Anal fissure: symptoms, causes and treatment from experienced doctors at the MEDSI clinic

Drugs that promote wound healing are a class of drugs that enhance reparative (restorative) processes in the skin, which promotes faster healing of wounds.

Wounds include shallow skin injuries that do not require surgical treatment - cuts, abrasions, scratches, light burns of small areas of the body, irritation of the skin of infants from diapers, diapers, bedsores from folds of bed linen in bedridden patients, radiation damage to the skin during the treatment of malignant tumors, etc. .d.

Typically, the patient can treat such wounds on his own, without visiting a doctor. To achieve this, there is a fairly wide range of drugs that promote rapid wound healing.


Healing of a granulating wound occurs through scarring and epithelization. At the final stage of healing, collagen fibers appear among the cells of the granulating tissue, the number of granules decreases, and the number of fibers increases. Ultimately, the fibrous substance passes into the connective tissue and forms a scar.

When wounds heal by primary intention, delicate scar tissue is formed, which tends to resolve.

In case of healing by secondary intention, a rough scar is formed, which will not be easy to get rid of.

Symptoms of acute anal fissure

Suppositories for anal fissure: Relief Advance

It is very important to pay attention to the symptoms of the disease in time in order to begin treatment as soon as possible. Because the earlier it was started, the faster the effect will be. The main symptoms of an acute anal fissure include:

  1. Painful sensations that occur exclusively during the act of defecation and last about 20 minutes after it. Moreover, the pain is so severe that a person often loses self-control and cannot concentrate on anything.
  2. The sphincter spasm, which further intensifies the pain, makes it throbbing.
  3. Bleeding from the anus. You can notice it by traces of blood on toilet paper. Very rarely blood flows in a thin stream, and only if the crack is deep
  4. Insomnia, which occurs due to a constant feeling of discomfort
  5. Irritability due to the fact that a person cannot lead a normal lifestyle because he constantly experiences discomfort and periodic pain

If a person has at least one of the above symptoms, it is best to contact a specialist who will prescribe treatment.

Types of wound healing

According to the classification of I.V. Davydkovsky, the following types of wound healing are distinguished:

  • closing the defect of the epithelial cover, which occurs when the upper epithelial layer is damaged;
  • healing under a scab, or healing without a scar. Observed on mucous membranes in case of minor defects.
  • healing by primary intention, or healing without suppuration. Characteristic of wounds with damage to the skin and tissue underneath.
  • healing by secondary intention, or healing through suppuration and granulation. Occurs with extensive wounds, accompanied by foreign objects entering the wound, tissue necrosis, microbes and infections.

Which healing ointment is better

After getting acquainted with the top ten from, choosing which ointment to buy based on the indicated criteria will be much easier. We do not give unambiguous recommendations, since this is the task of the treating doctor, but we highlight several nominees:

  • Dioxidin - a formula with an antibiotic and a drying effect to prevent infections;
  • Methyluracil is a prescription medication with an anti-catabolic, anabolic component, effective in the treatment of slow-healing wounds;
  • Bepanten is an imported multifunctional drug with anti-inflammatory, analgesic effects and a comfortable texture;
  • Stellanin – high antiseptic activity due to its iodine content, a wide range of applications even for open wounds;
  • Vulnuzan is a natural formula for relieving inflammation, increasing local immunity, destroying bacteria without antibiotics;
  • Cikaderma is a homeopathic multifunctional remedy based on several herbal components, with a minimum of contraindications and risks.

Every person periodically encounters cuts, abrasions, and cracks. To prevent infection and speed up the recovery process, treatment with an effective medication is required. It is selected taking into account the degree of inflammation and damage.

Stages of healing

The wound healing process goes through three main stages: inflammation, regeneration, and restoration of the epithelium.

The inflammation phase begins immediately after injury and in an uncomplicated state lasts for 4–5 days. During the hemostasis stage, platelets attach to sites of injury and cause a chemical reaction that activates fibrin, which forms a matrix network and binds platelets to each other. This is how blood clots form, blocking damaged blood vessels and stopping bleeding.

At the stage of proliferation and regeneration, the process of angiogenesis, collagen deposition, and the formation of granulation tissue (young connective tissue formed in places of defects) occurs. The regeneration stage can last 2–4 weeks depending on the size of the defect.

The final stage is the formation of the epithelium. Depending on the severity of the injury, the process can last from several weeks to a year or more.

The best healing ointments for wounds, cuts and scrapes

The second category contains the best healing ointments for cuts, scratches and wounds, according to These are drugs aimed at disinfection, disinfection, drying and regeneration in order to accelerate the restoration of skin integrity.


Healing ointment for burns, cuts, scratches, abrasions and contact dermatitis based on a natural component. It has a small list of contraindications, but as a bonus it moisturizes, softens, and soothes the dermis. Manufactured in Russia, Ozon.

The active formula is based on a derivative of pantothenic acid – dexpanthenol with a concentration of 5%. Water-soluble vitamin B5 improves the strength of collagen fibers, stimulates regeneration processes, and normalizes cellular metabolism. As a bonus, it provides a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

The packaging is an aluminum tube weighing 25 g. The inside has a fatty, viscous milky-white consistency with a neutral odor. Apply 2-4 times a day, you need to rub in a little. There are no age restrictions.


  • Natural origin;
  • Good healing effect;
  • Soothing irritated skin;
  • Moisturizing, softening;
  • No age restrictions;
  • Price.


  • Weak effect on diaper rash;
  • The tube is tight and uncomfortable when squeezing out.

D-Panthenol is used during lactation to protect nipples from cracks. It is also a good prevention of diaper rash in newborns. Due to lanolin, glycerin and petroleum jelly, dryness and flaking are prevented.


An imported analogue of the previous drug from the German one. It is characterized by fast action, better bioavailability and tolerability. Treats diaper rash, diaper dermatitis, bedsores, burns, irritations.

Dexpanthenol in the composition softens the epidermis, guarantees deep hydration, and starts the processes of restoration and renewal at the cellular level. Additionally, it soothes and reduces the severity of inflammation. It has cooling properties, which provides moderate pain relief.

The packaging is a 30 g aluminum tube with a sealed head. The inside has a dense, milky consistency with a moderate odor. It is quickly absorbed and does not leave stickiness. Apply a thin layer, do not rub in.


  • Performance;
  • Wide list of indications;
  • Good composition;
  • Anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect;
  • Comfortable texture;
  • Getting rid of diaper rash.


  • Price;
  • The bottle breaks over time.

If we compare Bepanten with D-Panthenol, there are fewer chemical additives in the active formula and a greater spectrum of action. As a bonus, wound healing ointment helps in the treatment of acne, boils, burns, cracks and cervical erosion.

Wound treatment

The choice of wound treatment method largely depends on their type (infected or necrotic, wet exuding or fibrous granulating, trophic ulcers or bedsores). Only a doctor can choose the optimal solution for treating each type of wound.

In addition, at each stage of wound healing, it is necessary to use a different agent: one that promotes the removal of exudate, the formation of granulation tissue, accelerating epithelization, etc.

When treating wounds, you need to remember that the wound does not heal on its own, but thanks to the body’s resources aimed at healing it. The immune, endocrine, and circulatory systems are involved in this process. A qualified doctor, along with treating the wound itself, will definitely prescribe a vitamin complex to maintain the body.

Rating of healing ointments

When compiling the top rating, we consulted with several leading dermatologists in Russia and Europe. Their many years of medical experience have shown what criteria to pay attention to when searching for effective medicines:

  • Purpose;
  • Active substance;
  • Range of actions;
  • Additional properties;
  • Consistency, smell;
  • Scheme of application;
  • Packaging format, price.

The result of the comparative analysis was a top list of 10 positions. These are the best fast-healing ointments for the treatment of burns, cuts, scratches and wounds, trophic ulcers, as well as a review of products for children. Review monitoring identified the strengths and weaknesses of each nominee.

How to speed up healing

The speed of wound healing varies. It depends on the nature of the injury and the individual characteristics of the patient, such as age, nutrition, and medications taken.

To speed up healing, it is necessary to provide optimal conditions for tissue regeneration at each stage. This role is fulfilled by therapeutic dressings designed for each stage of healing.

The method of hydrotherapy has a positive effect. Its essence consists in the sequential use of two dressings HydroClean and HydroTac. Using the first, the wound is cleaned, and then a second is applied, creating optimal conditions for granulation and epithelization.

The best healing ointments for burns

The first category of the top contains the best topical anti-burn products, according to VyborExpert. These are antiseptic, anti-inflammatory compounds aimed at accelerating tissue restoration by stimulating regeneration.


The wound healing ointment is oily, so it acts faster and deeper than most of its analogues. Used to combat dryness, burns, minor injuries, ulcers, boils, and diaper rash. Produced in Russia.

The main substance of the active formula is dexpanthenol (vitamin B) with a concentration of 5%. When absorbed, it turns into pantothenic acid and has a moderate metabolic, regenerating, and anti-inflammatory effect. As a bonus, it strengthens collagen fibers and normalizes metabolic processes.

The drug is packaged in a 30 g metal tube. The consistency is oily, dense, white in color with a slight yellowish tint. After application it leaves a greasy layer and a specific smell. For the best effect, Pantoderm needs to be rubbed in.


  • Wide spectrum of action;
  • Fast but deep penetration;
  • Moisturizing, strengthening collagen fibers;
  • Anti-inflammatory, regenerating effect;
  • Availability;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Fat layer;
  • Smell.

Dense texture saves consumption. If you overdo it with the dosage, it is better to blot the remains with a napkin. Nursing mothers use Pantoderm to prevent cracked nipples and chapped lips. Allowed for use at any age.


A medicine from the group of antibacterial, bactericidal synthetic agents. It is used in the local treatment of deep purulent cavities, wounds, ulcers and burns. The prescription drug is produced in Russia.

The formula is based on hydroxymethylquinoxaline dioxide with a concentration of 5%. It has a wide spectrum of antibacterial activity, does not have a local irritating effect, and slightly dries the wound. When used as a course, it stimulates reparative regeneration and epithelization. The effect is noticeable immediately.

Packaging – metal tube 30 g. The consistency is thick, dark yellow, practically odorless. Apply a thin layer once a day. The duration of the course depends on the problem, but no longer than 20 days.


  • Antibacterial activity;
  • Performance;
  • Drying the wound;
  • Prevention of infections;
  • Single application;
  • Price.


  • Contraindications;
  • Dyeing clothes yellow.

In some cases, in addition to rubbing into the affected area, they make a bandage or attach it with a plaster so that the melted consistency does not spread and acts longer on the affected area.


A prescription healing ointment for the skin, prescribed by a doctor for burns, atopic or contact dermatitis, and slow-healing injuries. Based on its principle of action, it is considered a stimulator of tissue repair. Produced in Russia.

The active substance is dioxomethyltetrahydropyrimidine, which has anti-catabolic, anabolic activity. When used as a course, it accelerates regeneration processes at the cellular level. Simultaneous use with antiseptic and antibacterial applications is possible.

For better preservation of the drug, the tube is made of metal and additionally sealed. Due to lanolin and petroleum jelly, the consistency is dense, oily, white with a yellowish tint. Apply daily for 15-30 days.


  • Wide spectrum of action;
  • Acceleration of healing;
  • Restoration of the epidermis;
  • Efficiency in the treatment of slow-healing wounds;
  • Benefits for facial skin;
  • Cheap.


  • Do not apply to open wounds;
  • Smell.

If the damaged area is open and oozing, it is important to dry it with alcohol, antiseptic, or tar soap. To preserve the valuable properties of the formula, it is better to store the tube in the refrigerator.

The best hand creams

What to do if the wound does not heal

Non-healing or chronic are wounds that do not respond adequately to therapy despite prolonged treatment. Such wounds are usually caused not by external factors, but by reasons hidden inside the body, leading to disruption of metabolic processes and, as a consequence, disruption of the wound healing process. This category includes trophic ulcers, bedsores, and diabetic foot ulcers. Before using any dressings, consult a doctor: therapy and treatment of wounds can only be prescribed to you by a doctor!

For the treatment of chronic wounds, HARTMANN has developed a two-bandage system - HydroClean Plus and HydroTac.

The HydroClean Plus cleansing dressing can be used at all stages of wound healing, effectively removing necrotic tissue and pathogenic bacteria from the wound surface. They get caught in the absorbent layer and die under the influence of the antiseptic. The HydroTac dressing has absorbent and moisturizing properties and also protects the wound from secondary infection.

With the help of the hydrotherapy system, many patients have been able to significantly alleviate suffering and improve their quality of life.

First aid for a child for superficial wounds

When such a situation arises, parents ask themselves: “How to treat the wound? How to properly treat a wound? What is the best remedy for treating a wound?

Before helping a child, parents need to wash their hands with soap and use an antiseptic. Next, in this sequence, you need to follow a number of instructions and actions:

  1. Assess the extent and nature of the damage. It is very important to understand whether the baby has a deep or superficial wound.
  2. Rinse and stop bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide is best suited for this purpose. You can also use a solution of furatsilin and chlorhexidine.
  3. Next, you can treat the skin with a drying antiseptic, for example, iodine solution or brilliant green.
  4. Apply an aseptic (clean) dressing.
  5. In the future, it is important to change the dressings regularly. It is also possible to use ointments and creams discussed earlier, which will speed up the healing process.

In case of deeper defects, heavy bleeding, wounds that have been bitten and contaminated with soil or old metal, you must urgently contact a surgeon.

Wounds are quite common, especially in young children. The task of parents is to provide timely assistance to the child in order to prevent infection. You must have a minimum first aid kit in your first aid kit. Do not self-medicate and, if threatening injuries occur, consult a doctor.

Symptoms of a chronic fissure

We need to talk separately about chronic anal fissure, since the symptoms may vary slightly. These include:

  • Painful sensations that occur during the act of defecation, straining, and last about 4 minutes after it. The pain cannot be called severe; the term “tolerable” is more appropriate.
  • Sphincter spasm, which is not as pronounced as in the case of the acute stage
  • Bleeding from the anus. You can notice it by traces of blood on toilet paper or on the surface of stool
  • The appearance of a “bump”, which indicates the presence of a constant inflammatory process
  • Cyclicity of symptoms. This happens because the crack can heal, and then, under the influence of hard feces, begin to bleed again. Also, a crack can make itself felt after heavy physical exertion.

If a person has at least one of the above symptoms, then it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible, because a chronic disease is much more difficult to treat than the acute stage.

Candles for anal fissure

As mentioned above, most specialists prescribe the use of suppositories in the treatment of anal fissure, because they have a local effect, and the active substances are able to penetrate into the most distant places where it is impossible to reach with ointment. The best and most famous suppositories that doctors prescribe for anal fissure include:

  • Ultraproct, which in addition to the healing and analgesic effect, relieves the inflammatory process
  • Posterizan, which in addition to the healing and analgesic effect, increases immune strength
  • Natalsid, which can stop bleeding
  • Proctosan
  • Relief
  • Suppositories with propolis

Only a doctor can prescribe one or another suppository, based on the individual characteristics of the body, as well as how advanced the disease is.


For anal fissure: Proctosedyl

This drug is one of the most popular and in demand during the treatment of anal fissure. It is able to relieve not only the symptoms, but also eliminate the cause in a short period of time.

The main active ingredient in Ultraproct is fluocortolone, which is a glucocorticosteroid. Thanks to its action, the permeability of the vascular walls is significantly reduced, which leads to a decrease in swelling and itching.

In addition, suppositories promote rapid healing of trena, as they trigger regenerative processes. And if everything is more or less clear about the prescription of the drug, then it is necessary to say separately about the contraindications that must be adhered to, because the drug contains hormones. So, the main contraindications include:

  1. Syphilitic processes in the rectum
  2. Pregnancy, especially the first trimester, since at this stage all the baby’s organs are formed. And unnecessary exposure to the hormones contained in Ultraproct can only disrupt this.
  3. You need to use candles 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening. It is very important to go to the toilet before using the suppositories, since due to rapid bowel movements after using the medicine, it simply will not have any effect.

Relief candles

Relief suppositories are complex preparations that not only relieve swelling, but also eliminate itching and promote rapid tissue healing. Today there are several varieties of Relief candles. Each of them differs in their spectrum of action, but generally speaking, they are intended for topical use during the treatment of hemorrhoids and anal fissure.

The main advantage of these suppositories, relative to all others, is that they are quite small in size, which makes insertion easier and does not cause any unnecessary discomfort. True, the list of contraindications for this drug is much longer than all the others. It is strictly forbidden to use them if:

Prevention of psoriasis on the hands

Prevention of the disease includes patient compliance with recommendations on daily routine, skin care and nutrition.

Psoriasis on the hands is best treated in the early stages of the pathological process. It is impossible to completely cure this process, since under the influence of any factors a relapse may begin. But if maintenance treatment is carried out periodically, remission for a long time is quite possible. At the same time, the person lives life to the fullest and does not remember relapses.

Which ointment to choose

Only a professional dermatologist should decide which ointment to treat psoriasis. His task is to choose the safest and at the same time effective drug. For more than 25 years, the PsorMak clinic has been practicing treatment with ointment against psoriasis, made according to the original recipe. There are no hormonal components in the composition, which provides the product with the following advantages:

  • Possibility of use by children and pregnant women;
  • absence of withdrawal and addiction syndrome;
  • mild impact without provoking relapses;
  • no contraindications.

But our specialists understand that even the most effective ointment for the treatment of psoriasis must be suitable for the patient. Therefore, before prescribing, we make sure to conduct a complete diagnosis.

In addition, an integrated approach is important in the treatment of psoriasis.
In this regard, our dermatologists develop an individual diet for the patient, and, if necessary, provide a referral for acupuncture and psychotherapy. If you want to achieve a long-term relapse and stop struggling with unpleasant symptoms every day, sign up for a consultation at PsorMac and we will select an individual treatment regimen for you. April 27, 2020
Author of the article: dermatologist Mak Vladimir Fedorovich

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