Fractional facial mesotherapy - the essence of the procedure

What is mesotherapy?

This is a method of combating age-related changes, based on injections of special drugs into problem areas. The procedure can be performed by injection or non-injection. The first option involves introducing special cocktails of vitamins and nutrients into the middle layer of the skin. Thanks to the thinnest needles, the solution is injected to a depth of up to 4 millimeters. This increases its effectiveness and in some aspects makes mesotherapy an alternative to surgery.

The non-injection route of the procedure is less popular among patients. This is explained by the fact that the effect is not so pronounced and disappears faster. During the session, the doctor applies the drug to the skin and treats it with a device. This gives beneficial substances the opportunity to penetrate deep into the dermis. The non-injection method is suitable for eliminating minor imperfections.

Undesirable consequences

Typically, both women and men tolerate the mesotherapy procedure well. After injections or treatment with the device, you may experience a feeling of mild pain and burning, redness, swelling, bruises - this is quite normal, since in any case the effect on the skin occurs. Moreover, these phenomena - if, of course, the doctor did everything correctly - pass quite quickly.

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Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy

Returning to the history of the procedure, we will see that it was initially used to treat vascular pathologies, skin lesions, inflammatory processes, and constant pain in the body. Over the years, mesotherapy has become increasingly used in aesthetic medicine to get rid of the signs of aging. It improves cellular metabolism, launches regeneration processes and normalizes blood circulation. Mesotherapy is indicated in the following cases:

  • Enlarged pores, too oily or too dry skin.
  • Acne and post-acne.
  • Wrinkles.
  • Loose skin.
  • Photoaging.
  • Skin dehydration.
  • Cuperosis.
  • Dull complexion.
  • Bruises under the eyes.
  • Loss of skin tone.
  • Dark spots.
  • Preparing for peeling.

Like any procedure, facial mesotherapy has contraindications. These include:

  • Skin damage in the affected area.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.
  • Chronic diseases in the acute stage.
  • Malignant tumors.
  • The period of bearing a child.
  • Lactation.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.
  • Taking blood thinning medications.
  • Infections, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • An allergic reaction to one or more components of the administered drug.


The cost of the procedure is quite high. For example, in the price lists of cosmetology clinics you can see the following prices:

  • regular mesotherapy – 6 thousand rubles,
  • factional - about 9 thousand rubles,
  • non-injection – 1500 rubles.

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Mesotherapy of the mouth area has a fairly serious effect when it is necessary to give volume to the lips, moisturize them and produce a toning effect. There are several types of methods for improving appearance, however, if serious correction is needed, including a complete change in the existing shape, meso-cocktails based on hyaluronic acid and any methods of their administration are powerless.

Selecting a drug for injection

It is important to understand that no qualified doctor administers the same drug to different patients. Each cocktail is always unique and differs not only in composition, but also in the predicted result.

Most synthetic preparations are based on hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for the hydration and elasticity of the dermis. The human body easily accepts it and eliminates it naturally after 8-12 months (depending on the concentration). Preparations created based on the effect of animal products contain mainly elastin and collagen.

Vitamins in cocktails for mesotherapy (groups A, B, E, C, P) act as antioxidants, organic acids improve cellular regeneration. Minerals (selenium, magnesium, phosphorus) are aimed at solving other problems.

Sometimes doctors add medications to the cocktail, without which it is impossible to remove age spots. In cases where facial contour correction is planned, the drug also contains lipolytics. Fat-burning substances are needed to correct the contour of the face and eliminate the double chin. In addition, the patient’s own plasma helps enhance the effect of facial mesotherapy.

The essence of the method of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin

Facial skin requires care at any age. To maximize the period of youth and beauty, it is necessary to use special cosmetics created for skin care. Most people are accustomed to buying surface-based products because they are easy and simple to use at home.

Injection exposures are usually treated with more caution. Many people are afraid of procedures that involve injections. Let's try to understand what fractional mesotherapy of facial skin is. This microneedling technique can be an excellent alternative to classical injection-based cosmetology methods. This procedure is more delicate, and its effectiveness is much higher. Many opponents of classical injection mesotherapy agree to this option.

During the fractional session, a hardware effect is performed on the skin using an attachment with miniature needles. The medical worker treats the problem area by repeatedly piercing the dermis. At the same time, the micro-needle nozzle vibrates slightly, which provides superficial regenerative peeling.

During the period of hardware treatment, special products (serum, meso-cocktail and other bioliposomal substances) are additionally applied to the facial skin. In the process of microperforation of the skin, they penetrate deep into the tissue, exerting their beneficial effects.

Below you can watch a video of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin:

During fractional exposure, the complex effectiveness of the procedure is achieved. The epidermis is saturated with useful substances, and the regeneration process caused by numerous punctures is started. Thanks to this, cells are renewed and rejuvenated.

Only individual areas are punctured, constituting no more than 20% of the entire surface of the treated area. The depth of the puncture is set depending on the desired result. The minimum is 0.4 mm, and the maximum is 4 mm. The needles are located at a distance of 0.5 mm from each other.

This technology allows for targeted action on a specific area of ​​the face, promoting the destruction of old tissues and the penetration of the meso-cocktail into the subcutaneous layers. This activates stem cells around the injection site. When injected, immature stem cells are mobilized and take the place of destroyed ones, performing all the necessary replacement functions. In addition, fibroblasts play an active role in the process of creating young cells. As a result, the old damaged epidermis is destroyed and renewed skin is formed.

There is also a secondary effect of fractional mesotherapy for facial skin associated with the action of the injected substances. These funds are selected individually, since you need to understand exactly what result you want to achieve.

Microneedling is suitable for anyone who has the following skin problems:

  • wrinkles;
  • scars after surgery;
  • dark spots;
  • acne scars;
  • change in texture in the area of ​​the upper and lower eyelids;
  • unevenness, post-acne;
  • enlarged pores;
  • stretch marks;
  • rosacea;
  • thinning, drying, excessive oily skin;
  • the appearance of sagging, loss of tissue elasticity;
  • tendency to edema;
  • formation of defects (double chin, paint bags).

The above problems can affect not only the face area, but also the neck, décolleté, arms and other parts of the body. Properly performed fractional manipulations will help prevent the occurrence and spread of such defects. The key to a successful procedure is both the professionalism of the cosmetologist and high-quality equipment.

In youth (20–25 years), fractional mesotherapy of facial skin can serve as a preventive measure for age-related changes. After 35 years, it is already aimed at solving specific problems. The best effect is achieved through the integrated use of mesotherapy and other rejuvenating programs.

A striking difference between fractional mesotherapy of the facial skin and the classical injection approach is that the effect occurs precisely at the site of problems, while the usual procedure involves injecting the entire area of ​​the face. Sometimes these are quite large areas, since the existing imperfections (wrinkles, pimples, age spots) are located far from each other.

In addition, a one-time administration of meso-cocktail does not give the double effect characteristic of fractional mesotherapy. The microinjection process itself is controlled electronically, so the human factor (for example, incorrect injection depth) is eliminated.

Additional advantages of the technique:

  1. Almost complete absence of pain compared to classical mesotherapy of the face and body.
  2. Minimum side effects.
  3. Short rehabilitation period (24 hours).
  4. Additional anesthesia is not necessary.
  5. Fast effect and its stability.
  6. Possibility to combine with other procedures.
  7. Dosed puncture of the epidermis.

Fractional mesotherapy of facial skin is carried out with a special micro-needle device, which is a manipulator handle with a cartridge of 9-11 teeth with needles installed inside. There can be from 12 to 20 needles in it. Each of them is coated with nanosilver. Each cartridge is sterile and intended for one procedure. The needle nozzle is easily removed for replacement.

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All this makes the procedure safe, preventing the introduction of microbes and disruption of skin pigmentation. There are both mobile devices for fractional mesotherapy (they have a built-in battery) and stationary ones (they require connection to an electrical network).

During fractional exposure, special products are used (meso-cocktails, serums), which are selected by a cosmetologist. He determines the skin type and, based on the area of ​​intervention and the problem that has arisen, prescribes a suitable composition. This can be a separate drug or a whole complex of substances. The main products used in fractional mesotherapy of facial skin are the following:

  • collagen and elastin (correct wrinkles by replenishing the deficiency of their own building components, increase regenerative abilities);
  • vitamin C (strengthens local immunity, brightens the skin and strengthens cellular structures);
  • hyaluronic acid (helps restore fluid balance in the epidermis, tightens and smoothes tissue);
  • complexes of vitamins and minerals (regulate internal processes, nourish and strengthen tissues);
  • lecithin and other lipolytics (promote the breakdown of adipose tissue);
  • peptides (strengthen and renew the skin).

During the session, both a ready-made mixture for fractional intervention and compositions selected by the cosmetologist independently are used. The price of the procedure is determined individually and depends on:

  • processing area area;
  • meso cocktail composition;
  • drug manufacturer;
  • the device on which the procedure is performed.

Read material on the topic: Facial mesotherapy procedure: pros and cons

Pros and cons of mesotherapy

This rejuvenation method has advantages and disadvantages. Let's consider the advantages of mesotherapy.

  • Absolute safety. Cocktails are easily absorbed by the body, rejection is almost impossible. Among other things, they have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the patient: many note an influx of energy, vigor and positive emotions. There are almost no contraindications, the risk of side effects is reduced to zero.
  • Painless. The thinnest needles are used for injections, and dosed administration takes very little time. If the patient has increased sensitivity, the doctor can reduce it with an anesthetic cream.
  • There is no need to repeat the procedure every month. Since the result lasts for at least six months, the patient does not need to visit the clinic every month.
  • No age limits. Due to the environmental friendliness and exceptional benefits of the drugs, facial mesotherapy is allowed for patients of all ages.

The disadvantages of mesotherapy are relative:

  • Low risk of allergy to the needle. Since the drug is accepted by the body, rejection can only occur as a reaction to the needle penetrating the skin.
  • Fear of injections. Not everyone is calm about injections; some have had a panicky fear of injections since childhood. It is morally difficult for such people to decide on injection mesotherapy.
  • Formation of bruises. Sometimes patients complain of small bruises at the injection sites. Don't worry: everything will pass in 3-7 days.
  • The danger of going to an inexperienced doctor. Due to the growing popularity of mesotherapy, many cosmetologists offer their services at competitive prices. Be careful: an attractive price usually hides unprofessionalism, which can lead to necrosis, infections and pain.

How is the mesotherapy procedure performed?

There are three ways to administer the drug under the skin:

  • manual injection with a syringe;
  • injections with a device (mesoinjector);
  • non-injection technique.

The choice of injection technique is made by a cosmetologist. Manual injections are more often used on the face. For body mesotherapy, a mesoinjector is usually used. It allows you to administer the drug quickly even to large areas of skin (thighs, abdomen).

The procedure lasts from 20 minutes to an hour. First, the doctor thoroughly cleanses the skin with an antiseptic solution. Then, if necessary, local anesthesia is given using lidocaine cream or other means. In most cases, mesotherapy does not require pain relief.

After this, the cosmetologist proceeds directly to injections. An individually selected drug is injected into the skin. For one injection, 0.02 ml of the drug enters the skin, and for the entire procedure - 10–20 ml. The cocktail is deposited in the dermis and does not enter the systemic circulation.

After the injections, a soothing gel or cream is applied. The doctor gives recommendations for skin care and sets a date for the next visit.


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Rehabilitation and possible complications

The principle of mesotherapy is based on the introduction of the drug into the deep layers of the dermis. Accordingly, minor trauma to the skin and tissues is inevitable. Recovery takes some time.

It is worth remembering the influence of the mesotherapy cocktail. Everything must be done to maximize the absorption of nutrients and eliminate factors that impede this. Neglecting prohibitions during the rehabilitation period is fraught with complications.

What not to do after facial mesotherapy

Doctors Telos Beauty prof. It is recommended to follow a number of rules to speed up recovery:

  • Limiting physical activity. Exercising stimulates blood circulation. This means that water is retained in the facial tissues, redness and swelling increase. A number of useful components are excreted through sweat, and injection wounds heal more slowly due to overheating.
  • Alcohol consumption. For regeneration, the condition of the vascular system and the general well-being of the patient are important. Alcoholic drinks and coffee negatively affect the body, contributing to the appearance of new bruises and irritation on the skin. Ignoring this requirement can lead to a delayed appearance of an allergic reaction and swelling.
  • Contact of the treated skin area with other surfaces. Even light touches can trigger inflammation. For this reason, facial massage and peeling should be avoided until complete recovery. You should sleep on your back, avoiding skin contact with the pillow. Swimming in the pool and open water is also prohibited.
  • Warming up the skin. Visiting a bathhouse, sauna, or solarium has a negative impact on the healing of microwounds. The likelihood of inflammation increases. In addition, beneficial substances are excreted through sweat.
  • Ban on tanning. The temperature automatically rises due to prolonged exposure to direct sunlight. Melatonin begins to be actively produced, creating a situation in which several mutually exclusive processes operate simultaneously in the dermis. This causes inflammation and dryness of the skin, redness and pigmentation. Until the skin has fully recovered, doctors strongly advise against sunbathing, either on the beach or in a solarium.
  • Carrying out cosmetic procedures. In pursuit of an ideal appearance, patients often try to combine several rejuvenation techniques at once. Without waiting for the end of the rehabilitation period after mesotherapy, they risk losing the achieved results and encountering complications. Since the skin is irritated after injections, it is better not to aggravate the situation with peelings, hair removal, or ultrasound. You should also avoid decorative cosmetics - they can cause an allergic reaction.

Recommendations from cosmetologists regarding lip augmentation

Experts recommend lip augmentation if they:

  • located asymmetrically;
  • too thin in appearance;
  • have unclear contours;
  • have drooping corners;
  • make you want to change your appearance.

At BioSpaClinic in Moscow you can enlarge your lips at competitive prices. The advantages of the medical cosmetology center can also be noted:

  • the use of modern tools and fillers to add volume to the lips;
  • comfortable, cozy environment;
  • professionals with extensive experience;
  • excellent correction results.

It must be remembered that the initial condition of the lips significantly affects the results of the procedure, and the effect after it will last for at least 6–18 months. So if for some reason you are not satisfied with the new changes, after a short period of time the procedure can be repeated without harm to health.

Lip augmentation at the BioSpaClinic clinic in Moscow is an opportunity to transform your appearance and become even more beautiful.

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