Any plastic surgery can now be done in Vladimir

Advantages of treating gynecological diseases at the Denova Clinic

— Consultations with highly qualified gynecologists

— Ultrasound examinations

— Minimally invasive operations in one day

- Laboratory research

— An integrated approach to treatment (day hospital, physiotherapy, etc.)

— Satisfied patient reviews

— Affordable prices for services.

Treatment methods:

1. Hysteroscopy is one of the types of endoscopic treatment, in which the doctor conducts a diagnostic examination of the uterine cavity using a specially inserted tube and carries out the necessary manipulations depending on the detected pathology.

2. Hysteroresectoscopy. The procedure is prescribed on the fifth to ninth day of the menstrual cycle, this is due to the smallest thickness of the endometrium, reduced during this period by its vascularization (blood supply), which reduces the risk of bleeding and improves visualization.

3. Aesthetic gynecology is a branch of gynecology that helps women find harmony and health. Modern medicine provides the opportunity to perform surgical interventions (labiaplasty, hymenoplasty).

Indications for aesthetic gynecology procedures and operations are:

· dissatisfaction with the appearance of the external genitalia – asymmetrical labia, large clitoris, flabby sagging labia minora;

· vaginal dryness;

· gaping of the genital slit;

· rough scars of the perineum and vagina, which make it impossible to have sex and cause pain;

· lack of orgasm or insufficiently expressed sensations during sex;

· urinary incontinence;

· age-related changes in intimate areas.

4. Electrowave excision is a modern method of combating cervical pathologies, which involves removing pathological tissue (for example, removing a cyst) using a wire loop of various sizes and shapes, capturing the lower part of the cervical canal. The manipulation is carried out in a one-day hospital setting under local anesthesia.

5. Physiotherapeutic procedures in gynecology are used to completely regenerate damaged tissues, reduce pain, activate metabolic processes, improve blood supply, lymph outflow, and increase the body's resistance.

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Questions and answers

What do you need for an appointment with a gynecologist?
An initial appointment with a gynecologist involves familiarizing the specialist with your problem, so he will need: an outpatient card (if any), a passport, a compulsory medical insurance or voluntary health insurance policy, available certificates, referrals, examinations completed previously, if any. If there are no test results, you can undergo them on the day you visit our clinic. Take a smear for flora, blood biochemistry, PCR analysis for infections, undergo an ultrasound examination - all this is available in our treatment room.

What is bartholinitis?

Women sometimes experience inflammation of the gland located near the vagina, which causes dryness, discomfort, and sometimes swelling. The Bartholin gland is responsible for producing secretion (fluid) that moisturizes the inner walls. In some cases, treatment of this gland requires surgery. The causes of inflammation are often STDs, insufficient hygiene, and excess hormones. An experienced gynecologist will help you choose treatment or solve the problem surgically. The latter is considered a minimally invasive one-day operation.

How dangerous is fibroid?

Myoma is a benign neoplasm. It can cause heavy menstruation, spotting on other days of the cycle, pain in the lower abdomen, disrupt bowel function, and in many cases, prevent conception. If the size of the node or nodes remains constant, treatment is not required in most cases. If, during further regular examinations, growth of fibroids is observed, then drug treatment is prescribed. In critical cases, surgical intervention is indicated.

How to prepare for an appointment with a gynecologist?

It is better not to take medications before visiting a doctor. Taking immunomodulators and hormones can also distort the analysis; they should also not be taken for 2-3 weeks before the visit. But if you have chronic diseases and take pills constantly, then, of course, you should not take a break. It is advisable to abstain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 days. Test results can be affected not only by seminal fluid entering the vagina, but even by spermicides or lubricant from a condom. You shouldn't douche either; too thorough hygiene procedures will not allow the doctor to get a true idea of ​​the state of the microflora.

What day of the menstrual cycle is best to come for an appointment?

It is better to come to a visit to the gynecologist after menstruation, if at least two clean days have passed, but preferably no later than the 17-18th day of the menstrual cycle. This is due to the fact that before menstruation the number of leukocytes in the discharge may increase, and tests from the genital tract may be interpreted incorrectly. In addition, basic studies of the cervix are most reliable in the first phase of the cycle.

Chin up! 8 secrets for patients dreaming of rhinoplasty.

To remove a hump, shorten it, make the tip of the nose upturned and the nostrils graceful - surgery can do everything! But for this there must be mutual understanding between the doctor and the patient. If you want rhinoplasty to be successful, follow the advice of the surgeon at the UMG Center for Aesthetic Medicine, Alexander Stavsky. He spoke about secrets that will help patients on their path to beauty.

Secret No. 1. Prepare all the information necessary for rhinoplasty.

Today, you can send pre-review information to your doctor remotely via email, but try to put together everything related to the planned operation and present it to the surgeon in order.

In order for the doctor to delve into your history as much as possible and understand what you want, answer several questions in the letter.

  • What exactly do you dislike about the current shape of the nose?
  • What would you like to change?
  • Is your nose breathing well?
  • Have you previously had injuries to your nose or face?
  • Have you had rhinoplasty or facial surgery before?
  • Have you had your nose corrected with fillers?
  • Attach a CT scan, if available, and several selfies: full face, profile on both sides, top, bottom. The surgeon will answer such a request in detail and explain how possible it is to achieve the desired result. After this, you can call the clinic administrator and arrange an in-person consultation, where you and the doctor will discuss all the nuances in detail. And only after the appointment can you clarify the price and sign up for the operation.

    Secret No. 2. It makes sense to prepare the skin before surgery.

    UMG cosmetologists are proficient in methods of improving skin quality. If you perform surgery after such preparation, healing proceeds faster and easier. This is especially important for those who have thick seborrheic skin with acne. Such patients always take longer to rehabilitate. But, if a cosmetologist works with the skin in advance, the rehabilitation will be easier and faster.

    Another example: a person with very thick skin will not have perfectly pointed nose features. But there are a number of cosmetic procedures that soften the skin and make it thinner. In short, working with a cosmetologist before surgery makes sense.

    Secret No. 3. You don't have to be afraid of rehabilitation.

    A positive attitude is very important. Patients often derive fears from reviews on the Internet twenty years ago. There are many myths to debunk. About long bandages in the nose, about turundas, about terrible bruises and swelling, excruciating pain, and so on. All these horrors are a thing of the past. Modern rhinoplasty is a virtually bloodless, low-traumatic operation. During the consultation, the doctor will show photos of the patients immediately after the operation, and you will be convinced that nothing terrible will happen to the face. Two to three weeks after rhinoplasty, you can return to normal life. The swelling finally goes away after a few months. The final result can be assessed after a year.

    Secret No. 4. Don't wait for suggestions from the surgeon.

    Patients often start a conversation like this: “I want to get my nose done. What can you recommend for me? Many patients believe that the surgeon himself should see what exactly needs to be improved. For a doctor, this approach is puzzling, since the nose is not an accessory, and rhinoplasty should not be a tribute to fashion. It is important for you to have a clear idea of ​​what exactly you want to fix, what you don’t like in your current form. And only after hearing your request, the doctor will offer a solution.

    Secret No. 5. If you are from another city, come to Novosibirsk the day before the operation.

    The UMG clinic has about 30% of its patients from out of town. They try to make their stay comfortable and enjoyable. But surgeon Alexander Stavsky advises coming to the city at least a day before rhinoplasty. The road is always stressful. And it is wrong to lie down on the operating table in such a state. In addition, the surgeon and the patient should meet not on the operating table, but the day before, to once again check the plans and make sure that their vision of the result coincides. No country in the world operates “on wheels”, and UMG adheres to reasonable medical rules.

    Secret No. 6. Instagram filters should be used as a guide only.

    We love the looks that filters create so that the surgeon can get closer to the desired nose shape. But absolute identity cannot be achieved in every case. All people are different, and a person is a living being who cannot be sculpted like clay or carved into a shape like marble. Therefore, you should not expect 100% similarity with filter effects.

    Secret No. 7. Don't have surgery because your husband or girlfriend wants it.

    Focus only on your impressions and feelings. If you've never thought about getting a nose job until your partner mentioned it, do you need surgery? Very often, patients come to an appointment with a rhinoplasty surgeon with their husband or wife, and the companion begins to explain what changes he would like to see on his partner’s face after the operation. Neither the person himself nor the surgeon should agree to such an adventure. Everyone must decide for themselves whether they want to change something in their own appearance. In the end, your partner may change (especially if he is so critical of your appearance), and you should not resort to surgery to match the tastes of another person.

    Secret No. 8. The operation will make you more beautiful, but will not change your life.

    “I’ll fix my nose and get married,” if you perceive surgery as a solution to all your life problems, then most likely you will be disappointed. But on the other hand, if your nose is an eternal source of complexes and bad mood, then after the operation you will definitely begin to evaluate yourself differently. We see how this works: the patient acquires the desired shape of the nose, and this starts a whole chain of transformations. Clothing, hairstyle, even posture changes. A person begins to feel and present himself differently. The key point: he begins to like himself, and those around him feel it. Therefore, a beautiful nose in itself is not a recipe for happiness, but if it helps you become more confident, then life will certainly change for the better.

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