Happy Lift threads or analogues with notches - what cosmetologists and patients choose

Cosmetologists are in no hurry to send patients to plastic surgeons. Especially those who seek to eliminate the first or mild signs of aging. There are many less traumatic techniques with similar results. Thread lifting has long been recognized as a good alternative to plastic surgery. Installing the thinnest guides under the skin helps to lose 5-10 years of age. The variety of materials allows the technique to be used not only to eliminate significant age-related changes. Self-absorbable threads are an excellent option for those who want to preserve their appearance rather than deal with obvious defects. Among the popular options in this group is the Italian product - Dermafil Happy Lift threads.

Product Features

The Promoitalia Group company from Italy produces suture materials for non-surgical lifting from biodegradable raw materials. The basis of the products is hypoallergenic, safe, and repeatedly tested by surgeons, caprolactone. A durable, non-allergenic substance copes well with cosmetic tasks.

The manufacturer produces happy lift threads in different variations:

  • Boca is suitable for lip correction;

  • MesoCogs for standard tissue lifting of the face and body;

  • FreeFloating to eliminate pronounced ptosis;

  • DoubleNeedle are designed to tighten difficult areas;

  • i-Needles are ideal for working in the neck area;

  • Vaginal Narrower is used for intimate correction.

A feature of all modifications is the presence of teeth. The notches in different versions are located differently. There is Dermafil Happy Lift with unidirectional and bidirectional, converging and diverging notches. The purpose of the additional element: picking up, pulling, securely holding tissue. It is the notches on a smooth base that ensure the retention of a pronounced lifting effect.

Happy lift sutures have an immediate effect. The result of the lift is noticeable immediately after the operation. The achieved effect is prolonged and intensifies as a natural fibrous frame is formed in place of the gradually absorbable threads. Natural destruction of the material occurs 9–12 months after the installation procedure.

Double Needle thread

Double Needle is a lifting thread for moving tissue to create a strong fixation point. Both needles are inserted through one puncture of the skin, and the thread in the tissue forms a loop - a strong fixation point to which it is easy to move all the sagging tissue. It allows you to achieve a result comparable to a surgical facelift, but without the long rehabilitation period characteristic of any surgical intervention.

The thread is actively used to smooth out nasolabial folds, eliminate jowls and marionette wrinkles, as well as to form a clear oval line of the face. The excellent sharpening of the needles and their length allows the specialist to easily thread the thread to any distance, and thanks to the wide range of sizes (length 12, 23 and 30 cm), it is possible to correct any aesthetic defect on any type of face using just one thread.

  • Double Needle thread consists of caprolactone, both ends of the thread are attached to the ends of the needles.
  • There are notches converging towards the center.
  • Thread length: 12 cm, 23 cm and 30 cm.
  • Duration of stay of the thread in tissues: 12–15 months.
  • Duration of the lifting effect: 30–36 months.

Application area of ​​Double Needle thread

  • Brows
  • Buccal-zygomatic area
  • Area under the lower jaw

Indications for use

The operation with happy lift products is recommended for those who want to prevent aging, want to preserve the youthful appearance of their skin longer, and strive to regain the lost freshness of their appearance.

The Happy Lift installation allows you to improve the condition of tissues, harmonize external data, and achieve beauty and youthful skin.

The age range of patients who prefer Happy Lift products is wide. The operation is performed at 25–35 years of age to prevent age-related changes, easily correct the first signs of aging, and harmonize appearance.

Patients aged 35–45 years are usually aimed at regaining a youthful appearance. At 45–55 years old, with the help of Happy Lift, significant age-related changes are eliminated. Cosmetologists advise older patients to consider the possibility of surgical lifting; they use non-absorbable suture materials for non-surgical lifting.

With the help of the happy lift installation, you can smooth out wrinkles and tighten ptosis. Threads successfully correct a “floating” oval, eliminate various defects: asymmetry, double chin, unsuccessful anatomical features of the eyes and lips.

Specific indications for using Happy Lift depend on the existing problem. The cosmetologist listens to the patient’s complaints and suggests ways to solve problems. Often thread lifting is not limited to.

Note! The use of happy lift materials in our work allows us to take a comprehensive approach to the issue of correction. Installation of Italian suture products does not exclude other surgical and non-surgical methods of rejuvenation.

Advantages of installing lifting threads at ART-Clinic

Online consultations for patients from the regions

A team of highly qualified specialists with extensive experience

Modern minimally invasive techniques of operations and reconstructions

Affordable prices, promotions, discounts, installments

At ART-Clinic, only the most modern high-quality Bio-S-Line and Resorblift threads are used for installation, which have passed mandatory certification in the Russian Federation.

The clinic’s specialists have many years of experience in thread lifting and guarantee safety and results.

Sign up for a consultation at the ART Clinic by calling 8 800 500 42 32 (toll-free within Russia) or using a special form.

Preparation for the procedure

The only thing that is necessary before installing happy lift products is to attend a face-to-face consultation with a cosmetologist. The doctor conducts a detailed conversation: finds out the patient’s wishes, suggests ways to achieve the goal, and confirms the possibility of thread lifting.

At home, no special preparations are required. The doctor will definitely inquire about the medications you are taking and will recommend stopping blood thinning medications. 2-3 days before the procedure, it is advisable to give up alcohol and avoid smoking.

Be sure to come to the procedure in perfect health. Even a slight illness will be a reason to postpone the date of the operation. To carry out the procedure, it is important to have clean skin. At a preliminary consultation, the cosmetologist will assess the current condition of the skin and recommend a care regimen.

Prices for lifting threads

Appointment with a cosmetologist

*On the day of the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is free! The promotion does not apply to cosmetologists Ph.D.

Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 1 500₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist, repeated1 000₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with cosmetologist K.M.N. primary. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 3 500₽

Lifting threads

Lifting threads5 000₽

Carrying out the operation

On the day of the Happy Lift installation procedure, it is advisable to avoid drinking excess liquid. Thread lifting is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor will suggest using the application method on your own or administering an anesthetic drug as an outpatient injection.

The thread lifting procedure using happy lift materials takes 30–60 minutes. Duration is related to the amount of work required. The manipulation begins with cleansing and disinfecting the skin. The cosmetologist marks the prepared skin with a medical marker.

Concerning safety, it is important for the patient to ensure that the procedure is sterile. New materials from freshly opened packaging must be used in the work. Additionally, you can check the compliance of the product’s expiration dates.

Skin punctures 3–5 mm deep are made along given lines at the places where the threads are supposed to enter and exit. The technology of work and the amount of material are selected individually depending on the problem being solved. Linear, structural, V-shaped laying of threads is possible.

After installing the Happy Lift, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic. At the insistence of the cosmetologist, it is possible to use a compress to relieve swelling, a regenerating cream to accelerate the healing of puncture sites, and a compression bandage to fix soft tissues when correcting complex cases.

If the patient feels well, they are released. The doctor preliminarily stipulates the conditions for successful rehabilitation. Compliance with the restrictions will help eliminate the possibility of complications.

Thread suspenders: Gore-Tex threads

The search for the “ideal” material for replacing damaged blood vessels and filling soft tissue defects dates back more than a century. The history of vascular prosthetics begins in 1882, when Th. Gliick (1883) was the first to use metal and bone tubes to connect the ends of the artery. Alexis Carrel (1910) proposed synthetic prostheses as vascular substitutes. However, over the course of 70 years, all attempts to replace arteries with artificial vessels of a wide variety of designs and from various materials (tubes made of ivory, bird feathers, glass coated on the inside with paraffin, aluminum, silver, Vitaly, methyl methacrylate, polyethylene, etc.) were unsuccessful and practically remained at the experimental stage.

Finally, since the mid-70s of the last century, research began in the United States on a new synthetic material for artery and vein prostheses made of expanded microporous polytetrafluoroethylene (P.T.F.E). These works were carried out by the textile company Gore (WL Gore a. ass.). The material obtained as a result of research for vascular prostheses was called “Gore-Tex”. Medical co-executors were S. D. Campbell et al. (1976), who published their first observations of the successful use of Gore-Tex (PTFE) vascular grafts in patients with atherosclerotic occlusions of the femoral arteries. Over the course of several years, Gortex vascular prostheses have become widespread in the United States and a number of other countries. Today, Gortex material is used not only in the field of medicine (cardiovascular and abdominal surgery, gynecology, urology, dentistry, etc.), but also in many types of industry (clothing, shoes, etc.).

Gortex threads have also found application in some areas of plastic surgery. Thus, in 2001, G. Sasaki published the results of his 6 years of experience using the Gore-tex suture suspension technique for percutaneous lifting of the malar fat layer. The sutures were carried from the deep temporal fascia, where they were attached, to the upper end of the nasolabial fold. In 2003 the author published a modified technique in which a second suture was placed through a transconjunctival incision from the middle of the nasolabial fold to the center of the lower orbital rim. This modification allows you to tighten the soft tissues of the zygomatic region in the vertical direction.

However, many authors have criticized the Sasaki technique for its complexity, time-consuming implementation, and technical complexity of installing the suspension system. As a result, the technique is not widely used. The principle of operation is similar to Tissulift threads (see below) - in the form of a loop with a mandatory zone of fixation to dense fixed structures (fascia, periosteum). Methods for placing Gortex strips under the mucous membrane of the lips in order to enlarge them are described.

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after thread lifting with Happy Lift materials is short. On the part of the body, the occurrence of local redness, swelling, hemorrhages, and pain at the places where the threads are inserted is considered normal. The external picture can be spoiled by prominent puncture sites. Manifestations disappear in 2–7 days. Doctors do not recommend using cosmetics to disguise traces of manipulation.

No special skin care is required after installing happy lift. You can limit yourself to delicate cleansing. In the first days, you can additionally use an antiseptic. It is possible to use a standard cream depending on your skin type. It is advisable to adhere to the restrictions indicated by the doctor. Usually it is enough to refuse:

  • sleeping on the stomach, side;
  • bright facial expressions, sudden movements;
  • tactile effect on tissue;
  • increased physical activity;
  • tanning, steaming;
  • swimming in the pool, open water;
  • performing other cosmetic interventions.

Important! The bans remain in effect until full recovery. They return to their usual activities gradually, no earlier than 1–2 weeks after installing the Happy Lift.

Mild side effects often hinder immediate assessment of the results of the procedure. After 1–2 weeks, the resulting picture becomes clearer.

The effect reaches its peak within 2–10 months during the period of collagenogenesis and the formation of a fibrous framework.

The result is noticeable up to 2–5 years. It is advisable to repeat the operation no earlier than after 9–12 months (after complete resorption of the threads). Happy lift threads can be installed to enhance the achieved effect on unaffected areas 6–8 weeks after successful rehabilitation.


Installation of the Happy Lift is carried out for patients in ideal health. The procedure completely eliminates the ongoing occurrence of inflammatory processes in the body. The occurrence of systemic disorders, exacerbation of chronic diseases, various ailments indicate a temporary ban on intervention. Cosmetologists warn about the need to refuse surgery if:

  • the course of cancer and autoimmune diseases;
  • problems with blood, tissue regeneration;
  • serious endocrine, cardiovascular disorders;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • mental illnesses.

It is advisable to avoid thread lifting if you are prone to keloid scarring. In this case, the operation may result in the acquisition of defects of a different nature.

Release form and types of threads

Spiral threads – SCREW . They are used to create lifting on the body and face. This type of thread contains a memory; when the skin is stretched and compressed, it constantly returns to the spiral, while preventing the skin from stretching and losing its elasticity.

Linear – MONO. This type is used to tighten, smooth and biorevitalize the skin on the body and face. It is injected using special needles, and once placed under the skin, the tightening effect is immediately visible.

Spiral braids are used to create a complex lifting and bio-reinforcement effect. They are presented in the form of two monofilaments intertwined and, after application, create a powerful lifting effect.

Braid threads – TWIN . They effectively fill voids in the layers of the epidermis and create a reliable framework to improve skin elasticity.

Barbed threads on a cannula . They are used to solve many cosmetic problems, in particular, with their help they correct hollow cheeks, and also fight the signs of aging throughout the body.


The development of side effects if the thread installation technology, sterility, and correct patient behavior are observed are minimized.

Slight hyperemia, compact edema, and local hematomas are possible. Manifestations rarely take on a large scale and resolve on their own within 2–7 days.

If the doctor makes mistakes or the patient fails to comply with the recommendations of the rehabilitation period, the following may occur:

  • new defects (tissue migration, asymmetry);
  • contouring (translucent) thread;
  • functional failures (movement of the eyes, mouth, limited facial expressions).

An additional problem may be an associated infection and the development of an inflammatory process. A complication occurs when sterility is violated by the doctor during surgery or by the patient during recovery.

Pros and cons in comparison with analogues

The undoubted advantage of thread lifting using any materials is the possibility of performing a lift, similar in results to classical surgical plastic surgery. The procedure is noticeably more effective than a circular lift with fillers. The procedure is carried out quickly, with minimal tissue trauma, and the body does not require long-term recovery.

The advantages of happy lift threads, in comparison with similar materials, include expanded capabilities due to the presence of conveniently located teeth. To achieve a pronounced lifting effect, fewer threads are used. The variety of types of Happy Lift allows you to solve different problems. The disadvantage of this option is the high cost, which limits the mass reach of clients. At a similar price, you can supply polymilk options, which are considered more advanced.

Benefits of thread lifting:

  • naturalness of the result (no “tight face” effect);
  • provides a 3D effect;
  • instant effect;
  • quick rehabilitation (just a few days);
  • absence of scars, scars, hematomas after manipulation;
  • minimal skin trauma;
  • without surgical method;
  • no anesthesia required;
  • biodegradability (threads are completely absorbed after 6-9 months);
  • long lasting stable effect up to 3 years;
  • the procedure is carried out on an outpatient basis and takes little time (10-30 minutes);
  • not only a lifting effect is provided, but also the quality of the skin is significantly improved;

Lifting with HappyLift threads is perfectly combined with other cosmetic procedures for rejuvenating and tightening the skin - Dysport injections to remove wrinkles and fillers based on hyaluronic acid, etc.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors use Happy Lift materials in their work along with similar products. Cosmetologists often praise happy lift, but they don’t actively work with them due to the higher cost of the threads.

Cosmetologists appreciate the effectiveness of threads with notches, but they do not single out Happy Lift separately.

The cosmetologist is satisfied with the happy lift materials and recommends them to clients.

Bio-S-Line and Resorblift threads for rejuvenation

Bio S Line threads are a development of a South Korean company. They have been registered in Russia and can be used for cosmetic purposes.

The threads are made of synthetic suture material - polydioxanone, which slowly dissolves under the skin; the period stated by the manufacturer is 210 days. During this time and during the introduction of the material, it retains its strength and ensures a stable healing process. The formula of the substance from which the threads are made is C4H6O3. It is non-toxic, does not cause allergies and, when absorbed, causes such a weak reaction in the layers of the skin that it is not felt by a person. The material meets all standards.

The thread is a welded material with notches; it is distinguished by its increased thinness, which allows it to be located unnoticeably under the skin. It can be used not only to tighten the skin, but also to tighten it, which ensures reliable reinforcement of even very sensitive areas of the skin.

The thread is treated with a special compound – polylactic acid, which does not cause allergic reactions. Due to the high flexibility of the threads from this company, a cosmetologist can work on any area of ​​the face and at different depths; they are inserted using a thin needle made of medical steel. The thickness of one thread does not exceed 0.3 mm; it is inserted in the direction specified by the doctor into the subcutaneous fat layer and remains there until complete decomposition.

Patient reviews

Patients are satisfied with the effect of threads of a configuration similar to Happy Lift. They actively use options with notches, but prefer analogues at a more attractive price.

Patients prefer to use cheaper materials of a similar configuration, but are dissatisfied with their effect.

Patients actively use threads with notches, but choose Happy Lift analogues at a more reasonable price.

Patients are confident in the effectiveness of threads with notches, but do not use happy lift, but analogues.

Why are biostimulating threads a controversial option?

They are positioned as a simple and cheap lifting product. This misleads the consumer, the promised result does not occur, and as a result, disappointment in the method occurs.

Mesothreads can provide lifting, but it will not be guaranteed, since this type of thread is not designed to achieve exactly this effect. Biostimulating threads are thin threads that do not have devices for fixation, so they can neither move tissue nor provide a framework for tissue.

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