Vitamins for the face in ampoules - what are they and do you need them?

What it is

The official name of vitamin B12 is cyanocobalamin.
It is easy to buy in ampoule form, and at a very cheap price in any pharmacy. In medicine, it is often included in rehabilitation courses after long-term illnesses, injuries and operations, as it has the ability to strengthen the immune system. But in the beauty industry, this is not what he is valued for. In fact, even vitamin B12 is a generic name. It combines cobalt-containing amino acids, among which, in addition to cyanocobalamin, there are also: hydroxocobalamin, methylcobalamin and cobamide.

Vitamin B12 ensures the normal functioning of the hematopoietic and nervous systems. And they are vital. Accordingly, at the slightest deficiency, negative changes will be immediately noticeable. This is reflected in the condition of the skin by its unhealthy color, the appearance of many small wrinkles, dryness and accelerated structure. This is not surprising - the cells do not receive enough oxygen.

Also symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency are:

  • increased fatigue;
  • excessive irritability;
  • sleep disorders;
  • decreased skin sensitivity;
  • tingling in fingers and toes.

If you notice such symptoms, it is highly advisable to consult a doctor rather than start taking vitamin B12 on your own.

Effect on the skin

In addition to the fact that cyanocobalamin improves the supply of oxygen to cells, when used correctly, vitamin B12 for the skin can become a wonderful restorative balm, because:

  • stimulates epidermis renewal;
  • reduces the number of fine wrinkles;
  • tightens enlarged pores;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • promotes moisture retention in the skin;
  • softens and eliminates flaking.

With regular use of masks with vitamin B12 and the presence of it in sufficient quantities in the diet, the complexion becomes fresh and beautiful, and wrinkles and age-related pigmentation appear much later than in people with a chronic deficiency of this substance.

Benefits of Vitamin B12 for Hair

Since the substance is used externally, the likelihood of an overdose is minimal. Doctors prescribe taking vitamin B12 for slow hair growth. It is important to use ampoules for hair loss and to restore strands with regular heat exposure. The substance effectively nourishes the roots and also promotes the rapid growth of curls.

Using vitamin B12 in the form of hair masks is important to obtain the following effect:

• activation of blood supply to the roots;

• stimulation of strand growth;

• restoration of the structure of curls;

• activation of metabolic processes of skin cells;

• restoration of damaged strands;

• nutrition of the follicle.

You can tell if your body is lacking vitamin B12 based on several signs. In this case, hair begins to actively fall out. Dry and brittle strands also indicate insufficient nutrition. If your curls have become dull and weak, this is a reason to reconsider your care.

Causes of deficiency

If the body works normally and the person leads a relatively healthy lifestyle, then vitamin B12 deficiency is quite rare. According to research, it must not enter the body in the required quantities for more than 5 years for anemia to develop. And the first symptoms of deficiency appear after about 1-2 years.

The main causes of B12 deficiency:

  • time pressure, due to which you often have to be content with fast food and/or semi-finished products;
  • bad habits – smoking and regular alcohol consumption contribute to the creation of vitamin B12 deficiency;
  • chronic liver and kidney diseases, and their number is increasing every year, including due to poor environment and stress;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract - vitamin B12 is absorbed in the small intestine, and if it functions poorly, a deficiency occurs;
  • unbalanced diet - most often vegetarians and always hungry adherents of strict diets do not receive enough cyanocobalamin.

Fortunately, all these problems (except for chronic diseases) are quite easily solvable. And as soon as vitamin B12 begins to enter the body in sufficient quantities, the symptoms of its deficiency quickly disappear, and the skin is perfectly restored. But this is at a young age. In adulthood, it is better not to allow too significant negative changes, since tissue regeneration processes are already greatly slowed down.

Eliminating the shortage

You can eliminate vitamin B12 deficiency and quickly improve your skin condition by using a variety of its forms. The fastest way to do this is with injections. But this is the most unpleasant path. Therefore, most people prefer internal intake or cosmetics with vitamin B12.

Ampoule preparations

As I already mentioned, the simplest and most popular form of vitamin B12 offered in pharmacies is an ampoule, which is a solution of cyanocobalamin in distilled water. The product is intended for injection, but can also be added to homemade masks. Please note that upon contact with air, B12 rapidly degrades. Accordingly, the unused ampoule must be disposed of immediately - it cannot be stored.

According to the instructions, ampoule cyanocobalamin can be used to treat the following dermatological problems:

  • photodermatosis;
  • psoriasis;
  • dermatitis herpetiformis;
  • neurodermatitis.

But in beauty parlors and clinics, subcutaneous injections with its content are also performed for anti-aging purposes.

Tablet form

Today, vitamin B12 can also be found in tablet form. I’ll say right away that only a small part of it is absorbed in this form. But you don't need to give injections. Pure cyanocobalamin is not found in tablets. Its various forms are found in some multivitamin complexes from well-known manufacturers of nutritional supplements and sports nutrition.

Among the best drugs:

  1. Complex “Female Energy” from “Vitalize” with the addition of vitamins B6, D, C and folic acid. The product normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system and regulates hormonal balance. Improves the condition of hair and nails.

  2. Complex "B12 Plus" from "Forever".

    Designed primarily to improve heart function, but has a pronounced positive effect on the condition of the skin. It is a combination of cyanocobalamin and folic acid. Actively neutralizes the effects of stress, improves sleep, stabilizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Methylcobalamin from Source Naturals . It is a rare case that vitamin B12 is sold in its pure form. The drug quickly improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, increases appetite, promotes the proper functioning of the reproductive system, and rejuvenates the entire body.
  4. Superior Source Cyanocobalamin Complex . It is a combination of vitamins B6 and B12 with folic acid, which is perfectly absorbed by the body, supplemented with stevia extract. The manufacturer took into account that cyanocobalamin is poorly absorbed from tablets and the product contains an amount that is 10 times the daily requirement. Accordingly, it can fully compensate for its deficiency.
  5. B12 flies from Twinlab . A tablet preparation that resembles small candies with a pleasant cherry flavor and a high content of cyanocobalamin. They quickly dissolve in the mouth, making the vitamin much better absorbed by the body.

Vitamin B12 is also present in brewer's yeast and in almost all preparations with group B. Interestingly, it cannot be combined with other vitamins, so it is better to take it separately, and not as part of multivitamin complexes.


I will never tire of repeating that the best source of vitamins for a person is high-quality nutrition. Alas, not everyone can provide it for themselves today. However, there would be a desire. In fact, a sufficient amount of cyanocobalamin is contained in inexpensive and accessible products for absolutely everyone:

  • fresh herbs: spinach, parsley, green onions;
  • liver: beef, veal, pork;
  • wheat sprouts;
  • raw egg yolk;
  • brewer's or baker's yeast;
  • tops of edible root vegetables: carrots, beets, radishes;
  • all seafood: shrimp, kelp, squid, oysters;
  • marine fish species;
  • soy cheese tofu;
  • lactic acid products.

It should be noted that plant foods contain several times less vitamin B12 than animal products. Therefore, if to prevent a deficiency of this substance it is enough to eat about 200 grams of liver 1-2 times a week, then vegetables in the same quantity should be included in the diet daily.

Cosmetical tools

Many people believe that the best way to deliver vitamins to the skin is to use cosmetics with a high content of them. This principle does not always work, since most of them, including cyanocobalamin, cannot independently overcome the protective hydrolipid barrier of the skin. This means that they work exclusively superficially.

However, for dry and irritated skin, such products are useful, as they help eliminate flaking, relieve redness and restore it faster. Here are the drugs I can recommend:

  1. "Vitacrem B12". A relatively inexpensive, but fairly high-quality product, the purpose of which is to moisturize and soften primarily dry skin. Increases its firmness and elasticity, prevents early aging, helps smooth out fine wrinkles.
  2. "Vitamin B12" from Life Flo Health . A cream with a rich and very beneficial composition for the skin, which contains: aloe extract, avocado oil, lecithin, coconut triglycerides, vitamins E and B12, allatoin. Can be used in the treatment of dermatitis, quickly restores the skin, relieves inflammation, removes peeling, heals cracks and small wounds.
  3. Pinktamin by Scinic . A universal cream with a pleasant pink color and delicate light consistency with B vitamins, including a high content of B12. It has a pronounced rejuvenating effect, which is enhanced by the presence of plant extracts of cranberry and Asian centella. Additional deep, long-lasting hydration is provided by hyaluronic acid.

You can also enrich your favorite ready-made cream or mask with vitamin B12 in ampoule form by mixing them immediately before use. But this can be done no more than 1-2 times a week, since the concentration of cyanocobalamin in this case will be very high. Before your first session, be sure to do a test to avoid a severe allergic reaction.

Homemade masks

When asked whether it is worth making masks with vitamin B12 yourself at home, I would answer in the negative. Its content in ordinary foods is not high enough to significantly affect the condition of the epidermis. But you can add an ampoule form of the drug as an additive to nourishing, rejuvenating or moisturizing masks according to your grandmother’s recipes. Then positive changes will appear faster.

Try these combinations:

  • Honey. Mix a tablespoon of honey with the same amount of cottage cheese, egg yolk, dilute a little with sour cream or kefir and add one ampoule of vitamin B12. Has a smoothing and whitening effect. Suitable for dry and aging skin.
  • Banana. Grind a ripe banana to a puree. Add a little cinnamon and an ampoule of vitamin B12. Mix everything well. The mask has excellent nutritional properties, it tones the epidermis, improves complexion, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. Do not use in case of severe rosacea.
  • Clay. Dilute a tablespoon of clay with non-carbonated mineral water until it becomes thick sour cream. Pour in one ampoule of vitamins B6 and B12. Apply in an even layer and leave until completely dry. After the procedure, you will receive an excellent rejuvenating and lifting effect. Eliminates excess oil, dries out acne, evens out skin texture.

Please note that vitamin B12 does not combine with vitamin C. Therefore, you should not add it to masks with a high content of it: with citrus fruits, aloe extract, sour fruits.

Recipe for hair masks with vitamin B12

Depending on the existing problem, it is important to use various recipes for homemade hair masks. It is recommended to use the following recipes for healthy hair:

1- Mask for hair growth. In this case, you need to take an alcohol tincture of red pepper (a couple of spoons) and add an ampoule of vitamin B12 to it. It is recommended to treat only the roots, and after 15 minutes, rinse off the mixture with plenty of shampoo;

2- Mask for hair loss. To prepare, you need to take an ampoule of vitamins B12, B6, B2 and mix. Beat a raw egg into a container. After this, add 1 tbsp. l. almond, sea buckthorn and burdock oil. The mask is distributed over the entire length of the hair, and after 1-1.5 hours it is washed off;

3- Mask to give hair strength and shine. First of all, an infusion is prepared. 1 tbsp. l. linden, chamomile and nettle are poured with boiling water for 30 minutes, then filtered. Add rye flour crumb (stale) to the container and pour in 1 ampoule of vitamins A, B12, B6. After 30 minutes, when the mixture has infused, it can be distributed over the hair (and kept for 40 minutes). The consistency is washed off from the hair without shampoo, using warm water.

General rules

As you can see, there are not so many ready-made cosmetics with vitamin B12. And there is a good reason for this - upon contact with air, it quickly breaks down. When using it at home, the ampoule must be opened immediately before use, and the remains must be disposed of immediately.

In order for a cream with vitamin B12 to fully exert its effect, it must be used for quite a long time - at least a month, 1-2 times a day. However, it is applied only to clean, dry skin. It is advisable not to apply decorative cosmetics immediately after this, so that the vitamin has time to work.

The best way to deliver cyanocobalamin to the skin is a proper balanced diet and the absence of bad habits. But in case of acute deficiency or anemia, it is useful to take it in tablet form. It is better to do this, and also choose medications after consultation with specialists.

Harm of vitamin B12 for the face

If cyanocobalamin is stored and used incorrectly, it can cause harm to health. It is not recommended to keep ampoules open for a long time. When interacting with air, the substance loses its activity, and its further use becomes ineffective.

Nursing mothers and pregnant women should avoid using B12. The use of masks is contraindicated for children under 12 years of age. If a person has an individual intolerance to a substance, then cosmetic procedures should also be excluded. Skin wounds are also a contraindication.

Overdose and contraindications

An overdose of vitamin B12 is practically impossible, since it is water-soluble and its excess is quickly eliminated from the body by the kidneys. But if they are sick, then you can expect trouble - exacerbation of the disease and swelling.

But there are contraindications to this biologically active substance. It should not be taken orally if:

  • angina pectoris;
  • blood diseases;
  • acute thromboembolism;
  • neoplasms.

In rare cases, hypersensitivity to the drug occurs. If the maximum permissible injection dose is significantly exceeded, pulmonary edema is possible.

When are vitamin B12 masks bad for hair?

It is necessary to stop using ampoules in several cases. Contraindications to the use of masks are rashes on the scalp. In case of a disease such as seborrhea, the use of the substance should be avoided.

In case of individual intolerance to B vitamins, the component should also be excluded. If a person has sensitive skin, then care must be selected especially carefully. During pregnancy, it is recommended to avoid the use of masks.

Summing up

It is quite difficult to compensate for the lack of vitamin B12 in the skin using ready-made cosmetics. Therefore, you shouldn’t count on them too much. This is exactly the case when the main attention will have to be paid to proper nutrition or use ready-made pharmaceutical preparations. When purchasing them, do not hesitate to ask for a quality certificate - there are many fakes on the market, the cost of which is quite high.

I would be interested to know your opinion about homemade masks with vitamin B12. Perhaps someone still managed to get significant results from them. I will be glad if you want to share your achievements and recipes in the comments.

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