Painless lip modeling: techniques and recommendations

Beautiful sensual lips are the dream of every woman. Do you want to get natural, seductive volume, a clear and even contour? We know the secrets of transformation without pain, surgery and a long recovery period. We will harmonize your appearance and make your image more attractive. Make an appointment with a cosmetologist for lip augmentation and correction at the Miracle Doctor clinic in Moscow.

Depending on the effect you want to achieve, your doctor may suggest hyaluronic acid fillers. Such drugs are safe and natural for the body. The result is temporary, but cumulative. For the first time, the filler lasts up to 12 months, after which the lips will remain moisturized for a long time. In addition, it is an excellent prevention of wrinkle formation in this area. After the second and subsequent administration, the effect is enhanced, and you can get by with less of the drug due to the result already achieved.

Briefly about the procedure

15-30 minutes


1 time per year


Juvederm Ultra Smile, Juvederm Ultra 3, Juvederm Volift, Juvederm Volbella, Filorga, Yvoire


A mixture of lidocaine and prilocaine in the form of a cream (the brand “Emla” is most often used)

How long does the course last?

A single dose of the drug is recommended for 12 months.


You see the effect immediately. You can evaluate the final result in 1–7 days

What can be achieved with lip shape correction?

After lip correction, you will see the effect immediately, but it will take some time for the material to adapt to the tissues and swelling to subside. You can enjoy the final result after 1–7 days. The procedure helps:

  • get perfect lips, while the cosmetologist not only takes into account your preferences, but also offers to choose a shape and volume that will be in harmony with your facial structure and proportions, that is, the work is not done according to a template;
  • remove signs of aging around the mouth - wrinkles, swollen contour;
  • get hydration without constant dryness or tightness;
  • increase the production of substances that improve skin elasticity;
  • improve oxygen balance;
  • prevent premature aging of the lips and skin around the mouth.

Painless lip modeling in cosmetology

In cosmetology, painless lip modeling is carried out using special gels - fillers. This procedure is called contouring and involves the introduction of a gel into the dermis to increase the volume of the lips.

Painless lip modeling using fillers is used for:

  • increasing volume;
  • form adjustments;
  • contour modeling;
  • asymmetry correction;
  • eliminating wrinkles in the nasolabial folds.

The level of hyaluronic acid decreases with age, as a result of which the lips lose color saturation, shape and volume, which affects the attractiveness of a woman. Based on this, a painless modeling procedure such as contouring is the best option for those who want to get results without the use of surgical methods.

Before carrying out this operation, you need to understand what shape and size of lips you want to acquire, and also decide on the technique that will be used for correction. Before and after photos will help you make a quick decision.

There are two main methods of lip augmentation:

  1. Surgical method (modeling without injections).
  2. Contour plastic.

The choice of which procedure to use depends on the patient’s personal preferences, the characteristics of his body and a comparison of the results before and after.

Surgical method

This option for lip augmentation involves inserting silicone implants or Gore-Tex under the skin. The volume of the lips after such an operation increases significantly, but its disadvantage is its unnatural shape, which is noticeable to the naked eye.

It should also be noted that the surgical method of lip modeling is not a harmless procedure and, like any operation, may have various contraindications and limitations. Before deciding on it, you should conduct a series of medical examinations and evaluate all the positive and negative aspects of this option. It should only be carried out by experienced specialists.

Contour plastic

In cosmetology, two main techniques for painless lip modeling are used:

  • filling contours;
  • technique of vertical injections (“Parisian lips”).

The cosmetologist himself decides how lip augmentation will be performed, since the contours of the patient’s face and the expected effect should be taken into account.

The contour filling technique involves creating lip volume by introducing fillers and artificial edema.

After the drug is administered, the swelling increases within an hour. During this time, the cosmetologist evenly distributes the filler over all areas of the lips, giving them a symmetrical shape.

Two days after the procedure, the swelling goes away, and the final result directly depends on the specialist’s skill in feeling the balance of the filler and the speed of the procedure.

"Parisian lips" After this procedure, the lips have natural contours. The drug is distributed evenly, maintaining the natural relief. During facial tension and at rest, lips have a natural appearance.

The main advantage of such painless lip modeling is that after adjusting the shape, the original appearance can be restored within 24 hours.

It is generally accepted that a voluminous upper lip makes a woman’s image unique and attractive. Painless modeling procedures are popular. To create the desired effect, injections of hyaluronic acid are performed.

The procedure for augmenting the lower lip separately from the upper lip is not in demand and is rarely offered. Typically, this operation is required after injuries.

Read the material on the topic: How to choose lipstick and not make a mistake with the shade

Advantages of performing the procedure at the Miracle Doctor cosmetology clinic

Doctors experience from 10 years

The staff includes doctors of the highest category and candidates of medical sciences with experience. They constantly improve their knowledge and skills at Russian and international congresses of aesthetic medicine.

Licensed drugs

Before the procedure, the doctor opens the package with a filler registered and certified in the Russian Federation in the presence of the patient, which additionally acts as a guarantee of authenticity and safety.

A complex approach

We create an individual program that allows you to solve almost any aesthetic imperfections as efficiently as possible.

Natural result

Thanks to the techniques of the procedures and the skill of the doctors, you get an attractive appearance of lips that is in harmony with your appearance.

Affordable price for lip augmentation

The cost of contouring depends on the amount of work, the amount of materials used and the brand of hyaluronic acid fillers.

VIP level service

Make an appointment with a cosmetologist at any time convenient for you. We work seven days a week. Our staff is always welcoming and friendly.


Let us highlight the main reasons for lip correction and augmentation.

The lips are too thin, the procedure helps to make them swollen while maintaining naturalness.

Asymmetry is observed, for example, correction of the upper lip is needed, since it is noticeably smaller than the lower one, or vice versa.

The shape of the lips requires correction because the first signs of aging have appeared - wrinkles are noticeable around the mouth.

The corners of the mouth have drooped due to age-related tissue stretching (50+), which often gives the face a mournful expression.

Also among the indications are:

  • sunken scars on the lips after injuries, surgery to eliminate cleft lip;
  • loss of natural color.

Come to us if you simply have a desire to make your lips more voluminous, sensual, and expressive. In some cases, the effect after injection enlargement will include not one fulfilled wish, but several. The specialist will correctly select the drug and the required amount of gel.


Contour plastic surgery allows you to cope with many aesthetic imperfections, but we suggest you study the list of main contraindications:

  • age under 18 years;
  • allergy to the components of the drug;
  • diabetes;
  • heart disease;
  • malignant tumors;
  • skin pathologies, especially inflammatory processes in the lip area;
  • mental disorders and epilepsy;
  • predisposition to the formation of keloid scars;
  • blood diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • infections;
  • chronic diseases in the acute phase;
  • taking anticoagulants.


If you already have fillers in your lips, you can’t just take a little injection of a new product. The product after the previous injection should be completely absorbed. In another case, it is difficult for a specialist to predict what reaction will follow when the remaining substances interact with a new portion of the drug.

Filorga X-HA 3® – more than 70% of facial areas

Techniques Linear retrograde for rhinoplasty and correction of medium and deep wrinkles Bolus injection

X-HA 3 – dynamic modeling capability

Areas of application: Wrinkles and folds Nose Temples, cheekbones, cheeks Chin and facial contours Lips Nasolabial folds Injection techniques Deep dermal and subcutaneous injections in linear, fan, sandwich, rib, bolus techniques

Filorga X-HA® Volume – lasting effect for up to 18 months when following the deep bolus injection technique

Techniques upraperiosteal Bolus subcutaneous injections in linear, fan, “sandwich”, “rib”, bolus techniques

X-HA Volume – volume replenishment without the weighting effect

Areas of application: Zygomatic Buccal Nasolabial Chin Lips Injection techniques Deep subcutaneous or supraperiosteal injections in linear, fan or bolus techniques

Filorga M-HA 18® - double-action microfiller for superficial wrinkles and biorevitalization

Techniques Linear retrograde for the correction of crow’s feet Deep hydration – intradermal papules

Preparation period

First you need to consult a cosmetologist. The doctor will discuss the tasks with you and tell you about possible complications. You can show the specialist a photo of the result you would like to get. After the examination, the optimal method of lip correction and the drug that suits you will be determined, taking into account the condition and extensibility of the skin and the period of action of the product. Before the procedure, a test is performed to identify allergies to the components of the drug.

You will also need to adhere to a number of recommendations:

  • Complete the intake of anti-inflammatory, hormonal and antibacterial agents within 2 weeks;
  • a week before the procedure, stop smoking, alcoholic beverages, intense physical activity, and sunbathing;
  • Eliminate tea, coffee, and heavy fatty foods from your diet per day;
  • Do not eat for 12 hours.

To avoid side effects, a specialist may prescribe a short course of antiherpetic drugs. Usually the procedure is postponed if it falls during menstruation, since at this time the activity of cutaneous hyaluronidase increases, which contributes to the breakdown of the filler base.

Lip care after contouring

Immediately after the procedure, the doctor applies a cold compress to reduce swelling.

If you follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations, rehabilitation will be comfortable and without complications. This is the basis for obtaining the desired and lasting result. The doctor will advise you on the cosmetic products used.

The Medial Clinic pays great attention to the interaction between the doctor and the patient. We are always happy to see you for additional correction if the result turns out to be less pronounced than desired.

Lip augmentation techniques

We will list the main methods that cosmetologists use, but each specialist may have individual tactics, which you can discuss in more detail at your appointment.

1. Parisian technique

Does not lead to a “duck effect”. It primarily concerns areas from the corners to the highest points of the upper lip, which is corrected first. To give it an O-shape, the drug is also injected into the lower lip.

2. Superficial injection technique

The drug is injected into the superficial layer, that is, into the place where there is no activity of the orbicularis oris muscle and the blood supply is much less. These types of injections are usually well tolerated by almost all patients. In addition, you can simulate any lip shape, and the result will delight you for at least 6 months.

3. Microbolus lip augmentation technique

Used for thin lips, as they always require a special approach. Allows you to sometimes place enough gel the first time for maximum magnification. If necessary, the drug is re-administered after a month.

4. Linear-retrograde technique

The filler is injected along the natural contour of the lips or the entire volume of the lower and upper lips is filled. This procedure is often supplemented by injecting botulinum toxin into the depressor anguli oris muscle, which lifts the corners of the mouth and prevents them from drooping in the future.

5. “Flat bow”

Technique: crown contour along the upper lip + perpendicular bolus into the lower lip in volume. The result is “bow lips” with an evenly outlined contour and slightly flattened.

How to get bow lips: contouring techniques

Each option has its own characteristics.

VY lip surgery is a full-fledged, albeit minimally invasive, plastic surgery. It gives an effect that will last a lifetime without the risk of filler rejection. You will have to go through a slightly longer recovery period than with injection techniques.

Silicone gives long-term results by being implanted under the skin and significantly enlarges the lips - it grows with its own tissues. Removing it later is somewhat more difficult than introducing it.

Botox gives good results for age-related changes, erases vertical wrinkles along the contour, restores it, smoothes the surface. Helps correct asymmetry, but does not provide a pronounced increase in volume.

Hyaluron cares, fills with moisture, protects and makes the “bow lips” desired by women. The contouring technique is chosen by the doctor together with the patient.

Recommendations after the procedure

Due to the fact that hyaluronic acid attracts interstitial fluid, you may observe swelling in the first hours after the procedure and then for several days. Normal reactions also include the formation of bruises at the injection sites, asymmetry and compaction. All this will pass within 3 days.

You can help ensure that the effect of the procedure lasts longer:

  • during the first two days, do not paint your lips with lipstick or gloss;
  • for the first 5 days do not drink alcohol or any hot drinks;
  • Do not touch your lips with your hands for a week and avoid kissing;
  • for the first 14 days, do not visit the sauna, bathhouse or beach, and also stop smoking, eating chips, snacks, seeds and other rough foods that can easily injure you;
  • For the first 6 months, brush your teeth extremely carefully.

Possible complications

After the injection of hyaluronic acid fillers, the following may occur:

  • allergic reactions;
  • nerve damage at the injection site;
  • hematomas;
  • sensory disturbance;
  • visibility of the drug under the skin.

If you want to have lip augmentation, contact the Miracle Doctor clinic in Moscow. You can make an appointment with a cosmetologist by phone or through the website. We are ready to answer your questions and tell you in more detail about all possible correction methods and their effectiveness.

How does the procedure work?

Lip augmentation with hyaluronic acid is performed on an outpatient basis, does not require preliminary preparation, and takes up to 40 minutes. After applying the anesthetic cream, the doctor, using a disposable syringe with a microneedle, injects the drug into the lips and distributes it with massage movements. The effect is noticeable immediately and lasts for 6-13 months - full, moist, clearly defined lips. In some cases, there is slight swelling in the correction area, which goes away within 1-2 days.

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