Threads Silhouette Soft: everything you need to know about modern American material

Today, thread rejuvenation methods are becoming more and more popular. The variety of different threads often complicates the choice of doctor and patient. Evolutionarily, new types of threads appear that meet the following criteria: minimal invasiveness, reduction of the rehabilitation period with a pronounced immediate lifting effect and long-term preservation of the result. Silhouette Lift Soft threads (made in the USA) meet all modern requirements and rightfully occupy a leading place among anti-aging procedures. Silhouette lift Soft threads allow you to instantly tighten the shape of your face for a long time without interrupting your usual rhythm of life.

Product Description

Threads Silhouette Soft is the latest development of the American company Sinclair Pharma. The option was created taking into account the experience of using the brand's existing product called Silhouette Lift. The manufacturer has completely preserved the format of the product, replacing the material with a more advanced one. The new version of Silhouette Soft consists entirely of polylactic acid, unlike its predecessor, which is made of polypropylene.

The Silhouette Soft thread is a smooth, strong base 26–30 cm long, supplemented with reinforcing elements. In the middle part of the thread, at segments of 4–6 cm from the center, there are 8, 12 or 16 equidistant cones, separated by knots. Opposite groups of elements are directed in different directions. The knots are designed for tension and reliable fixation of the retained soft tissues.

The Silhouette Soft material is 100% biocompatible and is completely absorbed within 12–18 months of exposure to organic tissues. The substance is artificially synthesized in the laboratory. The material does not contain antigenic or protein components, which confirms its absolute hypoallergenicity.

Attention! Polylactic acid, the basis of the Silhouette Soft composition, breaks down naturally, stimulates the body's own neocollagenesis, and encourages the synthesis of hyaluronic acid. The process allows you to start internal tissue rejuvenation. As a result, strengthening and improving the quality of cellular structures are achieved.

What causes the “double lifting” effect?

The increasing effect after the procedure is associated with the process of neocollagenesis - the synthesis of one’s own collagen fibers around the thread, which leads to the formation of one’s own connective tissue “framework”, which provides a prolonged lifting effect even after complete resorption of the thread. Thus, “double lifting” is achieved: due to the fixation of the tissue with threads, and also due to the synthesis of its own internal “framework”.

Indications for use

The use of polymilk materials Silhouette Soft is aimed at eliminating ptosis, various defects, and smoothing wrinkles. Silhouette Soft materials are most often installed for:

  • mid-face lift;
  • harmonization of the position of eyebrows, eyelids, lips;
  • modeling of the zygomatic region;
  • correction of the descending line of the oval;
  • elimination of defects of the chin, neck, décolleté.

Cosmetologists prefer to perform surgery using Silhouette Soft on patients over 30 years of age. At this time, the first age-related changes usually become noticeable. With the help of thread lifting, it is possible to restore a fresh look and prevent further development of age-related changes. In case of a pronounced negative hereditary pattern of aging, the procedure is performed at an earlier age to prevent premature deterioration of external signs.

As a result of the operation, it is possible to achieve clear contours, form the desired features, tighten tissues, and adjust volume. Silhouette Soft is successfully used to work with young and mature patients. The threads are suitable for use on delicate areas with delicate skin. In some cases, for more precise fixation of the tails of the eyebrows and corners of the lips, cosmetologists offer patients a procedure with a similar version of Invisible, consisting of 80% polylactic acid and having multi-directional notches.

What procedures can be combined with Silhouette Lift Soft thread lifting?

Thread lifting Silhouette Lift Soft (Silhouette Lift Soft) is combined with most cosmetic procedures: botulinum toxin injections, hyaluronic acid preparations, laser skin resurfacing, mesotherapy and others. A more pronounced and lasting result will allow you to receive a course of biorevitalization and bioreinforcement before the placement of threads, since “prepared” moisturized skin has better regenerative properties, which is important when synthesizing its own collagen “framework” around the thread. Please note that after the threads are delivered, hardware methods should be avoided for 2-3 weeks or longer at the discretion of the doctor. Injection procedures can be carried out without restrictions.

Author of the material: Dermatologist, cosmetologist N.M. Lachinova. All rights reserved.

Preparatory stage

Before performing the Silhouette Soft installation operation, a face-to-face consultation with a cosmetologist is required. The doctor makes a visual assessment of the problem and conducts a conversation with the patient.

It becomes mandatory to collect an anamnesis to confirm the possibility of carrying out the procedure. If the decision is affirmative, the cosmetologist sets a date for the manipulation and gives recommendations on preparing for the operation.

It will be mandatory to stop taking medications that affect the quality of your blood. The doctor will tell you which medications are recommended to be eliminated 1-2 weeks before the procedure. It is advisable to give up alcohol and smoking at the same time. During the preparation period, it is recommended to lead a healthy lifestyle and take special care to maintain ideal health and clean skin.

How many threads are needed?

The required number of threads depends on the condition of the skin, the wishes of the patient, the type of threads and is determined by the doctor during consultation.

On average used:

8-taper threads on each side

  • eyebrow 1 thread
  • middle third of the face 1-4 threads
  • chin area 1-4 threads

NEW 16-taper threads on each side:

  • eyebrow 1 thread
  • middle third of the face 1-2 threads
  • chin area 1-2 threads

Carrying out the operation

On the day of the Silhouette Soft installation procedure, the patient’s skin is prepared for surgery: cleaned and disinfected with chlorhexidine. The doctor once again clarifies the expectations and, together with the client, projects the required position of the skin with his hands. Based on the information received, the cosmetologist decides on the technology of work and performs markings.

Important point! The product configuration of Silhouette software allows you to place them in different ways, to install them in all possible directions: vertically, horizontally, at an angle. This allows you to achieve different goals and take an individual approach to solving problems.

The number of threads used and installation locations are determined by the cosmetologist specifically. Individual characteristics and severity of the problem are taken into account. Usually, for a complete lift with the Comfort variety, 8-10 pieces are enough, with the New version - 3-5 pieces.

Before performing the main steps of the operation, anesthesia is necessary. Local injection anesthesia with lidocaine is used. The drug is administered precisely to the sites of intended punctures. This helps minimize the discomfort of the procedure.

It is important for the patient to pay attention to the safety of the manipulation:

  • compliance with sterility: antiseptic treatment of the skin of the affected areas, work of the cosmetologist in gloves, a mask, medical clothing, compliance of the office with sanitary standards;
  • the cosmetologist’s use of new materials that are opened in front of the client;
  • compliance with the performer’s competence: availability of the necessary diplomas, certificates confirming training.

Installation of Silhouette Soft is carried out in 2 stages. Initially, 3 punctures of the skin are made to the adipose tissue along the drawn guides. Installation of the thread begins from the middle hole. Half the length is introduced, achieving the desired location of the cones. Do the same with the rest of the thread, drawing it in the opposite direction.

After installing all the Silhouette Soft on the corrected area, the area is balanced: they pull the threads by the free ends, holding the skin with their hands. Areas of material that extend outwards are stopped. Next, they move on to processing a similar area of ​​symmetrical location, and work with other areas planned for correction.

The estimated duration of the procedure is 30–60 minutes. After treating all necessary areas, the doctor wipes the skin with an antiseptic. It is possible to use a regenerating cream. The doctor gives recommendations for recovery, sets a date for a follow-up examination, and releases the patient.

Possible rupture of the thread when inserted under the skin

This is a fairly rare, but very unpleasant complication when working with threads. It may be related to two factors:

  1. Breaking the thread itself. A thread rupture may be due to non-compliance with the temperature conditions for storing the threads.


  • store threads according to instructions;
  • Threads cannot be inserted if patients have had multiple fillers injected in the injection area and there are fibrous cords intradermally. It is these obstacles that can make it more difficult for the thread to pass and, with strong tension, cause the thread to break.
  1. Risk of thread breakage when inserting the last cone. When working with threads, special attention should be paid to the moment of insertion of the last cone. If this cone is directed incorrectly, it can get stuck on the surface and, if over-tensioned, cause injury to the insertion point and break the thread.

The reason for this situation lies in the fact that the diameter of the base of the cone may be larger than the diameter of the inlet. The correct insertion in this case will depend on the angle of insertion of the last cone. It should enter the inlet vertically and, after inserting into the skin, make a horizontal turn.


  • immediately before inserting the last cone, lift it by the base using an additional needle and reposition the cone into a vertical position for easier insertion. Additionally, with your free hand you need to increase traction during insertion. This will ensure a positive result of thread insertion and protect the thread from breaking.
  1. Thread breaks when tangled. This is the rarest type of complication, but it does occur, and we must talk about the reasons for its occurrence and ways to solve this situation.

When we encountered this complication for the first time, we could not understand why it happened. Let me remind you that there are knots in the thread between the cones. Before starting work, you need to take the thread and stretch it in different directions. On the one hand, this tightens the loose knots, on the other hand, it convinces us of the integrity of the thread with which we have to work.

Complications when working with threads associated with thread tangling occur due to the fact that the doctor forgot to tighten the knots, and the cones of the thread got into the loop of the knot of the thread itself.


  • Before starting work, stretch the thread horizontally, tighten the knots and make sure the quality of the thread you will be working with.

Features of rehabilitation

The rehabilitation period after installation of Silhouette Soft threads is short. Often minimal negative changes are noticeable on the face: slight redness, swelling, bruising. Sometimes manifestations are completely absent. It is advisable to spend the rest of the day after the procedure at home, in a calm environment, but some patients go to work and do their usual activities.

The doctor warns about the need to comply with the restrictions of the recovery period. If you follow the recommendations, the course of rehabilitation is accelerated and the risk of complications is reduced. Typically, the doctor imposes restrictions on:

  • sleeping on your stomach or side;
  • activity of facial expressions, movements;
  • intense effects on the skin;
  • visiting a bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool;
  • Tan;
  • carrying out various cosmetic procedures.

It is advisable to adhere to the prohibitions for at least 1–2 weeks. Restrictions are gradually being lifted as recovery progresses. The doctor can individually establish specific prohibitions, the observance of which is mandatory.

The result of the operation is noticeable immediately. Swelling often interferes with assessing the full picture. After 1–2 weeks you can get the first results. The positive effect increases over the first 2–6 months. The result lasts up to 2–4 years.

You can repeat the operation after the problems return. It is not advisable to carry out the manipulation within 6–18 months after the previous one.

Rejuvenation Silhouette soft

These threads differ from the others in that they contain only polylactic acid without additional impurities. This method stimulates rejuvenation from the inside, the effect is immediate. Silhouette soft before and after patients note quick results that last for a long time. Some people did not feel discomfort after rejuvenation and did not experience swelling. The advantages of this method of rejuvenation are obvious; the only disadvantages that can be highlighted are the cost of the operation and the fact that re-use of threads is necessary after 2-4 years.

Many doctors note some disadvantages, namely, that due to its high popularity, rejuvenation is very often carried out by incompetent doctors, which causes many complications in patients. Silhouette Soft do not lead to autoimmune reactions, but at the same time they accelerate the process of production of hyaluronic acid and connective tissue. Allergic reactions were not observed when using these threads. The external effect after using threads occurs gradually over 2-4 months, and within 6 months the final result after the procedure is visible. This process is considered lengthy due to the restructuring of tissues and the adoption of new collagen particles. Silhouette soft creates a soft effect of temporal lifting, and is best used on the face and neck; they eliminate nasolabial wrinkles very well.

Comparison of Silhouette elevator and Aptos

The cosmetology market for various preparations is replete with a variety of threads for rejuvenation. And although they are all made according to medical standards, they have differences that can become a serious reason for various complications.

Many cosmetologists and plastic surgeons talking about Thread lift silhouette and Aptos, which have been compared over the years, say that Aptos is less durable and does not hold tissue together so reliably. And although the rehabilitation process for these threads is the same, it all depends on the qualifications of the doctor and correct installation. Also, cosmetologists note the fact that Aptos threads give a more pronounced result immediately, without increasing the effect. They are considered an older version of threads, and Silhouette Lift is a higher quality version.


Installation of Silhouette Soft materials is performed exclusively on patients in good health. Any inflammatory process in the body, exacerbation of a chronic disease, malaise in the form of an acute headache, fever, or pressure surge signal the need to reschedule the operation. It is unacceptable to perform the procedure on patients with compromised integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended treatment. The absence of dermatological problems is important.

The operation is completely excluded when:

  • oncological, autoimmune diseases;
  • problems with blood, tissue regeneration;
  • serious endocrine and cardiovascular disorders;
  • mental disorders that cannot be treated.

The doctor will recommend refusing the procedure during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. If you are prone to keloid scarring, manipulation may result in appearance defects.


The development of side effects as a result of the operation is mild. The normal behavior of the body is the occurrence of hyperemia, local tissue edema, and local hematomas. The symptoms are often minor and disappear within 2–3 days.

In case of erroneous actions of the cosmetologist, or the patient ignoring the restrictions of the rehabilitation period, the following may occur:

  • new defects (asymmetry, tugging);
  • translucency, bulging of material;
  • functional disorders (movement of the eyes, mouth, limited facial expressions).

Important! Violation of sterility is fraught with the addition of infection and the development of an inflammatory process.

Pros and cons in comparison with analogues

Silhouette Soft materials provide safe and long-term correction of appearance. The brand's threads are absolutely biocompatible, do not cause allergies, have minimal side effects, and the rehabilitation period is quick. The material completely decomposes, launching internal rejuvenation processes. At the same time, tissue compaction by fibrosis is superficial and does not negatively affect the quality of the skin layer. The downside of using Silhouette Soft is the high cost of the product and the need to master the nuances of working with the type of thread.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Doctors actively use Silhouette Soft threads in their work. The material lives up to expectations. Cosmetologists often equate the effect of Silhouette Soft with the effect of Aptos. Silhouette Soft is higher in cost, but the price is justified by its ideal organic biocompatibility.

Cosmetologists are confident in the effectiveness of Silhouette Soft and actively offer them to patients to achieve a pronounced lifting effect.

The cosmetologist rates Silhouette Soft higher than the popular Aptos.

Many cosmetologists rate Silhouette Soft and Aptos equally.

Patient reviews

Patient opinions about Silhouette Soft threads are positive. The operation is quick and recovery is not a problem. The procedure gives a pronounced positive effect. The threads cope with the assigned tasks.

The patient is satisfied with Silhouette Soft threads.

The patient speaks positively about the installed Silhouette Soft.

( 1 rating, average 4 out of 5 )
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