Irina Meshchanskaya (Masya Shpak): biography of a singer, model blogger, wife of a freak

At one time, he appeared on Instagram and YouTube and became one of the most talked about people. He owes this to his bright appearance and shocking behavior. Now Alexander Shpak’s YouTube channel has about three hundred thousand subscribers, and more than two million people follow the star on Instagram. A bodybuilder with numerous tattoos and plastic surgery attracts a lot of attention. There are rumors that he removed his genitals, to which the man gives a negative answer. He is open to viewers and does not hide the facts from his biography. For example, that by the age of 42 he had been married 6 times. In 2022, the news of another blogger’s divorce raised the media’s ears. Let's talk about who they are - the ex-wives of Alexander Shpak.

Difficult childhood and adolescence

Irina Meshchanskaya was born in St. Petersburg on May 30, 1981 into a large family. From the Internet we know that the girl had to grow up early, taking on the responsibility of raising her sisters and brothers. Relationships with parents were difficult, and for the younger members of the family, the heroine of our column was mom and dad. The girl developed a lively character, she was used to relying only on herself.

Masya Shpak graduated from the St. Petersburg State Institute of Psychology and Sociology. She worked in an office, holding the position of commercial director. From her youth, sport was present in the girl’s life. She was doing strength training, squatting 200 kg.

Plastic surgery

Despite her good looks from birth and her athletic figure, which Masya Shpak hones in the gym, she has had plastic surgery in her life. After meeting her husband Alexander, who loves to make changes to his appearance, Meshchanskaya also went under the knife.

Irina quite openly talks to her fans about plastic surgery. Masya Shpak corrected both her face and body. Meshchanskaya's lips, eyelids, breasts, and buttocks were improved.

Full facial plastic surgery

Looking at the photographs showing Alexander Shpak before and after facial surgery, you are amazed at how distorted a person’s idea of ​​beauty can be. At some points he began to resemble the famous man with a cat's face.

  • Frontoplasty. So that the reader can imagine the level of horror, we note: Sasha underwent frontoplasty. This means that they cut his face along the hairline from ear to ear, and then corrected the shape of his forehead and brow ridges by placing special plates. In some places on the forehead, bone bridges were removed to level the surface. After the operation, Alexander Shpak received a more defined face, but it’s hard to call him beautiful.
  • Blepharoplasty. Standing out in the long list of his interventions is eye surgery. It is this organ that the bodybuilder places special emphasis on. After frontal surgery, excess skin was removed from the eyelids, but the man decided to lift their outer corners “a la catwoman.” Let us note that less than five years have passed since such a painful operation, but folds of skin have already treacherously floated onto his thickly made-up eyes.
  • Rhinoplasty. By nature, Sasha had a magnificent masculine nose, but the peculiarities of his taste became a driving factor on the path of self-improvement. Alexander Shpak after plastic surgery changed only in the direction of “effeminacy”. The disgustingly elongated nose eventually turns into an ugly vulture beak. The nostrils are asymmetrical, flattened and do not flatter their owner in any way.
  • Change in cheekbones. Before plastic surgery, Alexander Shpak looked like a confident, quite attractive man. Cheekbone plastic surgery initially turned out to be a failure. Implants introduced into this area began to emphasize his “unisex” image. Sharp cheekbones look out of place against the backdrop of a constantly flabby face.
  • Lip augmentation. Photos showing Alexander Shpak before and after plastic surgery raise only one question: what moral trauma prompted the previously handsome guy to disfigure himself in such a way? There seems to be a shelf above his upper lip (from injections, presumably), a strange asymmetry and impaired facial expressions. The whistle, swollen from fillers, became the cause of the burr that the unfortunate jock has. The man is not shy about the overgrown dumplings; on the contrary, he is proud of the weighty, fleshy dumplings.
  • Botox injections. In every new video presented by the channel of the miracle chef-trainer, the depressing condition of his skin is noticeable. The bubbling face, which is “decorated” by scars from plastic surgery, every now and then spews out from its depths advice on a healthy lifestyle. It sounds strange, because according to the videos that Shurik and his wife produce and post on their Instagram and YouTube channel, the couple loves to drink a lot and eat mayonnaise. The question remains, where do the strange potholes and swelling on the freak’s strange face come from?

The man spent (from no one knows where it came from) 1 million rubles on plastic surgery on his face alone.

Personal life

Since childhood, Irina dreamed of meeting her one and only and loving him all her life. At that time, she was admired by Arnold Schwarzenegger. At the age of 19, the girl met a young man at the gym and soon married him.

From the first meeting, Meshchanskaya told her future husband that she would not tolerate betrayal. But in the end, her marriage broke up after 13 years due to her husband’s infidelity, inattention, and essentially different views on life.

After a thorough analysis of her ideal man, Irina came to the conclusion that her ex-husband only matched her preferences in appearance, but not in his inner world. During the marriage, the husband and wife never traveled together, did not go to a restaurant, and only went to the cinema a couple of times.

It is curious that Alexander Shpak, although he has a very specific appearance, turned out to be a loving, understanding and caring husband.

Second wife

The next object of adoration appeared on the horizon in the gym. She is a graphic designer. The blogger admits that he did not feel such a feeling as love for his second wife. And he married the girl because he believes that simple cohabitation offends the opposite sex. In addition, his wife showed concern for him. And after the act of his first wife, he needed it.

Famous husband

Masya and her wife Alexandra Shpak, whom we also talked about on the pages of the portal, are considered one of the most shocking married couples in Russia. Hundreds of thousands of people watch their relationship, dreaming of becoming as liberated and beautiful. The young people do not separate for a second and simply glow with happiness.

The couple met not in the most romantic place. Meshchanskaya was taking out construction waste after renovations. It was then that Sasha noticed her. Since then, the young man began to appear in the company of Irina’s friends, showing concern for the girl in every possible way until he won her heart. In 2015, the young people got married. For Alexander this was the sixth marriage.

Masya Shpak does not want to have children. Since Meshchanskaya had a difficult childhood, when she had to take care of her younger brothers and sisters, the dream of giving someone life and completely devoting herself to a child did not arise. Years passed, the desire to have children never appeared. It’s unpleasant for Irina to even imagine herself as pregnant. She came to the conclusion that it was motherhood that she needed. “I consciously abandoned this idea. I want to live for myself, for myself and with my loved one,” says Masya. In one YouTube post, she candidly shared her reasons and fears about motherhood.

However, the Shpakis have several pets, which they take care of like children.

Biography of Alexander

Now Shpak lives in St. Petersburg, but often visits Moscow and Kyiv. He continues to train people and appears on the Internet and television. The bodybuilder’s height is 176 cm, and Alexander considers his ideal weight to be 105 kg. But it is not always possible to stay within the desired figure. To burn extra pounds, Shpak regularly trains for 1-2 hours, walks at least 8 km, and also lies down on the table with a massage therapist.

Alexander Shpak in the gym

Alexander participates in the opening of fitness centers in Russian cities. So, in February 2022, the couple visited Belgorod to attend the launch of the “Dream and Reality” project. The plane carrying the Shpakov family was late, but this did not stop fans of the Instagram blogger from waiting for their idols to arrive. Fans greeted the bodybuilder with the slogan: “We love Sasha and Masya.”

Alexander Shpak is an over-aged idiot, freak, fat builder and blogger. Shpak was born on April 1, 1979 in Leningrad aka St. Petersburg. Shpak's height is around 175 centimeters, and no one gives a fuck about his weight. In fact, there is no clear answer to the question “who is Alexander Shpak?” very, very difficult.

Shpak warrior

Alexander grew up in an ordinary family. At the age of 14, he became a regular at gyms, and at 23, he became seriously interested in bodybuilding.

In his youth, Alexander was quite a handsome guy, but his own appearance seemed too ordinary to him. In a frank interview, Shpak admitted that he experienced a strong psychological desire for change. According to the athlete, 10 years ago he seemed “faceless” to himself, so he began his transformation with the use of decorative cosmetics. At the same time, the young man thought through sketches of his tattoos and brought them to life.

After the first experiments, Alexander was unstoppable. Numerous transformations led to a result that will shock even his loyal fans and subscribers.

Sasha got his first tattoo on his arm at the age of 19. Now Alexander's entire body is covered with tattoos. On the “We Talk and Show” program, Alexander Shpak admitted that he spent more than 4.8 million rubles on all his tattoos. Alexander Shpak performed plastic surgery more than 14 times. He completely changed his face, grew fangs and got implants in his buttocks and chest. As Alexander himself states, it is not enough to make implants for yourself, you need to maintain their shape with the help of physical activity. This is what Shpak himself does.

The man has his own Instagram channel, which has 1,500,000 subscribers. They can watch his photos, videos, and stories around the clock.

The freak has a channel on YouTube, where you can not only use Shpak’s advice and pump up your buttocks, but also learn how to cook deliciously. In all stories, next to Alexander is his legal wife Masya Shpak, who is no less popular than her famous husband.

The guy’s personal life was very stormy, because he had five legal wives, although he was a virgin until he was 20 years old. Alexander said that in total he dated nine women, although previously he was only interested in sports or higher education.

About the life and channel of blogger Dima Maslennikov

The young man’s first wife was a psychologist and musician, the second was a graphic designer, and the third was an athlete. The athlete’s fourth wife lived with him the longest and supported him during problems with the law, but Shpak cheated on her with his future fifth wife, whom he met in the Dominican Republic.

He often repeats that his destiny is his sixth wife, Irina Meshchanskaya, who shares all his hobbies, makes videos, participates in a culinary blog, and simply loves her outrageous husband. The loving couple constantly posts candid photographs on their blog and shows that this relationship is forever.

Social network

Masya Shpak very openly tells her audience personal stories. In her stories, She freely raises topics such as marriage, infidelity, divorce, women's health, based on personal stories. The freedom to communicate about complex topics like this is very valuable. Few people are the first to dare to speak them. Subscribers support the author of the publication in the comments, exchange experiences, and share their own experiences.

The outrageous couple appears on social networks and together. In their YouTube videos, Shpaki talk about how to achieve an ideal external shape, about diets and fasting days.

Masya Shpak now

In 2022, Irina begins to study vocals with a professional teacher from Moscow. Soon Masya recorded an album and began giving concerts in the capital's clubs. Now Meshchanskaya has enough tracks for two albums. Her husband Sasha can be seen in her video.

The Shpak family makes a living from their blogs, mostly through advertising on Instagram. The couple host sports and culinary columns on YouTube, act as hosts of events, and organize meetings with fans. How do you feel about Masa and Sasha? Leave your comments under the post.

Touches to the portrait of a false athlete

  • Brows. Like a real fashionista, Shpak jealously monitors her eyebrows. Initially, the hairs were thick black, because the man used permanent makeup to save time. Over the years, “Marfushi”’s eyebrows were completely bleached using a laser. Now the man's face looks more than disgusting.
  • The panda's eyes have become the calling card of the flabby athlete. Initially, you might think that this is simple makeup, but the black circles are tattoos. Smeared on the eyelids, with an oily sheen and redness, tattooed eyelids have become every stylist’s worst nightmare. The coal-black eyes of the miner accompanied Alexander after his shift even on his wedding day.
  • Lips. Lipstick has become an integral part of a man's makeup bag. Ombre style in red and black version, berry shades and gloss are generously smeared on the lips of the would-be athlete.
  • Manicure. The special mass that Sasha Shpak applies to her nails allows her to forget about manicure for a month. He loves rich colors, competing in color schemes with many women.
  • Underpants. He is often called a hermaphrodite, because his pink underpants leave no room for flight of fancy. Looking at the photo of a man in swimming trunks, his complexes and desires for universal enlargement become clear. Enemies slander that the wife of Alexander Shpak has much more content in her swimming trunks.
  • Hairstyle. “Vegetable saleswoman” - this is exactly the association that arises when you look at a thin bleached ponytail. Multi-colored elastic bands make him look like an overgrown girl from the dashing 90s.
  • Tattoo. Almost 2/3 of Alexander’s body is covered with tattoos. Note that this is one continuous tattoo that took 22,000 hours to complete
    . The idea of ​​the tattoo is a skeleton grown into the human body. Most of the drawings cover Sasha's legs and back.
  • Fangs. The extended fangs were supposed to cost about $2,500, but the man insists that all the procedures were performed on him “as an acquaintance.”
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