Sagging neck skin, how to rejuvenate the neck, remove sagging

Causes of sagging skin

The aesthetics of the neck is determined by several factors. Basic: skin condition and subcutaneous fat thickness. A significant role is played by the subcutaneous muscle - platysma, which extends from the edge of the lower jaw to the clavicles. Over time, changes occur in all structures. Platysma, which is a superficial muscle and is not attached to the bones, like other muscle tissues, quickly loses its tone, becomes thinner, lengthens, and “cords” appear. The skin and adjacent tissues are also negatively affected for various reasons, which lead to disruption of lymph flow and microcirculation. Let's see what main factors influence the attractiveness of the neck and décolleté.


  • The double chin and fat deposits on the neck are removed;
  • Folds and sagging skin are eliminated;
  • The straight cervicomental angle is restored;
  • The clear contour of the chin and slender neck line are restored.

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Neck plastic surgery can give you 10-15 years back!

Main reasons

  • Age-related changes

The production of elastin and collagen decreases with age:

  • Elastin gives the skin elasticity. This property provides elasticity and the ability to bounce back when stretched.
  • Collagen is made up of dense fibers that help the skin maintain its tight structure.

A decrease in the production of collagen and elastin is the main reason why the skin of the neck sags and loses its attractiveness - wrinkles and sagging appear.

  • Sun exposure

Sun damage caused by UV radiation leads to degenerative changes in dermal cells. Possible negative effects include: solar erythema, skin spots, cancer-type diseases and the main one - skin aging, characterized by wrinkles and furrows.

  • Sudden weight loss

Rapid weight loss and bariatric surgery lead to loss of skin volume, thinning of the fat layer and sprained ligaments. The faster the process of volume loss occurs, the more the skin sags.

  • Smoking

Like frequent sun exposure, smoking leads to premature aging. Nicotine negatively affects blood vessels, which are located in the outermost layers of the skin. Because of this, blood flow is disrupted, which leads to a decrease in the amount of oxygen. The supply of nutrients necessary to maintain healthy skin is reduced. Without natural nutrients, the body's production of collagen and elastin decreases, leading to sagging and wrinkles.

Revision of diet

To help your skin, you need to fill your daily menu with vegetables and fruits, herbs, and natural juices. The structure of the epidermis will be improved by vitamin A and beta-carotene, which are abundant in yellow, orange, and red fruits. The effect of omega acids from walnuts and olive oil is beneficial. To build collagen, you need proteins - lean meat, fish and seafood.

Limiting fatty, sweet foods, coffee and replacing them with clean water (up to 2 liters per day), natural teas will speed up metabolism and stabilize the water-fat balance. Dry, tired skin will respond by increasing elasticity and smoothing out small and deep folds.

Cosmetology procedures

  • Injections

Mesotherapy is a rejuvenation method that includes the injection of medicinal components into problem areas. Nutrients are injected under the skin to promote neck rejuvenation. Preparations based on hyaluronic acid work effectively. It is a component of the extracellular matrix that the body produces naturally. As we age, hyaluronic acid levels decrease, leading to the appearance of sagging areas. With the help of injections, reserves are replenished, which gives a rejuvenation effect.

  • Hardware procedures:
  • Biorevitalization;
  • Plasmolifting;
  • RF lifting;
  • ELOS;
  • Laser fractional resurfacing.


Contrasting temperatures, which enhance blood circulation and metabolism, are used in lifting compresses. Terry towels soaked in hot and cold water with sea salt and herbal infusions are alternately applied to the problem area.

The initial temperature difference should not be shocking; it increases by 1-2° per month. Exposure time to cold and heat is 20-30 s. The total duration of the session is 15 minutes. The procedure is completed by patting the chin with a wet towel. Its ends are brought together a little and sharply separated so that the middle pops up.

Cabbage brine has a rejuvenating effect . Its acids and vitamins tone and add elasticity. The brine is mixed with half the amount of water and soaked in a multi-layer gauze cloth. Keep the compress for up to half an hour; when it dries, it refreshes.

Apple cider vinegar has the same effect. Add 1 tbsp of it and sea salt. l. into a glass of water. Then everything is the same as with brine. Using this principle, applications are made with decoctions of mint, St. John's wort, sage, and chamomile.

Set of exercises

1.Place one hand on your forehead and apply slight pressure without allowing your head to move forward. The goal is to feel the neck muscles contract. Stay in this position for 10 seconds. Then place your hand behind your head and push up to create pressure, then repeat and hold the position for about 10 seconds.
2.Sit up straight and tilt your head back so that your chin is raised, keep your lips closed and perform movements that imitate the chewing process so that you can feel the muscles of your face and neck working. Repeat the exercise about 20 times.
3.Sit still with your back straight and tilt your head so that your chin points toward the ceiling. Close your lips and then pull them forward, imitating a kiss. Repeat the exercise 2 times.
4.The exercise is performed in the “lying” position. Lie down on a bed or couch with your head hanging over the edge. Then, slowly and carefully, so as not to strain your neck muscles, lift your head towards your chest and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise about 5 times. Stop exercising immediately if you feel pain or other severe discomfort.
  • Cosmetical tools

Creams, gels, masks and other cosmetics designed to care for the décolleté and neck area actively work to make the skin firmer and smoother. The effect depends on the composition. Multifunctional complexes help get rid of existing wrinkles, as well as age spots and other aesthetic imperfections.

  • Kinesio taping

This is one of the popular areas in aesthetic cosmetology. The kinesiotaping technique gives good results in the field of rejuvenation and is one of the safest. The essence of the procedure is the application of tape applications to problem areas. Cosmetic patches relieve neck sagging by normalizing lymph flow and restoring microcirculation. The principle of operation is based on physiological methods of influence - elastic cosmetic tapes lift the skin in the area of ​​application. In the formed microspace, natural metabolic processes improve, which leads to positive changes: the outflow of lymph improves, which cleanses the cells of the dermis, blood flow in the outer layers of the skin is normalized, beneficial nutrients enter the tissues in full. As a result, sagging will decrease, wrinkles will become less visible, and age spots will disappear. More information about the benefits of using tapes for neck tightening can be found here, where the schemes are described in detail and recommendations are given for the use of cosmetic patches to eliminate wrinkles and sagging.

Important: the skin on the neck is sensitive and delicate, so it is recommended to use high-quality kinesio tapes that are gentle and have a hypoallergenic base. Korean BBTape™ patches were recognized as the best in 2020.


A neck lift is performed under general anesthesia. The correction technique, procedure and course of the operation depend on the condition of the tissues of the cervical-mental area, the individual characteristics of the patient and the goals of correction. The operation on average takes from 1 to 3 hours or more (depending on the amount of correction). Neck tissue lifting is always carried out in conjunction with corrections of the adjacent (lower) area of ​​the face.

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Publication from Ekaterina Kudinova (@doctor.kudinova)

Age characteristics

When choosing a rejuvenation technique, it is recommended to take into account age - the older the woman, the more money and time it takes to restore the attractive appearance of the skin.

  • Aged 20+

At this age, the main care consists of daily cleansing and moisturizing the skin of the face, neck, and décolleté. Homemade masks and kinesio taping work effectively. Regular procedures reduce the risk of wrinkles, sagging and eliminate existing imperfections. At this age, due to anatomical features, there may already be “rings of Venus” - transverse wrinkles and folds on the neck. See diagrams that are used for tightening if you have this problem, the benefits of taping and other useful information.

  • Aged 35+

After 35 years, home care is usually not enough. In addition to kinesio taping and other simple procedures that you perform yourself, it is recommended to add regular visits to a cosmetologist, who will determine your skin type and select professional products for effective care. Salon procedures may be required - RF lifting, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, bioreinforcement and others.

  • Aged 45+

After 45, professional and careful care is required. At this age, neck laxity is already well expressed, and deep wrinkles are often present. The problem of age-related changes at 45+ cannot be solved by simple home procedures. Kinesio taping, lifting masks and other means are recommended to be considered as auxiliary means. Basic care is provided by specialists who carry out procedures aimed at correcting problem areas: laser fractional resurfacing, mesothreads and other methods.


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Efficacy and benefits of home methods

An anti-aging home program does not give such quick results as salon procedures.

Its advantage is different:

  • all procedures are painless;
  • no side effects, complications;
  • the compositions do not contain harmful preservatives or dyes;
  • plant cells are easily absorbed by the skin.

At the same time, home remedies are much more affordable, and their regular use will long delay the need for expensive cosmetologist services.

Reviews about the effectiveness of folk methods

Home rejuvenating activities are indispensable. Without proper nutrition, regular exercise, and massage, the best professional procedures will be useless - this is what the female part of society writes in reviews.

The famous writer Cervantes considered it a sin if a woman looks less beautiful than she could be. At home, these words as a motto will help you find time to tighten the skin on your face, neck and chin.

Article design: Olga Pankevich

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