How to use wax strips for depilation at home

Depilatory strips are produced for hair removal at home. Wax strips for depilation can remove unwanted hair from any part of the body. This type of hair removal is one of the inexpensive and convenient ways to remove hair from the body; hairs do not grow for up to 4 weeks, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. How to use wax strips for depilation and which are the best strips for depilation at home we will consider below.

Types of depilatory strips

Depilation strips are made of paper or fabric material onto which manufacturers apply a wax-containing or other sticky composition that can remove hairs along with the bulb. They are produced in a standard size - 20 cm long for hair removal of arms, legs, abdomen, back and 7 cm long for removing hair from the face and bikini area. Let's take a closer look at what types of depilatory strips there are:

  • Reusable hair removal strips are consumables for working with waxes or sugar paste. These bandages are designed from durable material based on spunbond, cellulose or thin fabric tape. The technology of use is not complicated; a viscous component is applied to the epilated area, then a wax strip is applied to it for depilation and smoothed with the palm of your hand several times according to hair growth. Then the tape is removed with a quick and sharp movement against the hair growth, having first stretched the skin. When plucked correctly, the hair should be pulled out along with the root and remain on the fabric.

One strip is enough for 4-5 strips, after which it is thrown away and a new strip must be used for subsequent hair removal. But for hygienic reasons, it is recommended to change them more often.

Interesting! Cotton strips or tapes for hair removal can be washed and, after drying, they are reused for their intended purpose.

You can buy strips with wax for depilation in specialized cosmetic stores, the price varies from 100 rubles to 500 rubles. depending on thickness, composition and length.

  • Disposable depilatory strips are a ready-made strip with a sticky mass (low-melting wax) already applied. To use a wax strip, you will need to rub the composition with your hands, then remove the protective film and then apply the strip to the epilation area. Smooth the wax strip with your hands and tear it off against hair growth.

Disposable ribbons are made from non-elastic fabric, which are coated with beeswax, tree resin, paraffin and sugar paste. Manufacturers also add moisturizing and herbal substances to the composition, which will help relieve irritation and soothe the skin after hair removal. On the modern cosmetology market there are depilatory strips for dry, oily and sensitive skin.

The most popular and best wax strips for depilation, which are chosen by the fair sex:

  • Veet is a French manufacturer. The most popular brand today. You can buy it not only in specialized stores, but also in a regular supermarket. Contains cosmetic oils.
  • Deep depil is an economical option. The kit only includes wax strips and a small tube of moisturizer. There are no wipes for removing wax residue, but according to customer reviews, this is not entirely convenient.
  • Markell Cosmetics.
  • Maxwell Labs (Soft epil) – manufacturer in Bulgaria. The box contains 10 strips and two wipes soaked in an oil solution to remove wax after hair removal.
  • The Lady Caramel brand is a good modern brand; the stripes are made of elastic material, which allows you to follow the curve of the body and in this case the adhesion of the viscous mass to the hair will be maximum.
  • Surgi.
  • Silk Beauty products (Oriflame)
  • Avon – the set includes 20 wax strips, 2 wet wipes soaked in meadowfoam oil. The strips quickly remove unwanted hair from the scalp, and the wipes cleanse the skin of residual material on the skin.

The cost of disposable plates depends on the brand and on the number of strips and ribbons for hair removal in the package, approximately from 100 to 1000 rubles per package. Each manufacturer's kit necessarily includes instructions for use; it contains important information on the use of strips, care after hair removal, precautions, etc.


Despite the relative safety of cold waxing, there are a number of health restrictions under which you should not do it:

  • Pregnancy;
  • Vascular diseases, venous enlargements;
  • Kidney diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Papillomas, warts in the treated area.

It is recommended to perform the procedure after menstruation. At this time, the pain threshold is increased, which reduces pain during manipulation.

Rules for using strips

How to use strips with wax for depilation, very often the fair sex asks this question. There are no difficulties in carrying out, the procedure is effective and long-lasting, provided you follow the instructions for use. It is always necessary to steam the skin before the procedure, this will help in the future to remove hair much easier. The length of the hairs should be no more than 5 mm, otherwise the procedure will be very painful and after plucking, stumps will remain on the area.

For depilation you will need: wax strips for depilation, talc, disinfectant and post-depilation cream.

  1. Before the depilation session, the skin must be treated with a degreasing tonic and disinfected with chlorhexidine.
  2. After treatment, the area to be epilated is powdered with specialized talcum powder - this is necessary for maximum adhesion of the hair to the adhesive mass.
  3. For depilation, use the best wax strips. To preheat them, you need to take a wax strip, place it between your palms and rub until warm (or use a hairdryer to direct hot air onto the wax strip)
  4. Next, remove the protective layer of the tape and glue the strip to the skin along the hair growth. Using pressing movements of your hands, press the strip to the skin.
  5. Holding the skin at the bottom of the strip, with a sharp movement of one hand, tear off the strip in the direction of hair growth. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.
  6. Then you can remove wax residue from the body using a professional lotion that is designed for this purpose. But if you don’t have such a product at hand, you will need a cotton pad or napkin soaked in vegetable oil.
  7. After completing the procedure, moisturize the area with a cosmetic product that will include tea tree oil; it can not only make the skin velvety, but soothe it and disinfect it.
  8. Using homemade wax strips correctly will allow you to get a smooth result and silky skin for a long period of time, up to one month. With each subsequent procedure, the vegetation becomes thinner and weaker.

Recommendation! Immediately after the hair removal procedure, try not to wear tight clothing, so as not to further irritate the area being epilated.

What it is

Depilatory strips are a good tool for quickly removing unwanted hair on the body, as a result of which hair does not grow back for up to 4 weeks . And in case of regular use, the hair follicle is completely destroyed and, as a result, hair growth in these places stops forever.

Using wax strips on different parts of the body

Bikini area

It is difficult to remove unwanted vegetation in an intimate place using wax strips on your own at home. You can carry out epilation yourself in areas where there are no folds - along the line of underwear, on the pubic area and the inner side of the thighs. In another area of ​​the genitals, the wax plates are simply not able to capture hairs; in this case, you will need to choose a different hair removal option.

Depilation with wax strips on legs

Hair is removed from large areas, including the legs, in long strips. But you should not forget that the adhesive plates must be selected according to your skin type; with the right choice, the procedure will be less traumatic. As with any hair removal, the tape is glued along the growth of the hairs, smoothed with your hands, and removed with a sharp and quick movement of the hands against the growth.

Facial depilation

Hair removal on the face is carried out above the upper lip and to correct the eyebrows. It is important to cleanse your facial skin with micellar water before manipulation so that fluffy hairs adhere to the wax as well as possible. The standard length of face strips is no more than 7 cm.


Professional boutiques sell special strips with wax or sugar already applied to them, which are intended for the armpits. Their length is 10 cm. But if you have long strips left, after epilating your legs, they can be cut into two or even three parts, which will significantly save money. The skin in the armpit area is very sensitive, so to reduce pain during the procedure, it is recommended to stretch the skin with your hand as much as possible.

How to choose?

Today, stores offer wax strips from different manufacturers. When choosing them, you can be guided by various criteria. For some women, the brand of the product matters. The most famous and well-established brands are:

  • Easy Depil;
  • Veet;
  • Byly Depil;
  • Cliven;
  • Depiflax.

Also, when choosing depilation products, you should consider:

  1. Skin type. Appropriate caring components are added to products for dry, normal or sensitive skin.
  2. The size of the strips themselves. They are available in both large (20 cm) and small (7 cm). The first ones are suitable for hands or feet, the second ones are suitable for waxing the facial area and intimate area.
  3. Product purpose. Separate strips are available for the face or intimate area. These areas of the body are highly sensitive, and the manufacturer takes this into account when selecting the appropriate wax composition.

It is important to pay attention to the presence of caring components in the list of ingredients of the wax mixture. Chamomile or aloe extract soothes the skin, bisabolol is a natural antiseptic, lavender and rose soften the skin.

Negative consequences after hair removal

After an hair removal procedure performed with wax strips, you can experience side effects that disappear after just one or two days. Possible consequences are:

  1. On the first day after depilation, slight redness or itching occurs at the affected area. To exclude this point, it is necessary to check the skin for allergic reactions on the wrist before the procedure. If after an hour no changes are detected, you can begin hair removal. You should also remember to use special lotions and creams after depilation to soothe the skin.
  2. A common side effect is bruising. They arise due to the fact that when the tissue tape was torn off, there was insufficient tension of the epidermis and the wrong technique was chosen to remove the plate, which led to a hematoma.
  3. Dark spots on the skin. They form more often in the summer, when bright sunlight hits the area that has just been epilated. They disappear on their own after a period of 1 month to half a year; if this does not happen, women now resort to various cosmetics with a lightening effect.


  1. Using wax strips is the simplest and most affordable waxing method. Suitable for any part of the body, works with hairs up to 5 mm long.
  2. Before starting the procedure, the product must be warmed in your hand or using a hairdryer. You can remove sticky residue with lotion or natural oil.
  3. Popular manufacturers of depilatory products are All clear, Velvet, Lady caramel, Veet.
  4. You can make it yourself; thick paper, non-woven materials and spunbond are used as the base.
  5. The procedure is very painful, after which irritation, redness, rash and ingrown hairs may appear. It is important to properly prepare for the session, after the manipulation, remove sticky residue and apply a soothing cream. We also recommend that you read the contraindications for sugaring in this material.

Skin care products after depilation

  • Pantoderm cream;
  • Cosmetic aloe or tea tree oil,
  • Baby cream,
  • Lotion with extracts of calendula, chamomile, sea buckthorn.

All these creams and oils help relieve inflammation on the skin and speed up the restoration of normal skin condition. These products must be used immediately after epilation.

Tea tree oil provides rapid healing of the skin, but it must be applied correctly. It is strictly prohibited in diluted form; it must be added a few drops to the moisturizer. Then mix them together and only after that you can use them.

Important! It is always necessary to study the composition of the lotion because... it may contain alcohol components. By treating the skin with this tonic immediately after hair removal, you can get an unbearable burning sensation and further redness.


And I've already tried a lot of different strips. I can say one thing: if you don’t know how to use it, don’t bother. Then you read, and through the review the stripes are bad. Sometimes, in fact, either the manufacturer screws up something, or the sellers store it incorrectly. But these are isolated cases. The most important thing here is to warm up the strip well, you can put it on the radiator or on the kettle, and everything works out after a certain number of attempts.


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