Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s health status as of January 17, 2022: what is known today? Are there any improvements? Latest news about the actress and her family

The other day, Anna, the daughter of the famous Russian actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, who is struggling with a serious illness, celebrated her 26th birthday. The girl celebrated the occasion in the company of her boyfriend. Fans of “My Fair Nanny” were outraged by the fact that Anna cried on her birthday, and besides, she decided not to celebrate the holiday in the company of her family.

Childhood and student life

  1. Anastasia Yuryevna Zavorotnyuk appeared on April 3, 1971 in Astrakhan (USSR), and not at all in Mariupol (Ukraine), as many people think. Anastasia grew up in a creative family: her mother Valentina worked as an actress at the local Youth Theater (currently a teacher of stage speech at Ostankino in the capital), and her father Yuri is a television director.
  2. Therefore, little Nastya’s destiny was predetermined, despite the fact that her parents were against their daughter following their path. Anastasia has a musical education (Children's music school No. 1, Astrakhan). From a very young age, Nastya was fond of choreography (she was a member of the dance group “Lotos”).
  3. In 1988, Anastasia graduated from school and entered the history department at the local Pedagogical Institute, but a year later she dropped out of it, enrolling in the Moscow Art Theater School for the Avangard Leontiev course (Moscow).
  4. Anastasia has an older brother, Svyatoslav, who actually dreamed of a little sister as a child and asked his parents for a very long time to give her to him.


Anna spent a long time abroad - in the USA. First, the celebrity was taken abroad by his parents as a child. Then she herself returned there to receive a specialized education - the girl studied to be a producer.

Returning to her homeland, Anna lived for a long time with her mother and other family members in a country house. However, at the end of November 2022, the youngest Zavorotnyuk had the chance to move to a separate apartment, the cost of which is estimated at approximately 18 million rubles.

The celebrity herself admitted that the desire to quickly move to a new place in order to start living independently, and not under the wing of relatives, was so strong that Anna moved into the newly acquired living space even when there was practically no furniture there, not even wardrobes.

Professional care

  • But the popular star does not hide the salon procedures that she uses, for example, gas-liquid peeling for deep cleansing of the facial skin. The soap opera star also pays special attention to her knees, as she prefers short skirts and dresses. Radiofrequency lifting helps maintain the skin tone of the knees;
  • According to the actress herself, to maintain the beauty of her hair and nails, she has to eat very high-calorie foods (every day - cottage cheese, chestnut honey, fish oil and pomegranate juice). In addition to good genetics, Turkish baths and massages help Zavorotnyuk maintain her excellent figure;
  • Every morning, Anastasia wipes her face with an ice cube made from a decoction of chamomile or celandine to improve skin tone;

Facial contouring

Most recently, the actress posted photos from the Rainbow charity event on her personal Instagram account, where she acted as a presenter.

Fans simply did not recognize Zavorotnyuk: her face looked swollen, her eyes were narrow, her lips were unnaturally plump, her skin was perfectly smooth, without a single wrinkle. Another unsuccessful plastic surgery: a circular facelift.

The use of the services of a plastic surgeon by Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is revealed by her neck, which looks noticeably older in contrast to her face.

Soon the actress in English deleted this photo from her account, however, it is still circulating on the Internet. Fans of the actress still hope that Zavorotnyuk unsuccessfully retouched the photo rather than deciding to go “under the surgeon’s knife.”

According to some sources, it is known that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk resorted to the services of the once popular surgeon Evgeny Laputin. It is also known that she repeatedly visited the Nizhny Novgorod beauty clinic.

First steps

Anna Zavorotnyuk made her debut as a full-fledged actress in the 5th season of “Closed School”, in which she played the role of a student at a mysterious institution. Moreover, Anna got into the project even without participating in the casting.

The next step in building a television career was the show “Get a Star” aired on the Domashny TV channel, in which the young artist was entrusted with the presenter’s chair. Unlike last time, Zavorotnyuk Jr. had to compete for this position on a general basis.

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Personal life

Anastasia married three times. The first husband is a German entrepreneur - Olaf Schwarzkopf. However, this marriage did not last long - almost a year. All this time, Anastasia lived in her husband’s homeland, i.e. in Germany.

Then Anastasia married Russian businessman Dmitry Stryukov. Two children appeared in it: in 1996, daughter Anna and in 2000, son Michael. During this marriage, Anastasia had to often be absent from Russia and help run her husband’s business in the United States (real estate).

From the fall of 2008 to the present day, Anastasia has been married to figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev.

Biography of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is a bright actress and simply a beautiful woman. She was born into a creative family: her mother is a People's Artist of Russia, and her father is a director. Since childhood, the girl dreamed of becoming an actress and spent her free time behind the scenes of the theater. Her parents did not support Nastya’s desire for the theatrical stage, and she entered the history department. Having collected her documents from the university a year later, Anastasia entered the Moscow Art Theater School and already in her 4th year she played in the Tabakov Theater.

Anastasia's real popularity came after her role as a nanny who worked in a family of the rich and famous.

A charming smile, a miniature, chiseled figure and a sparkling sense of humor captivated millions of television viewers.

Television radically changed the actress’s life: she was invited to host show programs and was repeatedly presented with awards for her achievements in the field of art.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has always conquered men. Her first husband, Olaf Schwarzkopf, fell in love with the young actress at a skit party and immediately asked her to marry her. Nastya agreed and went to her husband’s homeland - Germany. The marriage did not last long, and a year later Anastasia returned to Russia. Anastasia met her second husband, Dmitry Stryukov, by chance and plunged headlong into a romantic relationship. In this marriage, the actress had a daughter and a son, but the couple failed to save the family. The collaboration of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Sergei Zhigunov in the series “My Fair Nanny” led to a two-year romance. Now Anastasia Zavorotnyuk is married to figure skater Dmitry Chernyshev.

Under the old name

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk gained all-Russian popularity thanks to her participation in the series “My Fair Nanny,” in which the actress played the role of the main character. The actress’s daughter also starred in the TV project, which was loved by viewers, and had to embody the image of Victoria in her childhood on the screen. True, in the credits the girl was recorded under the surname Stryukova - only at the age of 17 did Anna change the family name inherited from her father to her mother’s.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk: did you have plastic surgery?

On April 3, 2022, Anastasia Zavorotnyuk turned 46 years old. A chiseled figure and natural charm allow the actress to look fragile and young.

The actress admits that she eats a high-calorie and varied diet: to maintain the beauty of her hair and nails, she eats cottage cheese and takes fish oil capsules. Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s daily diet includes chestnut honey and a glass of pomegranate juice.

Anastasia claims that she does not need the services of plastic surgeons.

She visits a beauty salon and undergoes a variety of professional procedures. The actress speaks sharply negatively about Botox injections and actively recommends peelings for deep cleansing of the face.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk does not hide the fact that she maintains the condition of her skin using professional anti-aging hardware techniques. The actress uses radiofrequency lifting to maintain skin elasticity in the knee area so she can wear short skirts.

Some fans are trying to find traces of a facelift, but to no avail, and Anastasia herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

Several years ago, alleged photos of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk after plastic surgery appeared on the Internet.

Fans suspected the actress of having breast augmentation and even discovered the outlines of implants. But whether Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had plastic surgery is still a mystery.

Nature generously endowed Anastasia Zavorotnyuk with talent and beauty.

Regular home and professional care allows her to prolong her youth, and possible plastic surgery is a way to become even more feminine.

Photo sources:,, @a_zavorotnyuk

The material is based on a comparative analysis of photographs and does not contain a statement of the fact of plastic surgery.

Have there been any surgical interventions to preserve beauty?

Anastasia has repeatedly spoken negatively about the fact that women undergo surgical interventions, thereby trying to preserve youth. She herself always denied the statements of some public figures and ordinary people that she resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon.

But is this really so? Professional doctors working in this field talk about visible changes indicating several interventions that were clearly carried out by the artist.

Not experts, but simply attentive people will also be able to see a difference that could not just happen to the body of any person.

Taking a closer look at photographs taken in different periods, it is clear that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk resorted to plastic surgery, since the body before and after a certain period is very different in the photo.

What interventions might have taken place?

If we talk directly about the body, then Anastasia allegedly resorted to breast surgery. Namely, to its increase. If you look closely at the early photographs and those taken recently, you can see dramatic changes in appearance.

Surgeons claim that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had corrective breast surgery, since the external contours and sizes before and after are very different in the photo. Moreover, they note that this was done unsuccessfully. Since the contours of the implants are very visible.

At the same time, the chest acquires overly emphasized contours. It becomes quite unnatural in its location and shape. With correct breast augmentation and implantation, the external contours should remain smooth and natural. But Anastasia did not observe this.

Failed manipulations or assumptions?

Rumors about possible manipulations with the body were sparked by photographs of the actress and presenter, which appeared after one of the charity events. Many have noticed that the face has an unnatural puffiness, the eyes have acquired a narrowed shape. The face, in principle, looks unnatural in photographs. And this is exactly what the attention of idle fans was drawn to.

Social networks began to discuss the possibility that Anastasia Zavorotnyuk could have resorted to the help of a plastic surgeon. But admirers of the actress still came to the conclusion that, most likely, it was just an unsuccessful experiment conducted on photographs in Photoshop.

What actually happened remained a mystery to everyone. The actress herself has repeatedly emphasized her negative attitude towards any interventions in the body. Therefore, it is not completely clear whether there really was something or whether it was an unsuccessful photo correction.


Looking at the charming daughter of a celebrity, it is hard to believe that in her school years Anna Zavorotnyuk was famous for her bad character and behaved like a tomboy, which is why she was constantly covered in bruises and abrasions.

Subsequently, the restless desire to be in constant motion, trying to be anywhere and everywhere, was replaced by teenage maximalism and the desire to stand out. The latter resulted in overly revealing and provocative outfits that irritated my parents, experiments with the color and shape of my hair, which sometimes took on truly dizzying forms as a result of such exercises, as well as a couple of tattoos, which years later I wanted to get rid of.

Well, having matured, Anna Zavorotnyuk attracted attention to her person thanks to a number of candid photo shoots in which she took part. It got to the point that the mother threatened to independently delete her daughter’s accounts on social networks if the latter did not stop the obscenity committed. But thanks to such delicate photographs, the girl managed to gain some popularity.

By the way, Anna’s restless character could very well result in serious consequences for her. The daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk admitted that she had repeatedly committed various minor offenses in childhood and adolescence. And once, while still a child, she even committed a theft - she stole chewing gum from a store located near her home.

However, her conscience, awakened after such an unseemly act, forced the girl to return the trophy to its place in the evening.

Anastasia's attitude towards her body

Of course, no one denies that such a beauty is obliged to maintain her beauty, preserving it for as long as possible. Firstly, this is her job, and secondly, every woman wants to remain attractive, desirable and young for as long as possible.

Anastasia has stated in numerous interviews that she takes the most attentive and thorough care of herself. Moreover, he does this not only with his face, but also with his body, resorting exclusively to professional services.

  1. Performs a gas-liquid peeling option that allows you to deeply cleanse your facial skin.
  2. Pays special attention to the knees and the smoothness of the skin on them. After all, her chiseled figure allows her to wear short skirts and show off her lovely legs. To do this, she does radiofrequency lifting, which helps maintain skin tone.
  3. Sticks to a healthy diet. This is what allows you to maintain the correct structure of skin, hair and nails. The menu must include fish oil, cottage cheese and other healthy products.

In the mornings, the actress prefers to use ice cubes made from medicinal decoctions of various plants. This allows you to give the skin elasticity and smoothness, as well as create an attractive complexion.

Regardless of whether the actress resorted to the services of plastic surgeons or not, the existing health problem today makes us forget about all this empty talk. Now it seems absolutely unimportant whether Anastasia Zavorotnyuk had plastic surgery and what she looks like before and after in the photo. The most important thing is that her health gets better and she returns to her strong and loving family, which needs her so much.

Sources: plastiki.html

Foreign and Hollywood stars who have undergone surgery

Plastic surgery of stars (before and after photos are easy to find in the public domain) is no less popular among foreign representatives of theater and cinema.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley slightly corrected her nose and added volume to her upper lip. The actress herself denies that she has undergone plastic surgery, and does not deny that she will ever resort to the services of surgeons.

Megan Fox

Megan Fox first underwent 2 plastic surgeries at the same time, this is breast augmentation and lip volume. After which it was time for rhinoplasty, the nose became narrower, straighter, and the tip turned up.

There is no need to talk about a large number of fillers and Botox; the actress’s face becomes like a doll, despite the fact that plastic surgery is quite successful.

Sharon Stone

Sharon Stone categorically denies surgical plastic surgery on her body, but according to rumors, she recently corrected the shape of her breasts, had 2 liposuctions and 3 facelifts. The actress is 60 years old and this is already the age when, without the help of surgeons, her youthful appearance cannot be restored. All operations are invisible and do not radically change the actress’s appearance.

Jennifer Aniston

Jennifer Aniston is simply a fan of plastic surgery. In addition, she regularly performs laser therapy, ultrasound therapy and many cosmetic procedures. The actress admits only to having a nose job.

Moreover, she had rhinoplasty done twice - the first before the launch of the series “Friends”, the second after her divorce from Brad Pitt. Experts are sure that this is not all - there was a breast lift and enlargement.

Nicole Kidman

Nicole Kidman has always been keen on beauty injections, so much so that sometimes her face simply could not move. Fillers were pumped into the lips, and experts are sure that the actress had cheiloplasty.

If you compare the photo of the young actress with the current ones, you will notice a change in the shape and contour of the mouth. Nicole had her breasts enlarged, but more to restore their firmness. It turned out not entirely natural and overly rounded shapes were noticeable, after which the actress reduced her bust. Rhinoplasty is the most controversial, even if the actress did it, it was done very carefully.

Courteney Cox

Courteney Cox admitted that she had facial plastic surgery 4 times.

The contour of the cheekbones and eyebrows has noticeably changed, and there are fewer facial wrinkles. The last operation was not the most successful and the face became swollen beyond recognition. In connection with this, the actress said that she stops experimenting with her appearance.

Cameron Diaz

Cameron Diaz had rhinoplasty and lip augmentation. Plastic surgeons also worked on the contour of the face. Without a doubt, the use of Botox and fillers occurs. Her face is no longer so natural.

Lindsey Lohan

Lindsay Lohan is an example of the most unsuccessful plastic surgeries and cosmetic procedures. The first operation was breast augmentation, the second was the lips, but they looked unnatural due to the large amount of filler.

After the actress’s long-term alcohol and drug addictions, her facial skin became flabby , and in order to restore its former beauty, she began to use cosmetic injections. They are completely incompatible with alcohol and drugs, and therefore the face became swollen and bloated.

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Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian had gluteoplasty - buttock augmentation.

In addition there were:

  • rhinoplasty;
  • breast enlargement;
  • liposuction;
  • abdominoplasty.

All beauty injections are used by the Kardashians. Kim looks great and all the operations performed only benefit her, and she does not exaggerate with injections, so she looks attractive and young.

Renee Zellweger

Of all the possible operations, Renee Zellweger only did a breast lift. All other procedures were performed non-surgically.

There were very unsuccessful injections, after which the actress looked completely different than her fans were used to. However, these effects go away over time. Today Rene refuses any surgical interventions.

Aishvaria Rai

Aishwarya Rai decided to bring herself closer to the European type and changed the shape of her eyes. There is talk that Aishwarya changed the shape of her chin and nose, but so far there is no evidence of this. In any case, the actress is beautiful and young.

Brad Pitt

Brad Pitt had blepharoplasty, after which his eyes began to look different. Otherwise, the actor remains at the age of 35 using laser peeling procedures and facial contouring with fillers based on hyaluronic acid. It is possible to use mesotherapy and Botox correction.

Mickey Rourke

Mickey Rourke performed a large number of plastic surgeries on his face to remove the results of his boxing past. His nose was broken in the ring, and as a result, 5 operations were performed on him alone.

They had surgery on a broken cheekbone. Mickey did not end up with the most talented surgeon, and he made several irreparable mistakes. As a result, the actor changed beyond recognition. His career also went downhill - the directors no longer invited him to play the role of “handsome guys”.

Rourke then tried to remove the signs of aging on his face, which caused the facial proportions to become out of whack . The last attempt to change her appearance and restore the beauty that she had in her youth took place in 2014.

The results were better than before: the mesmerizing smile returned and the shape of the lips was restored. But it was not possible to return to his former appearance. Mickey Rourke can be called a real victim of plastic surgery.

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