Ice for the face, benefit or harm: the best recipes for ice cubes

Facial ice is an affordable method of skin care that you can use yourself at home without visiting a salon. You just need to take regular ice cubes. The benefits of ice and ice water for rejuvenation have been known since time immemorial. Many ancient tips and recipes have been preserved that mention washing and wiping the face with ice water and spring water. Indeed, applying these techniques in practice, you can notice that after ice procedures the face is instantly transformed: a healthy blush, elasticity, and velvety appear. For those who want to experience the beneficial properties for themselves, cosmetologists share their secrets. We present you recipes for facial ice to prepare at home.

Ice for the face: benefits for the skin

Rubbing in the morning is a great way to perk you up. Instant results can be seen almost immediately. The process of washing with frozen water leads to vascular expansion and improved blood supply. The surface of the face takes on a fresh, toned appearance. The effect of the procedure is similar to lymphatic drainage massage.

The following changes occur:

  • Swelling on the face and eyelids disappears due to improved microcirculation of fluid;
  • Swelling under the eyes disappears as a result of normalization of lymphatic drainage;
  • Pores noticeably narrow;
  • Small wrinkles are smoothed out, deeper ones become less noticeable;
  • The skin is moisturized;
  • The tone of the face improves, a slight blush appears;
  • The skin acquires a matte appearance due to a decrease in sebum production;
  • Vasoconstriction increases blood flow and delivery of nutrients to the dermis;
  • In addition, the vessels adapt to instantly react to temperature changes;
  • The right herbal supplements provide an antiseptic and lifting effect;
  • Pigmentation disappears. Ice itself does not affect age spots. But the herbal decoction included in the composition can have a whitening effect and lighten dark areas.

The best results can be achieved if you freeze not just ordinary water, but herbal infusions. With the correct selection of components, a therapeutic effect can be achieved. With the help of such cubes, inflammation, acne, and irritation are easily eliminated.

Rubbing with ice has an advantage over other cosmetic products. The procedure immediately combines thermal, mechanical and chemical effects.

Interesting fact

To confirm that ice actually stops skin aging, researchers conducted an experiment lasting a month. It was carried out for two women, aged thirty years. One needed to wipe her face with ice twice a day for a whole month, the second just needed to wash her face twice without ice.

A month later, it was possible to state: the girl who used ice on her face stopped the aging of skin cells. Her face was visually fresher, younger, her skin was smoother, there were no bruises or swelling under the eyes, and there was no irritation. The second girl showed no signs of improvement within a month.

Possible harm

According to cosmetologists, ice rubbing should be treated with caution. If handled incorrectly, low temperatures can have a negative impact on the skin and cause stress. Cold also causes vasoconstriction. Its repeated exposure can provide a good psychotherapeutic result. However, frequent expansion and contraction of blood vessels does not have a very good effect on the condition of the skin.

Moderation is recommended. The constant effect of low temperature on the epidermis can cause:

  • Swelling of the face;
  • Spider vein formation;
  • Impaired blood flow;
  • Pore ​​expansion.

According to cosmetologists, even simple washing with cold water can cause vasoconstriction and poor blood flow. The production of sebaceous glands deteriorates (less sweat and sebum are produced). The surface of the face becomes flabby, the skin loses firmness and elasticity. Wrinkles appear. Women pay attention to negative changes late.

Indications and contraindications

Before the first procedure, any woman is faced with the question: is it harmless, how is it useful, what kind of result can I expect?

Benefits of ice rubbing: cosmetic ice tones and gives a healthy appearance to the face. Indications for the procedure are problematic skin and signs of aging. After a few weeks, the defects are eliminated. After cryotherapy sessions, the woman becomes noticeably refreshed.

Rubbing your face with ice is a procedure that you can easily do yourself at home. But you should not abuse it so as not to harm the skin. Too frequent use can dry out your face.

The optimal period for cosmetic ice is one week. But the procedure is not available to everyone.


  1. Stroke. This disease indicates vascular spasms and the formation of blood clots.
  2. Cuperosis.
  3. Individual intolerance to cold.
  4. Fever, infectious diseases.
  5. Poor blood clotting. Any increased movement may be accompanied by bruising;
  6. Damage to blood vessels, disruption of the circulatory system;
  7. Frostbitten, chapped face.
  8. Sensitive and delicate skin
  9. The presence of ulcers, inflammation, as well as excessive rashes;
  10. Allergy to the components used. Honey is the most common allergen. And also, some herbs can cause allergies in the form of hives.
  11. Inflammatory process of the nasal sinuses (sinusitis, acute ethmoiditis, frontal sinusitis). Cold allergy. Cryomassage should not be used by those who develop a rash in the cold, accompanied by peeling and itching.

Medical restrictions should not be ignored, as cold exposure may worsen the condition.

Ice for the face: everything in moderation

The listed contraindications and possible harm do not mean that cryotherapy is negative. To get a rejuvenating effect from a massage, the use of ice should be moderate:

  • Periodicity. Ice should not be applied as a lotion. Movements should be energetic. Otherwise, you can chill the facial nerve.
  • Weather. If the temperature outside is above zero, it’s time to wipe with ice. If it is windy and cold, it is advisable to postpone the procedure until warmer days.
  • Time. After the massage, the skin should rest. Therefore, the procedure should not be performed hastily, with limited time.

How to wipe properly

To get a positive effect, you need to adhere to some rules and follow the sequence of actions:

  1. Cleansing . The surface must first be thoroughly cleaned with a familiar cosmetic product.
  2. Hydration . To prevent flaking, dry or normal skin should be pre-moisturized. Oil or rich cream is suitable as a moisturizer. They will help maintain water-lipid balance.
  3. Wiping . Occurs with ice cubes wrapped in a towel or napkin. The best way is spot treatment of problem areas. It is not recommended to linger on the surface of the face for a long time. The skin around the eyes is the most delicate, so it is advisable to avoid this area. It is better to focus on the contour of the face.

After completing the step-by-step actions, you do not need to wipe your face. The water should be absorbed on its own.

For cryomassage, you need to use only freshly frozen ice to preserve its beneficial properties. It is not recommended to freeze more than 5 cubes per week.

Rubbing technique

Correct execution of massage affects the quality of the procedure and the result. It is carried out along massage lines to avoid the appearance of new wrinkles:

  • Ice wiping begins from the middle of the chin towards the earlobes.
  • Movements continue from the corners of the lips to the ears.
  • Then move to the upper edge of the ear from the “Cupid's arrow”.
  • Move to the temples from the wings of the nose.
  • The forehead area is rubbed from the middle to the temples.
  • Movements near the nose are directed from top to bottom, from the bridge of the nose to the wings.

Contrast massage

A particularly strong effect can be obtained if you use ice cubes on your face after hot baths, compresses, showers, or baths.

The skin can be steamed in a fairly simple way. To do this, you need to take a towel, moisten it in hot water and apply it to your face for twenty seconds. After this, wipe the skin with a piece of ice, blot with a soft cloth and apply any day cream. This contrast massage should be done once or twice a week.

Ice Making Basics

Infusion . In a pre-prepared container you need to put two tablespoons of the herb used, the pulp of fruits or berries - those components that you decided to use. Pour one glass of boiling water over them. Mix. Cover with a tight lid. Let it brew for about one hour. Then strain using gauze or a special strainer. Then pour the prepared, now cooled infusion into molds.

Decoction . Use the ingredients and water in the quantities indicated above. Place all ingredients in a small saucepan. Put on fire, stir. As soon as the water begins to boil, remove from heat, let the broth sit for an hour, strain, cool, and pour into molds.

Fresh juice . You should not use packaged juice for procedures. It's better to cook it yourself. Any types must first be diluted with water 1:1. Exceptions: watermelon, aloe, cucumber. Teas. To prepare tea infusion, only leaf types of green or black tea are suitable. 1 tsp. per glass of water, the temperature of which should not exceed 950C.

And also for wiping the face, you can use frozen, thinly sliced ​​​​slices of vegetables or fruits

Another Way to Make Frozen Aloe Vera Cubes

In order to preserve natural Aloe Vera gel and use it not only for direct application to the skin, but also for adding to various recipes for homemade creams and masks, you can freeze the leaves not in pieces, but make an Aloe Vera gel from the pulp.

  1. To make the gel, you need to extract all the pulp from the Aloe Vera leaves.
  2. Place the pulp in a blender and blend very well until smooth and foamy.
  3. Then you need to pour this foamed natural gel into an ice mold and freeze it in the freezer.
  4. When the gel freezes, you need to remove the cubes from the mold and put them in a plastic bag that closes tightly and conveniently.
  5. You can store such cubes in the freezer for as long as you like, they do not lose their properties.
  6. If you want to use aloe vera gel for a mask or cream, then simply defrost the required number of cubes and the gel will be ready.

This video shows 2 different ways to make cosmetic ice from Aloe Vera.

Choosing ice according to skin type

Depending on your skin type, you can choose the appropriate recipe. This is extremely important, since not all formulations are equally suitable, for example, for dry and oily types.

For dry skin types

Dry types are the earliest to develop wrinkles. To make ice, do not use components that have drying or astringent effects. This type needs hydration more than others.

Use the following ingredients in preparation:

  • Milk, cream, honey - 1 tbsp. l. For one glass of the finished product.
  • Decoctions or infusions of rose petals, elderberry, rosehip, hawthorn, linden blossom, melon juice, sea buckthorn, strawberry, raspberry.

Before freezing, it is recommended to add one drop of olive, sea buckthorn, rose or peach oil to the molds for additional nutrition.

For oily skin types

This type, more than others, is susceptible to acne and excessive oily shine, which appears due to the intense work of the sebaceous glands. To solve this problem, use antiseptic, astringent, drying components:

  • decoctions and infusions: oak bark, chamomile, calendula flowers;
  • juices - aloe, cucumber, lemon, parsley, persimmon (lemon juice must be diluted with water).

In the warm season, during the period of abundant flowering of herbs, use other additional ingredients. For oily skin, you can use it 2 times a day, and you can also massage your face with ice at home.

For mixed skin types

For owners of this type, the following ingredients are suitable:

  • Decoctions and infusions: string, peppermint, birch buds;
  • Juices: aloe, cucumber, watermelon;
  • Coffee.

Coffee ice contains microelements that intensively fight the appearance of wrinkles, tone, and tighten.

For normal skin type

People with normal skin type also need to take care of its condition and health. The following recipes for making ice are suitable for them:

  • tinctures: mumiyo, kelp, rose or rose petals, leaves, chamomile flowers;
  • juices: cucumber, watermelon, aloe, strawberry;
  • decoctions: chamomile, mint, sage, string;
  • mineral water.

Skin around the eyes

The skin around the eyes is more delicate, therefore it is primarily susceptible to age-related changes and requires more careful care. Rubbing the area around the eyes with cosmetic ice will improve tone, relieve swelling, and help get rid of fine wrinkles. The following ingredients are recommended.

  • Parsley and cucumber juices;
  • green leaf tea.

Do not forget to apply moisturizers to the areas around the eyes during the cold season, as well as after cryomassage.

Frozen herbal infusions

Cosmetic ice is prepared with different herbs; you can make it according to your skin type. Fresh or dried herbs are used in production. Usually, a teaspoon of herb is poured into a glass of boiling water, left for 20-30 minutes after the infusion has cooled, filtered and poured into molds.

Mint, dill, lemon balm, parsley, sage - herbs have a positive effect on dry and normal skin. Ice from this decoction activates metabolic processes in cells, restores and tones the skin, and smoothes out fine wrinkles.

Chamomile, calendula, wort, yarrow, coltsfoot - ice made from these herbs is suitable for oily, problematic skin, heals acne wounds, soothes inflammation, and disinfects.

The most universal are decoctions of sage, linden blossom, mint, St. John's wort, chamomile and are suitable for all skin types. When frozen, it improves complexion, tightens, refreshes and tones the skin. Ice from a decoction of these herbs has antiseptic properties and prevents irritation.

Ice recipes for the face for various skin problems

Rubbing ice on your face in the morning is a healthy habit. On our website you can learn about other 5 healthy habits that will help improve your skin condition.

For acne

The following remedy is recommended for acne:


  • Decoction of calendula flowers - 30 ml;
  • Aloe juice - 10 ml;
  • Bergamot essential oil - 4 drops.

How to make : cool the calendula decoction, mix with aloe juice, strained through cheesecloth, add bergamot oil. Mix and pour into molds. Wipe problem areas, wipe off excess moisture with a napkin.

For wrinkles

Has a tightening effect. Helps restore firmness and elasticity to aging skin.


  • Cranberry juice - 30 ml;
  • Green tea - 20 ml;
  • Olive oil - 10 ml.

How to make : warm tea infusion should be mixed with natural olive oil and cranberry juice. After mixing everything thoroughly, place it in the freezer until completely frozen. Can be used daily, instead of morning wash.

For edema

Having a natural composition, it eliminates signs of fatigue and swelling.


  • Chamomile flower decoction - 30 ml;
  • Potato juice;
  • Grape seed oil - 5 ml.

How to make : Grate one medium-sized potato on a fine grater, strain the juice using gauze. Combine with herbal decoction and add grape oil. Apply in the evening, after removing makeup. Remove excess moisture with a napkin or sponge.

For face whitening

Helps lighten age spots and freckles.


  • Viburnum juice - 30 ml;
  • Tea tree oil - 5 ml.

How to make : Prepare viburnum berry puree or juice using gauze. Add essential oil. Apply in the morning, half an hour (preferably an hour) before applying makeup.

For skin irritation

Heals small wounds, relieves inflammation, removes redness. Good to use after peeling.


  • 10 large bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to make : Heat water with bay leaves over low heat. Do not bring to a boil. Cool, pour into molds and freeze. It is better to use in the evening, before bed.

What does the market offer?

If you don’t want to prepare the base yourself, cosmetic ice can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. It is an aqueous solution with the addition of various ingredients.

In most cases, the solution base is already placed by the manufacturer in dense plastic bags with separate cells. Before the procedure, freeze this bag in the refrigerator and cut off one frozen section from it as needed.

The most popular brands of cosmetic ice include:

  • "FITOICE". Has a tightening effect. It has a pronounced lifting effect, due to which the skin acquires elasticity and wrinkles become less noticeable. The base of the solution is prepared from a decoction of arnica, ginko biloba, amaranth, and additionally includes wheat proteins. After freezing, ice cubes acquire a floral-herbal aroma and a greenish tint.

  • SOOTHING ICE FOR SKIN FROM DNC COMPANY. The base is made from plant extracts of plantain, linden blossom, chamomile, parsley, Icelandic moss and a number of other herbs. Rubbing your face with DNC ice tones the skin, removes redness, tightens pores and reduces wrinkles; using a frozen cocktail in the evening can replace washing.
  • ICE FOR SKIN “CRYSTAL KISS”. Based on micellar water and with the addition of hyaluronic acid. Additional components include flax and oat seed extract, peach oil, and soap root extract. A frozen cocktail effectively improves microcirculation, nourishes and moisturizes. Under its influence, the elasticity of the skin increases, wrinkles become less noticeable, which has a positive effect on facial rejuvenation.

  • “ELMA” – moisturizing ice with aloe vera. In addition to aloe, the product contains hyaluronic acid, due to which wiping the face with an ice cube narrows the pores, tones the epidermis, improves its elasticity and turgor. It can be used to lighten dark areas around the eyes, fight wrinkles, reduce puffiness, and add a glow to the cheeks.

  • FITTING ICE “LIFTING EFFECT” FROM FITO ICE. The composition is represented by a decoction of nasturtium, lotus, magnolia, the effect of which is enhanced by red wine extract. Ice Lifting Effect" is indicated when the first signs of aging appear; the drug removes sagging, gets rid of fine wrinkles, and makes deep ones less noticeable.

  • ANNE SEMONIN. Designed to quickly improve the condition of facial skin. Under its influence, elasticity improves, tone increases, a healthy glow appears, and the appearance of wrinkles decreases. The composition includes tephrosia purpurea extract, red algae, azelaic acid, lysine. The only drawback of the presented cubes is their high cost. The packaging costs more than 7 thousand rubles, naturally, only a few will be able to afford it.

Reviews from cosmetologists

For cosmetic purposes, the use of ice has several directions. Cryotherapy is used to moisturize, restore and give the dermis a refreshing appearance.

At home, ice for the face is an analogue of salon cryomassage. It is also designed to saturate the skin with moisture, accelerate cell regeneration and actively produce collagen and elastin.

Reviews from cosmetologists confirm the effectiveness of ice massage. Regular and moderate exposure to cold tones the skin. And if the cubes are made from herbal decoctions, then the epidermis is enriched with useful components. As a result, a number of skin problems are eliminated, blood flow is ensured due to the expansion of deep vessels and the narrowing of superficial ones.

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