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Lumecca is a cutting-edge, next-generation device that uses intense pulsed light (IPL) to treat skin conditions (target skin problems) using selective photothermolysis. The essence of the method is that light penetrating the skin is selectively absorbed by the damaged chromophore (a substance that differs in color from the surrounding tissues), resulting in local heating and subsequent destruction (coagulation) of the damaged area.

Lumecca today provides the highest energy density for IPL devices and the shortest pulse time. Possessing a wide spectrum of light, the device (unlike lasers) allows you to select exactly that part of the spectrum that is necessary to influence specific chromophores.

Scope of application Lumecca


  • age-related pigmentation disorders (red and brown spots). Photo exposure leads to the destruction of melanin in the treatment area. At the same time, the skin gains tone and elasticity. Enlarged pores become narrower. Color lightening is achieved immediately from the first procedure. The effect lasts for a long time. To treat significant stains, a course of several procedures will be required (from 2 to 5 sessions);
  • telangiectasia (spider veins). Heating tissues leads to “sealing” of blood vessels. Damaged vessels disappear without leaving traces. Using the Lumecca nozzle, vessels up to 1.5 mm in diameter can be removed;
  • rosacea (damage to small vessels);
  • atrophic skin changes (poikiloderma);
  • rosacea;
  • freckles;
  • consequences of exposure to solar radiation;
  • post-acne.

Lumecca can be used on any area of ​​the body. The most common treatment areas are those that are regularly exposed to the sun. This is the face, neck, décolleté, legs, hands and arms themselves.

Complications and their prevention during IPL therapy

The most common complications of IPL therapy are burns, blisters, marks and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

In 2004, we performed a statistical analysis of the results of treatment of 700 patients who had then undergone IPL therapy in our department. Of the 700 patients, 35 (or 5%) experienced adverse treatment effects. Of these, 31 patients (or 4.43%) had skin burns, which manifested themselves in the form of pinpoint burns in 27 (or 2.43%), medium-sized in 12 (or 1.71%) and relatively large in 2 (or 0. 29%) skin damage, respectively. 3 patients (0.43%) developed photosensitivity, which manifested itself in the form of small blisters and papules, accompanied by itching and dotted hyperemia, and one of our patients (0.14%) developed reactive folliculitis of the acne type.

We found that all patients who had skin burns had skin type IV or V and were using IPL system settings with average subpulse energy greater than 10 J/cm2.

We have since analyzed the remaining 1834 patients (out of 2534) who received IPL procedures and found that only 21 patients (1.06%) experienced a total of 37 adverse effects. Among them, 13 cases of whitish prints (depigmented) (0.72%), 9 cases of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (0.50%), 8 scars (0.44%), 6 cases of blisters (0.33%), 1 case swelling (0.05%). From the statistics above, it is clear that the incidence of complications has decreased significantly as we have gained experience and customized the settings of IPL systems for our patient population.


As one of the therapeutic approaches used to correct aging and photodamage of the skin, IPL technology has gained wide acceptance throughout the world [1, 2]. With long-term IPL therapy applied on an annual basis, it has been shown that the effects of photodamage and skin aging can actually be reversed. Therefore, IPL should be considered as a promising method for maintaining long-term skin health. It is necessary to use fine individual settings of the IPL system operating parameters, taking into account the characteristics of each patient. With IPL we have the opportunity to change the quality of life, which is very important in aesthetic medicine, and which was convincingly demonstrated by the results of this retrospective study.

How does the procedure work?

  • You will need to wear safety glasses.
  • A cooling gel will be applied to the treated area.
  • The smooth surface of the IPL handpiece is placed directly over the treatment area.
  • The handpiece will emit precisely selected light waves, calibrated depending on the skin type, treatment area and treatment goal, providing the depth of energy penetration necessary for optimal results.
  • Treatment consists of a series of short passes over the problem area.
  • Session duration is 30-40 minutes.

Phototherapy IPL NIR

Results of the Phototherapy procedure

  • improves complexion
  • facial skin becomes smoother and denser
  • fat content is normalized
  • pores become narrower
  • redness and dilated blood vessels disappear

Methodology The procedure is performed with a special handpiece with a built-in cooling system; during the procedure, the doctor dynamically moves the manipulator across the face, at this moment an impulse is carried out; thanks to the cooling system, the procedure is completely painless; no rehabilitation required, no marks or redness left after the procedure; the system has several manipulators with different wavelengths and interaction spectrum, which allows it to be used for the treatment of different skin conditions.

Course of procedures Color improvement: 1 time per week, total number of procedures per course of treatment: 4 procedures. Elimination of fat and inflammation: 1 - 2 times a week, total number of procedures per course of treatment: 4 procedures..

Advantages Phototherapy is suitable for patients with any skin type; it can be performed on tanned skin; does not require a rehabilitation period, can be carried out even during lunch break; a completely painless procedure, during which you feel a slight warmth; can be used independently and in combination with other procedures; The result will not keep you waiting; it is visible immediately after the procedure. You can carry out the procedure before an important event.

Contraindications: some chronic diseases, pregnancy.

The result of facial skin treatment is noticeable immediately after the procedure using VPL ALT technology. This is a completely safe and painless method of skin treatment. Used in the following cases: unhealthy color, tired look, enlarged pores, oiliness, inflammation, redness and pigment. After the first procedure, the result is visible. The face looks rested, the skin becomes smooth and elastic.

The procedure performs the function of preventing various skin conditions. Maintains the results achieved after a course of facial skin treatment.

Phototherapy is dosed exposure to infrared rays. The method differs from previous photo installations in that infrared light is supplied in nanosecond pulses and prevents overheating of the skin, which often occurred during photorejuvenation. Photo rejuvenation is additionally equipped with an in motion system, which allows the procedure to be carried out in motion and additionally protects the skin from uncomfortable sensations.

Thanks to the action of infrared light, microcirculation of blood and lymph improves. Skin cells receive more nutrients and oxygen. Metabolism in skin cells accelerates, and this improves the overall appearance and color of the skin.

Photorejuvenation in cosmetology began to be actively used in the 90s. During this period of time, doctors have accumulated a huge number of methods and developments. Photorejuvenation devices are constantly being modernized and changed. Almost every year a new device was released. But they were not much different from previous versions. Technology was modernized, procedures became more effective, went faster and caused less pain. But still there was nothing completely different about them.

From 2000 to the present day, the situation with photorejuvenation has changed dramatically. Almost every year, new technologies appear, including Photo Now they not only improve the quality of the procedure, they are radically different from each other and can be used in various areas of cosmetology.

Previously existing photorejuvenation devices improved the condition of the skin and launched metabolic processes. This was their limit, but the result was still there. The skin became younger and fresher.

Today, based on devices with photofactors, there are technologies for rejuvenation, prevention of age-related changes, removal of blood vessels and pigmentation, treatment of acne and the consequences of acne.

Photorejuvenation is a bright representative of the modern generation of photo installations. Specially developed technology improves skin condition. The procedure is absolutely painless thanks to the nano-second light pulse, as well as the exclusively developed “in motion” technology. This allows collagen and elastin to be heated to the desired temperature without overheating, completely painlessly and eliminates the possibility of side effects.

See also

Smas lifting


PRP therapy

Benefits of photorejuvenation with Lumecca

  • High treatment efficiency due to high peak power (the handpiece provides three times more energy compared to conventional IPL devices) and optimized performance.
  • Allows you to achieve excellent results for both light and dark skin.
  • A sapphire tip is used, which ensures maximum comfort for the patient and painless procedure due to highly effective contact cooling.
  • The result is visible already from the 1st procedure. For maximum effect, in some cases, several sessions are required, which are carried out at intervals of 3 weeks.

Photorejuvenation: reviews

Patient reviews will depend on the correct choice of photorejuvenation technique. A cosmetologist should perform a specific procedure (LED or IPL) not because only one of the devices is available in their clinic, but because the individual characteristics of your skin require it.

IPL: Before and After photos

IPL: contraindications and side effects

You need to understand that IPL is not recommended for people with dark skin or red skin (in this case, it is better to do LED therapy). You should also be prepared for the fact that after the procedure there will be redness of the skin of the face, which will gradually disappear. In some cases (due to the incompetence of the cosmetologist performing the procedure), burns are possible, and in some exceptional cases even scarring.

Questions to Ask Before Starting IPL Therapy

To prevent negative effects, below we have compiled a list of questions, after receiving answers to which you will be able to form an opinion about the level of competence of a cosmetologist.

  • “Why am I a good candidate for IPL, and how does this method work?” The answers to these questions will give you an idea of ​​how well the esthetician understands what he offers and whether he takes into account the individual characteristics of your skin.
  • “Are you licensed to operate IPL and have you received the appropriate training? Could you show me the relevant training certificates?” – This is very important, because... Often (especially in Russia) specialists are hired directly from the street without appropriate training, because these employees can be paid less.
  • “How long have you been using this method? What are the possible negative consequences? – This will give you an idea of ​​the level of experience of this specialist. You can also say that you would like to have the procedure performed by a specialist who has at least 2 years of experience.

What is the M22 laser machine?

M22 is the latest cosmetology device, which is developed and manufactured by Lumenis (Israel/USA), a world leader in the field of medical laser and light technologies.
M22 is a unique device - it consists of different modules. Each of these modules is a separate high-tech device, and in general the M22 replaces a laser medicine clinic!

The M22 device is used by specialists in more than 50 countries around the world, it has proven itself as a tool for solving a range of aesthetic problems, with an impeccable effectiveness and safety profile.

Today, there are a large number of services that promise to preserve natural beauty and attractiveness. According to professionals, the recognized leader among light technologies is the classic photorejuvenation sessions from Lumenis (USA, Israel). Sessions on the M22 device have the highest level of safety, since such effects do not damage the skin and stimulate its natural restoration, providing excellent results.

With the help of procedures on the M22 device, you can completely rejuvenate your skin, eliminate age spots and unwanted blood vessels. M22 procedures can be performed on any area of ​​the face and body and with any skin phototype from I to V, they are distinguished by predictable and pronounced results and comfort. In most cases, these procedures require little or no preparation and have no downtime.

The effect of the photorejuvenation procedure

The first results will be noticeable within a week after the procedure. After a course of photorejuvenation , pigment spots, spider veins, traces of acne and post-acne will disappear, pores will narrow, and complexion will even out. The skin tone will increase, it will become denser, firmer and more elastic, as well as smoother, softer and more pleasant to the touch.

The technique helps smooth out fine wrinkles, tighten the contour, and improve the oval of the face. Superficial skin lifting is observed.

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