Solutions to skin problems around the eyes without surgery: injection blepharoplasty

Injection blepharoplasty is a new, promising method for correcting aesthetic problems in the periorbital area (the area around the eyes), using drugs based on biomimetic peptides. This injection method is aimed at solving problems such as hernias of the upper and lower eyelids, and “dark circles.” This technique allows you to get rid of “bags” under the eyes, avoiding surgical intervention.

We now have several options for injectable products to solve skin problems around the eyes. Namely:

Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

The drug is designed specifically for the non-surgical removal of excess fatty tissue under and above the eyes. It's no secret that the skin around the eyes is extremely thin and vulnerable. It is in this area that signs of aging first appear and where side effects most quickly form after unsuccessful cosmetic procedures. To rejuvenate and treat such an area, it is necessary to use special products, for example, Dermaheal Eyebag Solution, an original development for eliminating wrinkles and puffy bags.

Blepharoplasty without incisions: myth or reality?

When it comes to removing eye hernias, many people shudder and imagine a scalpel and put off a visit to the doctor with all their might.

In fact, surgical blepharoplasty is indicated only in those rare cases when the problem is advanced.

The vast majority of patients with initial signs of a hernia (dark circles under the eyes, small bags) are suitable for injection blepharoplasty.

Composition and principle of action

How is the positive effect of using Eyebag Solution achieved? The developers assure that the components included in the drug are truly unique and have no analogues. It is they who form favorable changes in the current state of the problem. So, the main components of the product are the following peptides: Tripeptid 41, Nanopeptid 18, Oligopeptid 61, Oligopeptid.

Peptides help reduce subcutaneous fat, stimulate the natural production of collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin, which leads to strengthening of the skin, avoiding sagging soft tissues, hernia formation and eliminating wrinkles. Among other things, a complex of useful components makes thin skin denser, more elastic, brightening it from the inside. An additional advantage of Eyebag Solution is the ability to improve internal metabolic processes and lymph flow.

Treatment of eyelid hernia without surgery is usually carried out in two stages

On the first

Eyebag Solution biometric peptides are injected into the lower eyelid area, which dissolve bags under the eyes.
This stage, as a rule, includes two procedures, however, many get the desired result after a single injection

Second phase

– fixing. It consists of 3-4 procedures with Dark Circle Solution, which are carried out at intervals of a week. The purpose of this stage is to strengthen and thicken the skin of the eyelids, activate microcirculation in the lower eyelid area, and rid the eyes of facial wrinkles and dark circles.

Despite the apparent ease of the procedure, we strongly advise you not to give in to the temptation to “pay less” and get injections for bags under the eyes from a cosmetologist.

It is very important that the procedure is performed by a plastic surgeon who is well acquainted with the anatomical features of the lower eyelid: it is important to prevent the drug from getting into other areas.

Composition and principle of action

The result is achieved due to the fact that the product contains several active ingredients at once:

Biomimetic peptides (oligopeptide 24, oligopeptide 34 and decapeptide 4), which lighten dark areas, increase skin density and eliminate vascular disorders by activating lymph and blood circulation. In addition, biomimetic peptides enhance skin regeneration, increase the synthesis of elastin, collagen and the body's production of hyaluronic acid. The complex action of peptides leads to rapid rejuvenation of the skin under the eyes, and dark areas gradually lighten.

Licorice root extract strengthens capillary walls, stimulates water-salt metabolism, whitens and cleanses the skin.

Rice bran extract also has a whitening effect, stimulates regeneration and strengthens tissue, and its powerful antioxidant properties create reliable protection against free radicals - one of the causes of aging.

The product also contains arbutin, allantoin, and Morus alba (mulberry) bark extract, which stimulate tissue restoration and lightening.

Mesotherapy drug Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution for dark circles around the eyes!

The high-tech mesotherapy drug Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution (Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution) is the development of the leader in the market of nanopreparations for aesthetic medicine - the Caregen concern. South Korean biotechnologists have given the world a drug for highly effective elimination of dark circles under the eyes, restoration of blood supply and skin pigmentation in the periorbital zone.

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution mesococktail operates on the basis of unique bioimitable peptides; there is no analogue to the product yet. The injectable product noticeably brightens the skin around the eyes and permanently eliminates the “panda effect”.

Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution for radiant eyes

Dark spots under the eyes appear due to impaired microcirculation of blood in the vessels, due to excessive production of melanin, as a result of stress, constant lack of sleep, overwork and for a number of other reasons. All causes are effectively dealt with by Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution , which contains peptides that are 100% biocompatible with the human body. Biomimetic peptides act on the very nucleus of dermal cells, regulate the processes of their division and degeneration to whiten the skin near the eyes. The formula includes 3 biopeptides:

  1. Oligopeptide-34 TGP2 – stops the process of excessive melanin secretion, which is the main cause of unaesthetic circles under the eyes. The bioimitated peptide effectively treats age spots and thereby makes the skin around the eyes much lighter.
  2. Oligopeptide-24 EDP3 - eliminates the second common cause of dark spots in the periorbital area, namely: it acts on the blood supply system, catalyzes and normalizes microcirculation, strengthens blood vessels.
  3. Decapeptide-4 IDP2 – improves the quality of the dermis in the most delicate area, tightens pores by stimulating the production of elastin and collagen.

The unique formula of Dermahil Dark Circle Solution is supplemented with natural extracts of rice bran and licorice root. These ingredients are perfectly combined and integrated with biomimetic peptides, help strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, cleanse and whiten the skin, and renew dermal tissue in the periocular area.

The balanced composition of the meso-cocktail guarantees the elimination of the “panda effect” for a period of 3 to 6 months , depending on the number of sessions performed and the initial condition of the problem area of ​​the face.

Benefits of choosing Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution

When developing Dermahil Dark Circle Solution, South Korean bioengineers took into account all possible factors leading to deterioration in the quality of the skin under the eyes. The innovative mesopreparation renews the dermis at the cellular level and is not addictive. The solution contains only highly purified, fully biocompatible ingredients , so no rehabilitation is required after injection.

Who should use Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution?

The revolutionary meso-cocktail Dermahil Dark Circle Solution copes well with dark periorbital circles in patients who have increased pigmentation, impaired blood microcirculation, genetic predisposition or lead an unhealthy lifestyle. The solution is recommended for use by clients over the age of 30, but there are no strict restrictions.

Dermahil Dark Circle Solution is an ideal solution that is guaranteed to help:

  • Improve blood flow under the eyes, completely or partially removing spots near the eyes,
  • Minimize the risk of new growths appearing under the eyes by reducing and stabilizing melanin production,
  • Renew and rejuvenate the skin of the periorbital zone, increase density,
  • Stimulate the blood supply to the dermis to improve the quality of the epidermis,
  • Give the skin around the eyes a radiant, healthy look
  • Normalize lymph flow and eliminate other causes of spots.

Dermahil Dark Circle Solution is injected exclusively into the periorbital zone; in addition to its main purpose, it can help smooth out superficial wrinkles.

Precautions and contraindications

Despite the fact that Dermaheal Dark Circle Solution is intended to correct the most sensitive and delicate area of ​​the face, the injection session is almost painless, with a minimum number of reactions - redness, small hematomas and mild swelling disappear within 1 week.

Dermahil Dark Circle Solution is not administered if:

  • the presence of permanent filler and other cosmetic solutions in the layers of the dermis,
  • predisposition to allergies to any of the ingredients of the nanomedicine,
  • tendency to develop keloids and deep scars,
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding,
  • the presence of malignant tumors,
  • inflammation of the skin at the injection site,
  • diabetes mellitus, autoimmune and infectious diseases,
  • elevated body temperature,
  • exacerbation of systematic, somatic diseases.

To avoid pain for the client, the specialist pre-treats the injection areas with local analgesics.

After each cosmetic session, you must avoid visiting spas, swimming pools, solariums, beaches and gyms for 1-2 weeks, and peeling and aggressive makeup products should also be avoided for 7-10 days.

Manufacturer: Caregen Co. LTD, South Korea

Cost of the procedure using 1.5 ml. drug 2500 rub.

The course of mesotherapy depends on the initial condition of your skin. In standard cases, we recommend undergoing three procedures, alternating them with a week's rest. The maximum number of procedures per course of treatment is about 10.

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How to use

How is Dermaheal Eyebag Solution used to correct the eye area? Most often, the drug is used for a procedure such as mesotherapy. Injections of the product are carried out to a shallow depth, up to approximately 2 millimeters. Before the session begins, the skin is pre-cleansed and treated with an antiseptic composition, then an anesthetic cream is applied to the problem area, the main task of which is to relieve pain. Within 40-60 minutes, while local anesthesia continues to work, the specialist makes numerous injections using a strong but very thin needle. The first positive changes become noticeable after the first visit to a specialist; pronounced results are assessed approximately 7-10 days after the end of the full course.

If you do not accept injections, then the non-surgical technique of introducing the composition will certainly appeal to you. Simplified blepharoplasty in this case is carried out using ultrasonic waves. A procedure of this nature usually consists of the following steps:

  • Skin cleansing (Simplies the dermis' sensitivity to peptides).
  • Application of drug D
  • Treatment of a specific area using a device with a nozzle emitting ultrasonic pulses. Under their influence, microscopic particles of the composition penetrate through the pores to a certain depth and ensure the normalization of internal processes.


Of course, there are cases in which the use of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution is contraindicated. For the most part, such restrictions are caused not by the composition itself, but by the method of its introduction into the body. Thus, injection mesotherapy and non-surgical techniques (for example, ultrasound described above) are not used for rejuvenation when:

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • serious diseases (oncology, diabetes);
  • feverish conditions and elevated body temperature;
  • acute course of any disease.

Result after administration of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution

Indications for use

So, let's talk about in what cases cosmetologists prefer to use this particular composition. As mentioned above, the Korean remedy is an excellent preparation for treating the skin around the eyes. At the same time, we should not forget that mesotherapy based on it can be used to rejuvenate and treat the skin of the entire face. Classic indications for the use of this composition include:

  • significant swelling, hernias, bags in the eye area;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • general skin fatigue (faded color, pigmentation, decreased tone).

Side effects

A negative reaction to the administration of Dermaheal Eyebag Solution is not associated with the drug itself, but with the process of its use. Reviews from many patients indicate that eye blepharoplasty using ultrasound waves is as gentle as possible and easily tolerated. So, after a course of therapy, no side effects are observed, except for mild redness. Special skin care is also not required.

Mesotherapy in the eye area using this drug is often more traumatic. The most common effects are mild swelling, redness, needle marks and bruising. Side effects go away on their own over time, but if you wish, you can speed up their disappearance with special ointments from the pharmacy or cool home compresses.

Manufacturing company

The original product called Dermaheal Eyebag Solution is produced by the famous Korean brand Caregen Co. Unfortunately, in our country, the products of this company have not yet received due recognition and popularity, however, in most European countries and the Asian region, reviews of its effectiveness are more than impressive.

The manufacturing company not only sells cosmetic products, but also conducts active scientific research, trying to create the most effective and safe product. This product is used primarily for the work of professionals (mesotherapy is based on it) and is not used at home.

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