Laser treatment of rosacea: how it is carried out, effectiveness, price, reviews

Why do spider veins occur
? Cuperosis (as this pathology is called) most often occurs due to a decrease in the elasticity of the capillaries. Vascular tissue on the face does not pose a particular health hazard, but is often accompanied by psychological discomfort and, moreover, may be a symptom of the development of more complex diseases. To prevent this, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination.

Among the reasons influencing the appearance of rosacea:

  • adverse effects (sudden temperature changes, work in a polluted environment, etc.);
  • bad habits (nicotine, alcohol);
  • hormone therapy;
  • improper skin care, including washing with hot water, steaming the face before cleansing, improper vacuum cleaning, aggressive exposure during massage, etc.

Signs of rosacea

Cuperosis is a disease in which the walls of the capillaries become thinner and lose their elasticity, resulting in:

  • There is an expansion and decrease in the elastic properties of small vessels, which initially leads to irritation, redness of the skin and an increase in its reaction to external influences;
  • At the next stage, rosacea on the face and body appears in the form of spider veins, networks, dots or linearly dilated vessels.

If they are not treated in a timely manner, stagnation of blood in the capillaries will lead to thickening of the skin, and it will become lumpy and uneven, with enlarged pores.

Women, especially fair-skinned women, are more likely to suffer from this vascular pathology than men.

Causes of vascular pathology on the face

Dilation of capillaries is a cosmetic defect and does not pose a health hazard. As a rule, sensitive dry skin is prone to manifestations of rosacea and spider veins, but often those with oily skin have similar problems. Most often, the vascular network appears on the wings of the nose and cheeks.

There are several main causes of vascular pathologies of the face:

  • Hereditary predisposition. The likelihood of vascular pathologies occurring is high if one of the parents suffered from this disease.
  • Bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the state of the vascular system, in particular small capillaries are affected. Often on the face of people who abuse alcohol. You can notice the characteristic vascular network.
  • Tanning abuse. Excessive exposure to the scorching sun negatively affects the walls of blood vessels, weakening them and causing the formation of rosacea and spider veins.
  • Kidney, liver and hypertension diseases. In this case, vascular pathology is a symptom of an internal disease.
  • Cosmetology procedures. Violation of technology or procedures incorrectly selected for the skin type, use of aggressive agents - all this can thin and dehydrate the epidermis and provoke vasodilation.
  • Temperature changes. Excessively low or high temperatures, as well as regular frostbite or prolonged exposure to elevated temperatures can cause the appearance of dilated capillaries in the facial skin.

Laser coagulation of blood vessels

No cosmetic products will rid the skin of rosacea at home - this is just an advertising ploy.

One of the few really working methods, the effectiveness of which has been proven in practice, is laser coagulation of blood vessels.

The procedure helps with the manifestation of:

  • Couperose on the face;
  • Rosacea;
  • Vascular points and asterisks;
  • Capillary telangiectasia;
  • Venous networks;
  • Hemangiomas and angiomas:
  • Pathologically changed vessels in the arms and legs;
  • Burgundy-red vascular moles (“port-wine stains”).

During coagulation, the laser beam heats the hemoglobin in the dilated capillaries and “seals” their walls, thereby removing damaged vessels from the blood circulation. Gradually, the adhesions dissolve, and with them, visible defects disappear: meshes, stars or spots.

The blood supply to this area of ​​the skin does not stop, because the body uses previously unused branches of blood vessels.

Causes of rosacea

The reasons for the development of rosacea include primarily genetic predisposition.

In addition to this factor, the manifestation of symptoms may be influenced by:

  • long stay in the cold or under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • smoking, which negatively affects the circulatory system;
  • alcoholic beverages acting as vasodilators;
  • binge eating;
  • frequent intake of spicy and hot foods;
  • passion for coffee and chocolate;
  • uncontrolled use of hormonal drugs and steroids;
  • frequent trips to the solarium;
  • high physical activity;
  • diseases of internal organs, including gynecological ones;
  • stress accompanied by increased blood pressure.
  • Contraindications to removing blood vessels on the face using a laser

A medical cosmetologist first consults each patient and talks about the nature, features of the procedure, indications, contraindications, side effects, necessary care and regimen after laser vascular removal.

The main contraindications for laser removal of facial vessels include:

  • Oncological diseases;
  • Pregnancy and lactation;
  • Diabetes;
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • Taking photosensitizing drugs (causes skin hypersensitivity to laser radiation).
  • inflammation in the area affected by the laser beam;
  • infectious diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • venous vessels whose diameter exceeds 0.5 mm;
  • venous insufficiency of the saphenous veins;
  • taking corticosteroid hormones;
  • vasculitis;
  • taking medications containing iron;
  • tendency to form scars.

In addition, the procedure should not be carried out in the summer - active solar radiation can provoke unwanted pigmentation of the skin in the laser coagulation area.

Neodymium laser

A neodymium laser is suitable for coagulation of capillaries with a diameter not exceeding 4 mm for any human phototype. It is capable of removing vascular defects in any part of the body. A powerful and uniform flow of laser radiation helps to avoid damage to adjacent tissues and pain during the recovery period.

The cooling system protects the skin from overheating during the procedure, relieving the patient of pain or discomfort. The device parameters are adjusted individually for each client, taking into account his skin type and the clinical picture of rosacea.


  • What is rosacea?
  • Why does rosacea occur?
  • What could be the cause or provoking factor for rosacea?
  • What type of skin is predisposed to it?
  • How to prevent rosacea?
  • What to do if rosacea does appear?
  • How to get rid of rosacea using a laser?
  • How does the Clarirty laser work?
  • Benefits of the Clarity Laser
  • How is the procedure done?
  • What result should I expect and what should I do after the procedure?
  • What other properties of the Clarity laser are known?

What is rosacea?

Couperosis, or scientifically telangiectasia, is a disease of small vessels of the skin caused by specific circulatory disorders.
Congenital or acquired, rosacea is non-inflammatory in nature and looks similar to spider veins or spider veins. Favorite places for rosacea are the face, namely, the tip and wings of the nose, chin, cheeks, cheekbones. Sometimes rosacea occurs on the skin of the legs. In this case, the vessels can have a color from pinkish to purple, and stand out significantly on skin that is healthy in tone. There are several forms of the vascular network - linear, arachnid, tree-like, dotted, while rosacea can affect such small vessels as arterioles, venules and capillaries

Usually, rosacea, due to the locality of its distribution, is considered an exclusively aesthetic problem that affects a person’s sense of self and his socialization. But, nevertheless, this condition, which does not seem to be directly dangerous to health, indicates the initial stage of a tissue malnutrition. Prominent vascular network may be evidence of rosacea, systemic connective tissue diseases, liver pathologies, hormonal imbalance and some other diseases. Therefore, it is so important to pay attention to rosacea in time and consult with specialists.

Why does rosacea occur?

From the school biology course we know that the skin is penetrated by the smallest vessels - capillaries. While they are healthy, they are almost invisible to the eye. To enhance blood supply, their walls can contract and expand under the influence of various factors - heat, cold, stress, fear or joy. But sometimes the walls of blood vessels lose elasticity, their micro-muscles cease to perform their functions, and weakened capillaries under blood pressure expand more than necessary and cannot narrow back. As a result, persistent redness of the skin appears, and later, persistent spider veins.

What could be the cause or provoking factor for rosacea?

Heredity. If the weakness of the vascular walls is familial, pronounced in parents or close relatives, then, most likely, it will be passed on to the offspring, and will manifest itself with age.

Temperature difference. A sharp increase or decrease in temperature can be detrimental to untrained weakened blood vessels. Therefore, hypothermia, or even worse, frostbite of skin tissue, even once, or abuse of thermal procedures such as a bath, can cause the appearance of rosacea.

Bad habits. An unhealthy lifestyle also has a detrimental effect on the condition of blood vessels. This includes not only smoking and drinking alcohol, but also excessive exposure to ultraviolet baths, a sedentary lifestyle, or an unbalanced diet with a predominance of fatty, spicy, salty foods and carbonated drinks.

Incorrect care. Aggressive or mechanical care procedures can significantly worsen vascular problems.

What type of skin is predisposed to it?

In most cases, victims of rosacea are people with light, thin, sensitive skin, as well as people with metabolic disorders or hormonal imbalances. Dark-skinned women and representatives of the stronger sex are much less likely to be susceptible to this disease, but they can also be at risk.

How to prevent rosacea?

As you know, any disease is better to prevent than to treat. And rosacea is no exception.

If you do not want the appearance of an unpleasant mesh, then you should be very attentive to the condition of your body vessels as a whole.

Evaluate your genetics by taking a closer look at the faces of your mother and grandmothers. Their skin will tell you exactly what nature has in store for you.

Since this disease may be a reflection of more serious diseases, be regularly examined by a phlebologist, dermatologist, endocrinologist, cardiologist, or neurologist. An ophthalmologist will tell you the most up-to-date picture of the condition of your blood vessels - the eyes are not only the mirror of the soul, but also the primary reflection of the general condition of your blood vessels.

Reconsider your lifestyle. A balanced and varied diet, the absence of bad habits, a healthy sleep pattern and walks in the fresh air will have a beneficial effect on the entire state of the body. Regular sports, especially those that include gentle cardio exercises such as Nordic walking, swimming, cycling, will help train blood vessels.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature, including such seemingly beneficial procedures as baths, saunas, or dousing with water and ice swimming. Moderation and appropriate preparation will be especially useful here.

Love your skin and take care of it. When exposed to the sun, use creams with an appropriate UV protection factor. Avoid mechanical (manual cleansing, cosmetic massagers, scrubs) or chemical (peelings, alcohol-containing products) effects. Regularly conduct cosmetic massage courses and do facial exercises to keep facial muscles in good shape. Washing with cool water, light contrast douches or rubbing the skin with an ice cube will help train the blood vessels. Pay significant attention to nutrition and preparing your skin for winter. It is especially important to moisturize the skin when indoors and protect it before going outside.

On the recommendation of doctors, it is possible to use vascular support drugs and vitamins.

What to do if rosacea does appear?

The main thing is not to panic. As we remember, stress also provokes the development of rosacea. In the modern post-industrial world, beauty technologies do not stand still, and the appearance of rosacea is not a death sentence for your beauty. Modern cosmetologists have the following technologies in their arsenal:


, which is also called diathermocoagulation - a method in which a vessel is influenced using a thin hair electrode.
In this case, the affected vessel is cauterized with high-frequency current. Existing for quite a long time, quite painful, traumatic, and not very effective procedure. Photocoagulation
, or phototherapy - exposure to gentle light waves can remove even the smallest blood vessels.
This procedure is suitable even for the most sensitive areas with thin skin. But, unfortunately, the treatment will be lengthy, and the contraindications to its implementation are quite extensive. Ozone therapy
- the introduction of an oxygen-ozone mixture into the lumen of a vessel with a microneedle allows you to saturate the cells with oxygen, improve their vital functions and prevent deformation of the vascular walls. This method is applied to fairly large vessels and is not suitable for working with micro formations.

How to get rid of rosacea using a laser?

Lasers, which until recently were present only in science fiction books, have now become popular tools, including for cosmetologists. Therefore, we will dwell in more detail on this method, as one of the most popular and effective.

The use of lasers in cosmetology is associated, firstly, with the selectivity of the interaction of waves of different lengths with different types of human tissue, and, secondly, with high controllability in terms of accuracy, time and area of ​​exposure, and, as a consequence, safety.

The selectivity of the laser beam is the basis for safe and effective procedures. Each cosmetic task requires separate adjustment of laser parameters. In the case of rosacea treatment, the laser beam acts selectively on blood vessels, reacting exclusively to hemoglobin. This gentle method avoids damaging the surrounding tissue, which explains the safety and delicacy of the procedure.

Laser therapy for the removal of rosacea is the destruction of a damaged capillary by thermal energy, which is generated from the interaction of hemoglobin in the blood and a laser beam penetrating the skin. In this case, the damaged vessel “collapses,” as it were, and the surrounding tissues remain unaffected. This method allows for the treatment of rosacea of ​​varying severity - from small single stars to a dense network.

It should be remembered that laser procedures are contraindicated in cases of cancer, pregnancy, lactation, epilepsy, mental disorders and systemic skin diseases. You should not undergo the procedure if you have an infectious disease, herpes, or have sunbathed within two weeks before the session. And, of course, the quality of the result depends very much on the characteristics of the patient, the qualifications of the cosmetologist and, especially, the device used.

How does the Clarirty laser work?

Manufactured by Lutronic, the Clarity is a state-of-the-art long-pulse axandrite and neodymium laser with improved pulse delivery technology. Many laser devices have limited impact because they do not allow you to set treatment parameters independently of each other. But this does not apply to the Clarity laser, which is capable of generating the two most popular wavelengths - 755 and 1064 nanometers.

Benefits of the Clarity Laser

It was in the Clarity device that, for the first time in the world, the technology for selecting pulse length adjustment when working with one handpiece was used, which makes the procedure softer and safer. The specialist will be able to select the parameters of the procedure, varying the energy density, width and frequency of the pulses to achieve the best result. The Clarity laser has nine interchangeable attachments with spot diameters from 2 to 20 mm, which make it possible to work with pathologies of different sizes. The Clarity device is capable of delivering high pulse rates, which reduces procedure time. And for the convenience of the patient, the Clarity laser is equipped with a double cooling system that cools the epidermis throughout the procedure.

How is the procedure done?

For most patients, this is a painless procedure, but sometimes, depending on sensitivity, it may be necessary to first apply a numbing cream to the affected area. The procedure is performed only on cleansed skin. The patient is placed in a chair, wears special safety glasses, and the specialist begins treatment with the Clarity laser. During exposure, a rather sharp, but short-term burning sensation is felt. The time of the procedure depends on the size of the treatment

What result should I expect and what should I do after the procedure?

Typically, laser therapy with the Clarity device provides immediate improvement and reduction of rosacea. Immediately after treatment, the skin may turn red, but this effect goes away within 1-2 days. During this time, you should try to avoid exposing the area to water or cosmetics. Skin cleansing can be done with a chlorhexidine solution to avoid infection.

Within a week after the procedure, you need to treat the irradiated surface with products prescribed by the doctor. Remember that the skin after a laser procedure recovers in up to three months, and during this time it is necessary to refrain from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

What other properties of the Clarity laser are known?

In addition to the treatment of vascular formations, the Clarity device can be used in other areas of cosmetology. Thus, the Clarity laser is used to treat a variety of skin diseases, for effective laser hair removal of unwanted hair on the face and body, for tightening and rejuvenating the skin, as well as for the treatment of all types of pigmentation.

Advantages of Elos technology

The undoubted advantages include:

  • An easily observable effect and an almost instantaneous result after a single procedure. The pulse penetrates the epidermis to a depth of 3 mm.
  • No pain and absolute safety. Sudden redness completely disappears after 20-30 minutes.
  • No observation of side effects.
  • Along with the elimination of unaesthetic spots, the cellular composition is significantly renewed.
  • Initially, massage with ice cubes, rubbing and, based on contrast, compresses lead to positive changes.


For some pathologies, it is better not to resort to the procedure. The reasons for the ban are: oncology, taking antibiotics, chronic diseases and pregnancy. Local in nature - eczema, psoriasis, inflammation of the skin and tanning.

Treatment of facial rosacea in our center

Cosmetology salon "Iris" provides its services efficiently and quickly. Modern technologies painlessly relieve the disease. We also remove: rosacea, stars, acne. Along with laser therapy and photoflash, the latest Elos method is used.

We practice an integrated approach. The price is set based on the volume of upcoming activities - the number of problem areas. We constantly have promotions and discounts that allow women to save significantly without compromising treatment.

The cost is set depending on the application of pulses - to the face, nose, cheeks, chin, forehead, hands and entire arms. You can get detailed advice by phone or online on the website. Experienced and attentive doctors are ready to help at any time and will answer all your questions.

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Symptoms - pigmentation, preceded by:

  • Louis-Bar syndrome.
  • Fragility of blood vessels - Randu-Osler pathology.
  • Tumor due to a plexus of capillaries.
  • Women have to undergo an examination by a specialist every year.


Appears due to poor diet, addictions and failure to follow hygiene standards. Contribute to:

  • Weakened and deformed vessels.
  • Acne rosacea.
  • Muscle damage.
  • Venous insufficiency.
  • Violation of water metabolism.
  • Constant stress.

Specialist doctors will help you accurately establish a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Why lumenis M22

Lumenis M22 is the development of three companies at once: (Sharplan (Israel), Coherent Star Medical (USA) and ESC - Energy System Company (Israel)).
These companies occupy leading positions in the production of laser equipment for medicine and cosmetology. Lumenis M22 has several types of light exposure to the vessel walls and is individually adjusted to suit the indications of a particular patient. This allows you to solve the problem more efficiently and quickly. Various attachments allow you to work with vessels even in hard-to-reach areas and, most importantly, even with very small manifestations of vascular networks.

Thanks to interchangeable attachments, M22 vessel removal is a 5-in-1 technology. You do not need to sign up for different procedures in order to get rid of pigmentation, acne and post-acne, as well as rosacea and signs of aging. With Lumenis M22 it is possible to solve all these problems during one procedure.

Another feature of the device is the proven safety of the method. Lumenis M22 is FDA approved

Carrying out elos-rejuvenation to remove rosacea

When carrying out elos-treatment of rosacea, a slight tingling sensation is felt. Individual parameters are set for each patient.

Woman, 20 years old, severe rosacea

Photo before: before the 1st rosacea removal procedure

Elos treatment for rosacea is light and radio wave radiation that clearly affects each individual pigment or capillary. Under the influence of light energy, capillaries or vessels are heated to the desired temperature, as a result of which they become invisible. Next, the pigment is destroyed, then the pigmented skin exfoliates.

Photo after: the result of elos removal of the vascular network. 2 more procedures are recommended with an interval of 1 month.

Photos before and after

Cosmetologist: Ksenia Murzaeva Beauty salon Iris Nakhabino, Institutskaya, 29 8 8 Daily, from 9:00 to 21:00 [email protected]

Advantages of elos-rejuvenation in the treatment of rosacea

  • They eliminate pigment spots from the skin after the first procedure.
  • Dilate blood vessels.
  • Eliminate spider veins and produce a rejuvenating effect.
  • After the session, the patient can lead a normal lifestyle.
  • The effect can be noticed after the first procedure; the skin becomes lighter and looks healthier and more well-groomed.

Contraindications to elos procedures: Pregnancy. Skin diseases. Connective tissue diseases. Acute infectious diseases. Endocrine diseases. Allergy to light. Heavy tan.

Side effects: Swelling, redness that goes away after some time. Peeling, bruising, blisters. Slight pain, tingling during the procedure. Darkening of the skin in the treatment area. After removing the vascular network, there will be swelling for several days, which will soon go away.

Preparation for the procedure

Following the doctor's recommendations before the session increases the effectiveness of the laser, reduces the level of discomfort and the risk of adverse reactions. Two weeks before the appointed date, you should avoid any types of peeling and avoid visiting the beach and solarium. Use sunscreen on exposed skin.

A day before the session, eliminate alcohol from your diet, do not visit the bathhouse, sauna or spa treatments, and do not use decorative cosmetics if the treatment is performed on the face. Stop taking medications containing aspirin or heparin. If it is impossible to interrupt therapy, the course of laser treatment for rosacea is postponed to a later date.

The principle of rosacea therapy on M22

IPL light radiation specifically targets areas of vascular accumulations without affecting healthy skin. Light exposure leads to heating of hemoglobin in damaged vessels with their further occlusion. The walls of the capillary stick together, it ceases to be visible through the skin, and becomes completely invisible. The platform acts on the target area with short pulses, which, combined with contact cooling, eliminates the risk of burns and discomfort for the patient. The selectivity of the light beam significantly reduces the duration of the procedure. One session will take no more than 25 minutes.

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