A drop of ointment in sweet depilation: why ingrown hairs appear after sugaring

At home, sugaring often fails because it does not completely remove hair, leaving behind prickly stumps.

Why this happens, what are the common mistakes in this procedure, and how to do everything correctly - we asked professional craftsmen about this.
Did you know?
Sugar and honey were used by Indian and Egyptian beauties to remove excess hair on the body back in ancient times. Cleopatra is considered the founder of sugaring.

What is this procedure?

Sugaring, or removing hair using caramel, is very popular among women. Moreover, they resort to this procedure not only because it is quick and convenient removal, but also practically painless. Today, girls apply sugar paste all over the body and even during eyebrow shaping, when it is necessary to remove fluff.

When sugaring, the desired result is achieved by applying a special paste to the skin and then removing it along with unnecessary hairs.

The benefits of the caramel procedure are as follows:

  • Fast and simple. You just need to apply the mixture to the skin and remove it along with the vegetation.
  • Economical. Caramel is prepared from simple and affordable ingredients that are always available at home. Therefore, there is no need to spend money on branded products. The main thing is to learn how to cook the mixture correctly.
  • No severe pain. Of all hair removal methods, sugaring is the most painless.
  • Additional care. After the procedure, the skin becomes soft and smooth. This is explained by the fact that caramel additionally scrubs the epidermis due to its stickiness.
  • Minimal amount of ingrowth. Since vegetation is removed in the direction of growth, the hair almost never breaks off, which prevents the problem of ingrown hairs.
  • Safety. The paste does not heat up to high temperatures and therefore there is no risk of getting burned.
  • No allergenicity. Almost no one has an allergic reaction to such a procedure, since the composition of the caramel is very simple and does not contain any dyes, preservatives or other impurities.

    The hairs will not disappear on their own. But they will be removed without any problems during repeated depilation.

Reasons for poor sugar depilation

Despite the benefits of sugaring, stubble after such depilation is a common occurrence in the first stages. This is due to uneven hair growth.

After sugaring hair removal, legs, as a rule, remain flawlessly smooth for several weeks, but in some cases, unpleasant prickliness persists after the procedure.

This is due to uneven hair growth when some of it is not long enough to stick to the sugar paste.

Occasionally, the cause of prickly hair is breaking off hairs. This usually goes away after the next devegetation session.

Using a razor makes this reason invisible, since the cut-through cover is completely shaved off by morning. During sugaring, only regrown hairs are removed, while a slight covering remains. At the same time, it is invisible to the eye, but noticeable upon contact, so there is no smoothness.

The effect of spiny legs is usually temporary.
After a few procedures, this moment disappears. It is important to be patient and follow all the specialist’s recommendations.

Dermatovenerologist, cosmetologist

Zhikhoreva Inna Viktorovna

6 years experience

A similar result appears not only after depilation, but also several days later. At this time, the body, left without a protective cover, begins to actively stimulate the growth of frozen bulbs, growing bald areas.

Such hairs on the skin look like black dots, and after a few days - stumps. For this reason, you should not give up sugaring, since after six months of constant manipulation this effect will disappear.

Sugar depilation is also dangerous because it breaks off hairs instead of completely eliminating them. This is due to:

  • The genetic structure of hair that is prone to breakage.
  • Unnaturally thin and dry skin.
  • Vitamin deficiency in the body. Vitamin deficiency leads to the leaving of stumps, hair loss on the head, deterioration of the epithelium and breaking of nails.
  • The presence of hard hair as a result of prolonged use of the razor. To obtain ideal smoothness in this case, four sessions are required at intervals of about three weeks. Therefore, it is forbidden to use a razor when sugaring.

Hand sugaring

Sugaring is considered the most suitable method of hand treatment.

However, the most common cause of prickly legs after sugar depilation is considered to be insufficient qualifications of the specialist. In such cases, the hairline breaks off significantly if:

  • The specialist did not familiarize the client with tips for preparing and cleaning the epithelium from hardened particles that complicate the exit of the follicle. At the same time, keratinized skin increases the pain of the procedure and significantly increases the risk of stump formation.
  • The technique of preparing the skin by a specialist who uses an ineffective degreasing lotion and does not change gloves is not maintained
  • There is no ability to use sugar paste, talc is applied incorrectly, or normal hair is not removed immediately.
  • The master removes the caramel with a cover that is not in accordance with the growth of vegetation, which ends in breaking off the hairs with further ingrowth.

Due to the unsatisfactory qualifications of the specialist, stubble remains even after the twentieth session of sugar depilation, so in this case it is necessary to find a professional master with extensive experience.

How is it carried out?

Before you start removing vegetation, you need to learn how to properly cook caramel paste. It is prepared from sugar, citric acid or juice, and water. Today there are quite a lot of different options for preparing sugar paste with various additions. For example, if you have sensitive skin, you can use sugar and exclude citric acid.

To make hair grow less, it is recommended to add walnuts. If you add a few drops of essential oil, the procedure will allow you to additionally care for the epidermis and make it more hydrated.

So, you need to prepare caramel as follows:

  • Dissolve 10 tbsp in a saucepan. sugar and 1 tbsp. l. hot water. The mixture should turn into syrup. Turn the stove on low so that the mixture does not burn.
  • As soon as the mass begins to change color to a darker, cognac color, you need to pour in 4 tbsp. lemon juice.
  • The caramel should have a honey tint, but a brown color indicates that the paste has been overcooked and is unlikely to be used to carry out the procedure efficiently.

Sugar paste has an active effect on the hair follicles, weakening them.
Once the caramel is cooked and cools to the desired temperature, you can begin to prepare the skin. To do this, it is recommended to take a hot shower. This will open the pores and make the hair removal process easier. Additionally, cleansing the skin and using a scrub will help improve the paste's adhesion and stickiness. As soon as the mass has cooled and becomes warm, you need to take a small piece and knead thoroughly. The paste will become creamy and bubblegum-like. It must be applied against the hair growth so that the product can grip and adhere well. After waiting a few seconds, remove the caramel with a sharp movement in the direction of growth, along with the vegetation. Afterwards, wash off the remaining sticky mass with water. Up to 90% of vegetation is removed in one application. In areas such as the bikini area, repeated application is not advisable as it may cause irritation. Individual areas and gaps will have to be removed using tweezers or an epilator.

Who should definitely try foot sugaring?

Sugaring does not have any indications for use. Using the paste, you can remove hair of any structure and thickness - light, gray or dark. After sugaring, many note that their legs become smooth, since the paste does not irritate the skin, but even takes care of it. Therefore, it is better to pay attention to contraindications in order to understand whether this removal method is suitable for a particular person.

What to do with spaces?

Usually, during sugaring, hair does not break off, since it is pulled out in the direction of growth. But it still happens. Why is this happening? When their structure is too thin and weakened, it cannot withstand tension and simply breaks. Compared to other methods of depilation, caramel manipulation is the most gentle and only 15% of all hair can break below the skin and subsequently lead to ingrown hairs. What to do in this case and how to minimize this problem? Experts recommend scrubbing the skin more often using medium-hard products. Coffee beans, sea salt or sugar are suitable for this. Removing the keratinized epidermis helps to lift the ingrown root and remove it during the next depilation. You can also use tweezers for single removal. With regular sugaring, the vegetation becomes less dense and the follicles are no longer so strongly strengthened. This makes depilation easier and there are no such strong problems with hair breaking off. In addition, the procedure itself becomes less frequent. Usually the effect lasts about a month. When using special products that inhibit growth, depilation with caramel will be carried out once every month and a half.

During sugar hair removal, hairs are pulled out in the direction of their growth, which does not interfere with their normal further development.

If, after sugaring, there are places with fluff residue, then some masters reapply sugar caramel for additional removal. Such manipulations are not recommended for those with sensitive skin, as this is an additional irritant. Choosing the right consistency and density of the paste will help minimize this problem. The fact is that too soft caramel does not completely cope with tough vegetation and leads to its breaking off due to poor-quality adhesion. For the bikini area and armpits, it is recommended to choose thick caramel. For softer vegetation - ultra-soft, soft or medium density.


Before your first sugaring, you need to understand that sometimes short hairs remain after treating the skin with “caramel.” Typically, ideal smoothness can be achieved after several sessions. After removal, be sure to use cosmetics that slow down hair growth. Other important components:

  • systematic procedures;
  • use of humidifiers;
  • scrubbing.

It is also necessary to use anti-ingrowth medications. If you follow the recommendations, the question of why stumps remain after sugaring will not arise. The first procedures are best done in the salon.

How to care after?

After completing the depilation process, skin care is equally important. This will remove irritation and comfortably endure the recovery period, because removing vegetation is still stressful for the epidermis. Experts recommend doing the following:

  • Do not wear synthetic underwear that fits tightly. It is better to give preference to light, loose cotton panties.
  • Do not visit baths and saunas, as increased moisture can lead to the development of inflammatory processes in open pores.
  • Do not sunbathe in the sun or in a solarium. Within 72 hours, the skin is very sensitive and thin after scrubbing, so ultraviolet rays can cause unwanted pigment spots to appear. Removing pigmentation takes a long time and is not always effective.
  • An increase in humidity may occur during sports activities, so you will also have to give it up for a while.
  • No hot tubs. Due to the entry of unnecessary bacteria into open pores, it is better to avoid such procedures.
  • During the 24-hour period during depilation, there is no need to use deodorants or other cosmetic products that contribute to the closing of pores and the development of inflammation.

    Have you noticed that ingrown hairs have appeared after sugaring? Then be patient and try to get rid of this disease yourself.

To reduce irritation, it is recommended to use special cosmetic lotions and tonics for the care of such skin. It is useful to apply a soothing cream to the skin after the procedure.

In between sugaring, apply lotion to reduce growth. With regular use, the hair becomes less dense and the interval between depilation procedures increases significantly.

Advantages of sugaring in the salon “U Malushi”

Why should you go to Malusha's salon?

  1. The salon employs the best cosmetologists who will quickly and efficiently carry out the hair removal procedure.
  2. Only the best professional cosmetics are used.
  3. Affordable prices for the service.
  4. The atmosphere in the salon is cozy and relaxing. All safety and sterility conditions are observed.

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Despite the harmlessness of sugaring, it still has a number of contraindications in which such self-care will need to be abandoned. These include:

  • Diabetes. Through open pores, sugar can penetrate inside, which negatively affects the health of such a disease.

In between sugaring, apply lotion to reduce growth

  • Acute viral disease (flu, herpes).
  • Cuts, scratches and abrasions on the skin.
  • Problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Phlebeurysm.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Furunculosis, psoriasis, eczema.

It is better to refuse depilation during the onset of menstruation, since at this time sensitivity and perception of pain increases. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, it is better to avoid such removal of unwanted vegetation. Pain can lead to uterine tone and miscarriage or loss of lactation. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the body, since for some such removal is not at all painful and is acceptable even during pregnancy.

Rina Klim


University: Kiev National University of Trade and Economics. Year of release: 2016.

Stages of foot sugaring

Stages of foot sugaring:

1. The master uses a special lotion or tonic that removes dirt, sweat and excess sebum.

2. The treated area is sprinkled with talcum powder. Thanks to it, the skin becomes completely dry.

3. Sugar paste is applied against hair growth in small portions. This method eliminates the occurrence of ingrown hairs and also reduces pain.

4. The technician removes the applied mixture. Removal occurs along the hairline.

5. After the unwanted hair is completely removed from the leg, the cosmetologist will apply cosmetics to the skin that will soothe it and slow down hair growth.

Complete sugaring of both legs takes on average 20-40 minutes.

Ingrown hairs

With any depilation method that involves removing the hair along with the root, the newly growing hairs turn out to be weaker than the removed ones. Often this leads to the fact that they cannot break through the skin, they curl under its cover and grow in.

There are 3 types of ingrown hairs:

  • in the form of black dots;
  • red with inflammation;
  • flat.

In order to avoid such problems, it is enough to follow 5 rules:

  • remove hair strictly in the direction of growth. This will avoid twisting of the follicles;
  • Take good care of your skin. It is necessary to clean the surface in a timely manner using peeling, scrubs and other methods. Acid-based products will help, as they loosen the top layer of skin, which makes it easier for softer new hair to grow;
  • Be sure to take care of your body after a shower. During water procedures, the hydrolipid layer is removed, the skin becomes dry, which prevents vegetation from developing naturally;
  • eliminate friction. Hairs often grow in where clothing fits tightly to the skin and rubs hard. Therefore, during the period of hair growth, it is better to wear looser clothes, it is better to use seamless underwear;
  • no need to pick or squeeze out ingrown hairs. If this is not done, then the hairs will not shift, otherwise the resulting defect may remain in this undesirable state for a long time.

In 90% of cases, proper care allows you to completely avoid the problem of ingrown hairs. Peeling, scrubbing and following the instructions of cosmetologists helps for this. However, if all this doesn't help, you may be one of the 10% of girls with particularly sensitive skin. In this case, more careful care will be required.

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