Flabbiness of the skin. Causes, symptoms and treatment of sagging skin

1.General information

According to explanatory dictionaries, the word “flabby” means “flaccid, lost or lacking elasticity, freshness, normal strength, strength, density; loose, weak”, etc. When applied to the skin, such definitions not only sound dull - in some cases it creates a noticeable aesthetic defect and becomes a source of serious medical and psychological problems. Humanity (mainly, of course, its fair half) makes enormous efforts to develop, produce and especially consume countless skin care products designed to preserve its freshness and prevent, in particular, age-related fading - although with age as such, sagging The skin is not always and not fully connected.

Natural uniform color, matte shine, turgor (elastic tone), smoothness of the skin, absence of visible pores, “stretch marks”, unnecessary folds - on an instinctive level is perceived as a sign of health, which is due to completely rational reasons, and not just the requirements of fashion or aesthetic tastes. Indeed, the skin performs many functions and is connected with almost all physiological systems; it is the largest and most visible human organ; For these reasons, the condition of the skin serves as a reliable and informative indicator of the overall health of the body.

Sagging skin, accordingly, is an anomaly. And the younger its bearer, the more pathological this seemingly purely cosmetic phenomenon is.

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Only regular, properly selected procedures and care products can keep the skin elastic.

In addition to procedures from a cosmetologist, you need to take care of your skin at home: select high-quality cosmetics, regularly moisturize your skin, give yourself a massage and exercises.

It is also important to lead a healthy lifestyle: give up bad habits, walk in the fresh air, get enough sleep, eat right, take vitamin and mineral complexes.

Cosmetologists remind that the sooner you start caring for your skin, the longer you will be able to keep it young, beautiful and elastic. You can make an appointment in St. Petersburg by phone or through the form on the website.

2. Reasons

If we talk about age-related changes in the skin, they are caused by the natural process of weakening tissue structures, a decrease in the production of elastin and collagen, as well as a gradually progressive deficiency of endogenous (own, produced by the body itself) hyaluronic acid, a multifunctional high-molecular substance that has received so much attention recently attention and which is responsible, in particular, for the hydrobalance of tissues. In addition, sagging skin accompanies many endocrine and metabolic (metabolic) disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, etc. It is known how overwork and lack of sleep, excesses in the diet (abuse of sweets, fatty drinks, alcoholic beverages) and chronic malnutrition, hypovitaminosis, situations of constant stress, and hormonal changes have a deplorable effect on the condition of the skin. Important risk factors include the fanatical use of cosmetic products, including “anti-wrinkle”, “for sagging skin”, etc. The skin almost always becomes sagging with a sharp loss of body weight, for example, due to extreme diets. In addition, sagging and atonic skin may be due to hereditary causes, childbirth (if the stretched skin of the abdomen does not return to its original volume and density), and a decrease in the tone of the subcutaneous muscle fibers.

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How to deal with facial numbness syndrome due to osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the neck leads to irreversible changes in the vertebrae, which directly affect the general well-being of the patient and may manifest themselves in the form of symptoms that are similar to other pathologies. If discomfort occurs in the upper spine, or disruption of the normal movement of blood and lymph in the tissues of the head and face, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination.

Why does the face go numb with osteochondrosis?

Unpleasant sensations, pain in the back and neck may indicate the development of osteochondrosis, which is formed due to the load on the vertebrae when the spine is in an uncomfortable, static-vertical position for a long time.

If there is damage to the vertebrae, cartilage and ligaments in the cervical region, then disturbances in the sensitivity of the skin of the face may occur, the normal mechanism of blood circulation may change, resulting in increased swelling. These symptoms appear due to changes that occur in bone cells during the development of the disease. Osteochondrosis is characterized by a decrease in the normal thickness of cartilage tissue, which leads to contact and friction of adjacent vertebrae. This can subsequently cause the development of inflammation, pinching of blood vessels, spinal cord nerves, and arteries.

These changes in the circulatory and nervous system of the body affect not only the normal functioning of the spine, but also respond with a burning sensation, numbness of the facial muscles, changes in tissue structure, and symmetry.

Diagnostic examination for osteochondrosis

The dangerous fact is that numbness and a burning sensation in the facial muscles can symbolize the spread of other diseases, for example, the brain, so if unpleasant symptoms occur, it is necessary to conduct a neurological examination.

Headaches and migraines, impaired facial symmetry, numbness, burning, tingling sensation, decreased muscle mobility can be manifestations of impaired blood flow in the brain, the development of tumor growths under the cranial bone, hemorrhage, and stroke. The difference is that in the presence of these symptoms of osteochondrosis, unpleasant manifestations on the face can go away when performing physical activity or, on the contrary, occur when staying in a certain body position for a long time. Also, with diseases of the spine, there is no disruption of mental functions or changes in mental activity, the patient maintains concentration, attention and clarity of thought.

Unfortunately, diagnosing and treating numbness of the facial muscles at home can lead to the progression of the disease. Therefore, it is especially important to conduct an X-ray and tomographic examination of the brain and spinal cord. This will reduce the likelihood of an incorrect diagnosis and help avoid many problems and complications by starting treatment on time.

Treatment of numbness of the facial muscles with osteochondrosis

The fight against the negative consequences of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is carried out by a neurologist or vertebrologist, who are specialists in the field of diseases associated with the nervous system. As a rule, medications are prescribed after a comprehensive diagnosis, taking into account the individual characteristics of the course of the disease.

To combat disorders in muscle tissue and nerve endings on the face, it is first necessary to begin treatment for osteochondrosis:

  • With the help of medications that reduce inflammation in the vertebrae and nearby tissues;
  • Rubbing with ointments and creams that reduce pain;
  • Medicines that restore the cartilage layer and strengthen joints.

An effective remedy is also a back and neck massage, which improves blood circulation and lymph flow to the brain, saturating and nourishing muscle cells on the face.
Author: K.M.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences M.A. Bobyr

3. Symptoms and diagnosis

The concept of skin laxity is associated with insufficient elasticity, the presence of sagging folds, porosity and “cellulite” looseness, and a dull yellowish color.

The simplest diagnostic method is the so-called. “Pinch test”: the skin of the face or hand, gathered into a fold with your fingers, should be smoothed out as quickly as possible without a trace.

However, it must be repeated: if the sight of your own skin in the mirror causes dissatisfaction or even stronger negative emotions, you should not start with a trip to a beauty salon or with a wholesale purchase of expensive products.

An experienced aesthetic medicine doctor will ask many questions regarding individual and family history, general well-being and lifestyle, past and chronic diseases, profession, etc. One or another examination will be prescribed, the results of which may first of all require treatment from specialists of a completely different profile.

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Correction plan for dry skin with sagging

Eliminate exposure to all provoking factors

Normalization of nutrition, intake of vitamins and active supplements, normalization of sleep and rest patterns.

Protects skin from UV and blue light rays

Flabby skin, atonicity, dyspigmentation of the facial skin, eye fatigue and general fatigue, problems with falling asleep - these are all manifestations of the negative effects of blue light. Its sources: computer, tablet, smartphones and fluorescent lamps.

According to research, blue light is 15 times more dangerous than the rest of the visible light range. Causes powerful oxidative stress, provokes degradation of collagen fibers, the appearance of age spots, dryness and increased sensitivity of the skin.

CBD "Blue Light" face cream SPF 30 DermaQuest is a complete daytime skin care for moisturizing, protecting and preventing sagging skin.

  • Contains a physical photo filter – Zinc Oxide – a mineral screen from all types of UV rays;
  • Moisturizes, nourishes and restores the skin - contains Shea butter and Aloe extract ;
  • Absorbs well, can be used as a base for makeup - a complete day cream;
  • Contains BlueLight filter - InfraGard - blue light protection;
  • Vitamin C – prevention of pigmentation and premature aging;
  • A unique ingredient - cannabidiol - heals the skin, normalizes the functioning of skin cells;
Restore skin barrier function

First of all, it is necessary to recommend not rejuvenating procedures, but those that restore the integrity of skin barriers - the lipid substance of the epidermis to prevent dehydration and restore the protective function of the skin.

Use a cream that contains representatives of 2-3 main groups:

  • Hydrants are substances that attract and retain water molecules in the skin: urea, lactic acid, ceramides, hyaluronic acid, glycerin.
  • Emollients are substances that create a protective film on the surface of the skin (it is they that determine the density of the cream) - these are vegetable and mineral oils, fats, waxes, dimethicone.
  • Ingredients that restore hydration of skin cells by increasing aquaporins - cell channels through which moisture penetrates inside. These are AquaCell, Aquasens, Diffuporin.

CBD "Blue Light" face moisturizer DermaQuest - a powerful face moisturizer with Cannabidiol (CBD) and Blue Light protection - actively moisturizes dehydrated skin, revitalizes, and conducts moisture into the cells. Instantly gives peace and comfort. 80% natural composition.

It contains a unique AquaCell complex - a double blow against dehydrated skin: it supplies moisture inside the cell and retains it in the deep layers of the skin. Smoothes wrinkles within 2 hours of application, maintaining hydration levels for 24 hours.


Of course, therapeutic measures for skin correction and regeneration are prescribed exclusively on an individual basis and are determined by diagnostic results. In some cases, eliminating the pathology that causes skin laxity (and it can be asymptomatic or latent, hidden) naturally restores the desired characteristics. In other situations, physiotherapy, water-thermal procedures, normalization of sleep patterns, exercise, nutrition, and daily fluid intake are effective. Sometimes the only truly effective treatment is plastic surgery.

In cosmetology, many methods of instrumental correction have been developed, incl. various peelings, ultrasound and microcurrent stimulating techniques, ozone and mesotherapy, laser biorevitalization, hyaluronic acid therapy and many others.

An even larger number of “true”, “tested over thousands of years”, “secret” and other methods can be found on the Internet and commercial advertising. However, if possible, you should maintain common sense and caution: this kind of remedy, even if it really helped your friends, in a specific individual case may be categorically contraindicated and, when used, cause serious damage, and not only to the skin.

Therefore, the smartest step is to consult your doctor first.

Causes of dry and sagging skin

Skin laxity is a loss of firmness and elasticity in the skin, and its appearance is not always associated with natural aging.

Causes of sagging skin:

  • Poor nutrition – frequent adherence to diets with strict restrictions, or, on the contrary, abuse of sweets and light carbohydrates, leading to the process of glycation in the skin.
  • Disturbance in sleep patterns - lack of sleep leads to disturbances in circadian rhythms and lack of full recovery of both the entire body and the skin in particular. It is at night that most of the synthetic processes take place, i.e. cellular renewal and formation of young chains of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid.
  • Poor environment, stress, smoking lead to the destruction of vitamin C and the skin’s protective system. The aggression of free radicals leads to the destruction of collagen fibers, and the lack of vitamin C slows down the formation of new ones.
  • Passion for tanning - even active tanning 2 times a year during vacation. Exposure to ultraviolet rays reduces the activity of fibroblasts, they synthesize less collagen and hyaluronic acid, and more metalloproteinase enzymes are produced that destroy their own collagen.
  • Cosmetics: incorrectly selected, poor quality, lack of regular and properly selected care - violates skin barriers, making it more sensitive and susceptible to other negative factors.

The presence of dry and sagging skin indicates a combination of several provoking factors, when premature aging of the skin occurs against the background of impaired barrier function.

How to remove subcutaneous acne* on the face?

The consequence of improper hygiene can be clogged pores, which is one of the links in the pathogenesis of acne9. If subcutaneous acne appears, you should consult a dermatologist. If he diagnoses acne, he will prescribe a set of topical and systemic medications (depending on the degree of acne) that will help resolve the rash.

One of the drugs used in the treatment of mild to moderate acne is Azelik®9.5 gel. The main active ingredient in its composition is azelaic acid5. Azelik® gel should be applied to the skin twice a day after cleansing5.


How to care for skin without water?

When it comes to cleansing the skin without water, the following scheme is usually proposed:

  • Cleansing. You need to remove makeup using milk.
  • Toning. Using a tonic requires you to get rid of any remnants of your cleanser.
  • Hydration. The final touch is applying a moisturizing or nourishing cream.

This scheme is not approved by all cosmetologists and dermatologists, but it is acceptable for those with dry and sensitive skin. After washing with regular running water, they may experience dryness, flaking, and redness of the skin.

But even in this case, there is an alternative to “dry” washing - the use of purified water, for example, filtered or store-bought drinking water. You don’t even have to wash your face, but wipe your face with a sponge dipped in water. This will help to better cleanse the skin of cosmetic residues.

Refusal to wash your face is contraindicated for those with combination, oily and problem skin. They should also stop using cleansing milk and switch to foam or gel.

Treatment of headaches and facial pain

The treatment regimen for headaches and pain in the face is selected individually. It will include measures to eliminate the underlying disease, as well as to relieve symptoms. Based on the diagnostic results, the doctor may prescribe the following methods:

  • drug treatment - may include anti-inflammatory and painkillers, antibiotics, drugs to improve cerebral circulation;
  • physiotherapy – carried out to stimulate blood circulation and innervation in the face and head;
  • diet for blood vessels - includes simple foods, with a minimum amount of fried foods, animal fats, fast food and spices;
  • surgical intervention - most often prescribed for mechanical compression of nerves and blood vessels, in the presence of neoplasms and dental diseases, as well as for clearing the contents of the paranasal sinuses.

Doctors at the Clinical Institute of the Brain will select appropriate treatment tactics based on the results of a general examination. For most patients, it is enough to take medications, follow a diet and adjust their daily routine to improve their health. However, for some diseases surgical intervention is indicated.

Diagnostic methods

For effective treatment, it is important to determine the exact cause of the headache and facial area. It is impossible to carry out diagnosis on your own, since it requires the use of precise equipment and laboratory tests. The complex may include the following activities:

  • blood tests - prescribed to determine inflammatory processes, bacterial infections and various diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • X-ray is one of the examination methods for suspected diseases of the teeth and temporomandibular joint;
  • MRI, CT scan of the brain;
  • ophthalmological examinations aimed at diagnosing vision and measuring intraocular pressure;
  • assessment of the condition and conductivity of the vessels of the neck and head - carried out by radiography using a contrast agent.

The Clinical Brain Institute offers headache diagnostic programs. The set of measures is selected individually, based on the results of the inspection. To obtain accurate data, it is important to notify the doctor about all conditions for the occurrence of pain, their nature and intensity, and also undergo the prescribed examinations.

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