Labiaplasty. Expert – Nikolay Vaganov

Deformation of the labia minora and majora is a serious problem that every woman can face. After labiaplasty, self-esteem increases and the quality of sexual life improves. In addition to the positive aesthetic and psychological effect, labiaplasty allows you to achieve the effect of rejuvenation of the external genitalia.

Thus, the procedure is aimed at restoring physical and mental health, harmonizing relationships between sexual partners.


There are two main methods of performing labiaplasty. The method is selected by the surgeon depending on the existing problem.

  • Classic linear labiaplasty - during the procedure, the surgeon excises the edges of the labia and closes the edges with a cosmetic suture.
  • Central wedge labiaplasty - during this operation, the surgeon makes a V-shaped incision and removes excess skin, and cosmetic stitches are also applied at the end.

As a rule, self-absorbable fastening materials are used in the operation, which eliminates the painful procedure of removing sutures during the recovery phase.

Prices for services

Price On credit*
Labiaplasty - plastic surgery of the labia minora 21000 rub. from RUB 2,099/month
Plastic surgery of the labia minora, category II. difficulties 26300 rub. from RUB 2,628/month
Plastic surgery of the labia minora, category III. difficulties 36800 rub. from RUB 3,677/month
Consultation with a plastic surgeon for surgery 0 rub.

Average cost of services
You can find out how much our plastic surgery services cost on average by calling in St. Petersburg: +7

SM-Clinic surgeons will develop an individual operation plan for you, since surgical body correction is often planned and carried out in a complex manner. The exact cost is calculated individually after consultation with a doctor.

Plastic surgery on credit and in installments

Recovery period

In the period after surgery, the patient experiences pain while performing movements. Due to the swelling of the vulva, she is not recommended to wear tight underwear or sit for long periods of time. Over the next month after plastic surgery, she needs:

  • consume light foods that do not provoke intense gas formation and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • avoid drinking in large quantities, as it leads to the need for frequent urination;
  • carry out hygiene measures after each visit to the toilet;
  • regularly treat the operated area with products prescribed by the doctor;
  • refuse to visit baths/saunas/swimming pools;
  • refuse to take a bath;
  • exclude sexual contacts.

The labia finally acquire their desired contours after two to three months. Results of correctly performed plastic surgery:

  • tightening of the vaginal walls, narrowing of its lumen;
  • improving the quality of the patient’s sexual life;
  • increased sensitivity of erogenous zones located on the genitals;
  • improving the production of natural lubrication, which eliminates drying of the genitals, discomfort and itching.

Complications of plastic surgery include wound infection, hematomas and scars. Some patients note loss of sensitivity and uneven edges of the lips.

CELT receives consultations from gynecologists of the highest category, candidates of medical sciences. You can schedule a consultation with them online or by phone. No less qualified specialists work in the urology department. They will help eliminate any delicate problem that reduces the patient’s quality of life. They can undergo a diagnostic procedure such as cystoscopy of the bladder.


This procedure is mainly of an aesthetic nature, so the main reason for the operation is the patient’s dissatisfaction with the appearance of her labia. But there are situations when the operation is performed for medical reasons, this happens in the case of severe hypertrophy of the labia minora, which are injured during sports, wearing tight clothes, causing discomfort to patients. Labiaplasty can eliminate asymmetry, reduce or enlarge the labia, etc.

Plastic surgeons at the clinic

Davydov Alexander Sergeevich

Experience - 14 years

Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery. Leading plastic surgeon. Certified specialist in plastic surgery and general surgery. Participant in master classes on plastic surgery.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Experience - 17 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Abzaleva Guzel Rinatovna

Experience - 15 years

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: blepharoplasty, lipofilling, intimate plastic surgery, abdominoplasty, breast plastic surgery.

Garifulin Marat Sagitovich

Experience - 19 years

Priority areas: mammoplasty and gynecomastia (including in men), waist shaping, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, abdominoplasty.

Mitin Andrey Viktorovich

Experience - 22 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, mammoplasty, gynecomastia, liposuction, blepharoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, otoplasty.

Malyshkin Pavel Olegovich

Experience - 8 years

Areas of work: abdominoplasty, liposuction, mammoplasty, blepharoplasty, otoplasty, intimate plastic surgery, treatment of keloid scars, post-burn skin defects.

How is labiaplasty performed?

The procedure is performed under both local and general anesthesia and takes on average about an hour.

The surgeon’s actions depend on the defect being eliminated. So, during correction of the labia minora, excess tissue is removed. To add elasticity, a biopolymer gel or hyaluronic acid can be introduced.

When correcting the labia majora, local liposuction (to reduce) and injection of the patient’s fat cells under the skin (to increase) are often performed. To correct the size, biopolymer or hyaluronic acid are also used.

In our clinic it is possible to correct several aesthetic imperfections at once in one operation, reducing recovery time. Simultaneous operations are the simultaneous performance of several surgical interventions on different parts of the body, for example, plastic surgery of the labia in parallel with correction in the face and neck area. The surgeon will determine possible combinations of operations individually during the consultation.

Labiaplasty. Reduction of labia minora

Labiaplasty, reduction, plastic surgery of the labia minora is one of the plastic surgeries aimed at improving the appearance of a woman’s intimate areas, used in the Health Factory MC, Rostov-on-Don

Depending on the specific type of deformation of the labia minora, labiaplasty (reduction in the size of the labia minora) is performed by marginal resection of the labia minora, wedge resection, or a combination of wedge and marginal resection of the labia minora.

Labiaplasty (reduction of the labia minora) is planned taking into account the menstrual cycle - any day of the cycle is suitable, with the exception of the days of menstruation and the week before it. Coordinate the day of the operation with the plastic surgeon in advance.

The examination before the labiaplasty operation (reduction of the labia minora) is carried out in the morning on the day of the operation at the Health Factory MC.

The duration of the resection (reduction) of the labia minora operation ranges from 15 minutes to 2 hours. Reduction (resection) of the labia minora is performed under local anesthesia with sedation or intravenous anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia method is made at a consultation with a plastic surgeon or directly on the day of surgery. The type of anesthesia (local or anesthesia) does not affect the cost of the operation.

Sutures are placed with absorbable suture materials. There is no need to remove them. All seams are cosmetic and leave no scalloped edges.

If necessary, labiaplasty may involve reducing excess skin in the clitoral hood area. Reducing excess skin in the clitoral hood area, in addition to improving the appearance of the clitoral area, enhances a woman's sensations during sexual intercourse.

After Labiaplasty (reduction of the labia minora), moderate pain syndrome is observed for 1-3 days, it is expressed moderately, and is relieved by the use of tablets.

Control examinations after labiaplasty are usually a day, two days, 2 weeks and 2-3 months after reduction (resection) of the labia minora.

You must come to the operation in loose clothing that does not tight the surgical area. Tight pants and jeans are strictly not recommended for a week after surgery.

After the operation, it is necessary to stay in the ward under observation from several hours to a day, depending on the complexity of the case.

Limitations after labiaplasty:

  • For 1-3 days, avoid physical activity and any pressure on the operated area, including not sitting upright, not driving, and not wearing tight jeans.
  • A diet that excludes constipation 1 day before surgery and 3 days after surgery.
  • Sexual intercourse is not recommended for 10-30 days after labiaplasty (labia minora reduction), depending on the complexity of the operation.

The cost (price) of labia minora reduction at the Health Factory MC Rostov-on-Don is 40-70,000 rubles, including:

  • the actual operation,
  • anesthesia (local, combined, epidural or general at your choice - the cost does not affect),
  • stay in a ward with individual fasting for up to 1 day,
  • medicines
  • dressings.

Only the examination before surgery for resection of the labia minora is paid separately.

If necessary, resection of the labia minora can result in colporrhaphy and augmentation of the labia majora.

Colporrhaphy allows you to give a woman’s intimate area not only a beautiful appearance, but also reduce the width of the vagina, improve the reach of the G-spot, enhancing the sensations of both women and men during sexual intercourse


You are allowed to return home immediately after the anesthesia wears off. If general anesthesia was used, doctors recommend spending a day under observation in a hospital.

During the recovery stage, it is extremely important to strictly follow all the instructions of the attending physician. Antibiotics may be prescribed to prevent infection.

  • For two days after surgery, you should mainly stay in bed. It is not recommended to sit or walk for long periods of time.
  • The incision site should be treated with antiseptic medications after each urination (until complete resorption), and a wound-healing ointment should be applied to the pad (3-5 days).
  • During the first week, you should not sit or wear tight underwear.
  • For a month you need to give up sports and other physical activities, visiting saunas and baths.
  • It is recommended to stop smoking, as it significantly impairs the healing process.
  • It is allowed to return to intimate life after complete healing (1.5-2 months).

Labiaplasty in medical practice is performed by experienced surgeons using the most modern equipment. Contact the SM-Clinic to receive qualified medical care from professionals.

! Interesting materials on labiaplasty on our blog

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For each patient at SM-Clinic, an individual correction plan is developed, and comfortable conditions for staying in the clinic are created. The efforts of the medical staff are aimed at providing maximum assistance at all stages of treatment, especially during the rehabilitation period.

Gvaramiya Eka Yurievna

Participant of congresses, conferences and seminars on plastic surgery. Priority areas: mammoplasty (breast plastic), blepharoplasty, tummy tuck (abdominoplasty), liposuction, lipofilling, face lift, lip plastic, ear plastic, intimate plastic, body plastic, reconstructive plastic, solving aesthetic problems.

Rehabilitation period

The postoperative period of patients in our Clinic takes place in the most comfortable conditions. At their service are cozy rooms, equipped with functional beds and everything necessary, and responsive staff, ready to help or answer all questions at any time.

Throughout the entire rehabilitation period, the doctor monitors the patient’s condition and invites her for repeated examinations. At the slightest concern, the patient can always call her surgeon, ask questions or visit the clinic at an unscheduled time.

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