Veet wax strips: reviews. How to use wax strips? Price

Among all the methods of removing unwanted hair on the body, the use of wax is almost the most popular. Unfortunately, without special skills, it will be very difficult to cope with such a task, and the procedure takes a lot of time. For the convenience of consumers and saving time, manufacturers of cosmetic products for depilation have come up with a simplified option that many women like - wax strips. Today you can find a wide variety of such products on the market, but Vit wax strips are in greatest demand.

Veet's ready-to-use wax strips will keep your skin smooth for a long time.

Why are they needed?

But before that, we need to answer the question of why we even need Veet Naturals wax strips or any others. Maybe it’s better to somehow do without them?

Yes, indeed, any modern woman has many different options for depilation: just wax, strips, creams, epilators, a simple razor - any approach at your discretion. But, for example, hair removal is very painful, and the use of the most ordinary machine is not particularly effective and dangerous. Therefore, it is best to choose among regular waxes, creams and strips. And for the legs the third option is very often used.

Veet wax strips for depilation efficiently and quickly remove hair on the legs and in any other places. At the same time, the future growth of vegetation in the depilated areas slows down several times. And then the hairs appear very soft. In general, wax strips are a very convenient means of depilation. And now we will see what kind of reviews they receive. After this, you will be able to read the complete instructions for use.


So you've decided to use Veet wax strips. The price of this product plays an important role when writing reviews. To be honest, many people very often begin to form opinions about a particular product based on this criterion.

How are we doing with Veet? The situation here is not very good, but not terrible either. What is it about? The thing is that the price tag on the wax strips of this company is not very pleasing to customers. Typically, the price of Veet wax strips ranges from 200 to 500 rubles per package. To be honest, this is not such a small amount.

In most cases, this product receives negative reviews regarding its cost. After all, if you compare it with other depilation products, it costs several times more. And this is not particularly beneficial for women who constantly use such products.


Veet wax strips receive extremely positive reviews regarding their prevalence in stores. And this cannot but rejoice. If you like to use this tool, then you can always find it without any problems. To see this, just look at any supermarket or cosmetics store.

Now most hair removal products have simply been withdrawn from sale. Veet, on the other hand, got their promotion. Sometimes this is the only product available on store shelves. Plus, many customers note that this product can be easily and simply ordered via the Internet. And this fact also evokes extremely positive reviews. You can find Veet wax strips for the face, for the bikini area, and for the legs - any to your taste and needs.


Assortment and variety are always important for cosmetics. After all, then the buyer will receive actual freedom of choice. And this will help him choose the best product for constant use.

To be honest, Veet wax strips receive very positive reviews regarding their variety. For example, as already mentioned, there are special products for the bikini area, for the face, for the body (including legs). In addition, customers can also choose strips with different extracts: aloe, honey or marine ingredients. Among other things, there are options for sensitive skin, moisturizing, and regular ones.

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand all this. Nevertheless, customers are still pleased with this kind of variety. This is a real guarantee that you will definitely be able to find something really suitable for yourself.

Varieties of Veet

The brand sells several product lines, the composition of which is slightly different. Depending on the desired additional effect, you can choose the products that are most suitable for you.

  • With shea butter and berry extract. The strips are available for general use (legs, arms, armpits, bikini area), as well as for the face. Effectively moisturize the skin, provide lasting results without irritation even on delicate areas. This series also includes a depilatory cream.
  • For dry and sensitive skin. In stores you can choose strips for dry, normal or sensitive skin. Products for “complex” skin types are equipped with moisturizing, nourishing, softening components, thanks to which they not only have a long-lasting effect, but also protect against irritation and promote accelerated regeneration of the epidermis.
  • With vitamin E and almond oil. Vitamin E accelerates skin regeneration, restoration, and healing. Almond oil softens and nourishes. The effect of the product lasts about two weeks, during which the skin is smooth and moisturized.
  • With a quick hair grip effect. These strips stick faster. Once applied, they can be torn off almost immediately. However, their effect is worse, and the time savings are insignificant.
  • With velvet rose scent and essential oil. Strips of this type can be used for any area and guarantee smooth skin for up to 28 days. Effectively moisturize the epidermis. The procedure is accompanied by a pleasant aroma. Guarantees quick, lasting results on arms, legs, armpits, and bikini area. Should not be used on the face.


To be honest, Veet facial wax strips (as well as other body parts) receive very mixed reviews regarding their effectiveness. If you listen carefully to the opinions, you can conclude that you will have to talk about this product for a very long time.

For example, many girls say that the manufacturer’s promises regarding the effectiveness of the application are completely justified. In the depilated areas, hair growth slows down, and then the hair appears sparser and softer. This is exactly what any customer wants.

You can also see a lot of evidence that Veet wax strips receive negative reviews for a reason. For example, most such opinions are supported by personal photographs after use. They only show irritation and the absence of hair on the strip after use. As many customers say, “the product means nothing.”

Who to believe here? It is very difficult to judge. After all, every woman has her own skin sensitivity and reaction to the components used. Therefore, it is better to try this remedy yourself and then decide for yourself whether Veet is really good or not.

Precautionary measures

When removing hair at home, you need to follow some safety rules.

  • It is important to understand that any cosmetic product can cause allergies. That is why, before using it for the first time, it is imperative to test for the absence of individual intolerance to the components by first applying the product to a small area of ​​skin.
  • All products are intended for external use only.
  • Contact with eyes should be avoided.
  • If an allergy occurs, you should stop using the products.
  • When using any products, it is important to strictly follow the instructions!

The wide range of the Vit brand allows you to choose the most comfortable way to remove hair on your face and body.

Consequences of use

Veet bikini wax strips (or the same product for any other area of ​​the body) are generally intended for sensitive and delicate skin. And of course, the manufacturer says that you should not experience any allergic reactions or irritations. Is this really the case?

In practice, many girls claim that some Veet product lines contain components that are hazardous to health, as well as chemicals. After use, they may cause irritation, itching, rashes, and (sometimes) mild burns at the end of the procedure.

To be honest, this result should not happen when using real wax and specialized strips. The maximum is slight redness, which goes away very quickly after using the product. Thus, we can come to the conclusion that Veet wax strips receive negative reviews quite rightly. At least some products (for example, the Naturals line).


If a girl has carefully read how to use Vit strips for the face, then she should not have any problems during the procedure. Moreover, the packaging additionally shows how the pieces should be glued and all the nuances are described in detail.

There are negative reviews of this product, but they are associated either with a painful effect or with improper use of the strips. As for the first, many experts recommend depilation on a certain day of the cycle, when the pain is muffled. Regarding the incorrect use of strips, this can lead to unpleasant results. It is important to carry out the procedure in accordance with all the rules.


An important point when choosing a depilation product is also the fact of how you feel during and after the procedure. The thing is that it is for this reason that epilators are slowly beginning to lose their potential, and they are being replaced by creams and strips.

What do we have regarding the remedy in question? Veet wax strips receive simply terrible reviews in terms of sensations during the procedure. Why? Many customers say that it is as if they are tearing off their skin, not wax. With all this, the fact is emphasized that the effectiveness of using the product is not particularly good.

What is the result? You stick a strip, smooth it, and then with a sharp movement tear it off your leg (for example) in the hope of depilation. But instead, there will be pieces of skin on the wax, or it will be completely empty. That is, the suffering is all in vain. You will have to use either an epilator, or a razor, or a special cream. Is it worth talking about the sensations after this kind of procedure? Probably not. Here it is clear that they are not particularly pleasant and satisfactory.

Review secrets

All reviews have their little secrets. What is it about? Yes, that if you see too good or bad an opinion about a product, not supported by any evidence, then in most cases this is a real lie. For example, reviews that say that this product is cheap and accessible to everyone seem very suspicious. Maybe for some, 250 rubles for several strips of wax is not such a big amount. But for most, this is a compelling argument to refuse this product. After all, not everyone can afford it.

Be careful when listening to the opinions of others if you do not want to be deceived.

Pros of stripes

Any depilation method has its advantages and disadvantages. “Vit” strips for the face are not without these. First, let's look at the main advantages.

You can purchase the product at any cosmetic (and not only) store. The procedure is easy to carry out in any conditions, since it does not require prior preparation. The method is simple, so it is suitable even for beginners. You won’t have to prepare for a long time, no additional equipment is needed. Thanks to the versatility of the product, you can remove both long and short hair. This nuance is quite important when working with the eyebrow area and light fluff under the nose. “Vit” strips for the face can eliminate both coarse long hair and thin short hair. This method can be called economical. All strips can be used repeatedly until the wax stops sticking to the skin. The result is permanent. You will have to repeat the procedure every 3-4 weeks. Over time, hair growth will slow down greatly and may even stop. Efficiency at the highest level. The wax adheres perfectly to the hairs, so all unwanted hairs are removed.


How to use Veet wax strips? Honestly, the instructions here are extremely simple. Only it will have to be fully observed in order to minimize the negative consequences. Let's consider the algorithm of actions regarding depilation on the legs.

First, wash your feet thoroughly and then dry them. After this, remove the Veet wax strips from the packaging. The instructions say that now you need to warm up the depilatory agent a little. It is best to rub the strips in your hands. Next, separate the parts and glue them to the legs. Smooth in the direction of hair growth. For the best effect, it is recommended to rub the strips (the area with wax) a little, that is, heat them a little. Now, with a sharp movement, tear the product away from the skin in the direction against hair growth.

Basically, that's all. You can lubricate the skin with a special cream, and remove the remaining wax with olive oil. This is how easy and simple Veet wax strips are to use. Exactly the same algorithm of actions is applied to all areas of the body.

Recommendations for skin care after depilation

After removing excess vegetation using this method, it is important to refrain for several days from:

  • visiting the beach or solarium – tanning is contraindicated during this period;
  • thermal procedures in the form of baths, saunas or steam baths;
  • playing sports - sweat will irritate the injured surface of the body.

After a depilation session, it is recommended to treat the skin with special products that will restore the appearance and eliminate irritation: Panthenol spray, Solcoseryl, hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, tea tree oil, any moisturizing creams.

Today, more and more women choose wax tapes for depilation, guided by ease of use and the effectiveness of the procedures.

Rina Klim


University: Kiev National University of Trade and Economics. Year of release: 2016.


Some conclusions can be drawn regarding Veet wax strips. To be honest, this product is quite expensive, but at the same time it is far from the most effective method of combating body hair.

Many customers strongly advise against using this product on the bikini area. Plus, you need to heat the wax on the strips either in your palms or with a hairdryer. Under no circumstances use hot water for rapid heating - the strip will stick tightly and will be very difficult to remove.

But sometimes you can use Veet strips. Especially if you have no other choice. But it would be best to use a specialized depilatory cream from this company. It is not so dangerous for your skin, and its cost is also good.

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