Available correction methods: how to remove a dimple on the chin

A dimple on the chin is usually a dominant genetic trait. It appears during embryological development for one of the following reasons: incomplete fusion of structures in the area of ​​the mental symphysis or a large distance between the mental muscles.

In most cases, the presence of a depression is due to the location of the paired mental muscles. In this article, Dr. Gabriel Siquier Dameto talks about the characteristics and available options for correcting dimpled chins .

  • Features and available methods for correcting dimples on the chin
  • Techniques for introducing HA fillers for chin correction
  • Possibilities of botulinum toxin injections to correct a depression on the chin
  • Surgical procedures to eliminate dimpled chin
  • Preventing complications when correcting dimples on the chin

Features and available methods for correcting dimples on the chin

There are differences between the chin grooves of men and women. As a rule, in men the fossa is deeper and wider, and looks like a Y-shaped groove. In women, the dimple has a more rounded shape and is less deep, since the lower jaw in women is usually smaller than in men.

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Before undergoing chin dimple correction, it is important to evaluate the risks described below. Injection techniques (HA fillers, botulinum toxin preparations) provide temporary, and surgical procedures provide permanent results.

Recovery period after plastic surgery

As part of any operation aimed at correcting this zone, patients usually do not require hospitalization. In some situations, you need to stay in the clinic for twenty-four hours, subject to complete rest.

The fixing bandage in the chin area is left on the patient for two to four days. It is not recommended to engage in physical exercise, and, in addition, lift various weights for one month after the surgical procedure.

Techniques for introducing HA fillers for chin correction

The easiest way to remove a dimple on the chin is to implant hyaluronic acid fillers. They can be injected directly into the depression to lift the skin in the dimple and thus even out the relief of the chin.

To achieve a lifting effect and fill the volume deficit in the chin area, high-viscosity fillers are used. Such products provide longer lasting results and have the necessary lifting ability.

Despite the rapid effect and safety of HA fillers, the correction results are temporary and last for approximately 12 months. To maintain results, the author recommends repeat treatments every 8 months.

The HA filler is injected using a needle directly onto the jaw bone in the area of ​​the fossa. The bolus technique is used for injection. The author recommends that practitioners administer 0.1 ml of product while counting to ten. This can reduce the risk of complications, since slow administration and small boluses are generally quite safe. The filler should then be injected continuously as the needle is withdrawn to create a pyramid-shaped bolus.

Correction with follers: rules for safe work in the periorbital area

Next, you can inject the drug into the lower edge of the jaw at a distance of 1 cm from the medial line of the face to lengthen the face or visually enlarge the chin. The entry point is located on the lower border of the jaw, just below the corner of the mouth.

If necessary, additional subdermal injection of filler can be performed using a cannula using a fan technique. This way the surface is leveled and the end result will be more natural.

Rice. 1: techniques for correcting dimples on the chin

Typically, the amount of HA filler required to correct a dimpled chin varies between 1-3 ml. Sometimes, if the dimple is too deep or in case of overactivity of the mentalis muscle, it is better to carry out the correction in two sessions with an interval of 1 month.

Despite the rapid effect and safety of HA fillers, the correction results are temporary and last for approximately 12 months. To maintain results, the author recommends that patients return for follow-up treatments every 8 months.

How to remove a dimple at home

At home, you can also, if not get rid of it completely, then at least make this dimple on your chin much less noticeable. For this purpose, more gentle methods are used, but require regular use - facial gymnastics and makeup.

Gymnastics for the face

A set of exercises will help strengthen the muscles and ligaments of the chin. But to achieve the effect, you need to be patient and perform the exercises daily, for at least a month. To be sure that gymnastics is effective, you need to take a front and profile photo before starting training. And then the same photos a month later. Seeing yourself in the mirror every day, you may not notice the gradually tightening lines of your face. Each exercise must be repeated 5 times at first, but add more every day and bring it up to 15-20 times. Complex:

  • Exercise 1. You need to smile very widely so that all your teeth are as visible and closed as possible. After this, you need to press your tongue on the upper hard palate, increasing the pressure to the maximum. Fix and hold the force for 5 seconds. After this, gradually relax the muscles.
  • Exercise 2 . The beginning of the exercise is the same as in the first. After “smiling,” you need to hold the corners of your mouth with your fingers, preventing them from drooping. And at the same time, tense your chin muscles as much as possible for 5 seconds. Relax the muscles gradually.
  • Exercise 3 . Resistance. You need to hold your lower jaw with your palm, not allowing yourself to open your mouth. At the same time, straining the muscles of the chin as much as possible, you need to try to do this for 5 seconds.
  • Exercise 4 . Using your fingers, stretch and press the lower lip above the chin. At the same time, we strain our chin, as if trying to pull it off. We relax the muscles gradually.
  • Exercise 5 . Performed at the end of the workout, once, for 2-3 minutes. The index fingers of both hands need to make circular massage movements towards the corners of the mouth, lightly pressing on the skin.

Disguise with cosmetics

Properly chosen makeup can work wonders! It helps hide unwanted facial features and highlight the most attractive ones. To disguise a dimple, you can do both, including at the same time.

To disguise the dimple itself, it is necessary to apply a darker tone or powder to the sunken area of ​​the chin, and, on the contrary, lighten the convex part a little. This will emphasize the convex relief of the chin and hide the retraction.

And to “distract” attention from the chin, you can do more expressive eye makeup - for example, draw wide arrows or smoky eyes. Add a layer of mascara to all this and you’re done – all looks will be “eye to eye”.

Chin correction with Radiesse (video):

Chin correction (video):

Each owner of a dimple can decide for himself whether it decorates him or, on the contrary, it is better to smooth out his chin. There are several radical and mild ways to correct it. You need to choose the right one for yourself!

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Possibilities of botulinum toxin injections to correct a depression on the chin

Botulinum toxin blocks nerve impulses transmitted from the brain to the muscles, which leads to their relaxation. The severity of the dimple can be reduced by paralyzing the mental muscles (if they are the cause of the dimple) with botulinum toxin.

Correction with fillers in the orbital zone is effective not only for aging skin

But the effect of the drug lasts for 3–6 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient, and botulinum toxin does not have a filling ability. Therefore, it is worth noting that botulinum toxin injections in this case are an excellent addition to HA fillers.

It is worth noting that botulinum toxin injections in this case are an excellent addition to HA fillers.

Discomfort after surgery

Immediately after mentoplasty, patients may feel some discomfort when chewing food; there may be slight swelling, which will disappear after a few days. Allergic reactions along with long-term scarring of sutures or hematomas are extremely rare.

Access to bone tissue is carried out through the lower region of the oral cavity or through an external incision in natural skin folds, thanks to which the patient’s postoperative scars will be almost invisible.

Surgical procedures to eliminate dimpled chin

Fat grafting or surgery is also performed to correct dimpled chin. Such procedures provide longer-lasting results, but require a longer recovery period and are associated with more serious complications, such as:

• infections;

• bleeding;

• scarring;

• swelling;

• undesirable results.

When transferring fat tissue, it is necessary to remember that as a result of the procedure, the size of the chin will increase, which may not be to the liking of some patients.

There are two surgical solutions to the problem, which can be used either individually or in combination:

• chin implants;

• modification of the chin bones and repositioning of the mental muscles.

Rice. 2: before and 6 months after dimple correction with Aliaxin EV

Whatever therapy the patient chooses, it is important to remember that with one technique it is almost impossible to completely remove the dimple on the chin. The author prefers to perform correction by combining injections of HA filler and botulinum toxin. This technique is less invasive, does not require a long recovery period and provides immediate results.

Why do people get dimples?

The dimple looks as if something sharp was pressed into this place of the chin, and a dent remained.

The anatomical reason for this phenomenon is the insufficient development of tissues that should be involved in connecting the skin with facial muscles or with bone. This usually occurs through a piece of connective tissue, such as a ligament or tendon. If a muscle or tendon is heterogeneous in its structure and has a gap, a piece of skin seems to fall into it. From the outside it looks like a hole.

The same reason causes dimples on the cheeks. They do not pose any threat to health, but only add a “zest” to their owner.

This feature of the structure of the connective tissue of the chin is inherited from the parents, that is, the dimples are genetically determined. Even if one of the parents has them, the probability of occurrence in children will be 50%.

With age, due to the drooping of facial tissues and the accumulation of fat under the skin of the chin, these dimples smooth out and become less noticeable than in youth.

Doctors rating

To date, a rating of plastic surgeons has been compiled, and two hundred and fifty best clinics in the nineteen largest cities of Russia have been named.

It presents both public and private medical institutions, which are located in cities such as Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Chelyabinsk, Samara, Ufa and so on. As part of compiling the rating, the experience and qualifications of specialists were assessed along with the potential for quality of services, information openness and contact.

It is worth noting that most of the best plastic surgery clinics are private medical institutions. The largest number of them were in Moscow. Valery Grigorievich Yakimets, Vladimir Viktorovich Naumov and Yulia Sergeevna Vasilyeva are recognized as good plastic surgeons today. All these doctors are doctors of science and recognized talented plastic surgeons.

Next, we will find out what people who tried to hide this feature of their face say about ways to eliminate a dimple on the chin.

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