Oxygen mesotherapy: description of the procedure

Oxygen mesotherapy is a fairly popular cosmetic procedure, which is carried out using specialized hardware. It has a positive effect on the condition of the skin, inhibiting the natural aging process. The procedure has many names: oxymesotherapy, oxygen therapy, biooxytherapy, and so on. However, any of these names will allow us to conclude that the principle of action is related to the action of oxygen.

Oxygen mesotherapy

Oxygen is extremely important for the normal functioning of the human body. It has a positive effect on the processes of cellular restoration, metabolism, and tissue respiration. It is quite logical that its use in the field of cosmetology allows you to rejuvenate the skin. However, to better understand the essence of oxygen mesotherapy, it is necessary to consider it from all sides, find out when it is necessary and for whom it is prohibited, what are the side effects and complications.

Oxygen mesotherapy: what is it?

This procedure is innovative and does not require radical intervention. With its help, it is possible to deliver the necessary biologically active substances into the deep layers of the skin thanks to the action of a stream of oxygen supplied at a fairly high speed.

Mesotherapy is carried out in the traditional way, special cocktails are injected under the skin, which reach the necessary tissue structures. Thus, we can conclude that classical mesotherapy is “beauty injections”. A distinctive feature of this effect is the absence of the need to resort to surgical methods.

Traditional mesotherapy involves injections

Note! Oxygen mesotherapy is an excellent alternative to the classic method of performing this procedure.

Course options for this event are as follows.

  1. Cleansing course. It is prescribed to people with problem skin if there is acne in large quantities. The composition of the treatment products includes azelaic acid, which is designed to normalize the production of sebum. Thanks to this, oily shine disappears and acne disappears. Additionally, the vitamins included in the composition help moisturize the skin, because even oily skin needs moisture. At the end of the procedures, you will notice that the skin texture has evened out, the complexion becomes healthy, inflammatory processes are suppressed, and acne marks disappear.

    Oxygen mesotherapy can be used to cleanse the skin

  2. Whitening course. It is suitable for women who suffer from pronounced wrinkles, enlarged pores, and excessive pigmentation of the facial skin. Kojikovic acid is included in the composition of the drug used, providing correction of all these defects. The skin acquires a healthy color.
  3. Toning course. Optimal for people with very dry skin that suffers from insufficient oxygen saturation. The preparations contain hyaluronate, which acts on moisture like a magnet, so that the skin remains moisturized for a long period of time.
  4. Rejuvenating course. It should be taken by people who notice severe aging of their skin - bright wrinkles and turgor problems are observed. The procedures stimulate tissues to produce new cells and protect the skin from loss of nutrients and moisture. Thus, beneficial elements and vitamins remain in the body longer.

    This procedure is also carried out for skin rejuvenation.

  5. Anti-cellulite course. The products used include caffeine and carnitine, which provoke the breakdown of fatty tissue. The results will be noticeable after several repetitions of the effects.

Non-injection mesotherapy – beauty and youth of the skin without injections

Non-injection mesotherapy is a cosmetic procedure for introducing beneficial substances without injections, skin damage or pain. To carry it out, an electroporation apparatus is used - professional equipment capable of creating low-power pulses of high-frequency electric current. Their impact leads to the opening of microscopic channels (electropores) invisible to the eye, through which the molecules of meso-cocktails and medicinal preparations penetrate deep into the skin. Non-injection mesotherapy of the face, body and hair is a safe and very comfortable procedure. Thanks to its delicate principle of action, it is ideal for clinic clients who are afraid of injections or have contraindications to their administration.

Pros and cons of the procedure

Non-injection mesotherapy of the face, body or hair is a modern, most physiological method of rejuvenation and correction of aesthetic skin defects. Unlike traditional injections, it does not cause temporary discomfort and does not require a recovery period. The advantages of hardware administration of meso-cocktails are obvious:

  • non-invasive;
  • painlessness;
  • deep introduction of topical skin preparations;
  • quick visible result of transformation;
  • absence of traces of processing and complications;
  • prolonged (long-lasting) effect, etc.

Non-injection mesotherapy can be performed at any age – regardless of skin type and the complexity of its problems. There is no need to specially prepare for it. The only disadvantage of the technique is that to achieve the desired result of rejuvenation, correction or treatment, it is important to complete the full course of procedures. The total number of treatments is determined individually for each client of the clinic - adequate to the complexity of aesthetic problems or the severity of signs of aging.

How is the procedure done?

Non-injection mesotherapy for hair, body and face can be carried out right on the day of visiting the clinic - immediately after a preliminary examination and consultation with our specialist. An experienced cosmetologist will eliminate contraindications, study the complexity of your problem and select the most effective mesotherapy drug to eliminate it.

Needle-free exposure does not require anesthesia and involves a simple manipulation protocol:

  • skin cleansing;
  • antiseptic treatment;
  • dosed application of a mesotherapy drug;
  • massage treatment of the skin using a device;
  • short post-procedure care.

Many clients of our clinic in Moscow focus on the pleasant sensations during the procedure. They feel warmth or a slight tingling sensation on the skin, which helps them relax and unwind. The time of hardware exposure flies by and immediately after it ends you go home. Our doctor will tell you how to properly care for the skin of your face, body and hair after mesotherapy without injections.

Types of procedures

Mesotherapy without injections ensures the saturation of the deep layers of the skin with macro-, micro- and medium-molecular biologically active substances. With its help, you can introduce hyaluronic acid, vitamins, peptides, phytoconcentrates, decongestants, anti-inflammatory and other products relevant to the client’s dermis. Depending on the properties of the administered drug, non-invasive mesotherapy can be rejuvenating, corrective, restorative or therapeutic.

Recently, oxymesotherapy has been in great demand - oxygen non-injection mesotherapy, which ensures the saturation of the skin not only with substances beneficial to it, but also with pure oxygen. Its administration stimulates local processes of blood flow, lymph flow, metabolism and regeneration.

The specialists of our clinic in Moscow will help you choose the right technique and achieve the best results from its application - call!

Problems solved by oxygen mesotherapy

A woman of any age can find benefits from the procedure we are discussing.

Age from 20 to 30 years:

  • excellent skin cleansing;
  • enrichment with necessary elements, oxygen;
  • prevention of early wrinkles and skin aging;
  • correction of existing wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and forehead;
  • skin toning.

This procedure can be performed at any age

Age from 30 to 45 years:

  • excellent facial skin cleansing;
  • “erasing” wrinkles;
  • the body begins to actively produce its own hyaluronate, collagen and elastin;
  • facial muscles relax;
  • the skin is enriched with water and various beneficial substances, oxygen;
  • complexion is normalized.

Wrinkles can be removed or reduced

Age from 45 to 60 years:

  • the skin is perfectly clean;
  • wrinkles become less noticeable;
  • facial muscles relax;
  • the natural regenerative processes of the skin are stimulated, collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid are produced;
  • Excessive skin pigmentation is corrected;
  • the facial contour is tightened.

Age 60 and above:

  • gentle and effective skin cleansing;
  • wrinkles are not so noticeable;
  • the skin is toned;
  • facial muscles relax;
  • the hydrolipid mantle of the skin is regenerated;
  • the framework of the facial muscles becomes stronger;
  • skin tone is normalized.

Thanks to oxygen mesotherapy, the skin is toned

What is the Intraceuticals procedure?

Intraceuticals is a rejuvenating, restorative hardware procedure that is based on the hyperbaric oxygenation method. Under the pressure of concentrated oxygen, rejuvenating cocktails enriched with beneficial substances are delivered to the deep layers of the skin.

The preparations contain hyaluronic acid, which binds and retains intercellular moisture, and also helps activate the production of collagen and elastin. After an Intraceuticals session, soft tissues are saturated with nutrients and oxygen, the skin’s natural protection is increased, and the hydration process is activated. During hardware treatment, hyaluronic acid with different molecular sizes is used. This ensures quick and effective saturation of the dermis with useful components and deep hydration.

Vitamin rejuvenation Intraceuticals (Resuvenate + vitamin C) RUB 9,000. Peptide rejuvenation Intraceuticals (Resuvenate+collagen) RUB 9,000.

All prices Make an appointment

Operating principle

The principle of operation is based on the use of a jet of oxygen, which is supplied at a very high speed. The epidermal layer of the skin is enriched with oxygen under pressure, as a result of which oxygen exchange is activated. Due to this, the permeability of the skin increases, allowing biologically active substances to do their “work” correctly.

This procedure is suitable for everyone - no matter what gender a person is, how old he is, or what type of skin he has. Special hardware is used for the event; there is no need to make injections or otherwise damage the skin. The client does not feel discomfort. Such an effect almost never produces complications or side effects.

The person will not feel discomfort during the procedure

What improvements can be achieved through the procedure?

The technique used allows:

  • get rid of facial wrinkles;
  • get rid of acne and various rashes;
  • remove excess skin pigmentation and prevent this phenomenon;
  • heal skin damaged by sun rays;
  • remove swelling and bruises under the eyes;
  • increase skin hydration;
  • increase turgor, make the skin firm and elastic.

Using this procedure you can remove swelling and bruising under the eyes.

Method of implementation

The first stage is to thoroughly clean the skin. Treatment is permitted only if the skin is perfectly clean.

Excess fat is removed from the skin using specialized cosmetic products.

Important! Right before mesotherapy, the skin is treated with a serum with a moisturizing effect containing medications.

Before the procedure, the skin is treated with a special serum.

A powerful oxygen stream allows you to deliver the necessary active elements deep into the skin, while it remains intact and is not injured.

When oxygen begins to act, it enhances the effect of active substances, improving the overall condition, healing and slowing down the natural aging processes of the skin.

The active substances are special cocktails for mesotherapy. They make the skin healthy and correct existing defects.

During the procedure, the active substances of special cocktails for mesotherapy are injected deep into the skin.

Important! The event is held for half an hour or an hour. The number of repeated treatments should be determined by the cosmetologist observing the person. Everything is related to the goals that are pursued during therapy. Typically the course ranges from 10 to 15 treatments, performed twice a week.

Result of therapy

After the procedure, not only the external, but also the internal condition of the skin improves. The aging process slows down, metabolism and cell regeneration are activated, soft tissues are saturated with oxygen and beneficial nutrients. The effect of therapy can be assessed after the first session:

  • mimic and age wrinkles are smoothed out;
  • Provides deep hydration, increased elasticity and tone;
  • the activity of the sebaceous glands is normalized, enlarged pores are reduced;
  • color and microrelief are evened out, hyperpigmentation and dark circles under the eyes are eliminated;
  • eliminates acne, acne, post-acne;
  • Redness and congestive spots disappear.

Preparations for manipulations

The skin is exposed to negative external influences every day. When going outside, it is scorched by the sun's rays, and if the skin is covered with clothing, the fabric constantly rubs it. As a result, even if your skin looks healthy, it is constantly being damaged by one or another external influence. This means that using a high-pressure oxygen stream is quite advisable to neutralize negative environmental factors.

This procedure will help the skin to “rest” after constant negative external influences.

Experienced cosmetologists say that the skin better absorbs various low-molecular drugs that are introduced using the technology we are considering. This effect to a certain extent depends on the choice of cosmetics. The procedures do need to be repeated periodically, but you can achieve the desired effect several times faster. In addition, the result lasts at least three times longer than using the traditional method of holding the event.

Usually you can notice any changes after the first exposure to the skin. Cosmetologists like to perform a demonstration procedure, showing clients one treated part of the face so that they compare it with the untreated part. A significant advantage is that the procedure we are considering has no restrictions on the client’s skin phototype and does not depend on the current time of year and the person’s age.

The procedure can be performed for people with any skin phototype

The drugs that need to be passed through the skin can be varied - this is due to the defect the person has. For example, these could be lipids or protein compounds used by the body as building materials. Substances are also introduced that have a positive effect on cell respiration and ATP production, the immune system and skin condition, stopping inflammatory processes, and so on.

Cosmetic products used in therapy should:

  • be hypoallergenic so as not to provoke anaphylactic shock;
  • be low molecular weight to facilitate their penetration deep into the skin;
  • have antioxidant activity to prevent oxidation of fats in the stratum corneum.

It is important that the products are hypoallergenic

Important! In addition, you should skillfully combine the form of the cosmetic product (it is best to take liquid concentrates or serums) and chemical stability (the most important thing here is oxidation resistance).


In programs for rejuvenating the skin of the face and body, rehabilitating the figure and eliminating local aesthetic imperfections, mesotherapy occupies one of the central places. The popularity of the technique is easily explained. The procedures are painless and absolutely safe. A mesoinjection session does not require special preparation, and there is no tedious recovery period after it. As for the effect, it meets all expectations, although it does not appear instantly, but gradually, as physiological regeneration processes increase in all layers of the dermis.

Facial mesotherapy: how does it work?

The skin of the face undergoes age-related changes relatively early, at least when compared with the skin of other parts of the body. This is due to the fact that the face is always open to external influence. Environmental factors, many of which are aggressive and potentially dangerous, for example, sudden temperature changes or ultraviolet radiation, act on the skin of the face constantly. Hence the rapid depletion of the internal reserve of strength, which leads to the first wrinkles, dryness, sagging, deterioration of color and increased microrelief.

Facial mesotherapy provides a unique opportunity to increase the margin of safety by stimulating cell division and the production of organic molecules that form the basis of the intercellular substance. The effect is achieved by accelerating physiological regeneration - self-renewal and self-healing of the dermis at the cellular and histological level.

Physiological regeneration is a continuous process of renewal of cells and components of the intercellular substance, which occurs in all living organisms. With age, the rate of physiological regeneration slows down, leading to aging.

The goal of a course of rejuvenating procedures is not to artificially compensate for the deficiency of certain substances, but to stimulate physiological renewal, the possibilities for which are inherent in us by nature. Age-related changes reduce regenerative potential, while a course of facial mesotherapy allows you to speed up the pace and improve the quality of recovery processes.

How exactly, due to what does this happen? Mesococktails, which we will talk about in more detail, contain active substances that have a stimulating effect on stem cells, partially determined cells, and fibroblasts. Stimulation of immature cellular elements enhances their proliferation (division accelerates with an increase in the number of cells) and differentiation. As a result of these processes, the total number of cells in the dermis increases significantly.

Activation of mature cellular elements, fibroblasts, has a positive effect on their synthetic function. Facial skin cells increase the production of hyaluronic acid, glycosaminoglycans, elastin, glycoproteins, and collagen. These substances enter the extracellular space, where they form a collagen framework and the intercellular matrix that fills it.

The result of the changes described above is an improvement in the elastic properties of the dermis, an increase in its hydration, turgor, and tone.
The skin of the face tightens and becomes more elastic. The microrelief is leveled, static wrinkles disappear or are reduced, and deep folds are smoothed out. The rejuvenation effect is visible after the first or second session and intensifies over time. Make an appointment

Methods of performing a facial procedure

The hardware used in modern cosmetology allows oxygen mesotherapy to be carried out in three different ways. Everything is based on the specific characteristics of the client and his problem.

  1. Oxygen pulse therapy. With this hardware method of influencing the skin, it is necessary to treat it with a special cosmetic product. Then oxygen is supplied to a special nozzle in pulses, with a pressure of two and the molecules of the drug used penetrate to the deepest skin layers, and there they begin to actively act. The scope of application is as follows: enriching the skin with water, restoring its natural youth, correcting dark circles under the eyes, smoothing out swelling, erasing wrinkles, caring for skin with increased sensitivity, “stressed” and dull skin. You can also alleviate the condition of skin suffering from edematous cellulite.

    Oxygen pulse therapy allows you to enrich the skin with oxygen

  2. Exposure to oxygen is carried out due to the flow of pure oxygen, which has a positive effect on the restoration of the skin. This method resembles pulse therapy, but it does not require the use of various cosmetic products. It is advisable to use this procedure after microdermabrasion or aggressive peeling using chemicals.

They even carry out oxygen inhalation: for this they use a special breathing mask included in the hardware kit. Air with a high oxygen content is used. Thanks to this, metabolic processes in the body are activated. The procedure has a positive effect on the client’s health and well-being. It is used to treat injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, to correct chronic stress and some other problems.

Important! To get the best results, a cosmetologist must develop a complete program of oxygen mesotherapy procedures for his client. Often the number of impacts is from 10 to 15; a couple of repetitions can be carried out per week.

The course of procedures includes 10-15 sessions

Oxygen mesotherapy is also acceptable for supporting the skin after exposure to other cosmetic methods. For example, combinations of oxygen mesotherapy with:

  • microcurrent therapy, which is used to treat acne, improve skin health and correct facial contours;
  • hardware tightening massage, which was combined with rejuvenating complexes;
  • tightening of the facial skin and décolleté area;
  • lymphatic drainage techniques for the correction of swelling;
  • rejuvenation carried out using laser technologies - getting rid of increased skin pigmentation, smoothing out small wrinkles, correcting vascular mesh;
  • polishing wrinkles and scar tissue;
  • photorejuvenation;
  • microdermabrasion;
  • vacuum LPG massage.

You can combine oxygen mesotherapy with some other procedures

Professional programs Intraceuticals

The effect of Intraceuticals care directly depends on the drugs used during the procedure. In each individual case, the cosmetologist individually selects the composition of the serum, which will help quickly and effectively solve skin problems. Modern cosmetology clinics use several programs, each of which helps to achieve certain results.

Intraceuticals professional programs:

  • Opulence "Renewal-Shine". A universal technique that is suitable for patients of any age. The program provides deep restoration and rejuvenation of the skin, due to which small and medium-sized wrinkles, folds, creases disappear, pronounced pigment spots, irritation, and acne disappear. The skin acquires a healthy, radiant hue, becomes fresh, smooth, elastic, and denser.
  • Rejuvenate “Rejuvenation-Biorevitalization”. An integrated approach to solving the problem of excessive dryness, looseness and premature aging of the skin. A course of procedures will return youth and radiance to the dermis, and reduce the appearance of the first signs of age-related changes. The technique is suitable for any skin type; after the first session you can appreciate the powerful lifting effect.
  • Clarity Sensitive "Problematic sensitive skin, acne." Innovative technology that helps balance and soothe problematic skin prone to rashes and inflammation. The antibacterial effect of oxygen and effective medicinal components included in the cocktail ensures the normalization of the activity of the sebaceous glands and increases local immunity. After the first sessions, sebaceous plugs, comedones, and acne disappear. Pores are narrowed, the skin becomes matte, fresh, radiant. In addition to cleansing, the active substances included in the preparation guarantee deep hydration, do not clog pores and help cope with common problems of oily skin.
  • Atoxelene “Correction-lifting”. The program is aimed at global strengthening and rejuvenation of atopic and mature skin. The technique has a local effect on age and expression wrinkles, as it is a more gentle alternative to Botox. The therapeutic cocktail contains octapeptide, an effective muscle relaxant, which, after penetrating into soft tissues, has a pronounced relaxing effect on muscle tissue. As a result, the skin located in areas of active facial expressions is smoothed, the microrelief is leveled, and firmness, elasticity, and tone increase.

In addition to these programs, Intraceuticals offers clients a line of specialized cocktails that are aimed at solving specific problems:

  • Antioxidant. Protects the skin from free radicals, promoting the removal of waste, toxins and cell breakdown products. The drug fights the first signs of aging, eliminates bags and dark circles under the eyes.
  • Collagen. Designed for dry, flabby, thinned skin. Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin structures, restores density and elasticity.
  • Vitamin A fights age-related looseness, sagging, and increases the elasticity of the dermis.
  • Vitamin C. Activates collagen production, protects against the aggressive effects of ultraviolet rays, and effectively fights the signs of photoaging.

Advantages of the procedure under consideration

Oxygen mesotherapy quickly fell in love with both cosmetologists and their clients. We list the main advantages of this procedure:

  • It is permissible to carry out therapy in any season;
  • the event is universal, as it has no restrictions on the client’s skin type, age or gender;
  • during the treatment the client does not feel any discomfort;
  • the result is noticeable after the first skin treatment;
  • goes well with various cosmetic procedures;
  • does not require radical interventions in the body;
  • no serious complications were recorded.

There are no complications after this procedure

Stages of the procedure

The technique does not require special training, but before it is carried out, it is necessary to consult a cosmetologist who will assess the general condition of the skin and then select the most effective therapeutic program.

Intraceuticals technology includes several stages:

  1. Preparation. First, the specialist removes decorative cosmetics from the face and cleanses the skin of impurities with a gel or lotion selected for the client’s skin type. Next, deep cleansing is carried out, which helps remove dead cells and increase permeability.
  2. Moisturizing and saturation. At this stage, the intensive composition is introduced using the Intraceuticals apparatus. Under high oxygen pressure, the serum penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, providing a pronounced rejuvenating and healing effect.
  3. Maintaining moisture levels. The skin is treated with a gel that completely restores hydrobalance, maintaining an optimal level of moisture.
  4. Creation of a protective layer. At the end of the procedure, the cosmetologist applies a cream to the skin, which creates a protective barrier that preserves the hydrolytic mantle and completely restores the water balance.

Disadvantages of oxygen mesotherapy

Like any cosmetic procedure, oxygen mesotherapy also has disadvantages. Because oxygen molecules are not completely stable, they contribute to the formation of free radicals. It is oxygen that carries these radicals throughout the body. Oxygen is also an oxidizing agent, provoking corresponding processes.

Some experts, having carefully studied the effect of oxygen on the body, came to the conclusion that this procedure can provoke early wrinkles and premature aging of the skin. Since this discovery, some people have doubted the effectiveness of oxygen mesotherapy when used for rejuvenation.

Some experts do not recognize the effectiveness of this method

It is worth noting that the FDA has studied this technology, but has not officially approved it. In America, it is generally allowed to be carried out only if there is a medical justification. Perhaps this fact is beneficial to people promoting oxygen mesotherapy, since they would receive less money if approved by the FDA.

An important role in all this is that in America you can use oxygen without a doctor's prescription, but FDA regulations prohibit this. In our country there are no such rules, so anyone can go to a cosmetology clinic and hold this event.

Before performing oxygen mesotherapy, you need to seek advice from a specialist who is properly qualified in the cosmetology field.

It is better to consult a doctor before the procedure

What drugs are used for the procedure?

If mesotherapy is carried out in the classical way, the cosmetologist independently prepares a mixture of drugs. This is quite logical, because mesotherapy requires combinations of some active agents, selected individually for a particular person - it all depends on the characteristics of his skin and problems.

When performing hardware oxygen mesotherapy, it is advisable to use the same means as in classical mesotherapy. The cocktail of active elements is called serum. Includes:

  • combination of vitamins and minerals;
  • amino acids;
  • useful acids;
  • hyaluronate;
  • caffeine;
  • carnitine

They use different substances for meso cocktails

Indications for the event

It is advisable to use oxygen mesotherapy to smooth out the manifestations of age-related skin aging. More specifically, the indications are as follows:

  • presence of facial wrinkles;
  • excessive skin pigmentation;
  • swelling and bruising under the eyes;
  • gravitational ptosis of soft tissues;
  • unhealthy, gray complexion;
  • profuse acne and other rashes;
  • cellulite, problems with subcutaneous fat.

The indication for the procedure is unhealthy complexion

Indications and contraindications

The Intraceuticals technique is suitable for women and men of any age. It effectively solves problems in caring for sensitive, irritation-prone facial skin. The main indications are:

  • the first signs of age-related changes are wrinkles of varying severity;
  • excessive dryness, dehydration;
  • sagging, drooping oval of the face;
  • dark spots;
  • rosacea;
  • oily skin prone to inflammatory rashes;
  • bags and circles under the eyes;
  • redness, irritation.

The Intraceuticals hardware procedure is absolutely safe and has no contraindications. But during pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is prohibited to use preparations with a high concentration of vitamin A.

Useful tips

The procedure we are considering is ideal for supporting the skin after other cosmetic procedures. Experts advise carrying it out after completing various courses of hardware influences. If oxygen mesotherapy is needed to support the skin, it must be carried out a couple of times a month.

In general, ten repetitions of the procedure several times a week are sufficient to achieve optimal results.

The procedure is carried out several times a week

Important! One session takes from half an hour to one and a half hours.

It is necessary to choose the right products that will be used during the effects on the skin. After the event, you must be able to care for treated leather at home. To do this, you need to listen carefully to the specialist and ask all your questions.

While you are undergoing this procedure, designed to rid you of excessive skin pigmentation or signs of photoaging, it is better not to sunbathe or go to the solarium.

It is better not to sunbathe during the course of procedures


The cost of a one-time procedure is from two to three thousand rubles. The cost is related to the composition used, the characteristics of the clinic and the skills of the specialist. Also, the price depends on the hardware.

Type of procedureAverage cost per procedure
Whitening oxygen mesotherapy2500 rub.
Rejuvenating oxygen mesotherapy3000 rub.
Tonic oxygen mesotherapy2900 rub.
Cleansing oxygen mesotherapy3600 rub.
Anti-cellulite oxygen mesotherapy4500 rub.

The cost of oxygen mesotherapy may vary depending on the purpose of the procedure and the nature of the problem

Cost of intraceuticals procedure

The cost of the Intraceuticals procedure in Moscow depends on factors such as the severity of skin problems, the type of program, and the duration of the course of therapy. Therefore, prices will vary in the range of 6,000 – 8,000 rubles.

To get a more detailed consultation and make an appointment with a cosmetologist at the International Hemostasis Clinic, fill out the feedback form or call +7 (495) 106-90-74.

Non-surgical facelift

Microcurrent skin therapy using the Gezatone device

RF lifting procedures

Reviews about the procedure

Clients of cosmetology centers and specialists generally respond positively to oxygen mesotherapy. Cosmetologists believe that this event is a real innovation in the field of beauty.

Natalya , Moscow

“I am currently undergoing oxygen mesotherapy. I've already had three sessions. I can say that the effect makes me happy, my facial skin has become healthy, has a pleasant color, and has tightened up. Wrinkles and small pimples are a thing of the past, pores look normal. What I liked was the lack of discomfort and affordability. Skin care after the procedure is very simple.”

As a rule, patients are satisfied with the results of the procedure

Svetlana , Chelyabinsk

“I don’t have too many age wrinkles on my face, but I still have some above my lip, and I don’t like it at all. I wanted to find a simple and quick way to resolve this situation; I wanted it to not hurt. Another important criterion for me is price. The cosmetologist recommended oxygen mesotherapy to me. Just 7 procedures, and I already forgot about wrinkles, my skin became just like in my youth. Since I still have cellulite and stretch marks, I’ll try to correct the problems this way and that.”

E Lizaveta , Podolsk _

“I am already 37 years old, and I was unhappy with the large number of wrinkles. I consulted with a cosmetologist, and he recommended this procedure to me. I saw before and after photos of clients, I was very impressed. I repeated the procedure several times, my skin began to feel much better! I recommend trying it for all women who have any skin problems, just be sure to find out the opinion of your cosmetologist.”

Patients who have completed the course of procedures report noticeable improvements in their skin condition.

Prices for mesotherapy in our clinic

Service codeService nameNumber of servicesPrice
А11.01.013.67Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape Hyalrepair 02 (1.5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.67113 500 ₽
A11.01.013.68Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction Hyalrepair 04 (1.5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.68113 500 ₽
А11.01.013.69Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction Hyalrepair 08 (1.5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.69113 500 ₽
A11.01.013.45Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues to correct the shape of Hydro Line (4 ml) Code: A11.01.013.4515 000 ₽
А11.01.013.57Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Ialest (2 ml) Code: A11.01.013.57113 800 ₽
А11.01.013.44Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape Mesosculpt (1 ml) Code: A11.01.013.44115 000 ₽
A11.01.013.38Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction NCTF 135 (3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.3816 950 ₽
A11.01.013.39Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction NCTF 135 HA (3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.39111 900 ₽
A11.01.013.40Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction NCTF 135 HA+ (3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.40112 900 ₽
A11.01.013.37Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Neauvia Hydro Deluxe (2.5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.37119 500 ₽
А11.01.013.63Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues to correct the shape of NucleoSpire Complex A (1.3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.63113 900 ₽
А11.01.013.64Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues to correct the shape of NucleoSpire Complex B (1.3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.64113 900 ₽
А11.01.013.62Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues to correct the shape of NucleoSpire DNA-RNA (1.3 ml) Code: A11.01.013.62114 400 ₽
A11.01.013.55Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Plinest (2 ml) Code: A11.01.013.55117 500 ₽
А11.01.013.56Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Plinest Fast (2 ml) Code: A11.01.013.56117 500 ₽
А11.01.013.52Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Regenyal idea Bio-expander (1.1 ml) Code: A11.01.013.52116 000 ₽
А11.01.013.53Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Revanesse Pure (1 ml) Code: A11.01.013.53116 900 ₽
А11.01.013.54Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape of Yvoire Hydro (1 ml) Code: A11.01.013.54112 800 ₽
А11.01.013.71Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of correcting the shape Collost 15% (1.5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.71116 300 ₽
A11.01.013.70Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction Collost 7% (1 ml) Code: A11.01.013.7019 800 ₽
А11.01.013.46Introduction of artificial fillers into soft tissues for the purpose of shape correction Mesotherapy of the head Hair X (Vita Line B+) (5 ml) Code: A11.01.013.4615 000 ₽

Photos before and after

Photos before and after a course of oxygen mesotherapy procedures No. 1

Photos before and after a course of oxygen mesotherapy procedures No. 2

Photos before and after a course of oxygen mesotherapy procedures No. 3

The essence of the Intraceuticals procedure

Manipulations are carried out using the Intraceuticals device. The cosmetologist, using a special infuser attachment, injects a rejuvenating cocktail into the deep layers of the epidermis, strictly controlling the air pressure. No needles are used to administer the composition, so the procedure is absolutely painless and safe. The technique feels like a lymphatic drainage massage with a pleasant cooling sensation. After the first session, the skin becomes moisturized from the inside, gains elasticity, firmness, smoothness, and radiance. After a course of therapy, the aging and fading processes slow down, protective functions increase, and pronounced age-related defects disappear.

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