Biorevitalization of the face - what it is and why it needs to be done

Biorevitalization of the face - what it is and why it needs to be done 05/07/2019 08:58

Wrinkles and dull skin - these problems begin to haunt many after 25 - 30 years, and with age the situation only gets worse. How to get rid of these troubles without resorting to expensive and dangerous surgical operations? With the help of biorevitalization - a modern and safe injection technique for restoring youth and beauty. It allows not only to slow down the aging process, but also, with regular maintenance therapy, to achieve a significant rejuvenation effect.

Where to contact in Moscow

As you can see, the procedure is not complicated, but in order for it to be painless, have no negative consequences, and only a good result, it must be carried out exclusively by a professional.

The Moscow Center for Aesthetic Medicine “VIRTUSCLINIC” carries out biorevitalization of the skin of the hands at a high level. The employees working here have the necessary education, knowledge and experience in carrying out this and other cosmetic procedures; diplomas and certificates can be viewed in the “About Us” section.

The center uses the best techniques and certified drugs from well-known companies. Each patient is guaranteed special treatment and attention. VIRTUSCLINIC specialists will make your stay here pleasant and useful, with the best result - beautiful hands with healthy, young skin.

The essence of the method

While a person is young, hyaluronic acid is synthesized in his body in sufficient quantities up to 25 years, regulating water balance, the production of collagen and elastin and maintaining tissues in ideal condition. When growth ends and a person enters the stage of maturity, the production of hyaluronic acid gradually decreases. This process can be accelerated by external and internal factors: diseases, smoking, stress, unfavorable environment. As a result, the first signs of aging become noticeable before the age of thirty.

Anti-aging creams do not provide sufficient effect, because... active substances are not able to penetrate deep into the skin due to the natural barrier - the epidermis, which protects the body from any external influence.

To solve this problem, cosmetologists used a simple and time-tested method - subcutaneous injections. Since 2001, the method began to be used in the field of cosmetology.

The procedure involves injecting hyaluronic acid or cocktails containing it under the skin to a depth of no more than 2 mm. The manipulation is carried out using a very thin needle, which makes it low-traumatic and does not require a long period of rehabilitation.

Cause of aging

There is a concept of “age hands”. This is impossible not to notice, since their skin is very dry and collects folds and wrinkles. In addition, blood vessels protrude strongly and pigment spots appear.

A number of factors lead to such changes:


The skin on the hands is very thin, poorly protected, there are very few sebaceous glands, which causes it to be dry.


The anatomical mobility of tissues causes the appearance of wrinkles. Therefore, representatives of professions such as jewelers, gardeners, and doctors are at risk of premature aging of hands.


Unregulated exposure to ultraviolet rays destroys collagen and promotes the formation of free radicals.


Changes in air temperature and hypothermia contribute to capillary spasms, the blood supply to the skin is disrupted, and it ceases to receive normal nutrition.


Physical labor without the use of gloves.


Exposure to household chemicals.


Biological processes in the body. With age, a person's muscles become thinner, veins and joints become more visible, and a lack of hormones causes pigmentation. This is especially noticeable in the condition of the hands.

Biorevitalization is not fillers

Despite the fact that both procedures use the same active

substance, and one method of administration, their essence is completely different and the effect on the skin is also radically different.

Fillers are viscous substances based on high concentrations of hyaluronic acid, designed to fill voids under the skin in the wrinkle area and correct proportions. Such procedures are classified as contour plastic methods.

Biorevitalization is essentially closer to therapeutic methods, because its goal is to activate the deep processes occurring in the body itself. It stimulates the natural production of elastin and collagen. As a result, skin tone increases, its color improves, and wrinkles are eliminated.

These methods are not a replacement for each other, but work perfectly in pairs, allowing you to achieve an amazing rejuvenation effect.


In order for the results of hand rejuvenation to last as long as possible, you must adhere to the following lifestyle:

1. Wear protective gloves when dealing with water, household chemicals, soil, etc.

2. Maintain vascular health with general strengthening methods, medications.

3. Constantly use moisturizing and nourishing hand creams, make rejuvenating and restorative masks at least once a week.

4. Use sunscreen during the hot season, and be sure to wear gloves outside during the cold season.

5. Handle sharp and hot objects with care to avoid injury.

6. Monitor your general health.

7. Eat right.

8. Do not neglect walks in the fresh air and sports.

What problems does biorevitalization solve?

Injections of hyaluronic acid solve most existing problems with the skin of the face, neck and décolleté, especially with age-related aging:

  1. Wrinkles. Many girls notice their appearance already at the age of 30, and some even earlier. This may be due to the individual characteristics of the body, heredity, poor lifestyle, excessive exposure to the sun, dry and hot climate. All these factors lead to a decrease in the natural content of hyaluronic acid and have a destructive effect on the skin. Replenishing the water balance allows you to eliminate fine wrinkles, improve complexion and even out skin texture. The effect is enhanced by multiple microtraumas resulting from punctures. They stimulate the natural production of hyaluronic acid.
  2. Dehydrated skin, dull or uneven complexion. They are another manifestation of the consequences described in the previous paragraph. Injections help saturate the skin with moisture and other biological substances necessary for its normal functioning. Thanks to this, the skin tone is evened out, pigmentation and dark circles under the eyes disappear.
  3. Oily, porous skin. Characterized by increased shine and frequent inflammation. Injections cope with this problem by normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, reducing pores, evening out and improving complexion.
  4. Cuperosis is a vascular network, which can be either a manifestation of the innate characteristics of the body or a consequence of the onset of withering, thinning of the skin and the fat layer underneath it. After just a few biorevitalization sessions, the vessels become less noticeable and disappear completely over time.

The procedure gives excellent results during periods of rehabilitation after peelings and plastic surgeries.

Features of injection rejuvenation of the delicate area of ​​​​the hands: the doctor explains

The skin of the hands is considered to be a marker of aging. Research shows that you can estimate people's age with an accuracy of up to 5 years just by looking at their hands. Even the term “Madonna syndrome” appeared due to the discrepancy between the aging of the face and hands of the popular pop singer. Thanks to the use of modern rejuvenation methods, her face looks much younger, but her hands betray her real age. Facial biorevitalization is one of the most popular procedures in modern cosmetology, but this procedure is also successfully used to eliminate age-related changes in the hand area. Natalia Malichenko , a dermatocosmetologist and methodologist in the medical information section of TOTIS, will talk about the features of the rejuvenation (biorevitalization) procedure for the skin of the hands

  1. Causes and features of aging of the skin of the hands. What is the skin like in this area?
  2. The effect of biorevitalization of hands
  3. How is the procedure done?
  4. How painful is it and how is the procedure tolerated by the patient?
  5. How long does it take for the effect to be noticeable?
  6. Possible complications and emergency measures to eliminate them
  7. What professional procedures are good to combine hand biorevitalization with? Alternative rejuvenation methods
  8. Supportive home care after biorevitalization. Recommendations for the use of home skin care products

Causes and features of aging of the skin of the hands. What is the skin like in this area?

The skin on the back of the hands has a special structure, for this reason involutional changes in this area occur quite early. The epidermis is thin, with a low moisture content and surface fats in the stratum corneum, a small number of sebaceous glands in the thinned dermis, and small reserves of subcutaneous fat lead to the fact that the skin in this area ages earlier than in other parts of the body. The skin of the hands constantly suffers from external factors, resulting in changes affecting all anatomical structures of the skin of the hands:

  • Externally, the skin is covered with wrinkles, looks thinner, and less elastic. The destruction of melanocytes causes pigmentation, lentigines, and keratoses;
  • The quantity and quality of collagen and elastin decreases, and the ability to regenerate decreases. Foci of elastosis form;
  • The elasticity of the capillaries decreases, they become fragile, which leads to the formation of pinpoint hemorrhages;
  • In deep integumentary tissues, fatty atrophy contributes to the visualization of ligaments, joints, and veins.

Minimally invasive methods for correcting involutional changes in the hands allow us to obtain a predictable effective result with a minimal rehabilitation period.

The effect of biorevitalization of hands

With age, the activity of fibroblasts slows down, the amount of hyaluronic acid produced decreases, and at the same time the amount of moisture in the skin. This leads to a decrease in skin turgor and the formation of wrinkles. The main property of hyaluronic acid is its ability to retain water in the dermis. Hyaluronic acid is a component that is found naturally in the skin. The properties of HA are very diverse and important: water retention, ensuring metabolic processes in the skin, participation in regeneration processes and immune defense, and a protective mechanical role. To replenish the deficiency of HA in the skin, there is an effective cosmetic procedure - biorevitalization. It is successfully used to treat age-related changes in the face, neck, décolleté, intimate areas and the whole body.

What is the essence of this technique? This rejuvenation procedure involves intradermal injection of a drug based on hyaluronic acid, which in its chemical structure is completely identical to the hyaluronic acid in our skin.

Hyaluronic acid injections promote deep hydration. HA molecules naturally merge with the surrounding tissue, so such injections are completely biologically compatible.

Biorevitalizants normalize the functioning of melanocytes (pigment cells), due to which the skin brightens. The first thing the patient sees after the procedure is immediate skin hydration. Then, HA introduced from the outside acts on special fibroblast receptors, stimulating the synthesis of collagen fibers, elastin and native hyaluronic acid. The structure of the skin subject to age-related changes is restored. As a result, skin turgor increases and it becomes less vulnerable to external influences. The effect after biorevitalization is persistent, although it does not develop immediately. Biorevitalization of the skin of the hands can restore lost moisture and elasticity. Externally, this is manifested by compaction and thickening of the dermis - fine wrinkles disappear, deep wrinkles decrease.

How is the procedure done?

Stages of the procedure:

  • Preparation / Cleansing (I use INNOAESTHETICS Soft Cleanser or INNOAESTHETICS Deep Cleanser);
  • Local anesthesia with AG Cream. This stage is optional and depends on the preferences of the doctor and the patient;
  • disinfection with an antiseptic (Chlorhexidine);
  • Procedure (I use Saypha Rich (Croma) or Ialest (Mastelli));
  • Applying a soothing cream (My favorites are Turnover crema (Mastelli), Skin Repair (INNOAESTHETICS), Refresh Mask (INNOAESTHETICS), Similcare (Simildiet)).

How painful is it and how is the procedure tolerated by the patient?

The procedure is well tolerated by patients. In patients who have a reduced pain threshold, a local anesthetic cream can be used to minimize discomfort.

How long does it take for the effect to be noticeable?

The effect will be noticeable immediately after the first procedure: the skin will be moisturized and small wrinkles will be smoothed out. However, to achieve a sustainable effect, it is necessary to carry out a course, which consists of an average of 3-4 procedures, depending on the drug, age and condition of the patient’s skin. Such courses can be conducted 1-2 times a year.

Possible complications and emergency measures to eliminate them

Types of complications that may arise during biorevitalization:

  • Allergic reaction (which is rare). If it develops, glucocorticosteroids have good effectiveness, which can be applied topically, injected into the lesion or orally for 2-3 weeks;
  • Pinpoint hematomas, which can be avoided by applying vitamin K cream ( Anti Couperose Cream Dr. Spiller ), twice a day, 5 days before the procedure and 5 days after. 10 days before the procedure, the patient should stop taking aspirin and other anti-inflammatory drugs.

What professional procedures are good to combine hand biorevitalization with? Alternative rejuvenation methods

Hand skin correction methods often involve a set of procedures, which includes: the use of peelings, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, and volumization. For many patients, non-injection hand rejuvenation can be recommended using salon procedures.

Supportive home care after biorevitalization. Recommendations for the use of home skin care products

Home care should be regular. After biorevitalization, you can maintain the effect with the following means:

  • Hand and Nail cream (Mastelli) with nucleotides and hyaluronic acid - prevents aging processes, deeply moisturizes.
  • Hand Care cream (Simildiet) with peptides is a product designed for skin with signs of photoaging.
  • Sensicura Hand Cream (Dr. Spiller) – cream for very sensitive skin.
  • Gaoxing Hand Cream (Dr. Spiller) with essential oils of jasmine, lychee, perilla - for inflamed skin.
  • Magico Hand Cream (Dr. Spiller) with mimosa extract – for aged and atonic skin.
  • Manaru Hand Cream (Dr. Spiller) with hibiscus and white orchid – strengthens the vascular wall.

Stages of the biorevitalization procedure

The procedure does not require special preparation. The only preliminary measure may be a test for an allergic reaction, in case of an individual predisposition to it.

Treatment of one zone takes approximately 10-15 minutes. Duration

session depends on the number of zones that will be exposed. Regardless of the duration of the procedure, it always follows the same scenario:

  1. The specialist examines the patient's skin, checking its condition for inflammation, damage and skin diseases. Based on his observations and wishes of the client, he selects a drug for injection.
  2. An antiseptic and anesthetic are applied to the skin. The injections are not overly painful, so they are easily tolerated by most patients, but with increased sensitivity, the anesthetic will provide comfort, especially when treating sensitive areas: the chin, cheekbones, the area around the eyes and between the eyebrows.
  3. At the end of the procedure, the skin is again treated with an antiseptic. You can finish here, but you can carry out additional procedures, for example, applying a collagen mask, which will be especially effective after the session.

After biorevitalization, it is not advisable to visit the sauna, bathhouse or solarium, or sunbathe for several days. It is also recommended to give up sports training for three days, because... increased stress and active work of the sweat glands can lead to inflammation at the puncture sites.

Typically, one course consists of three to five sessions, between which there is a break of two to four weeks. To prolong the effect, it is recommended to do maintenance procedures every three to four months.

How to care for your skin after biorevitalization

After rejuvenating therapy, it is necessary to create gentle conditions for 2–3 days. To avoid complications, it is recommended to protect the treated areas from exposure to direct sunlight. Therefore, before going outside, you need to lubricate your face with sunscreen and wear a wide-brimmed hat on your head. It is also advisable to protect your skin from sudden temperature changes and avoid visiting a solarium, bathhouse, sauna, or swimming pool.

In the first days after biorevitalization, it is prohibited to apply decorative cosmetics to the face, perform scrubs, peelings and other aggressive traumatic procedures. There are restrictions on the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol abuse accelerates the removal of hyaluronic acid from tissues and reduces the effect of the procedure to nothing. During the recovery period, it is advisable to limit physical activity.

Contraindications to the procedure

Despite the safety of biorevitalization, there are a number of conditions and diseases for which it is contraindicated:

  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Diabetes.
  3. Blood diseases.
  4. Pregnancy and lactation.
  5. Exacerbation of herpes.
  6. Immune diseases.
  7. Skin disease and inflammatory processes.
  8. Allergic reactions and individual intolerance to components.
  9. Taking anticoagulants.
  10. Viral infections and fever.

It is also undesirable to give injections in extreme heat. This may cause side effects.

Side effects

The procedure is low-traumatic and the unpleasant effects after it are temporary and pass quickly. Side effects may include:

  • papules - appear at puncture sites and dissolve very quickly, leaving no traces;
  • hematomas - can appear in people with fragile blood vessels. They also disappear without a trace within a few days;
  • erythema and swelling - redness of the skin caused by an intense rush of blood to the affected area. It happens to everyone and goes away quickly. It is a sign of activation of regenerative processes in the skin;
  • soreness. The skin has undergone multiple injuries, so a slight painful reaction is normal.

Usually all unpleasant phenomena disappear within two days, depending on individual characteristics. If after this time they do not disappear or their intensity increases, be sure to consult a doctor.

Video of the biorevitalization procedure

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By doing biorevitalization of the face, neck, and décolleté areas, we get an effect that will please not only you???? but also those around you! Your girlfriends will babble with envy, thinking that you are definitely not telling them something about personal happiness! Gloomy workdays will turn into sunny happy days! Love yourself, are you worth it???????? . Effects of biorevitalization: ???? elimination of wrinkles, sagging skin, skin ptosis; ???? restoration of skin firmness, density and elasticity; ???? improvement of skin color; ???? smoothing skin texture; ???? reducing the intensity of skin hyperpigmentation; ???? restoration of skin structure and its restoration! . Save this post, and one day you will definitely have someone to call to improve your mood❤️ . . ???? +7(383)383-23-90 ???? klinikanovayaline.rf Residential complex Oasis St. Leskova, 29

Publication from LASER EPILATION | INJECTIONS (@clinic_newline_kosmetologiya) Oct 7, 2022 at 6:22 PDT

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????All dissatisfaction with your skin condition begins in the morning.. ????At lunchtime you put up with the words: “well, it’s okay”???? ????In the evening we washed our face and realized that we need to do something about it???????? . We offer you a biorevitalization course for only 7500 rubles instead of 8950 rubles!! . With love and care for you, New Line clinic ❤️ . . *there are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist! . . Residential complex Oasis St. Leskova, 29 ????+7(383)383-23-90 ????clinicanovayaline.rf

Publication from LASER EPILATION | INJECTIONS (@clinic_newline_kosmetologiya) Jun 19, 2022 at 7:11 PDT

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A must for summer! And also, before going on vacation, it is advisable to have time to do 1-2 procedures in order to prepare the skin for sun exposure???? After your vacation, make an appointment with your doctor to prescribe restorative care! . . With love and care for you, New Line clinic ❤️ . . *there are contraindications, you need to consult a specialist! . . Residential complex Oasis St. Leskova, 29 ????+7(383)383-23-90 ????clinicanovayaline.rf

Publication from LASER EPILATION | INJECTIONS (@clinic_newline_kosmetologiya) May 21, 2022 at 6:27 PDT

Prices for biorevitalization

Appointment with a cosmetologist

*On the day of the procedure, consultation with a cosmetologist is free! The promotion does not apply to cosmetologists Ph.D.

Initial appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 1 500₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with a cosmetologist, repeated1 000₽
Appointment (examination, consultation) with cosmetologist K.M.N. primary. On the day of the procedure, the consultation is free! 3 500₽


*MESO-AI C71 (1.0 ml)17 500₽
*BELOTERO HYDRO (1.0 ml)12 000₽
*NITIA (70 mg) intradermal implant27 000₽
*MESO-WARTON (1.5 ml)18 000₽
*MESO-XANTHINE (1.5 ml)17 000₽
*MESOSCALP (1.0 ml)15 000₽
*NEWVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe (1 ml)12 000₽
*NEWVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe (2.5 ml)18 000₽
*NEUVIA Organic Hydro Deluxe Ex El (5 ml)25 000₽
*PROFILE (2 ml)25 000₽
*PROFILE (2×2ml.)47 000₽
*TEOSIAL REDNESS I (1 ml)15 000₽
*REVI Silk (1 ml)17 000₽
*REVI Silk (2 ml)24 000₽
*REVI Strong (1 ml)20 000₽
*REVI (Periorbital region) (1 ml))12 000₽
*Novacutan SBio (2ml.)19 000₽
*JUVEDERM VOLITE (1 ml.)20 000₽
*JUVEDERM VOLUX with lidocaine (1ml)23 000₽
( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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