Shopping with Maria Pogrebnyak: how footballers' wives choose clothes

Maria and plastic

+25 kg before birth

Note: The ideal of female beauty, according to Maria, is a slender body, large breasts, plump lips and a snow-white smile.

It is precisely this kind of beauty that Maria herself strives for. Having acquired a slender body, the girl decides to have her lips enlarged. In the photo after the procedure, fans note that not everything went smoothly. Maria herself admits that she has become hostage to the side effects of the biogel, which no one currently uses for injections. After 10 years, Maria gets rid of this drug, but her lips keep their shape, although the girl denies repeated interventions.


To make her smile even more attractive, Maria installed veneers - special overlays on her teeth that create the effect of a Hollywood smile.


The football player’s wife does not comment on mammoplasty, but fans notice that against the backdrop of general weight loss, the breasts have not changed at all and introduce some dissonance into Maria’s figure.

Interesting: Pogrebnyak’s current weight is 43-45 kg, with a height of 169 cm.


Observers are critical of such slimness and suspect Maria of eating disorders. What Maria shares about her diet: a categorical refusal of fast food, fatty and sweet foods; The diet includes only porridge with water, steamed fish, low-fat cottage cheese, and all this is supported by regular physical activity. This recipe preserved Mary’s slender figure after her second and third births.

Moving to Germany

In 2009, Pogrebnyak moved to the German Stuttgart, the contract was signed for a period of three years. The family moved to Germany. In the program “His Wife’s Diary,” dedicated to the wives of football players, Maria admitted that there were some aspects associated with the German mentality that she had to get used to, for example, the pedantic German love of order in everything. “You are on good terms with your neighbors, the neighbors will smile at you and greet you, but if you park your car for more than five minutes near the house, they will call the police, you will be fined 200 euros, then you will be summoned to court, and people They will continue to greet you nicely and say, “Are you all right?” This is hard to get used to.”

Maria settled well in Germany, although, unlike her husband, she did not purposefully study the German language. It is known that Pavel Pogrebrnyak learned German so well that he could give interviews in it.

In Germany, an incident happened to Masha that almost turned into a tragedy. After a maniac broke into Maria and Pavel’s apartment, the girl could not stay at home alone for about a year, replaying in her head the events of that ill-fated night when she, with a baby in her arms, came face to face with the intruder. “My husband was at training camp, the older children were not at home, I sent them to rest, I just gave birth, the baby was one month old. I got up at night to feed and saw that the blinds were shaking, I thought it was the wind, then the doorbell rang, it was 3-4 in the morning, no one was there, fifteen minutes later everything happened again, I looked at the video camera - it was taped up, I realized that there’s something wrong here,” says Maria. The girl's excitement left the emergency numbers in her head. Instinctively, she took a knife and hid behind the front door. After some time, a maniac entered the apartment. Protecting the newborn baby, Masha jumped on the stranger, who awkwardly staggered back, inadvertently turning on the house light. “I immediately screamed and he ran downstairs,” comments Maria. The intruder was never found by the police, who managed to find out that the girl had been watched for more than one hour, waiting for the right moment to break into the apartment.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner, no snack needed

Maria Pogrebnyak is sure: what we eat makes up 70% of what we look like. “You can go to the gym, but if you eat incorrectly, your diet includes fatty, sweet, starchy foods, then you will not be slim. In this case, there is no escape from the extra pounds,” says the designer.

It's no secret that Maria is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle. Our heroine prefers three meals a day. “I am against snacking, although I used to say that eating small meals, 5-6 times a day, is much better. But then I was faced with reality: here you are working, your body, accustomed to being fed every two to three hours, begins to ask for food. Sugar has dropped, you feel nauseous, and you grab the first food you come across - sandwiches, sausage, cookies and other unhealthy foods. As a result, you ate all sorts of nonsense to the detriment of your health and figure. Today I know for sure that it is the three meals a day system that really works: breakfast, lunch, dinner,” Pogrebnyak shared her opinion.

Our heroine has a life hack: if between meals she really wants to eat, then she suppresses her appetite with water or green tea.

On weekdays, Maria wakes up at seven in the morning, drinks a glass of water and turns her attention to the children: her three sons need to be collected, fed and taken to school. Only upon returning home, around 10 o’clock, does our heroine have a full breakfast. “In the morning I prefer to eat two eggs. It can be boiled eggs, scrambled eggs or regular fried eggs. I also drink green tea. If I feel like I haven’t gotten enough sleep and have no energy at all, then I can take some bread and spread it with honey for tea,” the designer shared.

This is what a typical breakfast of our heroine looks like

Pogrebnyak’s remaining two meals are dominated by proteins. “Whether for lunch or dinner, I choose fish or chicken (boiled or grilled), as well as fresh salad (usually cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs) in unlimited quantities. I can eat as many vegetables as I want to fill myself up. By the way, don’t forget the well-known fact: the brain understands that the body is full only 15-20 minutes after eating. Wait for this time, drink tea or water, and only then think about whether you should eat more or if it’s enough,” Maria noted.

For lunch and dinner, Maria prefers chicken or fish with vegetables

“My last meal is at 20:00, although previously it was at 19:00. All because I started coming home later. After dinner and until 10 o’clock in the morning, I don’t eat anymore,” our heroine added.

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Early years

As a child, Pavel Pogrebnyak’s future wife was raised mainly by his beloved grandmother, since his parents worked a lot. Grandmother was very kind, affectionate, gentle and loving. She instilled the same character traits in her granddaughter, and she also taught Masha good manners and rules of behavior in society, and gave her a lot of life advice.

At the age of seven, it was the grandmother who enrolled her granddaughter in a drawing club, where they painted icons. Icon painting became Maria's hobby for many years.

From a young age, the girl was taught to be independent. Masha Shatalova is a cheerful and cheerful girl, she always easily found a common language with people of any age. The girl studied at a sports school in the Sokolniki area.

At school, the natural blonde was very popular among boys, and already in high school, Masha wore high heels and stood out very much among her peers.

After graduating from school, the girl left her parents for her boyfriend Pavel Pogrebnyak; they got married in Tomsk, since Maria was a deeply religious person. Maria also has a higher education, graduated from an economics university with a degree in accounting, and is already a family man.


Here are some known facts about Mary:

  • Age 28 years.
  • Family status: Married.
  • Place of birth: Moscow.
  • According to the horoscope Scorpio.
  • Eastern calendar Dragon.
  • Occupation: designer.

Our heroine's maiden name is Shatalina. Masha grew up in an intelligent, educated, polite family, in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. The girl’s mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute and really dreamed that her beloved child would follow in her footsteps.

Now Maria’s mother is 65 years old, she looks very young, attractive, and well-groomed. A real beauty, just like her daughter. The girl also has an older brother, he works in the field of microbiology.

As a child, the girl was very sociable, easy-going, quickly got along with her peers, and even found an approach to adults. Those around her loved the sweet, sociable and charming Mashenka.

The girl studied in Sokolniki, where she became a real beauty; she enjoyed increased popularity among the stronger sex.


Maria managed to attract public attention not only thanks to her successful career growth, but also through regular plastic surgery. The young lady has changed her appearance beyond recognition

Before plastic surgery, Pogrebnyak had a round oval face, and after plastic surgery, pronounced cheekbones and even larger lips appeared on her face. They were pumped up with Botox and looked rough and unnatural because they were too large.

Let's figure out what procedures the star wife did for herself:

Lip surgery

They were unnaturally enlarged. Masha hoped that she would become more sexually attractive and seductive. But after the introduction of biogel, the beauty’s appearance changed, not for the better.


There is a lot of conflicting data here. Most fans claim that the girl’s nose has been changed and her facial features have become too sharp. But perhaps the sharp weight loss of the Russian beauty had an effect.


After photographs of Maria were published, where she was still very young, fans and envious people began to discuss the fact that her cheekbones were perfectly polished by a plastic doctor. From the new photographs, what looked into the eyes was not the Russian Alyonushka from the fairy tale with a huge blush on her plump cheeks, but a real predator, a socialite, with sharpened facial features.

Appearance before plastic surgery

Maria Shatalova is Pogrebnyak's maiden name and was born into a Muscovite family in 1988. She grew up as an ordinary teenager with ordinary dreams: to grow up, get married, have children.

Until the age of fourteen, she looked like a real tomboy, preferring torn jeans and hoodies over her outfits. Today the girl shines in couture dresses. There have also been dramatic changes in appearance; Pogrebnyak’s wife is completely different from her younger self.

Characteristic features of a girl before visiting cosmetologists:

  • blonde curls;
  • harmonious, but tending to be overweight;
  • thin lips;
  • rounded face type.

The model decided to undergo plastic surgery only after the birth of her first child. The girl was not happy with her figure, as pregnancy added extra pounds to her. From that moment on, Maria began numerous experiments on her own appearance.

Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak (née Shatalova). Born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow. Russian media personality, designer, wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

Maria Shatalova, who became widely known under the name of her husband Pogrebnyak, was born on November 17, 1988 in Moscow into an intelligent family.

Her mother graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute; Maria often published her photos on social networks. But she doesn’t talk about her father.

Has an older brother, he is a microbiologist, there is a big age difference between them - Maria is a late child.

Since her parents were very busy with work, her grandmother raised her. “From my grandmother I learned kindness and tenderness, affection and love! She gave me advice on how to grow up to be a real girl, and not a tomboy, she taught me the rules of good manners and manners,” said Maria.

From the age of seven she attended an icon painting club, to which her grandmother took her. According to Maria, she “sat painting icons for five hours a day, it was impossible to tear me away from the easel and take me home.” She painted icons until she was 13 years old.

In fact, from the 7th grade, when she began dating her future husband, football player Pavel Pogrebnyak, her life was subordinated to the interests of an athlete’s career.

In 2006, Maria entered the Moscow Financial Academy, but since Pavel moved to play in Tomsk for the Tom team, she postponed her studies and followed him. Later, she nevertheless graduated from the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation and received a diploma in accounting.

In 2012, Maria and her husband moved to England, where Pavel played for the Fulham and then Reading teams. It was there that she became widely known. In England, she began to design - first evening dresses, then economy class clothes and, parallel to the line of VIP models, to present her collections. At the same time, Maria acted both as a designer and as a model.

Maria was also glorified by her participation in the show “Meet the Russians”. Maria herself was indignant that the interview filmed with her was edited and only footage was left that created the image of a poorly educated socialite, mired in luxury.

After returning to Moscow, she continues to produce clothes under the Maria Shatalova brand. Maria has several sewing workshops in Moscow. She takes care of them herself: “I spend the whole day traveling to warehouses, shops, and clothing factories.” “I always check the quality of purchased fabrics and accessories myself,” she said.

Maria Pogrebnyak - “London is ours!”

Maria Pogrebnyak's height: 168 centimeters.

Personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak:

Married. Spouse: Pavel Pogrebnyak, famous Russian football player.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak met at school - then Maria was in the seventh grade, and the future football player was in the tenth. She said: “We studied at the same sports school not far away, in Sokolniki. Although he is four years older than me, we often met in the dining room when we were running for buns. I remember we met by chance in the subway, then we saw each other more than once in the park, where Pasha walked with his boys, and I walked with the girls. They began to communicate, but in a friendly way,” she recalled.

A serious relationship began when she was 17 years old. Pavel then played in Yaroslavl. And Maria began to go to him instead of lessons, skipping school. “Fs started pouring in, and I learned to gloss over my grades in my diary—in my senior year... I barely got a certificate. But she still continued to wander to Pasha. It’s not surprising that at some point love broke out,” she said.

We got married on October 23, 2006. But they got married only many years after the marriage was registered - on May 20, 2014 in Moscow, when three children had already been born into the family.

The first son, Artem (born 2007), appeared in Tomsk. The second, Pavel (born 2009), was born in St. Petersburg. The third - Alexey (born 2011) - in Stuttgart (Germany).

Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak with children

After giving birth to her first son, Maria gained 25 kilograms, after which she began to carefully monitor her figure. And she achieved significant results - she became so slim that some even accused the girl of being anorexic.

Every day from nine to ten in the morning she trains in the fitness center. With a height of 168 centimeters, she maintains her weight at 44-45 kg.

Maria underwent several plastic surgeries, almost completely changing her face - shape, nose, lips.

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery

Maria is known not only for being the wife of a famous football player, but also for her courage. In 2011, she became famous when she was able to protect her home from burglars. In the middle of the night she heard a noise and was not afraid to check what was the matter. Maria scared off the intruders, saved herself, her little son and her house.

Childhood and youth

Maria Shatalova (this is the maiden name of the socialite) was born on November 17, 1988. The girl’s hometown is Moscow. Maria prefers not to talk about her own father, but she speaks about her mother with love. It is known that Pogrebnyak has an older brother who works as a microbiologist.

Maria Pogrebnyak

The girl's parents worked a lot. Maria's upbringing was mainly done by her grandmother. Maria herself admits that it was her grandmother who taught her kindness, tenderness and understanding, as well as the rules of good manners and behavior of a well-bred lady. Grandma also took little Masha to an icon painting club. Since then, drawing icons has become Pogrebnyak’s favorite hobby, which helps her forget about routine problems.

Pavel and Maria Pogrebnyak

In 2006, the girl began studying at the Moscow Financial Academy, but she had to give up her studies for a while: Pavel Pogrebnyak, at that time Maria’s husband, moved to Tomsk. The girl followed her lover. However, after a few years, Maria completed her studies, becoming a certified accountant.

Biography of Maria Pogrebnyak

Instablogger and designer Maria Pogrebnyak (maiden name Shatalova) was born in Moscow into an ordinary family. As a child, her grandmother took her to an icon painting class and continued drawing at school.

The fateful meeting with football player Pavel Pogrebnyak happened when she was in the seventh grade, and he was in the tenth. They did not immediately start dating, but already in her senior year, Maria went to Yaroslavl instead of school, where Pavel played in the Shinnik team. The parents didn't know anything!

Then Maria Pogrebnyak entered the financial academy, but left it and went to Pogrebnyak in Tomsk, where he played for Tom. At the age of 18, she confronted her parents with the fact that she was getting married.

Then Maria Pogrebnyak gave birth to three children and received an accounting degree. After her first pregnancy, she gained 30 kilograms, but began to eat right and exercise - and lost weight to the desired figures.

In 2012-2013, the family lived in London, where Pavel played for Fulham, and Maria Pogrebnyak starred in the reality show Meet the Russians, the creators of which showed only the beautiful side of the life of Russians in England.

This brought her fame, and soon Maria Pogrebnyak became a popular Instagram blogger and regularly appears at social events and on television talk shows. In 2022, she tried herself as a singer, recording the tracks “Majors” and “Anesthesia.”

In addition, she is engaged in business: since 2013 she has been producing clothes under the Maria Shatalova brand.

Photographs from different years show that Maria Pogrebnyak has a positive attitude towards plastic surgery. In particular, she increased the volume of her lips and breasts, removed Bisha's lumps, and corrected the shape of her nose.

In September 2022, Maria Pogrebnyak gave an interview to Cosmo.

Road to glory

For quite a long time, the biography and personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak consisted entirely of the stellar moments of her lover. Soon Pavel was noticed and after some time, after successfully played seasons, he was invited to play for the Zenit football club. For this reason, the whole family moved permanently to St. Petersburg, and it was in the city on the Neva that Maria gave birth to her second son, whom she named after her husband, Pavel.

However, they could not stay in the picturesque city for long, since Maria’s lover was literally in great demand. Some time later, the family made another trip, this time to Germany, where Pavel was offered to play in the Stuttgart football team. In a German town, Maria Pogrebnyak gave birth to her third child, who was given the name Alexey.

Family photos of Maria and Pavel

Just five years ago, Maria moved to England with her large family. In this country, Pavel Pogrebnyak began playing as part of the Fulham club team, and then in the Reading team.

This period, which the football player spent with his wife in England, brought him long-awaited fame and awarded him the status of a star. Maria by that time became interested in design. Initially, the girl was engaged in sewing evening dresses, then in the production of economy class clothes, and soon at the same time she created premium styles. In all her activities, the girl held two positions at the same time, since she acted both as a designer and as a model. Subsequently, she presented her clothing collections more than once, and soon became recognizable in fashion circles.

Maria Pogrebnyak famous designer

Maria constantly posts photos of her new creations on her social networks. For some time, Pogrebnyak was the face of one of the shoe factory’s trademarks, and soon after that she added a line of handbags to her own clothing collection.

However, it was not her design work that brought her fame, but her participation in one of the most popular shows called “The Russians Are Answering.” The end result was that Maria was left very angry and disappointed, as the main points were cut from the plot and from the cuts of what was left, she looked like a typical secular woman with superficial thinking.

Maria Pogrebnyak: photo

However, Pogrebnyak does not think so to himself. On the contrary, the girl considers herself a fairly smart woman, as well as a caring housewife and a good wife and mother.

In 2014, Maria and Pavel finally got married. The wedding took place in Moscow, where the family returned after a long time spent abroad. At the same time, Pavel enters into a contract with the Moscow football club Dynamo and remains to play in his native land.

Personal life

10th and 7th grade. It was there that Pasha and Masha, the future Pogrebnyak couple, studied when they met for the first time during classes at a sports school in Sokolniki. After several chance meetings, the boy and girl became friends and began dating, despite the 4-year age difference.

We started talking about love when Masha turned 17 years old, and 21-year-old Pasha played on a football team in Yaroslavl. The distance did not become an obstacle to the budding relationship, although the school certificate was at risk.

The couple registered their relationship in the fall of 2006, and the long-awaited wedding took place eight years later on May 20, after the birth of three sons - Artem, Pavel and Alexei. The eldest son was born a year after registration in Tomsk, the next oldest son was born two years later in St. Petersburg, and the youngest son was born in Germany in 2011 (Stuttgart).

What to wear to a corporate event: the shine of fabrics and the shimmer of sequins from Maria Pogrebnyak

Maria Pogrebnyak // Photo: Instagram
The hot time for corporate events has arrived, which means it’s time to think about an outfit for the party. The wife of a football player, mother of three children and founder of her own brand, Maria Pogrebnyak suggests being bold and bright. Recently, the fashion designer presented a new collection. And her star friends Tatyana Kotova and Anna Belis acted as models. Together with Maria, they posed for the holiday lookbook. Especially for StarHit, Pogrebnyak told what to wear to a party in order to stay on trend.

“The lightness of translucent mesh, the shine of fabrics, the shimmer of sequins - all this is present in my New Year’s outfits,” Maria shares with StarHit. “Every girl will be able to find an image that meets all the trends of the current season.”


Tatyana Kotova and Anna Belis starred as part of the shooting of the DressByMariaShatalova brand New Year's lookbook // Photo: Press service

The main trend of the season - the predatory print is not going anywhere. Be it a leopard, crocodile, zebra or python. Now animal paint is not at all synonymous with bad taste. Moreover, don't be afraid to experiment with colors: let the leopard be red and the crocodile purple. Courage and originality are in fashion.


The designer has developed a line of bright holiday outfits // Photo: Press service

They say how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it! I suggest you spend it brilliantly. Literally. Dresses made from glossy and vinyl fabrics and sequined skirts are ideal for shining at a corporate party.


Each dress corresponds to modern fashion trends // Photo: Press service

Despite the snow outside the window and a confident minus in “Celsius”, on the festive night, away with woolen socks and sweaters with deer. It’s better to dance around the Christmas tree and meet Santa Claus in a mini. You'll see, grandpa will like it, and you'll get the best gifts. It is better to give preference to mini dresses with long sleeves and a deep neckline.


Maria made sure that the outfits were not only beautiful, but also practical // Photo: Press service

For those who like a more restrained and elegant style, classic trouser suits or sheath dresses are suitable. But! A prerequisite is that the color of your outfit should be from a palette of copper shades - honey yellow, ocher, bronze or even gold and chocolate. Don't forget that the color of the year of the pig is yellow. Therefore, any variations on the theme are also welcome!


According to the designer, boldness is in fashion now // Photo: Press service

If you still can’t get used to the animal print, there is an alternative - choose an outfit with an original print. Today you won’t surprise anyone with a boring checkered pattern and banal polka dots, but, for example, cute “skulls” all over the surface of the outfit will cause your counterparts not only fashion delight, but also a kind smile. And what could be more pleasant than giving people joy! However, you can safely come up with a print yourself. The flight of fancy is unlimited!

Secrets of success from Pogrebnyak

A beautiful figure and sociability are the key to the success of Maria Pogrebnyak’s photo on Instagram, through which she attracts the attention of a large mass of people. The number of fans is increasing daily, but the star does not stop there

She tries to do without shocking. Although, after watching her famous scandalous participation in the English show “Meet the Russians,” other thoughts come to mind. The number of subscribers after the release of the program increased significantly, but Maria is outraged by the shamelessness of the English television workers, who presented her in the light of a simple-minded girl, steeped in luxury. According to Pogrebnyak, all statements presented in the final show were taken out of general context.

It is worth noting that Maria quite competently enjoys popularity on Instagram, showing new collections of the Shatalova brand, attracting customers to the products. As you know, scandals play a positive role in increasing popularity. However, practice shows that they often bring momentary benefits. People who abuse scandals subsequently become objects of ridicule and former fans have no desire to follow their example.

Most citizens appreciate the positive qualities that the domestic Instagram star certainly possesses. She insists that the main priority in life is family, and despite candid photos of Maria Pogrebnyak in a swimsuit, it’s hard to disagree with these words. Maria made her children, husband, parents, and relatives happy. The Russian Instagram star is close to her fans. Simple everyday values ​​are near and dear to people

Confirming them, Maria erases the boundaries between different layers of society, and this is important for the average person

Before and after plastic surgery

Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery
Internet technologies play an important role in promoting ideas in modern society. On social networks, open and frank people are popular. Therefore, Maria Pogrebnyak before and after plastic surgery is interesting to followers. She actively shares her experiences. She has no secrets from her subscribers. Numerous interviews with fashion publications, publications, and statements by Maria confirm this. Recent revelations about plastic surgery performed 10 years ago clearly confirm the image of an experienced woman capable of giving valuable, practical advice to admirers. In general, Maria is satisfied with her external data obtained at birth and as a result of surgical intervention.

Maria Pogrebnyak in her youth before plastic surgery and without makeup

She speaks flatteringly about the surgeons whom she entrusted to improve the body and eliminate deficiencies. Thanks to their skill, she began to feel more confident. And this fact is very important in family life, especially when a woman is responsible for supporting the athlete’s spouse. After all, a football career is very capricious - successes can be followed by a series of disastrous performances. A strong man with a reliable rear and good support from his dearest and closest person can cope with such a “roller coaster”.

Despite the spectacular photos of Maria Pogrebnyak in a swimsuit, she has points on which she is not happy with herself. This fact very favorably distinguishes our compatriot from foreign stylish icons who do not accept criticism - love me as I am or not.

Maria is a sensible person, ready to discuss the shortcomings and advantages with people who want to have a normal dialogue. For example, she spoke critically about lip surgery, advising girls to appreciate their natural beauty. For clarity, she gives her photos before and after plastic surgery, focusing on her lips. In her opinion, this operation did not lead to improvements and in old photographs this part of the face looks more beautiful. Pogrebnyak notes that repeated surgery could not correct the mistake of youth.

Hot photos of Maria Pogrebnyak are especially popular on Instagram. It is surprising that among connoisseurs of the female body are representatives of the better half of humanity. Girls simply understand how difficult it is to get their body into ideal shape after childbirth, and when they see in front of them a vivid example of a woman who has gone through three pregnancies with an amazing slim figure, it evokes positive emotions.


Alena Pogrebnyak was born on March 31, 1984 in the Krasnodar region. Her maiden name is Evdokimova, and her real name is Elena. The girl's parents divorced when she was still young. As a result, Lena and her sister were left to be raised by their mother. Due to a constant lack of funds, the future Internet star understood the value of money early. At the age of 12, she helped her mother wash the floors.

Despite far from ideal living conditions, Alena studied well at school and graduated with a silver medal. She recalls her childhood and school years with a smile on her face. After receiving secondary education, Evdokimova entered the Kuban Technical University. Choosing computer technology as a faculty.

In 2008, Elena received a bachelor's degree. As a student, Evdokimova actively worked part-time. The future star worked part-time as a technician. The girl spent her first patches on goodies that she missed so much as a child.

Family and children of Maria Pogrebnyak

Pavel and Maria got married and were married on October 23, 2006. The couple had three sons in their marriage. Maria's first son, Artem, was born in 2007 in the city of Tomsk. The second son was born in 2009 - Pavel, the third - Alexey was born in 2011 in Germany.

Maria Pogrebnyak is an ideal example of a modern woman. She is a great mom and wife. On Maria Pogrebnyak’s Instagram you can often see photos of her with her family. Also on Instagram, Maria shares advice with other girls, she talks about simple and tasty recipes, about raising children and many other interesting things. It is also worth noting that in addition to the role of a housewife, Maria copes with the role of a businesswoman. She successfully runs her own business and earns good money. In addition to her clothing brand, Maria maintains an Instagram account, through which Pogrebnyak also earns money.

Star Trek

Maria did not sit at home idly while her husband conquered sporting heights. First, she gave birth to three sons. The eldest appeared in 2007, when the young family lived in Tomsk. The first birth entailed a significant weight gain for the young mother. But the girl pulled herself together and took care of her appearance very strictly and systematically. After all, she understood that a spectacular wife should stand next to her star husband. Sports activities brought positive results with a height of 168 cm, Maria Pogrebnyak’s weight is a modest 44-45 kg. To maintain such proportions, she made a rule of a strict diet and daily fitness classes. The subsequent two pregnancies, after which Maria quickly returned to ideal shape, could not harm her luxurious figure. Every visitor to Maria Pogrebnyak’s Instagram can evaluate her figure and appearance by looking at the photographs presented.

But this was not enough for the young girl. She decided to radically change her image. Some may prefer Maria Pogrebnyak before plastic surgery; for some fans, appearance is secondary compared to the personal qualities of a purposeful girl. In addition to giving birth to children, raising them, creating coziness and comfort in the home, keeping her appearance in order, the woman managed to graduate from the academy and become a certified specialist, as well as start a career as a designer. Now she is not just the wife of football player Maria Pogrebnyak, but a real business lady who owns her own brand Maria Shatalova.

The path to the stars

At the very beginning of her biography, the pretty girl was only the wife of Pavel Pogrebnyak. After several successful seasons, the spouse is invited to collaborate with the Zenit team, then the whole family packs up their things and goes to St. Petersburg. Here a second boy is born, a son named Pavel. Soon the family moves again, but this time to Germany. Here the young man begins to play for a team called Stuttgart, and Masha gives birth to a son again. The boy is called Alexey.

In 2012, the family went to live in England. Here the Father of the Family first plays for the Fulham team, and then moves to Reading.

The beginning of Maria Pogrebnyak’s career can be called living in England. In London, a young woman decided to start studying design. At first she was fascinated by evening dresses, and then by economy class outfits. The girl worked both as a clothing designer and as a model. Fortunately, her cute appearance gave her such an opportunity.

Not long ago, Maria developed a designer production line

  • Handbags
  • Shoes
  • Fashionable clothes

Pogrebnyak became famous thanks to her participation in the television show “The Russians Are Answering.”

She was too indignant that the interview she gave was too shortened, truncated. According to the socialite, she appeared before television viewers in the image of an uneducated fool.

Since 2014, the star family legalized their relationship, and in 2015 they returned to Moscow. Now Pavel works in the Dynamo team.

Meeting with my husband

During her school years, when Masha was in 7th grade, she met her betrothed. He was three years older, but very modest and shy. On dates that the boyfriend arranged for an attractive girl, he always came with his friend. The guy knew how to conduct a casual conversation, was easy to communicate, had a great sense of humor and always defused the situation. Pavel, Masha’s current husband, said that he was impressed by his chosen one’s passion; she was engaged in icon painting.

When Shatalova entered 11th grade, her boyfriend went to Yaroslavl, where he played for a team called Shinnik. The star player’s mother recalls that the girl went to see her lover literally every other day, but managed to finish school.

In 2006, Masha took the entrance exams to the Moscow Academy, where she successfully entered. But Pavel is forced to move to Tomsk, so the girl, without thinking for a single minute, decides to follow him. Here the guy played for the Tom team.

At the age of 19, Maria gives birth to her first child. The boy is called Artem. After giving birth, the young girl gained 25 kg, after which she set out on the path of losing weight and changing her appearance.

Pavel and Maria got married in Tomsk, but did not officially legalize their relationship.

Career of Maria Pogrebnyak (Maria Shatalova)

Despite the fact that Maria Pogrebnyak received an accounting degree, she connected her life with a completely different field. In 2012, together with her husband, Pavel Pogrebnyak, the girl moved to England, where her creative career began. She became a successful designer. Pavel Pogrebnyak played for Fulham and Reading. Initially, his wife, an aspiring designer, created beautiful collections of evening dresses. She went on to create collections for different budgets. Maria began working on creating economy class clothing and a line of VIP models.

Pogrebnyak Maria designer

Maria Pogrebnyak has proven herself not only as an experienced designer, but also as a fashion model. Repeatedly, the girl starred for filming her collections and for other brands. Pogrebnyak leads a healthy lifestyle, monitors his diet, daily routine, and goes in for sports and fitness. That is why she is often invited to shoot as a model. Note that Maria Pogrebnyak independently purchases fabrics and sewing materials. Despite her busy schedule, she visits her workshops in Moscow almost every day and monitors the work process. As you know, her own line of clothing was called Maria Shatalova. The maiden name characterizes Mary's independence. Later, the designer began producing handbags and ball gowns.

Pogrebnyak Maria fashion model

One day, Maria and Pavel Pogrebnyak were offered to star in a project on the English Fox channel called “Meet the Russians.” This is a reality show in which famous personalities living in England talk about their success. The wife of the Russian football player spoke about family life, children, housekeeping and, naturally, about her work as a designer. However, the girl soon regretted that she took part in this program. The directors of the TV show edited this episode in such a way that Pogrebnyak appeared before the audience as an empty socialite who is not interested in anything but money and fashionable clothes. Maria herself claims that she is completely different from what she looks like on television. Other Russian celebrities also took part in this episode of the English TV show. Among them are designer Victoria Unik, fashion designer Kristina Sysoeva, socialite Marinika Smirnova and many others.

Pogrebnyak Maria designer

After returning from London to Moscow, Maria Pogrebnyak opened several workshops in her hometown. Today, the brand called “Maria Shatalova” is very popular. The wife of football player Pavel Pogrebnyak offers everyone a wide range of fashionable clothes. Among them are evening and ball gowns, handbags and other things. Anyone can afford clothes from Maria's brand, since she makes both economy and luxury class items. Apart from this, London also has several socialite diva workshops. For each model, accessories and fabrics are selected very carefully under the supervision of Pogrebnyak herself.

Recently, Maria Pogrebnyak was invited as an expert to Russian television projects called “Let Them Talk” and “The Stars Aligned.” She is often invited to film famous projects, Maria happily agrees.

Pogrebnyak Maria fashion model

Weight loss

At one time, Maria, while at one of the parties, heard a conversation about herself, where the girls laughed at her appearance and figure, like a fat cow. The impressionable girl took the criticism and took care of herself. After giving birth, she lost all the kilos she had gained and tidied up her appearance with the help of surgery.

It was from this that she began on the path of change and transformation. Along with plump cheeks and lips, came cheekbones and huge lips. The weight also went away. The girl opened up, saying that diets and properly designed nutrition helped get rid of excess weight. She also played sports.

The beauty is 169 cm tall and weighs only 43 kilograms. Fans think Maria is too thin, but she herself is convinced that she is in perfect shape.

Today Pogrebnyak maintains a fashion blog, where he shares new diets, tells what vegetables and fruits to eat, and how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Her face resembles an artificial one; her sweet and gentle beauty is a thing of the past. Plastic surgery made the woman ideal, but did not give her natural beauty.

What do you think about Maria? Leave your answer in the comments.

In Russia, Maria Pogrebnyak is a very famous personality in the field of fashion and style. The biography and personal life of Maria Pogrebnyak is quite eventful with trips and all kinds of events. Her husband is the famous football player Pavel Pogrebnyak.

The girl was born in Moscow. Her parents were very intelligent and educated people. Her maiden name was Shatalova. Her mother is a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute. Mom dreamed that her daughter would follow in her footsteps. At the moment, Maria’s mother is over sixty, but she still radiates youth and looks simply gorgeous. Maria Pogrebnyak has a younger brother who currently works as a microbiologist.

Career of wife and socialite

It was England that gave impetus to the career of the wife of the Russian football player: Maria took up clothing design. Initially, the young fashion designer released a line of evening dresses, and then aimed at the economy segment and VIP class. In her shows, the Russian couturier also acted as a model.

Real fame came from participating in the TV show “Meet the Russians.” But such fame did not bring joy: the aspiring socialite was outraged by the quality of editing of her interview, where she was presented to the public as an uneducated socialite spoiled by luxury.

Returning to Moscow, the beauty opened several ateliers and created her own clothing brand - “Maria Shatalova”, the quality of which is evidenced by the designer’s serious attitude to work

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