“Believe me, men don’t care whether she’s natural or not, the main thing is that she’s big!” 10 questions you've always wanted to ask a girl with silicone breasts






Yulia is 23 years old, and she has 600 milliliters of silicone in her body - in her breasts, to be more precise. She's a bartender at a club, has hundreds of thousands of followers on Instagram, and will be graduating with a law degree this October. About a year ago, she enlarged her breasts, and the size changed dramatically - from zero to C, that is, “three”. And she is no exception. Every fifth plastic surgery that women decide to undergo is breast augmentation. True, few people admit this; they pretend that everything is theirs, everything was so. But Julia was able to openly talk about how it all happened. We know you've secretly always wanted to know the answers to these questions, so don't say thank you.

— When they ask you if you can touch your breasts to feel the implants, do you allow it?

- If someone asks me nicely, yes. People are interested in breast implants, and I understand that. I wish I had met someone with implants before surgery because I had so many questions. Most women are afraid to talk about it openly. Now I know a lot of girls who also don't have their own breasts, but they only told me after I had the surgery myself.

“Don’t you think that some of the guys will now be interested in you just because of your breasts?”

“Well, a couple of guys who had no interest in me before really started to follow me.” But I don’t think that this is specifically related to the breasts, rather, I just became more confident in myself.

— Are breasts with implants much different from natural ones?

“I’ve heard many different opinions on this matter. Some people say they had no idea I had silicone, others say they noticed it wasn't natural. I personally feel like my breasts are much heavier than when they were natural. They look like trampolines. And when you touch the skin on your side - in the armpit area - you can feel the edge of the implant. But I don't want to hide the fact that I had surgery. That's why I chose round implants instead of anatomical implants, which would look more natural. They are drop-shaped and more expensive. My implants look like round food containers, so what?

— Some men say they prefer natural breasts.

— I personally think that men usually like big breasts and they don’t care whether they are natural or not. I feel like men have been more interested in me since my surgery, but that could just be because I look a lot happier.

— How much did the operation cost?

— It was a special offer, it cost 150 thousand rubles. I bought a new life with this money. I've always been pretty flat and, to be honest, hated my body. I tried my best to make it look like I had something in my bra. Sex was a challenge for me - I was always embarrassed to take off my bra. My small breasts gave me strange complexes - when a guy didn’t call or write to me, I thought it was all because of my breasts. I'm incredibly glad that all this is in the past.

- It was painful?

— When I woke up after the operation, it seemed to me that there was a heavy steel plate on my chest. But then the nurses gave me a painkiller pill. In fact, the pain will be quite severe, you need to be prepared for this. And you may be sick for more than one day. The worst part was that I couldn't move my arms after the surgery. At first I couldn’t even put on pants or wash my hair in the shower. And I still avoid push-ups or other exercises that involve the pectoral muscles.

-What about breast sensitivity?

— The nipples are still sensitive, as they were before the operation. But below my nipples, in the lower half of my chest, there is some numbness, I can't feel anything there. The surgeon told me that I would probably breastfeed if I had a baby, but they couldn't guarantee that.

— In 2012, it was revealed that the health of about 300,000 women worldwide was at risk due to bad implants. Do you care?

- No. I think there is no need to worry if you were operated on by a good doctor with a name. I studied different clinics, different doctors and their reviews before making a choice.

“Isn’t it strange that there is some foreign thing in your body now?”

- No, absolutely not. I haven't regretted my decision for a minute. And I believe that I will meet a man who is worthy of seeing me naked.

— Is it true that if you illuminate silicone implants with a flashlight in the dark, they will glow?

“I think I heard about this on TV.” I'm going to try now. My God! They glow! It looks so creepy.


Do men like small breasts?

Not everyone is delighted with curvy figures. There are also fans of small sizes. Some men associate small breasts with a young body and tender age.

In addition, the survey showed that the main thing for guys is proportionality. Agree, a short girl with a size nine will not look seductive, but rather strange.

By the way, owners of small breasts can look no less (and sometimes even more!!!) sexy than girls with a full bust. They do not need to wear a bra with summer or evening dresses. Needless to say, how such a sight excites men. After all, you can feel the warmth of the body just by touching the lady you like!

Although most guys still want a partner with medium-sized breasts. Well, one that fits in the palm of your hand and doesn’t look like an udder. Therefore, answering the question of whether men like small breasts is quite difficult. Everyone's palms are different.

If you want to find out why and what kind of men like fat girls or women, read this article.

Boa constrictor and female bust

A boa constrictor that bit a fashion model on her silicone bust died of poisoning. Such information, supported by stories about the potential harm of endoprostheses, frightens women who dream of augmentation. To this, mammoplasty specialists respond that modern endoinserts:

  1. Made from inert materials.
  2. Or filled with a biocompatible composition.

If you want to enlarge your glands, choose modern implants. They are not only safer than ordinary silicone, do not gurgle like saline, but are also close to the touch to natural tissues. There is practically no chance that a man ignorant of mammoplasty will recoil in disgust after feeling the prosthesis at the most interesting moment of intimacy.

Options for male opinion

If you still want to know how the stronger sex feels about an artificial bust, ask men whose opinion matters. How many men - so many opinions:

  • silicone, there is silicone - it's disgusting;
  • a woman's mammary gland should fit into a man's palm, there is nothing better than natural beauty;
  • silicone breasts are more elastic than natural ones, visually look gorgeous under a tight-fitting top, and feel pleasantly springy to the touch;
  • I didn’t notice much of a difference, I didn’t know that the breasts were fake until I needed money to replace the implants, I didn’t feel any rejection;
  • What difference does it make, natural or artificial breasts, the main thing is beautiful;
  • better silicone than spaniel ears;
  • Any woman needs to have her breasts touched up; if she doesn’t want to be beautiful, she’s not a woman.

Choose the opinion you like and act on it.

Why do men like big breasts?

The first thing that comes to mind on this topic: seeing large breasts, a guy thinks that its bearer can feed her offspring. At the level of animal instinct. A huge bust - a lot of milk - they won’t die of hunger.

Of course, having curvaceous figures does not automatically make a woman a good mother, and certainly does not indicate the presence of a large supply of milk in the breast. I know a lot of ladies with delicious “hills” who were unable to establish breastfeeding.

There are a few more of my assumptions why men like big breasts:

  • They watched erotic films. And every second one there has such huge... breasts. Therefore, a girl with a small size is not a man's dream.
  • The bust is one of the indicators of femininity. Like long hair. Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish a guy from a girl just by external data. But if you look at the chest, everything is clear. You can make acquaintances.
  • Big breasts mean the girl is “ripe.” Now you won’t understand who is in front of you - a teenager or an adult woman. Especially if there is a lot of “plaster” on it. And it’s inconvenient to immediately demand a passport from everyone you like.
  • Large female “mounds” are not only beautiful, but also comfortable. If you forgot your pillow, you can even sleep on them.

British scientists have noticed an interesting feature: men who have financial difficulties like full-breasted ladies. And vice versa.

By the way, hungry Englishmen also preferred girls with large breasts.

Apparently, both of them associate full breasts at the subconscious level with food and prosperity. So wealthy and well-fed Britons will not be so concerned about the size of their chosen one’s breasts.

Conclusion: you need to feed a man, provide him financially (or find one), and then your small breasts (or their complete absence) will definitely not scare him off.

The reasons why a man or guy may ignore you (even if he likes you) are described here.

The most famous speakers (as you understand, this is not about linguistics)2

Many stars were once accused of improving their bodies. Someone admitted that they had gone under the surgeon’s knife, and then there was no point in blaming them. Someone furiously denied the presence of silicone in their hemispheres, which only spurred the press and envious people. Now we will focus on the most “suspicious” individuals.

  • So, we will start our list with perhaps the most famous owner of silicone breasts. Anderson. Pamela Anderson.
  • History is silent about how many men this blonde saved from boredom with her beauty. But history does not hide the fact that Pamela decided to have breast augmentation surgery after appearing a couple of times on the cover of Playboy. And this decision was fateful - having made her hemispheres more noticeable, Pamela became more visible everywhere - on the covers of magazines and on TV screens.
  • Carmen Electra can be called a kind of colleague of Pamela Anderson. Carmen, just like Pamela, wears her bust without undue modesty and just as calmly admits the fact of improving her shape.

Carmen Electra

  • There are rumors that the most famous wife of a football player in the world with the victorious name Victoria also could not resist the craze for large breasts. There were indeed plenty of rumors surrounding her person. Victoria then furiously denied them, then suddenly admitted that she had undergone two breast enlargement operations. This happened just at the time of the widespread worship of silicone - at the beginning of the two thousandth.
  • A close relative of the scandalous Miley Cyrus, namely Dolly Parton not only sings well, but also wears silicone breasts well. Her hoarse voice, long platinum locks and various appearance enhancements together make a very striking impression. This woman never pretended to be a supporter of the natural approach to beauty and did not deny her love for plastic surgery.
  • And if you still don’t believe that she has outstanding not only her form, but also her voice, we advise you to listen to one of her most famous songs – “Jolene”. If your English is as good as the Russian knowledge of the “Russian spies” from Hollywood blockbusters, also open the translation of the song lyrics. You will not regret it. Yes, the lyrics of the song will be closer to the female sex, but Dolly’s sensual voice will not leave men indifferent.
  • Salma Hayek is one of those beauties about whom the tabloids have not made up their minds. Salma's curves look more than decent and proportionate. If you haven’t seen her legendary dance with the snake in the movie “From Dusk Till Dawn,” do so as soon as you finish reading the article. Seriously. Look at that.
  • Sarah Jessica Parker is also included in the list of “not caught, not a thief.” The Internet carefully analyzes photographs of the actress, her changes in appearance and attributes to Sarah the correction of not only her breasts, but also her nose.

Sarah Jessica Parker

  • Tara Reid is an actress by profession, but her revelations about silicone breasts rather than her acting abilities caused more noise. Tara shared her plastic epic with the tabloids as calmly as others do not share their secrets with their best friend over a glass of wine. Miss Reed shared the disappointing results of her first operation, which may have saved young girls around the world from making a rash act.
  • Britney Spears. The tabloid speculation about her breasts and her own comments are so contradictory that you are simply amazed. Perhaps this is a very planned PR campaign? Briefly:
  • Britney had her breasts enlarged because she listened to her mother's caring advice, then regretted it and removed the implants. In addition, the mother advised breast enlargement in order to help fate make Britney a famous singer. And as we all know, Britney, without any higher powers, managed to create such a miracle that she was recognized all over the world.
  • Britney had her breasts enlarged because she listened to her mother's caring advice, then regretted it and removed the implants. In addition, the mother advised breast enlargement in order to help fate make Britney a famous singer. And as we all know, Britney, without any higher powers, managed to create such a miracle that she was recognized all over the world.

Britney Spears

  • Denise Richards had to undergo three operations before she was satisfied with the result. This blonde has graced many films. Fans of the series "Friends" probably remember her bright appearance in one of the episodes. Denise didn’t even have to show off her curves – she captivated everyone with her smile and a wave of her mop of hair.

This is where our acquaintance with the owners of silicone busts comes to an end. If we decide to describe all the celebrities caught having silicone breasts, our flight to Silicon Valley will end only by next Christmas. But you and I are busy people, right? Let's move on to the next section.

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