Facial biorevitalization laser and fractional - what it is and what it gives

What is biorevitalization

Facial biorevitalization is the introduction of hyaluronic acid-based preparations into the skin. Thanks to the action of this substance, the face looks more youthful and hydrated.

The human body itself produces hyaluronic acid. It is found in tissues, bones and joints. With age, the production of this substance slows down, so not enough moisture is retained in the skin, it becomes flabby, and pain begins in the elbows, knees, and hip joints. The invisible protective film on the skin created by natural hyaluronic acid disappears. To restore youth to their face and body, many turn to dermatologists for injections that will replenish the lack of collagen and elastin in the body.

One of the rejuvenating techniques that specialists at PrivatKlinik, a clinic in Lobnya, use is facial biorevitalization. We provide patients with a large selection of certified drugs and ensure complete safety.

Facial biorevitalization laser and fractional - what it is and what it gives

There is a fairly common misconception that visiting a cosmetologist’s office is necessary only after a certain age. However, there is no specific age after which you should start taking care of your skin. You can start taking care of your facial skin at absolutely any age and at any time. For this, a cosmetologist has a really effective procedure in his arsenal - biorevitalization. What is biorevitalization in cosmetology, who needs it and how it is carried out, we will tell you in this article. Our doctor has prepared answers to the questions:

  • Biorevitalization of the face. What is this procedure?
  • Who needs the procedure?
  • Why is facial biorevitalization needed and what are its advantages?
  • Benefits of the procedure?
  • What types of facial biorevitalization are there?
  • How is the procedure performed?
  • What complications can there be?
  • What are the contraindications to the procedure?
  • What recommendations should be followed after biorevitalization?

Biorevitalization. What is this procedure?

Facial biorevitalization is a cosmetic procedure, the essence of which is the introduction of hyaluronic acid into the deep layers of the skin using injections or using other non-injection methods. Hyaluronic acid ensures the production of collagen and elastin in the body, which in turn helps to moisturize the skin and starts the rejuvenation process. The cosmetic procedure biorevitalization is considered a true breakthrough in cosmetology. The procedure helps provide access to moisturizing components into those layers of the skin where no facial serum or cream can penetrate. The reason for this is the skin barrier at the base of the epidermis.

Who needs the procedure?

It is recommended to start biorevitalization at the age of 25.
It is believed that it is after reaching this age that the amount of hyaluronic acid, collagen and elastin in the body begins to decrease. In the middle layer of the dermis there are special skin cells, fibroblasts. They are precisely responsible for collagen synthesis and elastin synthesis, wound healing, skin elasticity and its immunity. For the correct functioning of fibroblasts, hyaluronic acid is required. Biorevitalization helps solve the problem of lack of hyaluronic acid in the body, ensuring its entry into the skin cells from the outside. By the way, this method has found its application not only in cosmetology, but also in orthopedics, in this way doctors treat patients with joint diseases. The effect of the procedure is most noticeable at a young age or in the early period of maturity (from 30 years). The older a person is, the more difficult it will be to compensate for the lack of elastin and collagen; in these cases, cosmetologists are already using other methods of skin rejuvenation. Indications for the procedure

  • Dry skin (both naturally and due to external factors);
  • Facial changes that occur with age;
  • The presence of bags under the eyes, excessive swelling of the face;
  • Pigmentation;
  • Presence of acne and blackheads;
  • The presence of vascular networks;
  • For recovery after plastic surgery, chemical peels or laser resurfacing.

It is worth noting that the facial biorevitalization procedure will have the expected and long-term effect only if the cause of skin problems lies precisely in the skin. For example, overactive sebaceous glands, injured tissue. If you have acne caused by hormonal imbalances, then facial biorevitalization is not able to solve this problem fully.

Why is facial biorevitalization needed and what are its advantages?

One of the most common questions a cosmetologist asks before performing a procedure is: “What does biorevitalization do for the face and what are the advantages of this procedure?”
We will try to answer it as fully as possible. After the procedure, the face will look fresher and more toned, the oval of the face becomes clearer, small wrinkles are smoothed out, and the process of restoring the tissue structure begins. Benefits of the procedure:

  • Slowing down the aging process and the process of skin cell renewal occurs naturally;
  • The procedure itself does not require any lengthy preparation;
  • The procedure does not take much time;
  • Fast recovery;
  • The result of the procedure will be visible after the first session;
  • The procedure has a very small number of contraindications;
  • The effect after the procedure lasts for a long time;
  • Compared to other cosmetic methods, the cost of the procedure is relatively low.

The procedure has only one drawback, if you can call it that; if you want the effect of the procedure to be long-lasting, you need to undergo a course of several procedures. Cosmetologists and their satisfied clients assure that the effect is worth it.

What types of facial biorevitalization are there?

There are several methods for carrying out the procedure.
They differ from each other in the way they introduce hyaluronic acid under the skin. Based on the chosen method, the price of the procedure will change. Each type of biorevitalization has its own characteristics. We recommend the injection method. Injection method

The cosmetologist conducts the session in sterile conditions, using modern and proven drugs. This option for the procedure is the most common. Hyaluronic acid is injected into the deep layers of the skin with a syringe with a thin needle. A pinpoint technique is used: the cosmetologist makes a large number of punctures with a distance of approximately 1 cm. This method of performing biorevitalization is slightly traumatic; this procedure is carried out using local anesthesia. Injections can be done manually, or biorevitalization can be performed using a special cosmetology device.

What recommendations should be followed after biorevitalization?

To avoid negative consequences, it will be enough to follow some simple recommendations that any cosmetologist will voice after the procedure:

  • Do not touch your face with your hands after the session;
  • Do not use cosmetics for at least 48 hours after the procedure;
  • Avoid severe stressful situations and excessive physical activity for 2 weeks;
  • Do not drink alcohol, do not smoke before biorevitalization, as well as immediately after the session;
  • Do not visit baths or saunas for 10 days after the session.

Also, for skin care after a biorevitalization session, it is recommended to use mild cleansers that do not dry out the skin. It is necessary to follow all the doctor’s recommendations, drink enough water, and regularly treat the skin until it is completely healed. In order to determine the most effective drug for the procedure, consultation with a specialist is necessary. At our clinic you can sign up for a free consultation. We are waiting for you at our cosmetology center “Galamed”

Stages of the procedure

In order for the drug to be distributed evenly, dermatologists advise preparing the face by cleansing. It will speed up recovery after anti-aging injections and enhance the effects of hyaluronic acid.

Facial biorevitalization is carried out in a course. Here's what happens at each appointment:

  1. the doctor interviews the patient and finds out whether he has any contraindications to the procedure;
  2. if the client chooses injections, the skin is treated with an anesthetic;
  3. A preparation based on hyaluronic acid is injected into the skin.

To achieve the most lasting effect, cosmetologists recommend saturating the skin with injections. Some patients are categorically against this method. There is an alternative for them - laser exposure. This procedure is carried out as follows:

  • cleanse the skin and do gentle peeling;
  • apply a gel with the active substance;
  • treat an area of ​​the body with a laser;
  • remove the remaining product.

Cosmetic biorevitalization procedure

Biorevitalization is one of the procedures that is most often classified as injection cosmetology.
However, in addition to injections, there are other ways of biorevitalization to make your skin fresh and radiant, fill it with vitamins, minerals and beneficial substances, we will discuss them below. During a traditional session, special preparations based on hyaluronic acid in different proportions are injected under the skin using injections. The active substance penetrates inside and starts the processes of rejuvenation, toning and deep hydration. Hyaluronate (hyaluronic acid) plays an important role in our body, including the epithelium. It is initially contained in cells, ensures their vital activity and saturates the skin with oxygen. But gradually the process of natural restoration of hyaluronic acid by our body slows down, and sometimes even stops. During the cosmetic procedure of biorevitalization, a combination of active substances acts on our skin as a natural nourishing component, smoothes it and, most importantly, stimulates the internal dynamics of restoration, producing collagen and elastane.

Beneficial features

When a dermatologist injects hyaluronic acid into a patient's skin, the cells experience a slight stress. The injections force them to actively produce collagen, a protein that provides elasticity to tissues in the human body.

Many people believe that “beauty injections” make wrinkles disappear on the face and body. Unfortunately, it is not. The creases do not disappear completely, but they are almost invisible after a course of sessions.

Usually it is necessary to carry out at least 3 sessions so that enough hyaluronic acid accumulates in the skin tissue. The results from the course last for about six months. To maintain the effect, you should additionally visit a dermatology office once every 3 months.

The technology is used not only to restore the face, but also to accelerate hair growth or rejuvenate the body. After introducing the drug into the scalp, it becomes less oily, dandruff stops appearing, and the hair grows healthier and stronger. After a course of injections, stretch marks and age spots on the body are reduced, and the water balance is evened out.

Biorevitalization: indications

Indications for this procedure may vary. Most of them are advisory in nature, and have a miraculous effect on the appearance of the skin and slow down the aging process.

Key recommendations include:

  • dry and dehydrated skin
  • oily skin
  • lifeless skin
  • enlarged pores
  • the appearance of the first wrinkles
  • pigmentation
  • rosacea

Biorevitalization will help restore the radiant and even color of your face and body skin, restore its tone and youth.

Some indications for biorevitalization may include external influences or operations. Therefore, several sessions of this procedure will help the skin recover after:

  • chemical peeling
  • active tanning (including in a solarium)
  • plastic surgery
  • laser resurfacing

In addition, the biorevitalization method perfectly helps to cope with small scars, stretch marks and other skin injuries.

However, different compositions used for these procedures may have different effects. Therefore, specialists involved in revitalization pay special attention to the choice of drug depending on the indications and purpose.

If you have independently determined the indications for use for biorevitalization, remember that you still cannot do without consulting a specialist. Despite the fact that the procedure is quite simple, does not require serious anesthesia, does not last that long and is not a serious surgical intervention, there are certain contraindications, in the presence of which doctors recommend not to perform biorevitalization. In fact, these contraindications are the same for many other cosmetic procedures. These include:

  • oncological diseases
  • skin infections
  • blood clotting problems
  • connective tissue diseases
  • drug intolerance
  • pregnancy and lactation

There are also a number of chronic diseases for which it is better not to undergo biorevitalization.

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When to see a dermatologist

Do you think it's time to get anti-aging injections? Only a doctor can tell you for sure whether you need them and how often sessions should be performed. There are some generally accepted indications for biorevitalization.


Injections of hyaluronic acid are indicated no earlier than 25 years of age. If you start doing them earlier, the procedures can be dangerous. Around this age, the skin stops producing a sufficient amount of collagen on its own; before that, it does not need additional support in the form of injections. If hyaluronic acid enters the body from the outside, it will stop creating it itself, and premature aging will begin.

Biorevitalization of the face and body is most effective at the age of 25-50 years. Sometimes, in critical cases, sessions are also performed for younger patients. After 50 years, injections are not contraindicated, but their effect will no longer be so obvious and quick. In adulthood, you can combine several rejuvenation techniques at once, but for this you need to consult with a specialist in the field of cosmetology. PrivatKlinik is one of the best places where you can visit a cosmetologist.

General skin condition

If the skin on the face is dry, its color has faded, dark circles have appeared under the eyes, you should pay attention to biorevitalization sessions. The effect of hyaluronic acid will also save you from pronounced rosacea - spider veins in the most visible places - and from the appearance of excess sebum.

Skin diseases

Many suffer from acne during adolescence and do not know how to get rid of the scars that appear after an exacerbation of the disease. Injections of hyaluronic acid help cope with post-acne, because skin cells begin to work more actively after the procedure.

After a course of biorevitalization:

  • the skin becomes firmer and more elastic;
  • the complexion improves (redness, grayness of the skin, circles under the eyes go away);
  • small wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Skin hyperpigmentation and scars are reduced.

The biorevitalization procedure is carried out on any problem areas: face, neck, arms (hands and elbows), abdomen, décolleté, hips, kneecap areas.


When to start?

Biorevitalization, prices for which are affordable in Moscow, is done at different ages.

25-30 years - provided that your skin is prone to fading and premature aging. In this case, the sooner you start doing biorevitalization, the better.

30-35 years is the optimal age for ongoing biorevitalization courses. They will help you stay young and beautiful longer.

After 40 years, biorevitalization is combined with other rejuvenating procedures: peelings, contouring, photorejuvenation, thermolifting, etc.


Facial biorevitalization is not suitable for everyone. Sometimes it is worth holding off on injections, and in some cases, choosing a different method of rejuvenation.

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding. No specialist can be completely sure how the effects of the drug will affect the health of the expectant mother and the quality of breast milk. Due to weakened immunity during pregnancy, the skin may overreact to injections.
  2. Inflammation. First, it is better to wait for the wounds to heal, and then carry out rejuvenating procedures.
  3. Autoimmune diseases and other diseases in exacerbation. With multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and HIV, immunity is constantly under threat. Exposure to a chemically created drug may cause unexpected reactions or complications. If your illness is temporary - for example, you caught ARVI - you can come to the session after complete recovery.

Contraindications also include:

  • allergy to hyaluronic acid;
  • tumors;
  • diabetes;
  • epilepsy.

Moles are not an obstacle to anti-aging procedures. This is a common misconception. During the session, the drug is administered only to the area around the moles.

You should not carry out biorevitalization on critical days. Many procedures at this time are more painful.

Do not hide anything, otherwise the results of the sessions may disappoint you. Some of the best dermatologists in Lobnya work at the PrivatKlinik medical center, but without complete knowledge of the characteristics of your body, even they will not be able to provide you with ideal skin.

Biorevitalization methods

Cosmetologists and aesthetic medicine specialists use different methods of influencing the skin with hyaluronic acid in the form of biorevitalization procedures. First of all, it is worth dividing them into injection and non-injection.

In cosmetology, biorevitalization is taken quite seriously. Although the method itself is considered quite universal, there are various types of even injection manipulations, types of injections and preparations that combine whole “cocktails” of substances beneficial to our skin. Antioxidants, vitamins, and amino acids are added to hyaluronic acid. When choosing a biorevitalizant, doctors approach each case individually, taking into account the patient’s indications and wishes. The number of sessions is also determined for each individual, since everything depends on the skin and its internal capabilities.

Injections are the main method of biorevitalization

The drug is injected under the skin using a needle. The methods of injection and the depth of impact are different; they depend on the condition of the skin, the place where the magic “cocktail” of vitamins and hyaluronic acid is administered, and the indications. Experts distinguish between the papular technique, the “point by point” technique, the fan technique (it is also called linear-retrograde), the drug is administered injection by injection. In delicate areas, it is important to carry out the procedure in a less traumatic manner. Injection marks may remain visible for some time. If you are afraid of injections and pain, you may be offered pain relief. Then the injections are easier and more comfortable.

Cannula technique

This is a more painless method of administering the drug, when the composition is administered with a blunt cannula. The principle of action - as in the case of traditional injections - is the penetration of hyaluronic acid with minerals and amino acids under the skin.

Hardware and physiotherapeutic methods

These include electrophoresis, ultrasound, laser biorevitalization. Such methods do not leave noticeable marks from injections, but the penetration of hyaluronic acid inside is not as effective and noticeable as after conventional injections, since the acid is applied in large quantities to the desired area of ​​the face or body, and not inside. To activate the process of penetration of the composition inside, current, cold, ultrasound, magnetic waves or even liquid nitrogen are used (depending on the method).

A wonderful transformation always begins after a course of procedures, even the first results do not appear instantly: it takes time for the skin to absorb the composition, shine and smooth out. All methods are aimed at improving the elasticity of your skin, maintaining its hydration, reducing pigmentation and smoothing out wrinkles in a natural and safe way. In all cases, the amount of the drug and the interval between sessions are determined individually. But it is with targeted injections that hyaluronic acid enters those layers of the skin where important processes take place that regulate its hydration and restoration of structure.

When choosing a biorevitalization method, indications for use and the patient’s wishes together play an important role. A competent specialist will always take into account both the medical and aesthetic aspects of the procedure. There are certain contraindications that should be discussed with a specialist before the procedure.

Pros and cons of biorevitalization

Rejuvenating injections of hyaluronic acid, like other cosmetic techniques, have advantages and disadvantages. Facial biorevitalization is a popular procedure due to its significant advantages:

  1. the effect lasts up to six months, and even longer during maintenance sessions;
  2. this is one of the safest methods of rejuvenation, because preparations based on a natural component, hyaluronic acid, are injected into the skin;
  3. suitable for patients of any age after 25 years, and sometimes even for younger ones;
  4. Recovery after the procedure takes about a day.

The disadvantages of “beauty injections” are as follows:

  1. after the session, bumps may appear at the injection sites; they disappear after about a day;
  2. an allergic reaction is possible - the preparations are based on artificial hyaluronic acid, the composition of which is as close as possible to natural, but does not fully correspond to it;
  3. for a permanent effect, the procedures will have to be repeated, because the skin gets used to receiving substances from the outside and produces less of them itself;
  4. the price for one session is quite high, if you do not compare injections and plastic surgery.

To ensure that facial biorevitalization brings you only positive emotions, contact only trusted doctors. Lobnya is a small town, but even here you can find specialist dermatologists who can properly administer hyaluronic acid injections. Biorevitalization, facial cleansing and other procedures are available at the PrivatKlinik medical center.

Carrying out biorevitalization

The effect of the active drug begins in those areas where microinjections are carefully made. Most often, these are the places that show the first signs of aging: the face, décolleté, the skin around the eyes, where the first expression lines appear, and even the hands. Our desire to be young and attractive is much stronger than the fear of injections. It should be noted that the drugs that are used to rejuvenate the skin and saturate it with vitamins and hyaluronic acid are constantly updated. Cosmetology medicine does not stand still, developing formulations that effectively affect different areas of the skin, nourishing and saturating it both outside and inside.

Many people are mistaken in thinking that the procedure for saturating the skin with hyaluronic acid preparations is carried out only on the face. It can be performed on different parts of the body where deep hydration and nourishment of the skin with vitamins and minerals is required.

Facial biorevitalization is a unique opportunity to prevent skin aging using injections with hyaluronic acid. At the moment, this is one of the most modern methods, which is recommended for dry and dehydrated faces, to smooth out small facial wrinkles, and eliminate sagging skin. Already after the first sessions, noticeable results appear: the skin at the injection site is moisturized and smoothed, the complexion becomes even and healthy, the skin begins to glow from the inside.

In addition, biorevitalization of facial skin is recommended after chemical peelings, strong exposure to ultraviolet radiation, and surgical interventions. This manipulation becomes relevant not only for women, but also for men.

So, the main areas of biorevitalization:

  • face
  • neck
  • décolleté area
  • Hands
  • scalp (to nourish and stimulate hair growth)
  • scars and stretch marks on the body

The procedure is performed separately for the lower and upper eyelids.

Contraindications for facial biorevitalization

Biorevitalization is considered a cosmetic rejuvenation procedure that is safe for health. However, in some cases, doctors recommend abstaining from it to avoid side effects. So, relative contraindications are:

  • any diseases accompanied by fever;
  • infectious and inflammatory processes on the face, for example, demodicosis, which are important to first cure before the procedure;
  • neoplasms, including moles and birthmarks.

Professional cosmetologists know that performing biorevitalization, including non-invasive, through tumors can be fraught with harm to the patient’s health, but next to them, if the formation is not malignant, it is allowed.
Absolute contraindications:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • oncology;
  • intolerance to hyaluronic acid;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • keloid scars;
  • epilepsy.
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