The benefits of a facial scrub made from aspirin, honey and other ingredients, simple home recipes

The beneficial effects of folk cosmetic recipes based on honey have been known for a long time. It has a stimulating effect, helps the skin stay fresh and beautiful. The healing delicacy is combined with herbs, oils, and acids. One of them is aspirin, an analogue of salicylic acid, which is part of many cosmetics. It is found in creams, shampoos, facial lotions, and scrubs. An anti-acne mask with aspirin and honey is an excellent remedy for aging skin. It eliminates problems, cleanses the skin, and helps older ladies keep their faces fresh.

How to cook at home yourself

These cosmetics contain a minimum of ingredients, so their preparation is not difficult.

It is important to first correctly determine your skin type by consulting a cosmetologist.

This is necessary to select the necessary additional ingredients:

  • for normal facial skin, a scrub made from aspirin and honey is suitable: aspirin – 1 g, honey – 1 teaspoon, sea salt (you can use it to make facial scrubs) – 20 g;
  • for dry skin : aspirin – 3 tablets, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey and aloe juice, crushed oatmeal – 30 g, apricot oil – 10 drops;
  • for oily skin : aspirin – 3 tablets, 1 teaspoon each of ground coffee and blue clay, 30 milliliters of lemon juice;
  • for all types : acetylsalicylic acid – 1 g, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground coffee and honey (look for other homemade honey recipes here), 30 milliliters of cream, jojoba oil - 20 drops;
  • for fading : aspirin – 2 tablets; 30 milliliters each of honey and glycerin, salt (sea) - 20 g, 30 milliliters of olive oil;
  • for problematic: 2 tablets of acetylsalicylic acid and activated carbon, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of ground coffee and honey;
  • for sensitive : acetylsalicylic acid – 2 tablets, 30 milliliters each of cream and olive oil.

When preparing these masks, it is recommended to thoroughly crush acetylsalicylic acid and dilute it in a small amount of warm water, green tea or herbal decoction.

How to cleanse your face with aspirin and honey:

Aspirin facial scrubs thoroughly cleanse the skin of impurities, but also have a beneficial effect on any skin type, improving its condition and appearance:

  • normal – rejuvenation;
  • dry – moisturizing;
  • oily – removes shine, narrows pores;
  • fading – smoothing wrinkles, improving color;
  • problematic – elimination of inflammation, acne;
  • sensitive – nutrition.

Here you will also learn how to prepare a natural facial scrub at home, for example:

  • features of preparing oat composition for gentle cleansing;
  • Can baking soda help get rid of blackheads?
  • How effective is a coffee-honey scrub for sensitive epidermis?
  • what are the beneficial properties of the sugar mixture;
  • the benefits of using natural cleansing products for the skin;
  • More interesting recipes for cleansing scrubs to use at home.


  • Svetlana, 20 years old: “For prevention, I clean my face with aspirin and honey 2 times a month - I’ve already forgotten what acne and inflammation are. An excellent and inexpensive product that helps me always look great.”
  • Yaroslava, 27 years old: “Thanks to the aspirin scrub, I got rid of oily discharge in the forehead and nose. “In addition, the pores have become smaller and there are much fewer acne marks.”

Do not forget that thoughtless use of this type of cleansing can have a negative effect on the skin, so it is initially recommended to consult a dermatologist.


Cooking rules

To make a homemade scrub, use conventional preparations without shells and additional substances.

Cosmetic compositions must be used immediately after manufacture; during storage they lose their beneficial properties.

To avoid an allergic reaction, you need to first test by applying a small amount of the prepared composition to your forearm.

If after an hour no rash or other irritation appears, then you can use it on your face.

Only fresh products should be used as additional ingredients.

Before using the scrub mask, you need to cleanse your face and steam it to make the procedure more effective.

Apply the composition to the face with light movements, lightly massaging the skin, avoiding pain, without affecting the area around the eyes.

It is recommended to use them for normal and oily skin twice a week, for dry and aging skin - no more than four times a month. Otherwise, peeling may occur.

If there are skin diseases on your face, you need to visit a specialist and get advice so as not to cause even more harm to your health.

After using products with acetylsalicylic acid, the skin becomes very sensitive to ultraviolet rays, so it is recommended to use them in the evening so that the skin has time to recover overnight.

Some people use them as an exfoliant, leaving them on the face overnight. In the morning, you need to wash your face with water to which soda has been added, and before going outside, apply a protective cream to your face.

What are the benefits of honey in combination with aspirin?

The product is recommended for use in the presence of problems such as:

  • enlarged pores;
  • greasy shine;
  • acne or blackheads.

Masks with aspirin and honey are best used by people who have problematic oily skin.

Cosmetic effects

Aspirin does not completely dissolve in water, so any mask with this component will have a mild peeling effect. After this procedure, the skin rejuvenates and it begins to breathe.

Cosmetologists classify mixtures with aspirin among a number of chemical procedures that are used to care for facial skin. Acetylsalicylic acid is a gentle product that does not harm the face.

Budget-friendly and effective product

Aspirin is a budget product that can be purchased at any pharmacy. Honey can be found in almost every home. Due to the interaction of these components, products based on them have the following effects:

  • cleansing pores;
  • elimination of acne and pimples;
  • removal of edema;
  • getting rid of acne marks;
  • whitening effect;
  • exfoliation;
  • maintaining skin freshness and elasticity;
  • removal of pigment spots;
  • exfoliation of dead cells;
  • smoothing out wrinkles.


Products based on honey and tablets cannot be used if you have:

  • allergic reaction;
  • dilated vessels;
  • fresh cuts and wounds;
  • dryness and flaking;
  • Asthma;
  • Spider veins on the face.

Also, these drugs should be abandoned if the woman is in an interesting position or has recently had hair removal.


The use of the substance is contraindicated in:

  • vasodilation;
  • pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • rosacea;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • mechanical damage;
  • tanned and epilated skin;
  • allergic reaction;
  • individual intolerance.

These homemade cosmetics have excellent cleansing and rejuvenating effects. If you follow all the rules for their use, they bring good results.

At the same time, they are easy to manufacture and have low cost.

Anti-inflammatory cream

The drug will help with severe inflammatory processes, the presence of acne, and will exfoliate dead skin. Thanks to the cream, the medicinal composition will penetrate deeper into the affected area and provide an effective effect on the catalysts of inflammation.

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  1. Crush four Aspirin tablets into powder.
  2. Add two to three drops of water and mix with your fingers.
  3. Mix until smooth, adding a few more drops of water if necessary.
  4. Add two tablespoons of rich cream, stir.

Apply to areas of skin requiring correction. After fifteen minutes, rinse off with warm water. The composition can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.

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Indications for use

First of all, facial cleansing with aspirin and honey is recommended for people with inflammatory problems. Various types of pimples, comedones, acne, blackheads, and blackheads are a direct indication for this type of care. After all, it is not enough for problematic skin to be cleansed. It needs regulation of lipid metabolism, enhanced pore cleaning, more intense peeling and anti-inflammatory effects.

Cleansing with aspirin and honey is recommended for persons at the first signs of skin aging. Loss of elasticity, small facial wrinkles, sagging of certain areas - all this can be easily corrected with the help of the biologically active components of honey and acetylsalicylic acid. At the same time, the relief of the skin surface is noticeably smoothed, swelling goes away, and tissue respiration is improved.

Another problem that is successfully combated with aspirin-honey peeling is ingrown hair. By dissolving the upper layer of the epidermis, the mixture promotes its release, thereby preventing suppuration and inflammation.


According to reviews, a face mask with Aspirin in combination with lemon is most effective against acne. In the presence of red inflammatory foci, the composition noticeably reduces their severity overnight.

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  1. Grind six Aspirin tablets into powder.
  2. Add a few drops of lemon juice and stir to form a thick paste.
  3. Apply the paste to the pimples, covering only the areas of redness.
  4. Leave until dry.

It is necessary to wash off the treatment mask with a solution of baking soda, which neutralizes the acid. To do this, dissolve a teaspoon of soda in a glass of warm water and place. Rinse off the mixture using a cotton swab dipped in a baking soda solution.

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Origin of aspirin

Acid face masks have appeared quite recently. Acetylsalicylic acid was first obtained in 1897. It was synthesized in the laboratories of Bayer AG, which later registered the resulting substance under the commercial name “aspirin.” The starting material for its production was ordinary willow bark. Decoctions from the bark of this tree were very popular in folk medicine of past centuries and were used as an antipyretic.

Willow “infusions” have long lost their popularity due to serious side effects. However, the chemically obtained aspirin formula is considered safe for a healthy person and is of utmost importance in world medicine. The medicine is used to relieve pain, lower body temperature, eliminate inflammatory processes, and can also be prescribed for rheumatism.

Efficiency of the procedure

The main active ingredient of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid , a chemical compound that, in combination with honey, can:

  • dissolve natural fatty lubricants;
  • remove dead epithelial cells;
  • have a bactericidal effect;
  • stimulate skin regeneration processes;
  • revive its color, even out the surface relief;
  • have a slight whitening effect;
  • remove areas of swelling and redness;
  • cleanse from comedones;
  • saturate with natural ingredients contained in honey.

Sebaceous plugs, formed as a result of the gluing of dirt and dead epithelium by secretions of the sebaceous glands of the face, can tightly clog the pores. This interferes with free skin breathing, physiological metabolism, and the self-cleaning ability of the dermis. As a result, blackheads, acne, inflammatory lesions, and redness appear.

Thanks to the chemical reactions of the acid with biological tissues, lipid metabolism becomes manageable. Excess sebum is removed in a timely manner, and its formation slows down. If the procedure is repeated regularly, the pores can narrow significantly, evening out the skin texture, giving the face matte and smoothness.

Honey, penetrating deeply into the pores, helps retain moisture in them. At the same time, it has a tightening effect and fights early wrinkles.

Attention! Such natural peeling, if carried out correctly, not only has an immediate cleansing effect, but also stimulates cell renewal processes and their regeneration.

Advantages and disadvantages

The positive aspects of the procedure are:

  • availability of components and their low price;
  • low number of contraindications;
  • no complications if carried out correctly;
  • ease of implementation;
  • possibility of carrying out at home;
  • there is no need for special storage conditions for the mixture;
  • ease of preparation.

However, this simple and effective peeling raises doubts among some: will the skin be burned, will it lose its hydrobalance, will deeper layers be destroyed than necessary? There is some truth in such doubts. Only one thing can dispel them - the correctness of the procedure, the absence of contraindications at the time of cleaning, competent post-peeling care.

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