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Biography of a talented surgeon

The young man was born on September 6, 1984 in Moscow. From an early age, he began to realize that he wanted to continue his family's dynasty and also become a surgeon. To realize his goals, he entered the Pirogov Russian State Medical University after school. It was in this institution that he received a diploma of higher medical education. The next stage in his life, he continued his residency and postgraduate studies, which he took at the Petrovsky Russian Scientific Center for Surgery.

As soon as Andrey received his plastic surgery certificate, he began to study the basics of laser medicine in surgery. And after graduating from university, he and his colleagues founded the European standard NAOMI clinic. Around 2007, the talented surgeon managed to obtain an academic degree from the Moscow School of Business, the field of study was related to medical business management. A little later, he managed to gain a foothold as a promising surgeon and successful businessman. Iskornev also became the general director of the branch of the NAOMI clinic, which is located in Moscow.

Iskornev underwent medical practice in the best medical institutions in Europe and the United States of America. To date, he has become the owner of two branches, which are located in Kazan and Moscow.

Andrey is an amazing specialist, because he performs many operations with his own hands. Moreover, they come in varying complexity. His clients were many famous personalities of the national stage and not only.

For his own activities, he received recognition from the public and government agencies. Has many awards. At the international “Grace” award, Andrey won in the “Professional of the Beauty and Health Industry” category. His specialization includes operations on rejuvenation, reconstruction of the face and neck, lipofilling, contour plastic surgery, scar plastic surgery, and laser surgery. He himself admits that the most popular operation today is cheek reduction.

Facelift: advice from Andrey Iskornev

Andrey Iskornev is a young plastic surgeon, leading specialist and permanent president of the Platinental clinic chain. In a recent conversation with a correspondent, he shared his thoughts on how to choose the ideal method of facial rejuvenation.

A correctly performed circular lift can make a patient look 15 years younger

Facelift through the eyes of a surgeon

I often see women with disturbed facial proportions, and this is after plastic surgery by famous surgeons! It is clear that the doctor tried to adhere to all the handwritten rules, but forgot about the main thing: the face, first of all, should look beautiful. And if the chin hangs, part of the face is overstretched, and on top of everything there are unnatural wrinkles on the neck, then what beauty is there in that? Both the surgeon and his patient chose the wrong facelift technique.

How to choose the right technique?

Of course, we have our own standards. Some even have principles that we try to adhere to. For me, I have moved away from traditional blepharoplasty—I don't do it as a standalone procedure. Only in combination with a cheek or midface lift. By the way, the so-called chick lift is now very popular in the West, as well as complex procedures. There, people understand that the face must be considered as a whole, and not as separate components. You cannot expect that only your eyes will age, and your cheeks, for example, will remain rosy until old age.

Da Vinci also decided to divide the face into equal thirds - the forehead with the temples, the middle zone from the temples to the corners of the mouth and then to the neck. Unfortunately, many surgeons understand this doctrine of three zones too literally and either pull everything separately or all at once, but do it somehow one-sidedly. Are the anatomical features observed? Hardly. But a proper circular lift can remove about 15 years of age for a patient.

Simple rules for a beautiful facelift

There are so many facelift techniques that even experienced plastic surgeons are dizzy. I'm sure you often hear about space lifting, art lifting, smas lifting, 3D lifting, circular lifting... An impressive number, isn't it? But perhaps only a professional can understand all this. Patients, for the most part, have to make a blind, random choice. To get rid of this random factor, I advise you to follow a few simple rules.

Give up naive trust in professionals. If you want to look beautiful, you must be clearly aware of what exactly the plastic surgeon will do with you. Ask as many questions as possible - both during consultations and on forums. Remember that you do not need a regular skin tightening.

After 40 you can't do without surgery

Understand one simple thing: after 40 years you cannot do without surgery. Yes, you can have blepharoplasty, but your neck and chin will still sag. And a separate chin lift, not combined with other procedures, in your case is just a sign of a real operation.

From the very beginning, decide how the cuts will be made. Insist on minimizing scars in the temporal area - that's where they are most noticeable.

Remember that the face is not only skin, but also a muscular frame with adipose tissue. All this must move, and not just how, but in a strictly designated sequence. Otherwise, the operation may end in complete failure.

Don’t be afraid to combine operations and remember that even laser resurfacing is best done under anesthesia. And if it comes down to a real, comprehensive facelift, don’t even think about local anesthesia. This is a serious, lengthy operation that requires intense concentration from the surgeon. It is unlikely that he will want to be distracted by a nervous patient. In addition, modern anesthesiology has long reached the level at which general anesthesia can be safely called safe.

Risks and complications - where without them!

I will probably never get tired of repeating that any operation is a risk. How to minimize it? Contact an experienced surgeon who is fluent in advanced techniques for performing facelift surgery and is aware of where the facial nerve is located.

I'm sure you often hear about space lifting, art lifting, smas lifting, 3D lifting, circular lifting... An impressive number, isn't it?

A great way to minimize the risk and protect yourself from complications is to get rid of bad habits and excess weight. Give up cigarettes, alcohol, and unhealthy lifestyle. Do everything you can to normalize your weight. All this will help you not only survive the operation, but also stay young longer.

Try to separate the wheat from the chaff. On the Internet, and on TV, you often see people who are victims of plastic surgery. You understand that it is precisely such individuals who attract the most attention, and few people pay attention to successfully operated patients.

And finally, try to realize that facial plastic surgery is an expensive pleasure. Just as a truly good thing cannot be cheap, plastic surgery by an experienced surgeon still remains something of a luxury. But if in the case of things you can still afford to look for a budget alternative, then your face is something you should never save on.

Personal life of a bachelor

Many people know that the personal life of businessman and surgeon Andrei Iskornev changed for the better immediately after participating in the popular project “The Bachelor,” which then took place in Ukraine. But not many people know that up to this point he had to face many obstacles and misfortunes.

Many girls dream of becoming the chosen one of a handsome man and a millionaire. And this is not surprising, because the young man is a smart, intelligent, successful, attractive and wealthy man. The show participants were then ready to give everything for a couple of minutes of communication with him. They competed for his attention of their own accord. The finale of the television project was unsuccessful for many, because its final choice did not quite coincide with the desired results of the show.

On the show, he chose the simplest, but also the most cheerful, witty and wise girl, Anna Kozyr. She happened to become the life partner of a young and promising man. But the miracle never happened, because after some time the guys broke up, although they managed to maintain friendly relations. Now they support each other in many endeavors.

a slightly more serious relationship with another participant in the television project - Yana Stanishevskaya . With the beauty, he experienced not only falling in love, but also true love and passion. True, they had to face not only pleasant moments, but also sad ones.

At a certain stage of the relationship, the girl admitted to the guy that she was expecting a child. Then Andrei received this news with incredible joy. He was one hundred percent ready to become a father and raise a child with his beloved girl. He was so happy about this news that he began to choose children's things, accessories, a stroller and even a crib.

A terrible drama happened to Yana, she lost her baby. Andrey had to face a similar problem for the first time, he could not come to terms with it and took this news very hard. At that moment, when the young man was trying to cope with trouble, Irina Skorikova supported him in this. Most likely, this was not at all friendly support on her part. The beauty did not hide the fact that she liked Andrei.

She herself wrote to the young man. Andrei did not push her away, he reciprocated. At first they communicated, and a little later they established themselves as romantic partners. Several years ago they celebrated their anniversary - they had been dating for more than a year, during which time the relationship had not lost its romance and only became stronger. And the most beautiful thing is that the girl gave the guy a baby. This is her child - a sweet little boy. But this relationship also came to an end.

It should immediately be noted that in March 2015, Andrei experienced a breakup with Irina Skorikova. After that, he went to his former lover, Irena. It is surprising that young people had romantic relationships during their student years. They even worked together for a while. The girl admits that she does not feel jealous of her lover at all. I'm confident in him.

Andrey in the show Secret Millionaire

In 2022, the talented surgeon became a participant in the popular Russian project on the Friday channel “Secret Millionaire”. A rich man went to the Perm region, namely to the city of Kungur. For several days he turned into a “people's blogger”, so in the image of a person in need of help he communicated with local residents, surviving on 1000 rubles.

On the final day of the project, the millionaire had to help those heroes whose stories affected him the most. For example, a man gave a million rubles to a taxi driver working with a small child; she has three children in total.

Andrey Iskornev, season 3

Perhaps the most scandalous season. Even during the project, Yana Stanishevskaya became pregnant with Andrei, but she had a miscarriage. In the final, he chose Anya Kozyr, and soon became friends with another participant, Irina Skorikova. At the moment, Iskornev does not have a chosen one.

Andrey Iskornev

Photo by Andrey

Andrey publishes new photos on his social networks.

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