Using Mesoderm cosmetics in the salon and at home

The Spanish company Mesoderm creates products for cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. It became best known for its line of ready-made cocktails for biorevitalization and mesotherapy - a technology aimed at combating age-related skin changes and aesthetic defects. Leading European specialists are involved in product development. Mesoderm products are intended for both professional cosmetologists and ordinary women who want to improve their skin condition.

Range of products from Mesoderm

Products from Mesoderm can be divided into three categories: for skin rejuvenation, for eliminating cosmetic defects and for improving hair growth.

Rejuvenation products include:

  1. Meso eyes peptide cocktail to eliminate swelling and fine wrinkles in the eye or lip area.
  2. Facial revitalization cocktail from Mesoderm with herbal ingredients. Fights wrinkles and dry skin, improves its tone.
  3. A tightening cocktail with DMAE, elastin and vitamin C to eliminate ptosis (sagging) and increase skin elasticity.
  4. Polyrevitalizing mesococktail 46 components with hyaluronic acid contains a large amount of vitamins. Recommended to combat early aging, improves the overall condition of the skin.

For figure correction the following are intended:

  1. A cocktail with deoxycholate and phosphotidylcholine used to treat cellulite.
  2. A cocktail for stretch marks and sagging, which includes collagen and elastin. Improves skin tone and fights stretch marks. Used as a prophylactic.
  3. Peptide cocktail for flash modeling Mesoshape accelerates metabolism and fat breakdown. Used to correct individual areas of the body.
  4. The draining cocktail is suitable for combating cellulite and swelling, and increases the elasticity of the skin.

Improves hair condition:

  1. Mesohairs cocktail to stimulate hair growth restores hair follicles and accelerates hair growth. Used for rehabilitation of the scalp after transplantation.
  2. The Stronghair dermaroller cocktail fights hair loss and dry scalp.

general information

The Mesoderm company positions itself as the leader of the European cosmetology market. Its field of activity is the production of preparations for mesotherapy, mesoscooters and mesothreads. The company has its own research laboratory, which allows you to check the quality of the components used and the effectiveness of their action. In addition, the Spanish company guarantees:

  • use of proven and environmentally friendly raw materials;
  • wide range of products;
  • clinical confirmation of expected results.

As already mentioned, one of Mesoderm’s activities is the production of preparations for mesotherapy, a cosmetic procedure whose purpose is to moisturize and nourish the skin with beneficial elements. In the classic version, it is carried out by introducing liquid compounds through a needle into the superficial and middle layers of the dermis, however, the introduction of therapeutic agents can also be carried out using a mesoscooter (a device consisting of a handle and a roller with small needles).

All products can be classified in three areas: skin rejuvenation, elimination of aesthetic defects (fat folds, cellulite, stretch marks) and improvement of hair growth on the head.

Popular salon procedures using company products

Products from Mesoderm have gained popularity among doctors and cosmetologists and are often used for salon procedures. They are created on the basis of balanced formulas, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by clinical trials.

Yellow peeling

Yellow peeling Antiage YellowPeel Mask Mesoderm is an anti-aging product based on retinoic acid. Suitable for young women as a prevention of age-related changes. A small concentration of acid (5%) allows this peeling to be used by those with sensitive skin. Other advantages of the product include the absence of unpleasant sensations during application, long-lasting effect, and minimal risk of complications.

In addition to age-related skin changes, indications for the use of retinoic yellow peeling include acne, seborrhea, keratomas and age spots.

Mesotherapy, revitalization

Mesotherapy is an injection of microdoses of drugs into pathological areas. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory products, homeopathic or traditional medicine are usually administered.

Once under the skin, a small dose of the composition acts for a long time, without affecting the internal organs and without entering the blood vessels. This technology allows you to use medicine sparingly, while minimizing the risk of side effects.

Initially, the medicinal composition was injected under the skin using small syringes, but today mesotherapy is carried out using mesorollers - a roller covered with small needles.

The Mesoderm company has developed cocktails specifically for mesotherapy. They have a revitalizing and polyrevitalizing effect, coping with age-related changes and other aesthetic imperfections.

Flash liposuction

Peptide cocktail from Mesoderm for flash liposuction is intended for figure correction. It contains phosphatidylcholine, which protects internal organs and blood vessels from the accumulation of fats and improves cognitive processes. This substance accelerates the intestinal absorption of fats, thus accelerating their processing. At the same time, the liver is protected from fatty deposits, and cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced.

The use of the Mesoderm peptide cocktail leads to a reduction in fat deposits and the effect is comparable to small volume liposuction.

Preparations for rejuvenation

The main goal of mesotherapy with Mesoderm preparations at this stage is to prevent age-related changes, eliminate fine wrinkles, and increase the elasticity of the skin. The line of anti-aging products is represented by the following products:

  • Peptide reconstructive cocktail Mesoage. Eliminates and prevents wrinkles, combats the effect of “tired skin”. Used before and after deep peelings, aggressive grinding, and plastic surgery. It is also relevant when fighting stretch marks on the body. Mesoage contains a complex of vitamins and nutrients in the amount of 50 components. The main ones are: tauirine, alanine, thymine, various synthetic compounds, the entire spectrum of vitamin B.
  • Mesoeyes peptide cocktail. Designed to care for the skin around the eyes, also used for fine wrinkles in the mouth area. Indications for its use are circles under the eyes, puffiness, fine wrinkles and decreased tone. Mesoeyes contains a large number of botanicals, such as artichoke and gingko biloba extracts. According to reviews from cosmetologists, similar products can be used both for superficial implementation using a needle and a mesoscooter.
  • Polyrevitalizing meso cocktail 46 components with hyaluronic acid. Used to eliminate signs of early aging and improve the condition of tired skin (decreased tone, pale color). Suitable for combating hyperpigmentation and oily skin. Areas of use: face, neck, décolleté. The name of the product is due to the number of components included in its composition. The main ones are vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP, essential and essential acids, magnesium, sodium, calcium and other minerals.
  • A tightening cocktail with DMAE, elastin and vitamin C. Used at the first signs of ptosis (sagging soft tissues), low levels of tone and elasticity. Indications for use are also the presence of stretch marks. The main components of the drug are elastin (accelerates the synthesis of fibroblasts), ascorbic acid (antioxidant, reduces pigmentation), DMAE (anti-inflammatory function, promotes accelerated production of fibroblasts).
  • Anti-aging cocktail with DMAE and argireline. Suitable for patients with mature skin and severe problems. Used to eliminate deep and fine wrinkles, ptosis, flabby, tired skin with reduced tone. Injections of the drug are carried out in the face, chest and neck.
  • Cocktail with hyaluronic acid 2% and collagen. Suitable for problematic dehydrated skin with a network of small and medium wrinkles. Provides necessary hydration, removes accumulated toxins, strengthens connective tissue and activates the renewal of collagen fibers.
  • Cocktail for facial skin revitalization. Contains plant components (chamomile and wild apple), collagen and elastin. Designed to combat wrinkles, decreased tone, dryness and chronic fatigue of the skin. The product is also used for preventive purposes; the full course of therapy involves 8 weekly procedures.
  • Cocktail for mesoscooters SurerLift. All of the drugs listed above are adapted for subcutaneous administration using a needle, and this mesoctail was developed specifically for mesoscooters. It is used alone and as part of complex therapy. Indications: prevention and elimination of age-related changes, facial and age wrinkles, sagging, ptosis. The product contains pyruvic acid, which reduces pigmentation.

Home care with Mesoderm

The main specialization of Mesoderm is the development of products for cosmetology and aesthetic medicine. However, the range offered by the company includes products not only for beauty salons, but also those that can be used at home: mesoscooters, cocktails for mesoporation and mesonidling.

Mesoderm products for home care will help cope with age-related changes in the face, neck and décolleté, correct the figure and restore the scalp in case of hair loss without the use of serious salon procedures.

Hair preparations

A separate category should include products that improve the appearance of hair. In this case, injections are made into the scalp. This direction is represented by such products as:

  • Cocktail to stimulate hair growth Mesohairs. Restores hair follicles, stimulates growth, strengthens their structure. Suitable for restoring the scalp after hair transplantation. The drug contains a complex of amino acids, sodium ascorbate, copper tripeptide.
  • Cocktail for Stronghair dermatoroller. Eliminates dry scalp, makes hair stronger and shinier, and reduces hair loss. Input method: using a mesoscooter.

Contraindications and consequences

Most Mesoderm preparations are intended for procedures involving injections. Conducting such sessions and, therefore, using the products of this company is prohibited in the following cases:

  • blood clotting disorders;
  • taking anticoagulants;
  • allergic reaction to a component of the product;
  • hypotension;
  • oncological diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • infections;
  • purulent-inflammatory and dermatological diseases in those areas where the procedure is supposed to be performed;
  • uncompensated diabetes mellitus;
  • menstruation.

After the session you may feel pain. Redness of the skin goes away after a couple of days. In addition, you should not drink alcoholic beverages for the first few days before and after such procedures.

Cost of goods

Preparations for salon procedures cannot be purchased in the public domain; they can only be purchased by specialists.

As for mesotherapy devices, their cost ranges from 1000 to 1500 rubles. The Face mesoscooter model costs 1,499 rubles, and the Eyes model costs 1,119 rubles.

One ampoule of anti-cellulite cocktail costs 450 rubles. Hair cocktails are priced from 2300 to 2500 rubles. A cocktail for body shaping with deoxycholate and phosphotidylcholine can be purchased for 940 rubles. A cocktail for facial skin revitalization will cost 2,200 rubles.

The cost of yellow peeling YellowPeel Mask is 7390 rubles.

All prices are taken from the official websites of online stores.

Consumer reviews about Mesoderm products

Marina, 31 years old, Kazan:

Love the Yellow Peel peeling! It is easy to apply and does not dry out the skin at all, and blackheads disappear after just a few uses. True, you have to apply it before bed, otherwise your whole face turns yellow. But the result is worth it!

Yana, 39 years old, Novosibirsk:

I am a cosmetologist and really love the products of this company. Excellent quality, excellent results and almost complete absence of allergic reactions among clients.

Elizaveta, 45 years old, Chelyabinsk:

I read reviews from professional cosmetologists and ordinary women, so I took the risk of purchasing a mesoscooter and meso-cocktail “SUPERLIFT”. Honestly, there is a result, but for such a price I expected more. After ten procedures, fine wrinkles disappeared, and the nasolabial fold became less pronounced. It is also very painful, and the skin is all red for two days after the procedure.


What is the price of Mesoderm products? On average, the cost of one mesotherapy procedure is about 2000 - 4000 thousand rubles and it is determined directly by the type of composition used. Here are approximate prices for the most famous products.

A drugStronghairCocktail with elastin and DmaeSuperLiftAnti-agingMesohairCream - anesthetic
Price (rubles)320032004000350065002000

Answers on questions

Do I need to use a neutralizer to remove Antiage YellowPeel Mask?

No, just wash it off with water.

Does it make sense to use a figure correction cocktail with deoxycholate and phosphatidylcholine if I have the third stage of cellulite?

Yes, this remedy is effective for any stage of cellulite.

How many procedures are there in a full course of therapy using a cocktail to revitalize facial skin?

The full course consists of 8 procedures performed once a week.

Medicines for figure correction

To reduce fat, fight cellulite, and eliminate stretch marks, another category of products is used. They are represented by such drugs as:

  • Peptide cocktail for flash modeling Mesoshape. The main purpose is the correction of individual areas of the body. Able to burn fat cells and eliminate the “orange peel” effect. Effective in combination with other figure modeling programs. Contains elements that accelerate metabolism, break down fats, and promote the removal of toxins and waste. It is customary to alternate Mesoshape-based procedures with ultrasound treatment of problem areas. The injections can be quite painful and require anesthesia.
  • Cocktail with deoxycholate and phosphotidylcholine. The drug is relevant for severe cellulite. Enhances lipolysis and accelerates metabolic processes, has choleretic, diuretic and wound-healing properties.
  • Cocktail for reducing body volume. A preparation based on horse chestnut extract and plant proteins. It is used on problem areas of the body with excess fat deposits and cellulite. The course of procedures involves 12 sessions with a break of 7 days. As a result, blood circulation is normalized, excess stagnant fluid is removed, and blood vessels are strengthened.
  • Draining cocktail. Product based on extracts of orange, corn, fucus and horse chestnut. Used for severe swelling and fluid retention, cellulite. The product has draining properties, stimulates lipolysis, and increases skin elasticity. Among other things, the composition strengthens the walls of blood vessels and removes toxins.
  • Modeling anti-cellulite cocktail. Also has a plant nature. For its production, squeezes from orange, guarana, ruscus, fucus, and ruscus are used. A full course of using the composition involves 12 weekly sessions, as a result of which fat cells are actively broken down, excess stagnant fluid is removed, blood circulation and lymph flow are normalized.
  • Cocktail for stretch marks and sagging. Indications for use: decreased tone, sagging, stretch marks; if necessary, the composition can be used for prevention. The main areas of use are problem areas of the body and the décolleté area. The main components are collagen, elastin, vegetable proteins.
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