Beautiful, large, small female breasts. Types, shapes and sizes. Photo

A woman's breasts are, of course, a wonderful, attractive part of the body, but sometimes a number of delicate questions arise regarding them. “How to determine breast size,” is a question asked by both the girl herself and her boyfriend when he wants to please her.

In fact, it's quite easy to recognize him. You will need a measuring tape, a bra, a mirror if you are taking measurements without an assistant, and a little knowledge that you will gain from this article.

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Basic parameters of the mammary glands

The main features that determine the individual shape of a woman’s breasts are the interval between the mammary glands and the direction of the nipples.

The gap between the breasts may vary:

  • the breasts are located close to each other, or the interval between them is a minimum distance;

  • the width of the cleavage, which is located between the right and left breasts, does not exceed 3 cm;
  • The mammary glands closely border each other in the upper part of the bust, but diverge in the lower part. In this case, the lower neckline forms a kind of triangle.
  • The left and right breasts are placed freely relative to each other, the interval between them is 4 cm.

The final shape of the mammary glands also depends on the direction of the nipples.

There are the following options for their location:

  • the nipples are aimed straight, the areola around them is small;
  • the direction of the nipples is different, they are oriented in opposite directions relative to each other;
  • nipples point downward; this phenomenon most often affects women after 45 years of age.

Women's breasts (the photo illustrates examples of their forms), along with the indicated parameters, can have a special shape, size, and have their own individual characteristics: be narrow, wide or medium, located high or low on the chest.

Bust size

An incorrectly selected bra is a common cause of unsightly breasts, circulatory dysfunction, or the development of dangerous forms of pathology, such as cancer. Before purchasing your underwear top, you should determine its size.

Markings used to indicate breast size may include:

  • only numbers - 1, 2, 3 and so on;
  • number and Latin letter - 75A, 90C, 80B and other designations. In this case, the number is the circumference under the bust, indicated in cm, and the letter is the cup volume.

The fullness of the breast in letter and numerical designation is determined according to the following table:

Difference between chest circumference and back circumference in cmCup volumeBreast size
10, 11, 12A.A.0
13, 14, 15B2
15, 16, 17C3
18, 19, 20D4
20, 21, 22DD5
23, 24, 25E6
26, 27, 28F7


Breast size is one of the important female parameters, as it affects a woman’s sexuality. Without this meaning, it is impossible to purchase clothes for yourself or have them sewn to order. There are several parameters for indicating breast size. People who are used to working with a bust can eyeball its size without taking a centimeter. Underwear sellers and mammologists have such skills. But for girls who don’t know their size, it’s difficult to determine it visually; they have to measure the parameters. Let's talk about what size 1 breasts look like, the advantages of such breasts, and look at photographs of stars with size 1 breasts.

1 bust size

Calculating breast size

To independently calculate your breast size, you will need a tailor's centimeter. With its help, fundamental measurements such as breast girth and underbust girth are taken.

The bra increases these parameters, even if its style does not include corrective elements: underwires, cups, foam or gel push-up fillers. Therefore, when purchasing a bra or bra, the chest and back circumference must be measured without clothing or underwear.

If you purchase clothes without the possibility of trying them on, you should calculate the bust size in the everyday underwear for which you purchased the clothes.

Calculation scheme:

  1. The tailor's centimeter is held in an exclusively horizontal position parallel to the chest, applied closely to its most protruding points (most often at the level of the nipples), and the circumference is measured.

  2. From the side of the back, the measuring tape should pass strictly at the same height as from the side of the mammary glands.
  3. The circumference of the back under the chest is measured in accordance with the above rules, but the measuring tape is applied to the lower part of the bust - exactly at the point where the bra belt is usually located, covering the chest and back.

Based on the results obtained, the size of the mammary glands is calculated using the formula: the value of the chest circumference minus the value of the circumference under the chest.

For example, the bust girth is 90 cm, and the second main value is 75. When subtracting the smaller number from the larger number, the figure is 15. The final value, as well as the chest girth and back girth indicators, allow you to determine the bust size using the table in alphabetic or numerical designation.


If there is no way to measure a future bra wearer or check the size of her existing underwear, you have to rely on your own eye and intuition.

  • Try comparing a girl's breasts (or your breasts, if you're trying to figure out your own size) with others. Is she bigger or smaller compared to them? More voluminous or flat?
  • In this case, it is better to compare bare breasts, because clothing can significantly distort visual information. A girl can wear push-up or, on the contrary, baggy clothes in which the volume of her charms is unclear.
  • To more accurately identify the volume, try to see the girl from the side: from this angle it is easier to record how big her breasts are and how much they stand out compared to the rest of her body.
  • Try to find an analogy. What is the size of breasts? Jokes about “melons,” “watermelons,” “cherries” are, of course, just jokes, but in a desperate situation you won’t do anything like that.
  • If it so happens that you came to the store with only empirical information about breast size, then try to describe it through a comparison: “Like ...” (such and such a celebrity).

You can even show a photo. For example, Emma Watson or Keira Knightley have very small breasts, but Angelina Jolie or Monica Bellucci are much more impressive. This will make it easier for the seller to understand what you want, at least approximately.

Women's Breast Facts: Small Breasts

The following facts are known about small breasts (0 or 1):

  • It is believed that small breasts are not popular with men. However, statistics prove that there are also enough lovers of small breasts - 42%;
  • women with size 0 or 1 often have complexes and want to change their breast size through plastic surgery;
  • small breasts are found not only in thin, but also in slender and plump women;
  • common shapes for small breasts are asymmetrical, incomplete, round, cone-shaped;

  • small breasts may have flat or sunken nipples;
  • in women with size 0 or 1, the mammary glands are often widely spaced relative to each other;
  • small breasts almost never cause physical discomfort: they are comfortable for running, playing sports, sleeping on your stomach;
  • choosing comfortable underwear for small breasts is not difficult, but often girls think that their breasts look ugly in one bra or another;
  • cup size for small breasts – A or AA;
  • There is a small chest volume and a wide back circumference. In this case, its size, for example, is designated as 95A.

Don't miss the most popular article in the section: Breast lift without implants - all methods, methods and procedures. Efficiency, before and after photos.

From the photo, comparing with others

The last piece of advice from the previous paragraph can also be used by girls for whom dry numbers are not enough, but want to understand whether their breasts are large or small in comparison with others, or maybe even similar to the breasts of some celebrity.

Well, why not? However, here you need to remember some facts.

  • Most celebrities do not strive to show off their charms in an open form. At most you will see cleavage, even if it is of impressive size.
  • Moreover, the neckline is often accompanied by overlays, supporting structures, and push-ups so that the breasts appear larger or do not fall out of an overly revealing dress.
  • You can find information about porn actresses; they do not hide their breasts and their size. Keep in mind that most girls in this industry have undergone plastic surgery, so comparing yourself to them is incorrect.
  • Nowadays, either slender and thin girls, or girls with shapes “like Kim Kardashian” are in fashion: lush breasts, lush hips, thin waist. Comparing yourself with such girls is also incorrect.

Because most celebrities will have either small breasts (breasts are fatty tissue; a thin girl cannot have large breasts unless it is silicone) or large, but created by the skillful hands of plastic surgeons.

It would be more correct to compare it with erotic photographs taken by ordinary people. There are pages on social networks where girls post photos of their figures without a face, write their parameters and ask to rate them.

You can do this too, if you want, and get a third-party assessment of your figure. But please remember that you are beautiful in any case, no matter who says what about you. And make sure that it is not clear from the photo who is who.

Medium breasts

Medium breasts are breasts from size 2 to 3, and this size is the most common in the world.

The following facts are known about the average breast:

  • medium breasts look harmonious on thin, slender, curvy and plump women. The main parameter that determines this harmony is not weight, but the ratio of the chest, hips and waist to each other;
  • medium breasts sometimes cause inconvenience when performing physical activity, but rarely place a high load on the shoulders and back;
  • Breast size 2 or 3 looks great in a bra with a push-up effect: shapewear underwear lifts the mammary glands and eliminates any cleavage between them.
  • The middle breast is most often found in a round, cone-shaped, teardrop shape. There are also average asymmetrical or incomplete breasts;
  • For women of average size, it is easier for others to choose underwear or clothes.

How character influences preferences

When choosing a partner, either teenagers or psychologically immature males pay attention to bust size when choosing a partner. For many, large size is associated with the mother and maternal understanding and eternal care. Such men are looking for a mommy on a subconscious level.

The male half of the population who is looking for a wife and daughter is called “daddy”. They prefer women with small busts. This association is understandable: a man needs a girl who will constantly admire him, who can always be taken care of, and who will not show a strong character.

Men who prefer medium size are looking for a girlfriend. As a rule, they expect that a woman will be able to suggest solutions to difficult life situations and encourage them. She will understand her man at a glance; with such a girl it’s not scary to go on reconnaissance. As a rule, such pairs are jokingly called “brother and sister.” According to statistics, such marriages are considered the strongest. They have a happy relationship. But there is one significant drawback here - friendship. Very rarely such relationships can develop into true love.

In any case, you shouldn't change for the sake of men. You need to love and value yourself, then finding a soul mate will not be difficult.

Large breasts

Women's breasts (the photo shows an example of large breasts) are traditionally considered large if their size is indicated by the number 4 or more.

There are the following interesting facts about large breasts:

  • such breasts can have different shapes - from round and full to asymmetrical and teardrop-shaped;
  • If large breasts are natural, then their shape and direction depend on the age of its owner. It can be elastic and fit at a young age, or located at the level of the abdomen at an old age;
  • Most often, large breasts are found in curvy or overweight women. Also, breasts can acquire an impressive volume during pregnancy and during lactation;
  • the cleavage between large breasts is not always absent - voluminous mammary glands can be set wide apart;
  • due to genetic characteristics, large and natural breasts can be worn by slender or thin and fragile girls;
  • Large breasts place corresponding stress on the spine and shoulders. Therefore, women of this size sometimes suffer from poor posture;
  • It is difficult to maintain large mammary glands in a taut and elastic form. During running or other physical activity, women experience discomfort or pain in the décolleté area;
  • Having a thin body and large breasts, women often turn to professionals for individual tailoring of clothes or underwear, because generally accepted Russian and Western clothing sizes are the ratio of three parameters: chest circumference, waist circumference and hip circumference;
  • Large breasts often lose their former shape after a woman gives birth to a child for the first time.

What determines breast shape?

The shape, size, and location of the mammary glands depend on the following fundamental factors.

Genetic predisposition

This is the first circumstance that affects:

  • size of the mammary glands;
  • breast shape and fullness;
  • breast firmness;
  • position of the breasts relative to each other;
  • height of the mammary glands;
  • areola color;
  • nipple direction;
  • symmetry of the breasts and nipples;
  • areola width.

Breasts can be passed on to a girl from one relative in both the male and female lines, while the width of the hips, waist circumference, weight or height may well come from another.

Toned and firm breasts can be a result of regular exercise, but genetics also influence how strong the Cooper's ligaments (Cooper's ligaments) are.

These are the connective fibers of the mammary glands, which maintain the shape of the breasts in a raised, elastic state and prevent their premature sagging. Cooper's ligaments become weak with age, and in some people, due to heredity, even before the age of 35.


The second factor that affects breast size and the fullness of the mammary glands. When losing weight, girls lose centimeters in chest circumference, because the mammary glands are covered with a fat layer. Weight gain causes this fat tissue to increase and the breast size becomes larger.

However, an increase in fat layer also leads to stretching and weakening of Cooper's ligaments, which can cause breasts to lose their natural shape, tone and firmness, and sag over the years.

Hormonal background

Breast size is also determined by female sexual hormones - estrogens, therefore, with a sharp increase in estrogen in the female body, the breasts increase, and with a deficiency they become smaller.

The level of estrogen in the blood can be affected by:

  • menstrual cycle;
  • taking oral contraceptives;
  • poor nutrition and exhausting diets;
  • bad habits (use of alcohol and tobacco products);
  • lack of vitamin E.

Pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, a woman's breasts also undergo changes. In the first months of pregnancy, the sensitivity of the mammary glands increases, they swell, and pregnant women may experience pain in the décolleté area. The color of the areola may change, and Montgomery's nodules may appear on them - small formations that indicate enlargement of the sweat glands.

Breasts increase in size gradually throughout pregnancy, and reach their peak size during breastfeeding. On average, its weight increases by 3-4 times.


An incorrectly selected bra during adolescence can cause disturbances in the formation of the mammary glands. Also, the right underwear corrects the shape and supports the breasts, allowing you to maintain their elasticity and keep Cooper's ligaments in a toned state.


The last factor that affects breast size in the early stages of life, and shape in later stages. The mammary glands reach their main size at 14-18 years of age.

Non-invasive methods of breast enlargement

Breast enlargement is possible not only through surgery. Non-invasive methods of bust correction, although they do not provide immediate and long-term results, are not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, and are not accompanied by a long rehabilitation period with a number of restrictions.

Special diet

Products and herbs with phytoestrogen have a beneficial effect on maintaining women's health and also promote the growth of the mammary glands. Chamomile, hops, cereals, carrots, cabbage, pomegranate, soybean crops, when consumed for a long time, saturate the body with phytoestrogen, which gradually transforms into the female sex hormone, which contributes to breast enlargement by 1-2 sizes.

Bust volume largely depends on the amount of adipose tissue, which can be slightly increased by polyunsaturated and monosaturated fatty acid foods:

  1. Linseed oil. Contains linolenic and linoleic acids, vitamins and minerals and can be used both for frying and as a salad dressing.
  2. Legumes. Filled with phytoestrogens and protein and should be included in soups and salads.
  3. Rice, corn and oats are used to prepare porridges that help increase bust size.
  4. Peaches, cherries, strawberries, raspberries and apricots stimulate the production of your own estrogen.
  5. Beets, cabbage, eggplants, pumpkin and potatoes are filled with plant phytoestrogens.
  6. Hop cones, oregano, fenugreek seeds and fennel are used to prepare herbal decoctions, creams and elixirs and promote rapid growth of the mammary glands.

Mammology recommends sticking to this diet for at least 2 years, which has a beneficial effect on both the condition of the breast and women’s health in general.

Physical exercise

A specially selected set of exercises allows you to not only tighten, but also slightly enlarge the mammary glands. Due to the fact that muscle tissue does not affect the volume of the breast, but only gives it a beautiful elastic and toned shape, strength exercises should not be aimed at muscle growth, but at strengthening them.

The pectoral muscles can be visually divided into 3 parts: upper (creating a beautiful definition), middle (responsible for elasticity) and lower (forming the roundness of the bust).

To create a beautiful shape and slightly increase the volume, you need to load all 3 zones by doing:

  • classic push-ups, push-ups from the wall and on parallel bars;
  • bench press and dumbbell fly while lying on your back;
  • swing dumbbells forward and to the sides.

You need to exercise regularly. Strength loads should be carried out at least once every 4 days. Lighter exercises should be done every day.

Breast cream

Herbal ointments containing phytoestrogens, vitamin and mineral supplements, as well as extracts and aromatic oils of plants are completely safe and, with regular use, can achieve lasting results. Applying creams 1-2 times a day with massaging movements will make it possible not only to tighten the skin, but also to increase the bust by 1-2 sizes, giving it a beautiful and seductive shape.


Breast enlargement drugs can be divided into 2 types:

  1. Oral hormonal contraceptives containing estrogen, progesterone and prolactin.
  2. Various vitamin and mineral supplements.

The first group includes drugs used in obstetric and gynecological practice, used both to treat various pathologies and to prevent unwanted pregnancy and having a side effect in the form of swelling of the mammary glands. Taking oral contraceptives provides a temporary effect, changing hormonal levels and slightly enlarging the bust, but should only be carried out according to indications and under strict medical supervision.

The second group of products are herbal powders, drops or sachets containing isoflavones and phytoestrogens, similar in composition to female sex hormones. Constant use of these drugs allows you to achieve a lasting increase in bust volume, and also normalize hormonal levels, without having a negative impact on the general condition of the body.

Is it possible to pump up your breasts?

Photos of large female breasts on Internet sites telling that mammary glands can be increased in size through exercise do not always confirm this fact. In fact, it is impossible to change breast fullness through exercise.

A woman's breasts are made up of mammary glands and fatty tissue, while the mammary glands are located under the bust. When performing physical exercises, the pectoral muscles increase, while the breast size remains the same.

Training and exercise can positively affect the shape of your breasts, lifting them up and making them firmer and more attractive. They should be performed regularly.

Factors influencing the choice of bra

Knowing a specific size is not the only factor according to which a bra is selected for a given woman. The fact is that companies produce different models, allowing slight variations in sizes.

In addition, even the formed female mammary gland is not constant in volume; it changes its size depending on the monthly cycle. It should also be taken into account that about 65% of ladies have an asymmetrical bust, in which the left breast is usually slightly larger than the right, and the cups of all bras are absolutely symmetrical. All these factors must be taken into account when choosing suitable, and most importantly, comfortable underwear.

Basic forms

There are several forms of mammary glands.

The main ones:

  1. Asymmetrical.
    Women's mammary glands can vary in size from each other. Most often this is not a pathology. Asymmetrical breasts can be expressed to varying degrees: in some women the difference between the mammary glands is completely invisible and can be corrected with special underwear, while others experience large complexes because the difference in their mammary glands is 50% or more. Breast asymmetry can only be corrected through plastic surgery.
  2. Round. This breast shape is spherical. It comes in different sizes. Round mammary glands are most often located at a small interval relative to each other and are completely asymmetrical.
  3. Cone-shaped\triangular. Such breasts are never close-set, because their upper part is always narrower than the lower. Cone-shaped breasts with nipples pointing straight out are rare. The size of the triangular breast varies from 0 to 5 or more.
  4. Teardrop-shaped. Externally, teardrop-shaped mammary glands are similar to the form described above - the upper part of the breast is narrower than the lower part, and the direction of the nipples is different. However, the lower part does not expand sharply, but more evenly, and has not an angular, but a soft and oval shape.
  5. Planted far away. The interval between the breasts is 4 cm or more. The size of such breasts is most often 0, 1 and 2. The nipples can be directed either directly or in different directions from each other.
  6. Small. Breasts, the size of which is 0 or 1. Small breasts often have a toned shape, because there is no fatty tissue in the composition of these mammary glands.
  7. Heavy. Available in sizes 4 and up. The most common forms of heavy breasts are round, oval, and teardrop-shaped. Nipples can be small and convex, or wide and flat.

Breast augmentation surgery

The first breast size is a small and neat bust, which is not subject to age-related changes, but often becomes the cause of the appearance of a complex. Modern beauty standards dictate the fashion for a voluminous bust and large cleavage, forcing girls to resort to the services of plastic surgeons.

Augmentation mammoplasty is considered one of the most popular operations in Russia, carried out by most Russian aesthetic medicine clinics.

There are several types of operations:

LipoliftingInjection of the patient's own fat into the breast, taken from the abdomen, thighs or buttocks.
EndoprostheticsRequiring the implantation of a silicone implant filled with a gel or saline solution into the mammary gland. Having an anatomical or round shape, such an implant is installed in the mammary gland or under the breast, and over time it lowers slightly, masking the surgical suture.

Augmentation mammoplasty is performed under general anesthesia and takes 1.5-2 hours, and before performing it, the surgeon performs 3D computer modeling, which allows you to imagine exactly what shape and size of the breast will be most harmoniously combined with the patient’s body.

There are no absolute indications for mammoplasty, but doctors recommend surgery for:

  • small breast size;
  • asymmetry of the mammary glands;
  • loss of bust shape after surgery, injury or breastfeeding.

Contraindications for mammoplasty:

  • immune and endocrine pathologies;
  • the appearance of malignant neoplasms in the mammary glands;
  • diabetes;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • psychiatric disorders.

The rehabilitation period after mammoplasty takes 4-6 weeks, and the result of the operation can be assessed after six months.

Cost of surgery:

In Moscow and Moscow region280-300 thousand rubles.
In St. Petersburg220-250 thousand rubles.
In the regions of Russiafrom 150 thousand rubles.

Unusual breast shapes

Women's breasts (the photo shows their different shapes) can be of unusual shape.

These include the following:

  1. Chest with low projection. The circumference of such a breast may correspond to a certain size, but when trying on a bra, its volume is not enough to completely fill the cup. Choosing a smaller size of underwear does not solve the problem, because the girth of the underwires in this case also becomes smaller and cannot accommodate the breasts.
  2. Incomplete breasts. Such breasts do not have enough volume, because their base is smaller than necessary. The shape of such a breast is elongated, oval or conical. It is difficult to choose underwear for this shape, because the breasts do not fill the cups of the bra.

Male palm

The most unreliable method, even more unreliable than “by eye”, because everything here is too individual. Some men have very large hands, some have smaller ones, the volume and shape of the chest also varies...

But you can try the following steps:

  • Grasp the girl’s chest with your palm and try to remember as clearly as possible how the palm curved. In a lingerie store, look at the catalog and imagine that you are grasping the model’s chest: will your arm bend in the same way?
  • You can also take a closer look at the mannequins - they are voluminous.
  • Option for small breasts: measure your palm in advance from the wrist to the tip of the middle finger, grab the girl’s bust and see how many centimeters of the palm the bulge occupies. This will provide more accurate data for selecting the right item.

But in general, measuring breasts with a man's palm is a bad idea. It is better to choose another method so that, for example, you are more likely to find good underwear.

Types of nipples

Female breasts (the photo shows the types of nipples), regardless of shape and size, may have the following types of nipples:

  • standard – the nipple is always raised above the areola without the use of stimulation;
  • convex - a nipple with a raised areola, from the outside it may appear swollen;
  • inverted – the nipple is located not above, but below the rim, and can rise when stimulated;
  • flat - in appearance there is no such nipple, because it does not rise above the areola;
  • asymmetrical - nipples of different shapes, for example, one is standard or convex, and the second is retracted or flat.

Every woman’s body is unique, which is why the breasts and nipples of any owner will differ in their special shape, location, direction and size. Photos of Hollywood stars confirm that bust volume does not affect a woman’s success and is not the main component of her charisma.

Author: ave_lina

Article design: Oksana Grivina

The bra is chosen correctly if:

  • a well-fitting bra does not tighten, but fits snugly to the body (except for open models),
  • a correctly selected cup will completely accommodate the breast. If there are bulges on the top or sides, then the size is chosen incorrectly and the cup is small.

Pay attention to the back part of the bra; ideally it should remain in a horizontal position and not “go” up. If this happens, either the straps are too tight or the size is chosen incorrectly (too large).

Do not forget that the bra is comfortable not only due to the correctly chosen size, but also due to the adjusted straps. If the latter do not allow you to make the bra comfortable, the size is chosen incorrectly.

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