Silhouette Lift and Silhouette Lift Soft - threads for face lift and individual areas of the body

Modern cosmetology offers the fair sex many effective and safe rejuvenation techniques. Nowadays, it is not at all necessary to undergo complex and painful plastic surgery to achieve the desired result. Silhouette Lift threads and their bio-alternative Lift Soft allow you to give the skin the desired shape, elasticity and tone. What exactly are they and how do they work? We will try to answer these questions in as much detail as possible.

Thread Silhouette Lift

Silhouette Lift are unique cosmetic threads for tightening the skin when the first signs of aging (wrinkles, ptosis) appear. The use of such a technique has been tested by time and practice in many countries around the world.

S ilhouette L threads are made of safe polypropylene material, which does not dissolve over time, but remains in the dermis forever. Their qualitative characteristics include: strength, ductility, elasticity and safety. Along the length of such a thread there are special notches-knots, the main task of which is to firmly fix the injected material deep in the dermis and give the contours of the face or body the necessary shape and elasticity.

Silhouette Lift has a double principle of action. The dense structure holds the skin due to its physical presence, and the nodules, made of glycolic and lactic acid, are aimed at stimulating internal processes that provoke the active production of beneficial components, the growth of connective tissue and cell renewal. Despite the fact that the thread itself remains in the skin forever, the nodules dissolve into simple compounds within a maximum of 12-18 months.

Silhouette Lift Threads

Beware of Marketing Tricks

1. No facelift can be “revolutionary” or “innovative.” New surgical techniques always evolve from previous techniques. An honest surgeon will always be able to tell you where the name of this or that procedure came from and what technically important things it contains.

2. If the marketing and promotional benefits of a lift procedure called by the surgeon outweigh the clinically proven benefits (through research reports, testimonials from former patients, clinical experience, etc.), then you should be wary. The proof is always what's on the inside, not on the outside!

3. Don’t let yourself be deceived by advertising techniques “less swelling, faster recovery” - this is what an advertising campaign is often based on.

Threads Silhouette Lift Soft

Silhouette Lift Soft - so-called temporary biothreads. Their main difference is that they dissolve after a certain period of time and are completely eliminated from the body naturally. The drug is made from polylactic acid. With its help, the body enhances the production of collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid and many other components necessary for young and elastic skin. Naturally, all of these processes are activated locally, that is, at the place where the Silhouette lift software thread is introduced.

Silhouette Lift Soft Threads

Thread lifting with SoftLift threads

High expressive cheekbones and a clearly defined oval face are a sign of sophistication and feminine attractiveness!

Previously, the shape of the face could only be changed through plastic surgery. Today, along with a surgical scalpel, thread lifting can cope with this.

Thread lifting with SoftLift threads is an innovative and low-traumatic facial sculptor. The cosmetological technique allows you to move and tighten facial tissues very delicately. With the help of thread lifting, you can give relief to the cheekbones and chin, remove sagging, smooth out nasolabial folds and other skin creases, and raise the eyebrow line. The procedure itself lasts no more than an hour and does not require general anesthesia. The recovery period after it is much shorter than after plastic surgery.

The procedure for installing Soft Lift threads is carried out in the same way as the usual thread lifting procedure.

Setting areas : face, neck, décolleté, chest, inner arms, abdomen, buttocks, thighs, knees.

Using special atraumatic innovative conductors (cannulas), the threads are introduced into the tissue. In just one procedure, you can achieve the desired result, which saves both time and finances for both the patient and the specialist.

The duration of the effect is from 3 to 5 years.

on the creation of SoftLift Corporation products , taking into account the wishes of practicing surgeons and cosmetologists from all over the world.

Gruzdev Denis Anatolyevich , plastic surgeon, President of the Society of Thread Technologies Specialists, author of many patented techniques, took part in the development of threads

The threads are produced by an international holding company at factories in Italy, Japan, Korea, and Russia. The most advanced materials and technologies from around the world are used in the manufacturing process.

The Soft Lift line is represented by the following types of threads: Invisible and Comfort. Their differences are in composition, structure and mechanism of action.

SOFT LIFT INVISIBLE (SOFT LIFT INVISIBLE) - self-absorbable threads, consist of 80% polylactic acid and 20% polycaproloctone. These are reinforcing threads. Main objectives: prevention of aging, tissue revitalization, creation of the basis for the formation of a supporting frame.

Polylactic acid has high regenerative properties and stimulates the active production of collagen and elastin.

These threads also have a lifting effect . They are distinguished by a strong grip, stronger than their analogues. The thread is located in the cannula - this ensures that the procedure is atraumatic.

Another distinctive feature is the length of 200 and 250 mm, as well as their packaging in blisters of 10, 8 and 6 pieces.

This opens up opportunities for the cosmetologist to create various schemes - designs on the face and body.

SOFT LIFT COMFORT (SOFT LIFT COMFORT) – non-absorbable monofilament threads made of polypropylene and absorbable monofilament threads made of L-lactide copolymer with ε-caprolactone. Sterile threads with counter notches. These are lifting threads.

Objectives: maximum tightening, lifting sagging tissues, returning them to their original position.

Moving a part of the skin flap from point A to point B and fixing it is the main task of such threads.

Thanks to flexible, blunt-pointed needles, the specialist can go around hard-to-reach areas on the face, including passing the corners of the jaw.

Their length is 600 mm. When using such threads, the specialist also has many variations and opportunities to create different patterns - designs on the face and body.

Indications for SoftLift thread lifting:

Thread rejuvenation is recommended for decreased tone, dryness and “sagging skin”. There are also indications for placing these threads: loss of volume in tissues, fine wrinkles, deep creases and folds, dull complexion.

With the help of this procedure, the tissues launch a powerful production of their own collagen, thereby slowing down the aging process. Over time, the rejuvenating effect increases.

Principle of operation.

Reinforcing SoftLift Invisible ensures the creation of a collagen framework. When installing 6–10 threads on each side in the middle third of the face, a simultaneous bright effect of biostimulation of the skin and its tightening is achieved.

Polylactic acid - stimulates the formation of young collagen.

The process will increase over 4-6 months, after which it will be possible to carry out correction with polypropylene threads, providing more pronounced lifting and improvement of the oval of the face.

Comfort polypropylene threads provide a longer-lasting tightening and oval correction effect.

Safety of the procedure.

Soft, flexible, easily gliding threads are inserted with specially designed atraumatic cannulas - the procedure requires minimal rehabilitation. The technical characteristics of the threads reduce the likelihood of hematomas by 10 times and reduce the likelihood of edema by 20%.

The production undergoes special processing, which gives the material additional smoothness and eliminates porosity. This technological technique minimizes the possibility of infection of the implantation area. Even the presence of foci of chronic infection in a patient (caries, tonsillitis, sinusitis) does not provoke an inflammatory reaction.

Which is better, absorbable or non-absorbable threads?

Absorbable sutures Soft Lift consist of polylactic acid and modified polydiaxanone (monosorb). They differ from competitors in that decay occurs after 400 days. For regular polydiaxanone, this figure is only 180 days.

Non-absorbable threads are made of polypropylene - a material inert to infections. The results from non-absorbable threads last longer than from absorbable ones - from 3 to 7 years. And perhaps even up to 9 years.

The choice between absorbable or non-absorbable threads is made based on the patient’s age and the area in which the manipulation will be performed.

One of the most advantageous solutions is the simultaneous installation of lifting and reinforcing threads (non-absorbable and absorbable). Lifting threads are implanted along the oval of the face and in the jowl area, and reinforcement is carried out in the middle third of the face. This ensures a comprehensive and harmonious lifting and rejuvenation effect.


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Indications for use

In what cases is it appropriate to use Silhouette Lift and Silhouette Lift Soft? Direct indication for such a procedure: ptosis of the face or individual parts of the body in a moderate or initial stage. The ideal patient or patient for such a tightening procedure is a person between the ages of 30 and 50, not overweight, with moderate signs of skin aging. If necessary, the procedure is also carried out to combat wrinkles.

It is generally accepted that Silhouette Lift Soft threads are mostly preventive; they are suitable for young skin (over 30 years old) and for eliminating the first signs of jowls. Silhouette Lift is used for rejuvenation of more mature women (over 40 years old). Both types of threads are used to work on the face, neck, and chest.

Indications for testing

Silhouette lift threads can be used to eliminate nasolabial folds, drooping eyebrows, folds on the neck, chin, cheeks, and also eliminates skin aging, giving skin elasticity. This rejuvenation technique is also suitable for correcting other parts of the body. They help with minor skin stretch marks, but also with serious age-related changes. The following categories of patients can use the technique:

  • Those who, due to age-related changes, have lost their skin elasticity. A minor correction with silhouette lift threads can correct the deficiency. Very often, even young girls use the procedure to remove minor wrinkles or sagging skin.
  • People with significant tissue sagging, who for health reasons are not recommended to use plastic surgery as a lift.
  • Who has facial paralysis, slight displacement, as well as facial asymmetry.
  • It is recommended to use this method of tightening after 30 years of age, when there is slight aging of the skin, but surgery is not yet required.

Doctors note the positive side of such a procedure for those who, for health reasons, cannot remain under general anesthesia for a long time, as well as for those who are afraid to undergo plastic surgery. This correction method has many advantages, but it is also worth noting that there are contraindications, and in such cases you should consult a doctor.

Contraindications for the use of silhouette threads as lifting

Some categories are not advised to use silhouette products as correction and lifting. The following categories of patients should avoid such procedures:

  1. People with chronic and frequent inflammatory lesions on the skin (as well as the presence of warts and papillomas on the face).
  2. With chronic diseases of internal organs.
  3. People with cancer and those who use hormonal drugs.
  4. People with severe allergic reactions to multiple drugs.
  5. For those who use fillers for tightening or have various synthetic preparations under the skin.
  6. Pregnant and breastfeeding women with possible contraindications.

You need to approach this rejuvenation technique very responsibly. Before use, you need to undergo additional tests and undergo an examination to avoid complications and undesirable consequences.

Principle of the procedure

Skin tightening with threads is performed in a hospital setting; no special preparation is required. However, reviews contain information that for several days before using Silhouette Lift or their alternative, it is recommended to abstain from alcohol, any cosmetic procedures and blood thinning medications.

The procedure itself can be divided into several stages. In total, all manipulations take no more than an hour. After all manipulations are completed, the patient leaves the clinic building. So, the session is divided into:

  • Preparatory stage (treating the skin with an antiseptic, drawing up a scheme for introducing threads, applying a cream for local anesthesia).
  • Introduction of Silhouette Lift or Lift Soft (carried out using durable, flexible steel needles according to a pre-designed thread direction plan).
  • The final stage (recommendations for further care and prevention of side effects).

One of the Silhouette thread insertion schemes

Indications and features of thread skin tightening

Skin tightening with Silhouette Soft threads is a viable alternative to plastic surgery. Indications for the procedure:

  • pronounced folds in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle;
  • sagging skin (ptosis) in the cheeks, eyebrows, cheekbones and chin;
  • decreased turgor and elasticity of the skin of the neck;
  • deep wrinkles on the face;
  • ptosis of the skin in the chest, buttocks, abdomen and inner thighs;
  • facial asymmetry.

“I had a cheek lift using Silhouette Soft threads and I am completely satisfied with the result. The effect became noticeable immediately (I didn’t have to wait for the swelling to go down) and two years have passed since the procedure, and I’m not going to repeat it yet.”

Threads Silhouette Lift Soft: photos before and after the procedure

The thread lifting procedure does not require special preparation and is performed on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. Before carrying out the procedure, the doctor performs an antiseptic treatment of the skin and marks the lines along which the tightening will take place. After which the specialist opens the sterile package, where there is a thread, at one end of which a straight needle is attached, and at the other - a semicircular one, which is intended for fixing tissues (the cones are located with their apex in the direction of movement of the thread). The doctor pierces the skin with a straight needle and pulls the thread along the marking line in the direction of tension, as a result of which the wide part of each cone picks up the soft tissues and tightens them, which provides a lifting effect (the nodules that are located under the cones fix the result and prevent the thread from sliding). After the procedure is completed, the free edges of the thread material are cut off with scissors.

Possible complications and precautions

If you have gone through the procedure of introducing Silhouette Lift Soft or non-absorbable threads of the same brand, then the positive effect will be noticeable immediately. Over time, it will not only not decrease, but will also become more pronounced. Your main task is to consolidate the result obtained and prevent any negative consequences from occurring. Reading reviews about such procedures, you can come across quite a lot of negative opinions. People complain that after the session they notice:

  • swelling;
  • bruises;
  • soreness;
  • local redness;
  • feeling of itching or discomfort;
  • appearance of bumps on the skin (in rare cases).

Silhouette Lift in both of its variants is a fairly gentle rejuvenation measure. Complete recovery of the body occurs within 7-10 days, and no special or complex care is required for the treated area. All recommendations are presented in the form of the following restrictions:

  • do not create pressure on the problem area (about 2 weeks, do not massage, do not put pressure, do not sleep on your stomach);
  • avoid procedures associated with high temperatures (solarium, sauna, steam baths, hot bath);
  • do not perform repeated cosmetic procedures without the doctor’s permission or until the end of the recovery period.

Procedure for inserting Silhouette Lift Soft threads

Rehabilitation period

The rehabilitation period after skin tightening with Silhouette Soft threads lasts 5-7 days, during which the patient is bothered by small hematomas at the sites of skin puncture and swelling of soft tissues. The first few hours after the procedure, a person may feel aching pain and discomfort in the skin tightening area, but these symptoms do not require treatment and go away on their own. In order to reduce the likelihood of skin infection after the procedure, the doctor may prescribe oral antibiotics (4-5 days).

For 10-14 days after thread lifting, it is not recommended to visit a bathhouse or sauna, solarium, gym, dentist, do facial massage and sleep on your stomach (this can lead to mixing of threads in the tissues), and the activity of facial muscles should be minimized.

Video: “Technique for tightening facial skin using Silhouette Soft threads”

“I had a midface lift with threads when I was 40 years old. The procedure is absolutely safe, there is practically no rehabilitation period, and the result after it lasted for 3.5 years.”

Contraindications to the methods

Before you decide to have threads inserted, be sure to consider whether you have any contraindications. This will allow you not only to avoid side effects, but also to maintain your own health. So, drugs of this brand are not used for:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • oncology;
  • inflammatory processes in the problem area;
  • high skin sensitivity or tendency to form scars;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • any diseases in the acute stage, fever, elevated body temperature, poisoning;
  • blood diseases.
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