Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) – peptides for the skin around the eyes

Many people have heard about what biological agents are, their features and advantages. But specialized niche products of this group, intended for specific areas of the face, appeared relatively recently and raise many natural questions.

Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) is an injection drug for the eyelids and area around the eyes. Its active components are focused primarily on strengthening blood vessels and normalizing metabolism, and also contribute to hydration and overall improvement of skin quality. Who is this cosmetic novelty for? At what age is it advisable to use it and is it worth the money? What are the contraindications and side effects? analyzes in detail all available information:

Information about the manufacturer and seller

  • The development and sale of Mesoai gel is carried out by the American company ABG LAB LLC, which specializes in the creation of injectable and external cosmetics based on synthetic peptides. In our country, it is well known for such sensational products as Meso-Wharton P199, Meso-Xanthin F199 and MesoSculpt C71.
  • The drug is produced in South Korea, at the plant of BNC Korea, Inc. – it produces several lines of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, mainly for the domestic market and is little known outside its country. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the interests of ABG LAB are represented by the company PremierPharm (“Premier Pharm”). It has exclusive rights to sell all the products of its American partner, and also conducts training seminars on them for cosmetologists.
  • In 2016, Mesoeye C71 was registered by Roszdravnadzor as a “gel-implant for intradermal administration” (registration No. RZN 2016/4773), which fully complies with the current requirements for the legal registration of fillers and other products for injection cosmetology.
  • In the foreign segment of the Internet, there are practically no significant mentions of this and other drugs produced by ABG LAB - thus, we can conclude that the company is focused exclusively on the Russian market. This in itself is neither good nor bad, but for obvious reasons this nuance is not further advertised anywhere.

Composition and principle of action

Mesoai belongs to the group of bioreparants and is intended for correction of the periorbital area (around the eyes) without surgical intervention. The main reasons for the rapid aging of this area:

  • Very thin skin with virtually no fatty tissue - because of this, it is almost always overdried, which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • A large number of blood and lymphatic vessels, physiologically predisposed to fluid retention. As a result, there is a tendency to swelling (“bags”) and an unhealthy dark color (“bruises under the eyes”).

Injections have a complex effect on these problematic factors in several areas:

  • strengthening the walls of arteries, arterioles and capillaries;
  • increasing the tone of small veins, stimulating lymphatic drainage;
  • elimination of dryness and preventive moisturizing of the skin;
  • protection against a special type of damage - glycation, when under the influence of glucose collagen and elastin fibers gradually lose their elasticity. This leads to the appearance of external signs of sagging skin, and in addition, it becomes extremely resistant to any aesthetic procedures;
  • Since in the early stages glycation is considered a reversible process, with minor assumptions it can be assumed that Mesoai not only protects protein fibers, but also restores them.

Unlike injection products containing only hyaluronic acid, the effect in this case is more complex and is due to the action of three main active components at once:

  • PeriOrbital Peptide XP2 is a patented synthetic peptide, the main property of which is the normalization of the condition of blood vessels. Relieves spasm of arteries, dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation in tissues. Also, it normalizes the tone of the veins and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall to fluid, which leads to the outflow of blood from the tissues of the periorbital area. It is also “responsible” for eliminating the consequences of glycation in the skin;
  • Hexapeptide 17 - another peptide, according to promises, in other words - promotes the gradual resorption of edema and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • DRMC complex is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a density of 0.4%, as well as more than 50 amino acids and microelements that help moisturize, tighten and generally improve the condition of the skin. Most of them have proven effectiveness and are regularly used in a variety of cosmetic preparations, mainly in mesotherapy cocktails.

Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) – peptides for the skin around the eyes

Many people have heard about what biological agents are, their features and advantages. But specialized niche products of this group, intended for specific areas of the face, appeared relatively recently and raise many natural questions.

Mesoeye C71 (Mesoeye) is an injection drug for the eyelids and area around the eyes. Its active components are focused primarily on strengthening blood vessels and normalizing metabolism, and also contribute to hydration and overall improvement of skin quality. Who is this cosmetic novelty for? At what age is it advisable to use it and is it worth the money? What are the contraindications and side effects? analyzes in detail all available information:

↑ Information about the manufacturer and seller

  • The development and sale of Mesoai gel is carried out by the American company ABG LAB LLC, which specializes in the creation of injectable and external cosmetics based on synthetic peptides. In our country, it is well known for such sensational products as Meso-Wharton P199, Meso-Xanthin F199 and MesoSculpt C71.
  • The drug is produced in South Korea, at the plant of BNC Korea, Inc. – it produces several lines of fillers based on hyaluronic acid, mainly for the domestic market and is little known outside its country. On the territory of the Russian Federation, the interests of ABG LAB are represented by the company PremierPharm (“Premier Pharm”). It has exclusive rights to sell all the products of its American partner, and also conducts training seminars on them for cosmetologists.
  • In 2016, Mesoeye C71 was registered by Roszdravnadzor as a “gel-implant for intradermal administration” (registration No. RZN 2016/4773), which fully complies with the current requirements for the legal registration of fillers and other products for injection cosmetology.
  • In the foreign segment of the Internet, there are practically no significant mentions of this and other drugs produced by ABG LAB - thus, we can conclude that the company is focused exclusively on the Russian market. This in itself is neither good nor bad, but for obvious reasons this nuance is not further advertised anywhere.

↑ Composition and principle of action

Mesoai belongs to the group of bioreparants and is intended for correction of the periorbital area (around the eyes) without surgical intervention. The main reasons for the rapid aging of this area:

  • Very thin skin with virtually no fatty tissue - because of this, it is almost always overdried, which leads to the early appearance of wrinkles.
  • A large number of blood and lymphatic vessels, physiologically predisposed to fluid retention. As a result, there is a tendency to swelling (“bags”) and an unhealthy dark color (“bruises under the eyes”).

Injections have a complex effect on these problematic factors in several areas:

  • strengthening the walls of arteries, arterioles and capillaries;
  • increasing the tone of small veins, stimulating lymphatic drainage;
  • elimination of dryness and preventive moisturizing of the skin;
  • protection against a special type of damage - glycation, when under the influence of glucose collagen and elastin fibers gradually lose their elasticity. This leads to the appearance of external signs of sagging skin, and in addition, it becomes extremely resistant to any aesthetic procedures;
  • Since in the early stages glycation is considered a reversible process, with minor assumptions it can be assumed that Mesoai not only protects protein fibers, but also restores them.

Unlike injection products containing only hyaluronic acid, the effect in this case is more complex and is due to the action of three main active components at once:

  • PeriOrbital Peptide XP2 is a patented synthetic peptide, the main property of which is the normalization of the condition of blood vessels. Relieves spasm of arteries, dilates blood vessels, accelerates blood circulation in tissues. Also, it normalizes the tone of the veins and reduces the permeability of the vascular wall to fluid, which leads to the outflow of blood from the tissues of the periorbital area. It is also “responsible” for eliminating the consequences of glycation in the skin;
  • Hexapeptide 17 - another peptide, according to promises, in other words - promotes the gradual resorption of edema and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • DRMC complex is a high molecular weight hyaluronic acid with a density of 0.4%, as well as more than 50 amino acids and microelements that help moisturize, tighten and generally improve the condition of the skin. Most of them have proven effectiveness and are regularly used in a variety of cosmetic preparations, mainly in mesotherapy cocktails.

↑ Indications for use

A course of Mesoeye C71 injections will bring positive results in the following cases:

  • Age-related deterioration of the quality of the skin around the eyes, loss of firmness and elasticity, which cannot be restored by moisturizing toning procedures;
  • pastiness - a characteristic swelling of tissues, in which the eyelids become heavy, and the face may have a “tear-stained” appearance;
  • presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • persistent swelling around the eyes, if they are caused by impaired blood and lymph circulation;
  • small wrinkles on the skin of the eyelids and next to them, “crow’s feet”;
  • preparation for blepharoplasty and/or operations on the middle third of the face, as well as acceleration of rehabilitation after them.

In some advertising texts you can find a statement that the drug is able to correct periorbital hernias at an early stage of formation - however, based on the composition, this is absolutely impossible. In addition, even the representatives of Premier Pharm themselves do not support this thesis at the seminars they conduct.

The most pronounced aesthetic effect is observed in patients aged 40 years and older - in general, most of the ABG LAB product line is aimed at them. But which of us has not had dark circles under the eyes and other signs of overwork at a young age? Mesoeye has no age restrictions, since “bags”, pasty eyelids, and a network of dilated vessels often bother even very young women. Especially those who work a lot at the computer, get little rest and feel a lack of sleep - in this case, cosmetologists can recommend a full-fledged therapeutic course from the age of 25.

  • What is bioreparation, who is it indicated for and what other drugs are used for it?
  • Mesotherapy for the skin around the eyes - how to get the most from the procedure?

Mesoeye C71 injections combine well with almost any skincare, hardware and other cosmetic procedures, with the exception of traumatic peelings and polishings. The rejuvenating effect can be significantly enhanced if you combine bioreparation of the periorbital area with Botox, biorevitalizants, fillers, microcurrent therapy or massage. In addition, this drug is recommended for use in conjunction with ABG LAB’s “flagship” products – Meso-Wharton P199 and Meso-Xantin F199.

Photos before and after a course of three Mesoay procedures:

Condition of “bruises” before and 10 days after a single injection session:

↑ How the procedure is performed

Injections are performed by a cosmetologist in an isolated, sterile office. The process consists of several main stages:

  • Consultation. The specialist gets to know the patient, examines the condition of the soft tissues of her face, identifies indications and possible contraindications, determines the most effective method of administering the gel, the number of sessions per course and their frequency.
  • Skin preparation. It starts with removing makeup and impurities. Next, an anesthetic drug is applied. There are a large number of nerve fibers in the eyelid area, so Mesoai injections are quite painful. Typically, to make the procedure more comfortable, a lidocaine cream is enough to apply to the target area for about 20 minutes. When the desired degree of numbness is achieved, the doctor additionally treats the skin with an antiseptic, for example, miramistin. This allows you to avoid infection and purulent-inflammatory complications after injections.
  • Carrying out injections. The drug is administered intradermally in small portions, using one of the main mesotherapy techniques. Since the target area is small, the entire process takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Upon completion, the antiseptic solution is again applied to the skin. You can then apply an ice compress to it. The cosmetologist makes sure that there are no early side effects and gives recommendations for further care of the treated area, after which the patient can go home.

The first few days you will have to follow specific rules of behavior, in particular:

  • postpone visiting the pool in order not to introduce infection into the wounds at the site of skin punctures with a needle;
  • avoid any heat exposure so as not to provoke swelling;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation to prevent pigmentation;
  • For more details, see the article “Main limitations after biorevitalization.”

To obtain a pronounced lasting effect, the manufacturer recommends conducting courses of at least 3-6 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days, after which 1 maintenance procedure every six months will be sufficient. The results obtained last for up to two and a half years.

Condition of wrinkles around the eyes after 3 Mesoeye sessions (2 different patients):

↑ Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

Bioreparation using Mesoai is not carried out in the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug, local anesthesia and antiseptics;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • age under 18 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

The main side effects are related to the area where the drug is administered: when making injections around the eyes, it is easy to injure numerous vessels, which will lead to the appearance of bruises, small, but sometimes quite numerous. In addition, the inevitable swelling after injections persists in the eyelid area longer than in other areas of the face - up to 5-7 days.

There is currently no information about specific “side effects” and complications specifically after Mesoeye, however, the drug is characterized by all the main risks associated with “beauty injections”: infection, the appearance of lumps, lumps, etc. – for more details, see the article “Complications after contouring.”

↑ Conclusions

  • Mesoeye C71 is produced by a company whose products have been presented in our country for several years and are positively assessed by professional cosmetologists (see, for example, reviews of specialists about Meso-Warton). The drug is registered and sold in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; there is also no negative information about the official distributor.
  • Sales of this biorepair began relatively recently, so there are reviews from cosmetologists and patients about its practical use, nuances, side effects, etc. very little. We were also unable to find independent studies that would determine the extent of its effectiveness.
  • The high price deserves special attention - on average 15-16 thousand rubles per procedure - which is mainly due to the exploitation of the current trend (peptides) and the lack of direct analogues on the market. ABG LAB products are traditionally sold in the upper price segment, however, taking into account the novelty and little “testing” of this drug, the figures do not look very attractive.
  • We recommend Mesoeye C71 to those who are not strapped for money, are ready to test a promising new product in order to form their own opinion about it, and will not be too upset if the effect is not quite what the advertising texts promise. For those for whom the financial issue plays a significant role, it makes sense to pay attention to less expensive bioreparants and biorevitalizants with peptides, for example Dermaheal Eyebag Solution and Dark Circle Solution or Aquashine.

Indications for use

A course of Mesoeye C71 injections will bring positive results in the following cases:

  • Age-related deterioration of the quality of the skin around the eyes, loss of firmness and elasticity, which cannot be restored by moisturizing toning procedures;
  • pastiness - a characteristic swelling of tissues, in which the eyelids become heavy, and the face may have a “tear-stained” appearance;
  • presence of dark circles and bags under the eyes;
  • persistent swelling around the eyes, if they are caused by impaired blood and lymph circulation;
  • small wrinkles on the skin of the eyelids and next to them, “crow’s feet”;
  • preparation for blepharoplasty and/or operations on the middle third of the face, as well as acceleration of rehabilitation after them.

In some advertising texts you can find a statement that the drug is able to correct periorbital hernias at an early stage of formation - however, based on the composition, this is absolutely impossible. In addition, even the representatives of Premier Pharm themselves do not support this thesis at the seminars they conduct.

The most pronounced aesthetic effect is observed in patients aged 40 years and older - in general, most of the ABG LAB product line is aimed at them. But which of us has not had dark circles under the eyes and other signs of overwork at a young age? Mesoeye has no age restrictions, since “bags”, pasty eyelids, and a network of dilated vessels often bother even very young women. Especially those who work a lot at the computer, get little rest and feel a lack of sleep - in this case, cosmetologists can recommend a full-fledged therapeutic course from the age of 25.

Mesoeye C71 injections combine well with almost any skincare, hardware and other cosmetic procedures, with the exception of traumatic peelings and polishings. The rejuvenating effect can be significantly enhanced if you combine bioreparation of the periorbital area with Botox, biorevitalizants, fillers, microcurrent therapy or massage. In addition, this drug is recommended for use in conjunction with ABG LAB’s “flagship” products – Meso-Wharton P199 and Meso-Xantin F199.

What effect does the drug have?

The revolutionary feature of this drug is its powerful activation of metabolism. It eliminates the whole complex of changes associated with poor blood circulation, as well as lymph stagnation.

Mesoeye C71 contains unique peptides that immediately begin to act in the skin, protect it and eliminate age-related appearance problems:

  • restore the density and elasticity of elastin and collagen fibers,
  • lift and tighten the eyelids and area around the eyes,
  • eliminate dryness, perfectly moisturize the skin, create a revitalization effect,
  • improve microcirculation, lymphatic drainage,
  • strengthens capillary vessels,
  • eliminate bruises and bags under the eyes.

Mesoeye C71 acts not only on the signs, but also on the causes of aging, thinning and sagging skin.

How is the procedure performed?

Injections are performed by a cosmetologist in an isolated, sterile office. The process consists of several main stages:

  • Consultation. The specialist gets to know the patient, examines the condition of the soft tissues of her face, identifies indications and possible contraindications, determines the most effective method of administering the gel, the number of sessions per course and their frequency.
  • Skin preparation. It starts with removing makeup and impurities. Next, an anesthetic drug is applied. There are a large number of nerve fibers in the eyelid area, so Mesoai injections are quite painful. Typically, to make the procedure more comfortable, a lidocaine cream is enough to apply to the target area for about 20 minutes. When the desired degree of numbness is achieved, the doctor additionally treats the skin with an antiseptic, for example, miramistin. This allows you to avoid infection and purulent-inflammatory complications after injections.
  • Carrying out injections. The drug is administered intradermally in small portions, using one of the main mesotherapy techniques. Since the target area is small, the entire process takes no more than 10-15 minutes.
  • Upon completion, the antiseptic solution is again applied to the skin. You can then apply an ice compress to it. The cosmetologist makes sure that there are no early side effects and gives recommendations for further care of the treated area, after which the patient can go home.

The first few days you will have to follow specific rules of behavior, in particular:

  • postpone visiting the pool in order not to introduce infection into the wounds at the site of skin punctures with a needle;
  • avoid any heat exposure so as not to provoke swelling;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation to prevent pigmentation;

To obtain a pronounced lasting effect, the manufacturer recommends conducting courses of at least 3-6 sessions with an interval of 7-10 days, after which 1 maintenance procedure every six months will be sufficient. The results obtained last for up to two and a half years.

Contraindications, possible complications and side effects

Bioreparation using Mesoai is not carried out in the following cases:

  • allergy to the components of the drug, local anesthesia and antiseptics;
  • violation of blood clotting processes;
  • age under 18 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • acute or exacerbation of a chronic disease;
  • oncology;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

The main side effects are related to the area where the drug is administered: when making injections around the eyes, it is easy to injure numerous vessels, which will lead to the appearance of bruises, small, but sometimes quite numerous. In addition, the inevitable swelling after injections persists in the eyelid area longer than in other areas of the face - up to 5-7 days.

How the drug works

Since the skin around the eyes does not have subcutaneous fatty tissue, it is most actively exposed to negative external influences. And to eliminate the consequences of such exposure, a unique formula was developed. First, blood circulation is accelerated to improve internal repair and regenerative functions. Then excess fluid is removed to relieve inflammation and swelling. Next, protection is created for collagen, so wrinkles are smoothed out, the skin becomes elastic and taut. And at the last stage, active hydration occurs.


  • Mesoeye C71 is produced by a company whose products have been presented in our country for several years and are positively assessed by professional cosmetologists. The drug is registered and sold in full compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation; there is also no negative information about the official distributor.
  • Sales of this biorepair began relatively recently, so there are reviews from cosmetologists and patients about its practical use, nuances, side effects, etc. very little. We were also unable to find independent studies that would determine the extent of its effectiveness.
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