishing move.

Strengthening the lower face

With one palm, fix the lower jaw, with the other, with pressure, move along the cheek from the place where the masticatory muscle begins to the inner corner of the eye. Hold for three seconds and move towards your ears. Take the final action. Do the same exercise on the other side of your face.

Midface Strengthening

Place your index, middle and ring fingers horizontally on your cheek bones. Press your fingers hard against your nostrils, then move them towards your ears and do the finishing move.

Face lift

Bring your arms together in front of you at chest level and open your palms at a 90-degree angle. Press the heels of your palms to your chin and hold in this position for three seconds. Next, move your palms up to your nose, then along your cheekbones to your temples, and then to your ears. Do the finishing move.

Correction of facial oval

Place your chin on the base of your palm with your fingers pointing towards your ear. Forcefully move your palm towards your ear and make the final movement. Repeat the exercise on the other side of your face.

Double chin removal

Join your palms into a triangle so that your chin rests on your thumbs and your index fingers touch the bridge of your nose. Fix your thumbs, and forcefully move the rest towards your temples (the index fingers should move along the lower orbital edge). Then move to the ears and perform the finishing action.

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